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Cristina Dean Jun 2015
you will fade away
you will fade like the others
did too
you will fade, my SOS
and leave me with this island's truth on solitude

i rode as passenger once
in a boy's car
i had named Bessie
Bessie grunted and took naps
like a narcoleptic
we drove together
me and this green-eyed boy
in ol' Bessie
through the construction of the Yards in the summer
with our windows
rolled down
smoking cigarettes
under overpasses
on a highway bridge
the city swelling, heaving
over us
and the wild winds
splashing my face
hair tantalizing
impatiently over to his side,
my downtown apartment waiting like a desert flower at dusk
throbbing to bloom
David Bowie sang heroes and i believed the song
could never mean anything more
than our moment shared

years pass and summer nights choke me again
i'm in love again

thundershowers knock on my window
David Bowie sings
but i don't think of that green-eyed boy anymore
now, it's you
tall, spectacular man
spritzer of mystery magic from your hands
i think of you
but i'm alone in my apartment this time
i climb out of the fire escape
thunder cracks the sky
and i let the rain soak my bones
i want to hold you, but
you will not have me
like how this storm
is finding
its way to the last inch of me

i close my eyes and
myself away

you won't be the last of them
i know
my story of heroes and lovers sits on the doorstep
of a vacant home

you won't be the last of them
i only dreamed you would
like the sight of a ship too far from shore
Chaotic Melodic Aug 2010
Six giggling hours,
Spill ideas all over the floor.
Time tiptoes backwards
As the lights wear rainbow halos,
Spinning you round until you are nauseous,
Dizzy, and confused.
Where the boring and mundane
Shed their cloths and ******* all night.
The paradox
Interrupts cluster headaches
And memories come to life.
Dead family members **** your forehead
Turning up the gas of your emotions.
Opening your pupils
So they can swallow the unseen.
Intense feelings of wonder,
Like needles of insight,
Unraveling what you thought was true
And buzzing frenetically
Around your body
Throughout your bloodstream
And into your brain.
Where philosophical thoughts and giddy daydreams
Tickle each other into submission,
Swimming through fear and spiritual understanding,
Like waves crashing relentlessly throughout your cells.
Dancing in the day-glo thundershowers
Giving life to the dead ground.
The walls come alive,
Stroking your face
Like a long lost mother you thought you had forgotten.
© Cory  McQueen
Spoilt wind driven veronica , castigated in blistering Summer swelter . Blue lace in harried July repose , a thundershowers grace upon a parched , grateful basin .
Streams collect on the valley floor , seeking their terminus ..
The clap of thunder addresses the meadow , seemingly forever into the darkened landscape ...
Tree frogs proclaim their appreciation , field crickets and cicadas sing familiar ballads ..
A shy Moon reoccupies its rightful purview , wood ducks return to their evening quarters .. Sleep well Mourning Dove , rest in peace Appalachian hillside ..
Copyright January 20 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Detach the mournful profile from youthful embittered emotions ..
Sad , dark hours preceding death are merely curtain calls , rivers that peek inquiry from birth to ocean swept , delta epilogue ..
Reborn of Spring storms , the memoires of blackberry Winter ,
gray day maritime gales , thundershowers of September , yellow daffodils of March foretell the onset of today , gleam in the abiding sunlight of their anticipated hereafter ..
Behold the cliffs whom covet the turquoise exposure of the sea , imperiled flowers that belay their certain capitulation amongst the sharpened bottom .. Gulls shriek in suspend animation , black shorelines echo their resignation , carried across thick ocean breezes ...
Our physical days quite aware of the future at each subtle turn , the payment of debit with every expensive hour ...
Copyright February 21 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Thundershowers tell of my inconsolable world sometimes late at night ..
My delightful stage devoid of it's mesmerizing heavenly bodies , the nocturnal call of owl and whippoorwill silenced , the sounds of life that
beckon o'er the horizon become taciturn ..
Melancholy's bitter angst returned , rain laden gutters count time against storm racked weatherboard , tears of pain bathe wind confused Hickory's .. Porch lights smothered with flies and humidity , the wicked world is washed , delivered once more to the inspirational glitter of the rational , new morning ..
Copyright March 18 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
We are the afternoon wilted curcurbits  , leaves drawn and froward ,
pining for evening thundershowers , emboldened , tempting a watery death with blind ambition
Yet ,  we are also creativity trapped in religious admonition
Miracles discombobulated , manipulated
Named , taught , placed on a board with our heads facing the floor
Following a pre-plotted map with the robotic horde* ...
Copyright June 24 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
cass Apr 2019
if there was something inhuman about your touch that i could explain,
it would be equivalent to that of an eternal flame.
if there was something to describe the emotions you gave me,
it would feel like a strong ocean wave.

many overpowering sensations you give me are equal to natural disasters.
but for me,
it’s always so calm.

the earth operates with these thundershowers of weather,
and without them,
there wouldn’t be the world we know today.

without you,
i wouldn’t be who i am today.

so rain on me,
even when i can’t take anymore.
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2019
Helsinki harbor, but just a few hours          cherry blossom trees, Thai orchid flowers
La Florida sun - power thundershowers ...

Qualyxian Quest Jul 2019
La Florida, the Land of Flowers
     Salvador Dali thundershowers
        Mara Lago, dead level mass cowers ...

                        The rain in Spain
                 brings my midnight train.

— The End —