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Noisless laughter,
Bickering surrounding me,
Anger will build,
My only release is escape,
I'm locked in this cage,
A class full of people whom I hate,
They mock me,
And I mock their idiocy,
*** heads,
And quitters,
Surrounded by the unfavored,
Suffocating in the abyss,
Darkness devouring my insides,
Hatred grown,
Loath in process,
They must be ended,
They too must change,
I am not alone,
I will survive,
I will find my way out.
Nat Lipstadt Aug 2015

someday soon gonna reread
the four figures of my
poems over lifetime inked,
divvy  them up by what each is about,
assemblage of
the themes of me

review the who what when and weird
of this guy through his own eyes
multiplying confessions
of graces and disgraces

particular to recover,
desirous of collecting those poems that:

valorize society’s strugglers
and stragglers...humans doing the work of living

don't know how many will be uncovered,
but here's hoping there are plenty,
needy of recovery and uncovering the poet
and worthy of pointing too,
valuation markers of a
decent human

strugglers, stragglers,
those from all over this world
and lives that can only visualize
no-horizon-in-sight oceans
sailors, from ports unvisited,
some even, still undiscovered,

working ****** and women,
not those,
don't owners
of fancy dress whites,
topped of by jaunty angelic-angled caps

the ones I sought and seek,
grime and coal dust etched into
every ****** crevice, ink under fingernails,
in obscurity, toil in windowless engine rooms,
in the nooks in libraries hiding,
satisfied with
a moment of glory,
and a lasting
hand upon
their wracked minds

these are my mates,
sharing fates
of woeful countenances
of bruised bodies,
recipients of hardest blows repetitious,
comrades in open arms

the unflavored, unfavored of
sons and daughters,
unblessed with sobs and smacks,
who rare lift the head in hope

the sufferers of ignominy
of the
prison of their existence,
for those I write,
have, will, and willing

to do it till I see a
chin rising, white of eyes gleaming,
a hand delisted,
arms defused of black weights

come to me,
words, encouragement, perspective,
that this too shall pass

believing ain't easy,
take it from one who couldn't see
happy endings, but had no choice but
to choose to,
now prepped, ready
for my arms to do some serious uplifting,
shoulders heavy-loaded and wide of loads,
eager for honest work,
aiding and abetting
the stragglers and and stragglers...
humans doing the work of living,
deserving for valuation,
awaiting their salutation,
and relief, even if,
tiny and small,
a slim volume of poems,
that but one
^a quote from a review of the play  "John," at

August 23, 2015
C Solace Jun 2020
Without substance, void of faith
Seeking facts among the fiction
For the price seems too steep
Privilege lost that was never had
This heart is blackstone, hollow within
Day to day, sinking further down
Fake a smile of sincerity,
For all the world's a stage, and we are but merely actors
Or whatever Shakespeare meant.
Reveal yourself, masked man
Uncover the fear you bring
In a cloak of anxiety and dread
For these lay dormant yet dominant within this vessel
From this side of the mirror, it is all you will ever see
Brandon Jun 2020
I gave you a purpose
So you could feel again

Wish l could take it back
I lost apart of myself

I saved what was left of you
does that mean
I'm owed an apology too?
Rachel Jul 2019
O sense of vagueness and shadows of light
Bring forth the drowned sorrows of night
For life’s dreams splendor marred morality
Voices of sound reason tell of blithe and serenity

Deep seasons string together parts and pieces
Divided and folded in the sum of creases
Lord of lightening spills water to cancel all guilt
Branches sway over things remembered but never felt

A compromised child, her truths’ decantation
Selfish schemes produced an unfavored party decoration
Strained order borrowed none from the awakening
Tree in grass moment looked up to the sky held singing

Love on the wings of angels delivered her higher self
All other matters packed and placed on a shelf
Spirited to be remembered and forever free
Infinite light and love for Victoria in eternity
Michael Marchese Nov 2019
Contraptions enrapture
The thoughts in my head
Like the Black Widow Feds
Spin the global-wide web
Making beds
To be lied in
Belying the eyeless appliance’s
With die kids
World hunger virus
Deciding divisive devices disguised
As the iris’
Optimal optical scans
Are just scams
And we buy it
Like contraband-widths
We demand
They supply it
Reliant on intel cartel
Data pirates
Bespectacled specters
Of property private
Sectors stealing secrets
And quieting riots
To keep us compliant,
And safe and secure
Our freedom-
In their bidding war
With the state’s machinations
Harmonic convergence
To merge us as one
A mirthless,
Bliss on the verge
Of transcendence
To micro-chips
Cold, calculating,
Hard-wired smiles
Like customer services
As all the while
They got us on file
If someone malfunctions
It’s to the junk pile
Of planned obsolete
Made in China deceit
Soon enough
The new stuff
Is complete
And released
To the public
Effete, then deleted
The outdated being’s
Illogical reasoning
No longer needed
Not fiscally viable
When product placements
Make preferences pliable
No more investing in
Such unreliable
Feeling-based flesh-
Eating parasites,
Nature’s blight,
Human rights
Merely an oversight
To the Lord Profits
Most prescient prophetic
Detective’s objective
A future perspective
On forced-course corrective
Behaviors unfavored
In apes
Less aggressive
And traits more impressive
To more uninventive
And more inattentive
Assembly line minds
From their vines
Preemptively programmed
To heed the directive
Effectively rendering
Life contraceptive
Exceeding perfected
Like fascists on acids’
Exclusive collective
The watchers still watching us
Acting defective
Then tactfully cashing in
On more expensive
Preventative measures
To end such a pensive,
Depressive death-sentence
Condemned to a prison
Super vision’s
“Arguing that you don’t care about right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say”
-Edward Snowden
Gods1son Feb 2019
No one should go through unusual rigor
Or ever have to feel unfavored
Just because of their skin color

We all should be one
If one of us wins,
We all should feel like we won

We should celebrate with one another
Instead of trying to push down others
Without love and oneness,
there will be no order!
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2020
Short in stature,
long in fight,
the zealot stood his ground

The odds unfavored,
no end in sight,
victory still unfound

The daylight haunting,
the body count,
the field a sea of blood

A bugle blowing
for one last charge,
advancing through the mud

With force depleted
but spirit whole,
his voice heard far and wide…

“Into the jaws
of certain death
—for glory now we ride”

(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2020)

— The End —