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JL Apr 2015
I am too bold the obsession of our seperation
A child torn from childhood shattered hourglass
In her eyes I see myself swinging from a limb
Her words tying the noose and the smiles pull it tight
She would have me gasping goodbyes spittle laced
Bullet hot fingers tracing the blown out blue veins
Dopesick for her cracked lips I would lick them clean of venom
But she is too bold for such infatuation
She would rather pick the lock
The cage in my chest where  it quietly rests
One yellow eye open fangs glimmer scarlet hues
Her neck hangs back in laughter
Nape porcelaind frail statuesque
She would snap my fingers
Like a branch and I would laugh
At pain syringed and sterile
Alcohol stained breath
I think you've  found the sweet spot
Hot barrel to my temple
Do me one last favor
Release me from this tabernacle
Facing the Gorgon
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2016
poetic description of England in the 1960s will never
be a solitary figurine prancing dance,
only in the 21st century will it become clear -
as i read the fragments of the Cantos
in the early years of the 21st century i know the few
years numbering it for a populist
personality - the fragments after a
pause are crucial - but for me there's not azure-eyed
Olga - we never dare to forgive
Dante in Paradiso, let alone Inferno...
but we do dare forgive  Ezra in St. Elizabeth's -
a bit like me in England,
ungoverned by Orwell's prophesy
a lunatic asylum for Albanians -
the scientists are doing a runner for the mainland,
the opera is about to begin -
if i were i Cracow circa 1942 i'm be herded
into Auschwitz, unless i played Schubert on
piano, of course, some **** officer might
spot my talent by then... before they test it on the public
they test it on the Fußsoldaten -
they want to know how the sane man will crack
when given rigid army attention's worth of
order in a return to society -
poetry in the 1960s? you really want to believe
populist democracy - fun and games -
democracy has two enemies -
one inside, one without -
democracy is about the people, you can
try to individuate yourself in democracy
but you'll just end up being a despot to the people,
democracy is like Hollywood, it wants actors -
trying to be an individual in democracy
is like calling yourself Adolf ****** -
currently the people are trying to erase
their colonial past with a poly-ethnic society experiment
(it won't work, the vermin have spoken),
democracy loves to depose despots in ruling government
while at the same time creating terrorists -
it does both at the same time -
it's perfected its imperfections to do so.
by the way the poets describe it,
the 1960s weren't all that worth celebration,
the everyday kicked in... the 1960s seem
like rather glum times - nothing to celebrate -
should i be surprised? still, democracy is the
failure we all like to keep failing,
so we can convene on the appropriate bureaucratic
expansion - despotism doesn't favour the latter,
hence its failings concerning professions
with pencil sharpeners.
Adolf asked: marriage works (heirat arbeit)?
the people replied: ja!
Adolf reiterated: das Autobahn.
the people reinvented: die autokäfer!
and then there was tarmac with skid marks from
the revenants / alter curator traffic-jam pensioners
at 5p.m. hungry for their nips & tatties
alongside buff beef syringed with steroids
tested at the 1988 Olympics; fancy the Soviet
women growing beards on the sprint track
before tabloids undermined the democratic argument
for free-press - tabloids are just as bad as
despots mediating press-freedom;
tabloids are collective despotism, or to put it mildly,
throwing cabbage rather rather than using the guillotine...
i'd prefer the guillotine.... meaning i wouldn't
have to watch your ****-like ****** expressions
beyond the cabbage thrown.
marilyn metzger Sep 2011
ancient sized big-beautiful-Butterflies,
shredding my tiny chest, opening my most precious
insides to the warm-wet-world ---
they're flying out of me, wings fluttering
as fast as it takes a star to sprinkle the earth with light
they're dust sprinkling my own body with passion --

Suddenly, a black-eyed-vulture swoops down
from a tear-filled cloud and vacuums the butterflies
into his rotted-wrinkled mouth , disliking their taste ,
spits them out onto the cracked pavement and the
pretty insects are soon squashed by a child's bicycle
leaving only a smear of their guts on the syringed littered sidewalk.

