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Jack Jan 2014
Fade to blue

Fade to blue
In starlight drippings
The full moon sings
Hypnotic song
When turquoise tints
Horizon dreaming
Can sunrise wait
For very long
In lines of gold
And amber teasings
Of Jasmine breeze
Your scent does find
My heartbeat swirl
At last believing
I breathe a sigh
That you are mine
Jack Feb 2015
Arctic Seasoned Disguise

Winter breathes in sepia tones along a lonely two lane street
divided amongst the sweeping frozen dunes
now forced into shouldered amnesty

Street lights shiver in snow capped bonnets
while sidewalks sleep ‘neath blankets of flittering flakes
The air, frigidly crisp…moves of tiny chiffon sparkles dancing

Rooftops, plump and soft, show off their frosted padding
as evergreens find alabaster fingers tickling their branches
in chilled teasings and frozen dustings

Footprints, once there are gone, covered and recovered again
all evidence of life is erased beneath pearl clouded skies
and faint outlines of distant thoughts

White on black stripes drape in glacial wanderings
spanning the slush of asphalt weavings
in straight line piercings across the wintry landscape

February reigns brutal, sub zero ponderings swirl
from high above the icebox wasteland, once brimming with color
now opaque in its arctic seasoned disguise…
Happy February!!!!
Chris Twyford Feb 2012
"There's No Kiss In Your Eyes..."

You ever notice how you purrrrrrrrrrrr
when you focus on

- thought I was going to say me didn't you?
  well I didn't...

puppies and kittens.

How the sun FEELs so **** good
in your eyes...
how that first taste of
cold winter's air just bites
and makes you FEEL so

I make snowballs
- still -
and throw them
and **** accurate too
- and laugh
and duck
- well - for ANY age.

No one asks me to make a snowman anymore...
I miss that.

I don't curse the snow I shovel
- never have, that's strange I guess
I like snow
and how it feels, tastes, touches me back.
Seems theres a Snow Angel in every bank...
and the feel of crystals
each as unique as we.

Its not the taste of coffee
that draws me
holds me
- nor its aroma
as the wisps meander to heaven
- one cup at a time...
Its the thought of the anchor
that binding HOLD
that keeps me focused and from floating off and
and yet it still gets cold
while setting unnoticed and unheld and
...untasted and unwanted after all the herald's smiles
and teasings told.

I don't like water... theres no HEART to water
no ...squeezing GRASP to be had
no ...warmth shared
no ...bitter dregs to be mind-chewed
and eye-candy.

I never want to be told
"There's no kiss in your eyes..."

I'm thinking of re-continuing the Cafe Series... with this one.  Feel free...
toots May 2016
Yes, I convinced you.
I made you think you were the only I ever loved.

I'm sorry I lied to you..

But the devil was in love.

I know I told you you're worth all the time in the world
Before I told you,
that you're nothing but a filler.

I'm sorry I told you that..

Yes, I gave you presents,
With cards that said 'for us'

Now I know you're mad at me-
For giving lies, teasings, promises,
Those sweet kisses,
Just to later do away with us.

I'm sorry I broke you, dear..

But you were a fool,

*And the devil was in love.
A friendly reminder:
Don't go being a devil and wasting someone who thinks you're loveable.

A devil=a *******. And nobody likes a *******.
Stephan Jun 2016

Fade to night
in starlight drippings
The full moon sings
enchanted song
When turquoise tints
horizon’s dreaming
Can sunrise wait
for very long

In hues of gold
and amber teasings
On Jasmine breeze
your fragrance flies
My heartbeat swirls
at last believing
I breathe a sigh
to morning skies
wordvango Dec 2015
this word thing
this contraption of vowels and apostrophes
this similar
fashion of symbols
some, having danglies,
and some, Bold upper teasings
which when alone have no meaning
but in well grouped arrangements
make metaphors
or make new things
much like humans who
created them.
Ayesha Feb 2022
sweet wishes so small
in their impossible distances, they
tickled almost, I trembled almost:
beneath ant-like trails of frisky teasings, I
was settled almost
as if moon on sea’s silk-draped skin
suddenly glittered in a glitching turbulence
and mermaids rose up and out
of their thick black skies of silver tremors
shaking beads out of damp-darkened hair
and questioning questioning around
who dare startle their monotonous dreamings
who dare tremble and
stir all dull-eyed creatures around; and
as if sea dared on
shifting reckless into the answerless air,
frenzied, and grasping at an empty night
causing hundreds strange havocs
for a moon so little

[been bugging me for weeks]
Lawrence Hall Sep 2023
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                Even the Oak Trees are Dying

              “Wildfire…evacuation of nearby residences under way”

                                               -news bulletin

Poor drought-dead leaves in mockery of autumn
Wind-rustle across the lawn as the dried husks they are
Rattling like withered exoskeletons along the dust
Or The Ancient Mariner’s dead sailors upon the deck

The exhausted earth is hot from a summer of drought
Cicadas have no hope in their poor songs
A drifting dragonfly wobbles in its flight
And the weather reports are but cruel teasings

The sour smoke of a month of forest fires
Chokes even the stars, who in despair do not appear
Elle Whittington Jun 2019
How do you know that you love someone?
You may never recognize it
Love can be many things
Love; Verb;
“To like very much”
Love; Noun;
“An intense feeling of deep affection”
Love; Noun;
“A formula for ending an affectionate letter”
Love; Noun;
“Any real interest or pleasure in something”
Love; Noun;
“An affectionate greeting or name”
Love; Noun;
“A personified figure of love often represented as Cupid”
Love; Noun;
“A person or thing that one loves”
Love; Verb;
“A deep attachment to someone or something”
Love is difficult sometimes
Its not always easy
Its not all sunshine and unicorns and rainbows
Even though you wish it was
To love someone there has to be truth
You have to be willing to give your time to them
You have to be willing to be willing to be there when they need you
Love is amazing
But its also work
You have to be willing to give them attention
You have to be willing to give as much as you take
There will be smiles
There will be sadness
There will be blushing and giggling and laughter
And there will also be hardship
There will be happiness
And there will be silence
That hurts more than any words could ever describe
After those fights
After those loud, hard fights
But the thing about love is you have to be willing to try
You have to be understanding
You have to make up for those mistakes
That you will inevitably make
Love means that you tell the truth
No matter what
Love can be for a friend, it can be family
It can be for dating and maybe eventually marriage
Love means your okay with their craziness or oddness
Love is a wonderful thing
Its unexpected sometimes
But in the end you know that you want it
Love is true
If you truly love someone
You will be there for them
You’ll need them
As much as they need you
You’ll be protected
And you will protect them
Love is nights laying under the stars
Talking about the future
Love is holding each other during tears
Love is watching movies together
in your parent’s living room together
Love is inside jokes and gentle teasings
Love is understanding
Love is knowing each other
Better than anyone else
Its messy
But its worth it
Sometimes it comes when you don’t even want it
But as soon as you have it you know
There’s no one else that you’d rather be with
Love is crazy
Love is wild
Love is everything you are
Everything you need and more
Love may not have the most in common
But love is there
Love will love you when you don’t even love yourself
You need to be willing
To do and to be the same
Love is a beautiful thing

— The End —