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Ray Oct 2015
I'm certainly not
exquisite in how I word
out my true feelings.

I can't paint a Van
Gogh of my emotions for
you, nor would I try.

I don't even know
why I feel the way I feel,
it simply spews out.

It's as though there's just
one little string holding me
back that I can't find.

If only I could
figure out what it is I
want out of this life.

Maybe then I could
stop writing poems I don't
like and start living.
Crystalmcconnell Jul 2018
I feel nothing.
Like a blank page.
Locked inside of a cage.
I can't figure out my life's destination.
I'm losing all concentration
My dreams are green of envy.
My thoughts aren't pure.
My rage is heavy.
I have no clear path.
No pavement before me.
I am standing here feelings God's wrath.
Singled out in a clearing.
Whispering curses that only the trees are hearing.
Scared to take a step.
Always fearing when God will strike next.
He laughs at my pain.
Pinning me to the ground in this chain.
I hate being locked in this cage.
(any resemblance between averred one laid
to rest and yours truly...purely coincidental
regarding unnamed person liberated
into heavenly glade!)

though innocently youthful looking air
at three score year,
or so the trumpeting "FAKE" mirrored reflection
(animated, sans Alexa) programmed tube lear
and spout, one most familiar Shakespeare
refrain (frequently misinterpreted) wherefore
art thou Romeo, really translates as
“Why did you have to be a Montague?”

no matter living to max,
I did not accrue
hoping to lyft mine uber last dying wish,
no matter body besotted, kissed,
and riddled with ague
spirit fights futile demise submerging
into bone a fied underworld brew,
any bargain exhausted with grim reaper

past hour to argue
lifelessness accorded ritual
traversing along deathly
other mortals traversed, paved,
and hallowed avenue
sudden agedness tolled
danse macabre league
with trumpeting battue

rigor mortis in toto
human flesh turned blue
oddly starved of wrinkles
thee only cherished clue
that perhaps...key expiration
coroner did misconstrue
bah...false alarm let somber retinue
solemnly proceed so poet can continue

pointless against corpse
dead letter diktat to counterargue,
nor against cosmic creator
can one countersue,
or expect miraculous success cue
wing sudden resurrection,
when biological processes
particularly brought to halt by dengue

fever, and rendering void
erroneous, unlikely mistaken
death sentence, hence sigh continue
and marvel quiet eternal repose
avails most pronounced distingue
lying in state (within coffin)
pulling out all shortstops
guaranteeing her/his endue

perhaps casket sealed with
decedent's favorite chiffon fondue
unsure what grim missing fate will ensue,
asper the (soul) surviving,
perhaps reincarnated within
commencement of fescue
as verdant leaves of
wit man ask grass

or if cremated...surely
spiritual embodiment freed thru flue
but no matter,
(je ne sais quois) glue
thee only I French I knew
before bidding dearly departed
may dog bless ye - adieu!
Pines littered my unlively heart, once a rooted place; with branches of family, sprouts nothing more than unwanted pain.
Trees filtered the rain and hale, marching upon my veins; leaves wither now, roaming a terrain of deserts and unanswered lies.
Tumbleweeds, each one of a kind, bellow in the wind that dried my brain, refraining the saplings from hope, holes built in my body for no other process than causing emptiness, a sense of memory that was once before.
Not anymore, I feel nothing.
I do nothing.
I am nothing.
I'm inhumane, unwillingly walking to the past; lurking from the windows, one broken and one stained, I know now that my hurt was never tamed.
It just laid,  pulsing through my feet; hiding as I am now, you hear a sound from outside, a purposeful blow from the wind.
There goes my brain.
There goes my pain.
All feedback is welcome and appreciated
DeVaughn Station May 2020
So far and yet so close we seem
to be from the things that make us happy.
At times, our game-winning shot misses.
At times, our lovers leave us to just wishes.
Hurt, pain, and sorrow lays in our end
to a life without love or friend.
These feelings strangle and smother
our peace like the wrath of none other.

Repetition. From repeated reaches to resurgence,
to taking tyrannical triumph, to taking rejoice,
I repeatedly have nothing. Words of
“try again” and “get over it” reverberate in
my mind, rocking my resolve to sleep.
Rupturing results rips, tears through tiers of
my resilience, turning me to tears. They creep
into my dreams, upon my thrills, onto my choices,
inside my hopes, like ants in tents. With cruel intent,
every failure rends me so intense.

But how to respond?
If I show a lack of care by a loss,
“Maybe it wasn’t too serious”.
But if I reply with hurt and sadness,
“maybe you’re just overreacting”.
But only for so long can I just
“make the best out of a bad situation”.
How many times do I need to fail,
in order to succeed?
If I didn’t care so much, then
I wouldn’t hurt so much.
But what is a life lived so unlively?
Why am I wrong to make the most
of what I’m given? To wish, to hope
is seen as good ambition when it’s
a success, but when I fail then I overdid it?
May 1, 2018: Failure really *****. The feeling of being right at the start of the finish line and seeing someone just barely crossing it before you can is an awful tragedy. These failures can also be the events in life that alter and change our perceptions, thoughts, and views of the world.
A lesson learnt hard,
Giving a bitter taste,
Breathing challenges,
Yet giving hope to many.

An array of human nature
A wild umbrella,
Covering many things,
Yet giving different experiences.

Past lodges
Present circumstances
Legacies being left behind,
Leaving stories for generations

Some to birth
Some to death
Some to old
Some to young

Some to beauty
Some to ugliness
Some to failure
Some to success

Some to hope
Some to disbelief
Some to tears
Some to laughter

Living as a martyr
Living as a coward
A thousand miles to riches
The poor yet a mile

The bundle of joy
The array of sadness
The call to celebrating child birth
The funeral marches to the grave

The road yet to be taken
The road taken
The road not taken
The travel of lives

Footprints of time
Life well spent
Life not spent
The echoes of many

Some go pleasingly
Some go unlively
Some to tragedies
Some to fortune

Some are participants
Some are spectators
Some to strength
Some to weakness

The architect of fate
The dictator of destiny
An array of fear
A mantle of courage

A journey to the unknown
A welcome to many
A farewell to others

A survival for many.
Heaven for others.

A pursuit of happiness,
Keeping up appearances,
Yet covering all sadness.

A walk to freedom
A walk to imprisonment
A walk for mortals

Though tough
Though easy
Life is Life

Some to ease
Some to difficulty
Life is Life

The ascending of life
A life to come
The descending of life
An end to life

The wonders of dreams
The joy of mortal breath
The illusions of reality

The true reality of finality
A living life of life
A living life of death
The illusions of reality

Mortal race to life worth living
Mortal race to dust
Mortal race to finality
A race to the reality of finality

When the curtains is opened,
The play begins.
When the curtains is drawn,
The play is done.

Oh life
Life is just like life with no comparison

Written by Tosan Oluwakemi Thompson
An ode to life showing what life is all about.
Olivia Vasquez Aug 2017
So alone she feels as she sits all alone in that dark room ready to do it all alone, jump off that building or down a bottle of pills or slit her small fragile scared wrist. As she sits contemplating the reasons to stay she finds but one, none. She is sad to sad for this life to sad for this world, she can not walk on this earth with the normal people she is to suffocated for that. She is too unlively for this living breathing working world, so at that moment she says goodbye and does all three.
She feels each pill slide down her throat in a candy like manner then she picks up the blade and feels a cool rush go through her hand as she slits one cut at a time1 2 3 4 each one deeper than the last, these bring her so high she felt like she could fly so she tries right off that 3 story building and takes a hard concrete crash landing and there lies that poor little sad girl everyone thought was better.

— The End —