2011 , Levittown
Marilyn Metzger
Did it,rue it,had it,blew it,
don't do dope.
Home alone,****** at home.home and ******,unhomed alone,
hypodermically syringed,unhinged and whinging all the time,no hope.
Don't do dope.
It's so uncool,so old school and only fools act like a fool,
you think that you're okay and you can cope,but you can'
don't do dope.
I did and found it very hard to stop,found you can't get fixed in a one stop shop but
I found hope,
found I didn't need that dope
I'm still a dope though.
Poetic T Oct 2016
They linger outside my room I hear them exhale
as the paint peels like snow flakes falling slowly
to the floor. Its only wood mahogany it think,
"nice, cost enough. I heard them mauling the
surface cleaving at different points as if a weakness
was to give way.

They bait me to see if I would gaze upon the shadows
that linger just past the door... I touch one with my
finger seething discomfort carries over my skin.
Murmurs sing lullabies at the corner of the hinges
they seem to get hotter with every tone that settles down.
I cant seem to contemplate its words, but it sings.

I look around my sheltered room, the windows are just
a look out to nothingness, I am like a flower in need of
sunlight to blossom.  but I am withered I'm suffocating
with my own deliberation. Have you heard the same
thought repeated in angles you never realized were
possible, every word deconstructed and syringed within.

Do you realize that a room even though with its formed
angles becomes nothing but a blur, patterns in writings
that migrate along my sight of vision. I'm a mine canary
trapped in a cage, and my only escape is the wishful thinking
of when will this gas seep within and silence my yearnings.
But I still breath, they mould the features of my prison in whispers.

I throw my features in random rotations to find even a
fissure that will be a keyhole to my eventual releasing.
But where my essence tries to evacuate they burn my
sanity and I scream in oscillating repetition and they just
seem to think nothing of my afflictions. I am a prisoner
within their walls. I will consume them when they fall.
Laughing Wolf Feb 2016
of the lion:
golden warpath garland
thundering soul set forth by roar
sovereign savanna rex, pride in plain sight
majesty unkempt like his mane
heavy the head that wears
the primal crown...

of the eagle:
corneal coronas
scorch earth from soaring apexes
taloned streaks of lightning tear assunder
the prey of a thousand yard stare
she is a feathered seer
perched in a nest

