Precious Days
7 July 2021
Forever was so far away.
Youth a blur, frozen day.
Life would ever last.
Future yet sweet uncast. .
I knew the path I walked.
Held the promise duty locked
Love was always near.
Loss unknown quickly teared.
Heard the cry of loons at dawn.
Squirrels racing every lawn.
Sunsets, eves of scarlet yawn. .
Morns, excited passioned dawns.
Children with their warm embrace.
Partner with a loving grace.
Years that quickly slipped away.
Kindren grown, on their way.
Successes life gifted me.
Acorns fell from every tree.
Newest quests raised desire.
Life set full afire.
Embers-of golden glow.
Graying airs began to show.
Changed to a simpler pace.
Watched other start their race.
Felt the wins of kindness last.
Swelled the winds of times now past.
Habits soon began to age.
Now lived another page.
Marked the cake at 83.
Candles lit on rolling seas.
Lovely woman married me.
Her care keeps me free.
As I near the end of time,
Solace lives in simple rhyme.
Lost so many to heaven’s door.
Tallying how I might score.
Cherish those precious days.
Albums, records, others say.
Grateful for memories found.
Love that keeps me still sround.