of the viper:
his husk made of mica
syringed fangs apportion wisdom
slithering past Achilles' heel to heart
from perceptive directions hissed
strait tongues fork in the road
coursing in vein
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2016
and he comes over in the afternoon, his wife is pregnant,
   she also had an abortion with the love
of her life... and he says i am diseased...
as i once said to a pensioner
in a park: cut words open and feel
less than a sucker's punch,
dis- (negation) of -ease... yes,
i'm bound to being denied a cradling of ease,
your quick syllable punctures are no wit to be
         i thought i gave back enough that was
necessary... but this madman of a neighbour complains
that i sometimes laugh in the night:
   because i am bound to tomorrow with aeons
toward the future, and aeons toward
  Darwinistic falsification of history...
          because where is the octopus ontology ****
up to the wall of intestines like a tapeworm,
as what point, exactly?
                  i sorta forgive that grievance,
even though i'm sitting in the living room,
and he picks up a package that's been left in my house...
           because the high-street has suddenly
evaporated... the rich are making the middletons
claustrophobic too... i could never buy the music
or the books i read these days when skimming the annals
of what's worthy of being bought, with the money i earn.
   it submerged, not even an anarchist bookshop
takes my fancy... but this **** of a neighbour comes
by and suggests i could ****** my mother,
              the same neighbour who ushers in politics of
gardens... a branch fell onto his side of the fence,
                   he throws it over to my side and crushes
the daffodils without much thought...
there are homeless people out there,
    and he complains that i syringed too much life into
my one chance to be here, to have the audacity to
laugh like a fox, to sometimes hum, and to sometimes
sing aloud...
      and he complains that it cost him too much money
from moving from the rear bedroom and into the front
bedroom... oh kiddly pauper, how poor you must be,
to have never had the capacity to laugh on your own.
   i listen to these Balkan guys angry at Sweden,
  i know the language like a Belgian and still that's not
enough... if national pride really bound to
a religiosity of fish & chips on a Friday, and skinhead
chanting at a football match at a London derby?
       should i say: sign me up!?
           all he had to do is move room...
he didn't have to sleep rough...
                what a swarm of ants in the *** that must be...
          because one man managed to laugh...
as it always does: concentrates on women...
           i must come from Mongolia to be honest,
how i find English women unappealing in terms of
companionship... the ridicule comes when a people
are unearthed and side with Israel...
                as the landowning class for a region bound
to Prussia and the Austro-Hungarian chattering maiden:
  Jan Sobieski (now a pop *****) and the siege of
                  we have so much prejudiced history tattooed
into our psyche, lukewarm 100 year old stuff...
   and out-of-the-blue, we're expected to bleach all of it,
somehow accept a dialogue that's merchant talk
     and a community clarification...
    the same neighbour has the same audacity to claim
i have a medical problem, and that his labouring wife
is the most-endearing hope for company...
  i just sat there on the sofa while he blah-blahed
his way into receiving the package...
             i could have emerged from my slumber and
faced slander to knuckle with piercing eyes...
   but i preferred sleeping for 2 hours on the sofa
while words turned into daggers...
it's just that part of me that suggests...
   for my knowledge of the English language,
  i have no need to debase myself with crude Englishness,
to invest in post-colonial ambition to right-away-the-elder-wrongs...
you know the first time you wear a cotton jumper
and you just itch? it's like that...
               i own language, language has no right to own me,
i tell language what to do, language doesn't tell me who
to identify with or as such identifiable with the thus said...
     plus... if someone agitated me over an intellectual
problem i might have emerged hearing slander against me,
but as they say: **** stinks, don't touch it.
    i once made brother of en Egyptian childhood friend,
every day since he chose olive skin solidarity
i've been heard citing a very pointless mea culpa,
              for i too could have been wiser
in not forming childhood friendships - and being a hermit
for 9 years and counting: i don't ever think
to engage in intimacy, other than with Puerto Rican
prostitutes in Amsterdam, or Bulgarian madames in
London... i don't know why they said they were
Romanians... the one word gave them away:
the cyrillic: pizdets! пиздетс!
                    if he even remotely insinuated a topic
concerning van gogh (v. gou) -
                such is the traffic of life passing through my
days...                    this the fascination
              how greeks gave names to their encoded
sounds... and how it took a plastician to recode
       what came as
         п (p'eh)- -и (ī)- -з (z'eh)- -д (d'eh)- -е (eh)- -т (t'eh)- -с (esse)...
  how fascinating that you cut off so much stabilisation
of the alphabet and no wooing vocabulary
  before you do away with stabilising letters that are
associated with clear indicative formulation from
alphabet into word...
                       which goes beyond Heraclitus' лoгoс
and certainly beyond my фoнoс...
                as suggested: back into the aлbion ζ
      beginning if not simple begging norman sicily's α...
                              alphabet - zetayod...
and mirrors - of those worth a seven year signature
to yet be mended... and those pristine,
      with focus on the doubly mortal, within
a tsunami of time's paraphrased democracy, wherein
autocratic: from Helen of Troy to Kimberley of the Liban...
     how then rise from such belittling circumstances,
and enforce the law of abstract?
                    to come toward the лoгoс
   as with due to spot the фoнoс, and as such
auto-instructive diacritical marking of iota should
Lιban be a Ly-ban....           enter the dragon, Bruce?
                     yep... we have established the лoгoс,
and chained by synonymous banking affairs for
peacocking tongue waggling, i insist upon a return
      into how the Greeks left no musicology to
how they named the symbol ι with iota, or ω with
omega... but the Romans left a musicology
that yahweh embraced, and said of a: ah... and said of
m: em, and said of t: tee... and said of p: ***...
because they didn't come up with names for letters,
which is why scientific constants are written
                                                   in γρεχκι (grechkι).
if knowing the native tongue is not enough...
        i cannot contemplate the natives teaching my
their ****** practices any more than my eagerness to
engage in them... their presumptuous agitation of
trying to "educate" almost everyone...
     it's true a Mongolian arrow pierced the throat
of the trumpeter in the tower of the Mariacki Church,
           it's just they treat their women
            as i wish i could have... the Dutch know love
by spitting on eastern European women...
(because they just had a conversation about their
interests in a pub with another man two seats down)...
   and in our age of propaganda: i have not a single
opinion that isn't bound to be but ash scattered in the wind...
            i just find it strange to be in "need" of being educated...
given most of these "men" have never had the guts
to visit prostitutes because the girls are playing puritan poker
at home: and Jezebel at an **** in Malaga...
         i can't deal with this en masse schizoid conditioning:
as if lying or having a Dorian Gray fantasy could
ever get me off with a hard-on when a girl says:
can you imagine what my daddy would say if he knew
i swallowed you jizzom? well, now that i know what
you're imagining i'm starting to think i need a shrink...
                  for ****'s sake! why do prostitutes seem
the most sane women out there? saviours!
               i could have done better things with my hands...
like moulded a statue, or something,
               dating culture killed it for me...
  and the whole: women are there to be chased like
cheetahs crying their eyes out at speeds of 100 kilometres
per hour...                  it was in my best interests
to learn a knowledge of the language...
  that was my utmost necessary courtesy of being
   part of this society... local customs though?
                  you know what a smarkatka is?
    you really didn't expect for me to blend up to the point
of supporting Millwall and knowing football songs
religiously, did you?   it's when you use the language
and still get ridiculed...           the locals have been
given it on a platter...                i get a "poem"
they get the ease of buying vegetables in a supermarket...
          brownnosing yourself in Kentucky
                                     will not help either...
Calcium Steeps       of Dover could be equated to that
Hawaiian Pearl in terms of what hand will wash the hand
that puts a thumb in the **** and the index and middle
into the ******.
Jessica Fisher Nov 2016
Taunting hours
Tachycardiac rhythm
semiotic desire and
lavish confluxes
displaced thought in
sauntered meadows
the willows wrath
symphonically martyred
perused softly
reverberating slowly
malignant design
syringed emotions
evoking morose
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2021
There is only one letter
difference, yet they both
mean exactly the same.

A mutating semanticism
which is syringed via a
nib inked with suspicion.
Yo i step into suckas like hammer mc
Bars lovely none above thee fantastically
See me stretching out the kitties
No pity to those who lay in the inner cities
Immunities damaging my community
Black man equals a gat plan demands
Broken from a hidden reprimand
Hands shaking begins a quaking taking
In. All the misery spread love to enemies
Perfect the catastrophe suckas blast at me
But I'll still live eternally watch the fire burn
Suckas loose turn once my rhymes churn
On the microphone lessons begin to learn
Syringed ya brain deadly injected cringe
Binged by the lyrical darts born in the dark
Aiyo once I exit the earth place im replaced
Back up in a woman's belly safe wait
Its a tunnel of light prepared to fight the might
Got my nerves tight cannibis visions
Steel layin' provisions cuz suckas ain't listening
Winds whistlin' move like blades of glass stenciling
Over the Earth's
Paintin' a message withing a message
Viking Savage kin to havoc evils lavish
Lash out the gashes slave masters
We coming after before the rapture capture
Souls colossal rock em into fossils
From the pain that touches like a jostle
Hostile baritone smooth jones on the microphone
Even made the devils step off his throne
I'm feelin' my self guarded my wealth
By twelve queens beautiful cousines sings
Me lullabies as time flies open my forth eyes
Dimension traveler wisdom unraveler
My styles be slicker than a  salamander commander
In the chief heads hanging like a Christ reef
Brought the pans out since suckas want beef
Cooking hooking mad shakes no booking
Central broke the glow cuz of the exquisite dough
Suckas know not to step to this deadly blow
Since hells below can't balance the flows
Gravity weighin' negativity petty pretty
chaos throws nothing but loss floss
Off of the baddest beats three forty fours
blastin' Til my verses fully complete

Aiyo ghost pass me the toast to roast
A fake host smoke the most Snoop coast
Throwing up the dub stand for wins
While others floating in the winds sins
Makes for the deadliest pins religion
Be in my pen inks my Messiah
Let my mind vibrate higher shy dryer
never let it grow cold out for the scold
In with the old back to basics lets face it
**** got a lace it let the smoke retrace it
Sky high all goodie with the mobs bobs
From me rocking this like Nas genesis
First to finishes relentless got em defenseless
Can't match up
Against A1 business craft the sauce
James Brown protege so it  paid me to be a boss
70s hippie though I was born in the 80s
In the back of ambulance Mercedes
Mind's a mercenary pierce the unready
Walking dead look how many heads is fed
Feeding off a vultures instinct
Scared to blink cuz they might sink
in the ground with no water around clowns
be joking but no smiles when the smokes in
Cashed ya cemetery lottos ain't no tomorrow
When ya Die today this is mayday for doomsday
Let the bass take me away when I say
What I wanna say pack the ocean sprays
no delays sitting like predator preys
Lazer eye ya sty patch ya like Rick's socket
The last of the Moor prophets so stop it
You can't insult a demi-god going against odds
Im Moses at the mountains holding the rods
Ten commandments with sticky bandits
Home alone was a kid smoking grown
Most postal than Malone step into the zone
War killin' clones original Jim Jones stones
Over ya capers vapors
Often erase once the seriousness gives taste
Copperhead shootin' venomous waste
Take a step back rebound off my stacks
Twin macks Alex and chad causin' deep impact
Yo i step into suckas like hammer mc
Bars lovely none above thee fantastically
See me stretching out the kitties
No pity to those who lay in the inner cities
Immunities damaging my community
Black man equals a gat plan demands
Broken from a hidden reprimand
Hands shaking begins a quaking taking
In. All the misery spread love to enemies
Perfect the catastrophe suckas blast at me
But I'll still live eternally watch the fire burn
Suckas loose turn once my rhymes churn
On the microphone lessons begin to learn
Syringed ya brain deadly injected cringe
Binged by the lyrical darts born in the dark
Aiyo once I exit the earth place im replaced
Back up in a woman's belly safe wait
Its a tunnel of light prepared to fight the might
Got my nerves tight cannibis visions
Steel layin' provisions cuz suckas ain't listening
Winds whistlin' move like blades of glass stenciling
Over the Earth's
Paintin' a message withing a message
Viking Savage kin to havoc evils lavish
Lash out the gashes slave masters
We coming after before the rapture capture
Souls colossal rock em into fossils
From the pain that touches like a jostle
Hostile baritone smooth jones on the microphone
Even made the devils step off his throne
I'm feelin' my self guarded my wealth
By twelve queens beautiful cousines sings
Me lullabies as time flies open my forth eyes
Dimension traveler wisdom unraveler
My styles be slicker than a salamander
Beat romancer golden voice
Ultimate package shipment ghost
Yenson Jun 2022
Hear the sonorous whimpers of faded dragons
groaning the last breath gasps of fallen might
and from extinct inglorious days
hear now the bitter last hurrays' of the ******
in acrimony they wail like a coeliac new born
tis the dampened pained roars of wounded beasts
tis the infused grumblings of cantankerous old codgers
tis the frustrated drivels of angst ridden underachievers
tis the mad morbid utterances of daggle of caged psychopaths
tis the snivelling moronic backchats of a hackle of prized cowards
tis pent-up furies and irate emotional disparages of unsatisfied wives
tis the hot latent lamentations of morose taciturn misery-guts
tis the narcissistic forage of the despoiled academician
whose diseased beast within syringed narco-fixes
in the noises of  hallowed codswallops
tis the dumb mutterings of idiots
tis the inane jabbering runts
tis the anodyne venting
of ghouls and ghosts
the wailing noises
of cultists coerced
and chained in

— The End —