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Debanjana Saha Nov 2017
In one side when depressed
Pressing the blankets
Holding tight to oneself
And crying harder than ever
As if the sky has fallen
And no escape anywhere to be seen.
Days and nights passes by
Sometimes, months and years too.

But then, there are days
When I just got used to it
Waking up in the morning
and getting out of bed
is still as difficult as earlier.
But still,
I wake up
In the hope to see some light.
I go out, see the whole world busy,
running around on a Saturday morning
Each of them being a sportsperson
And playing every other sports outside
Basketball, football, cricket and so on. I suppose every one is alone in this world,
Just like me!
But they chose differently to be,
They keep themselves busy under the blanket of their passion
Time is fleeting by anyways,
No wonder we can hold on to it.
So why not chose a passion
And throw the blanket away
And move on with life
With each of our incomplete passion
To fill our emptiness from within!
Weekend lesson. Passion is what drives us to live the life and love it to it's every but.
Aliza Manalac Aug 2017
I wish I was talented,
to sing your heart out,
to dance like a graceful ballerina,
to paint beautiful landscapes,
to play all kinds of instruments,
to cook as if you're the next famous chef,
to be quick and and strong like a sportsperson,
but I guess my talent is to write experiences that people can relate to,
to connect and feel empathy for one another.
Raj Jul 2019
Life is beautiful.
         Isn't it?? Ask from traveler.
#Life is honourable.
         Isn't it? Ask from officer.
#Life is hard.
         Isn't it ?ask from labour.
#Life is name of opportunities.
         Isn't it ?ask from sportsperson.
#Life is always a new lesson.
        Isn't it ?ask from learner.
#Life is name of creating a invention.
        Isn't it ?ask from scientist.
#Life is name of love.
        Isn't it?ask from lover.
#life is name of serving in border.
        Isn't it ? Ask from soldier.
Life has a different meaning all the people living all over and living it to fullest.
alimony = spousal support
abortionist = abortion provider
spying (on a woman) = stalking
nurse, orderly, medic = care worker (British)
flown = airlifted
social worker = community worker
criminal = wrongdoer
crime = wrongdoing
interrogation = interview
car lot = auto center
torture = pain compliance; enhanced interrogation techniques
suspect = person of interest
housewife = home maker = stay-at-home mom
court house = justice center
prison = confinement center
school = learning center
garbage dump = landfill
antique = vintage
caretaker = caregiver
crippled = physically challenged
tradesman = trades worker
soldier = service member
medical care = healthcare
doctor = healthcare provider
clinic = health center
hospital = health
socialized medicine = universal healthcare
house builder = home builder
Department of War = Department of Defense
war = intervention
occupation (of a foreign nation) = nation building
illegal aliens = undocumented immigrants
medic = emergency medical technician, E.M.T.
nursery = daycare center
nursing home = assistant living facility
arrested = detained
imprisoned = detained
prisoner = detainee
prison = detention center
prison guard = C.O., corrections officer
eyeglasses = eye wear
shoes = footwear
policeman = police officer/law enforcement officer
police station = law enforcement center
fireman = firefighter
sportsman = sportsperson
sportsmen = sportspeople
puddling = ponding
enemy = terrorist
infanticide = right to choose
79Β’ = .79Β’
mistake = miscommunication
blockade = sanctions
waiter/waitress = server
check = cash
bomb = improvised explosive device (I.E.D.)
gals = guys
wife beating = domestic violence
*** change = gender reassignment
******* = transgender
***** = *** worker
stewardess = flight attendant
citizen = civilian
government overthrow = regime change
The Orient = Asia
Oriental = Asian
Afro-American = African American
Indian = native American
Internal Revenue Dept. = Internal Revenue Service
workmen's compensation = workers compensation (without possessive apostrophe)
meeting = meet-up/meetup
snitch, fink, stool pigeon, stoolie = spy, informant
side dish = side
meter maid = parking-enforcement officer
unloaded = downloaded,  off loaded
goal = endgame
sportsmen = sportspeople
physical = wellness screening
***, ***** = homeless person
destitute = homeless
destitution = homelessness
watch man = security guard/officer
nursing  home = care home with nursing  (England)
chairman = chair
P.O.W., prisoner of war (citizen) = civilian internee
rescue Mission = homeless shelter
mail = mailpiece (according to the post ofc.)
employee = team member
alimony = spousal support
abortionist = abortion provider
spying (on a woman) = stalking
nurse, orderly, medic = care worker (British)
flown = airlifted
social worker = community worker
criminal = wrongdoer
crime = wrongdoing
interrogation = interview
car lot = auto center
torture = pain compliance; enhanced interrogation techniques
suspect = person of interest
housewife = home maker = stay-at-home mom
court house = justice center
prison = confinement center
school = learning center
garbage dump = landfill
antique = vintage
caretaker = caregiver
crippled = physically challenged
tradesman = trades worker
soldier = service member
medical care = healthcare
doctor = healthcare provider
clinic = health center
hospital = health
socialized medicine = universal healthcare
house builder = home builder
Department of War = Department of Defense
war = intervention
occupation (of a foreign nation) = nation building
illegal aliens = undocumented immigrants
medic = emergency medical technician, E.M.T.
nursery = daycare center
nursing home = assistant living facility
arrested = detained
imprisoned = detained
prisoner = detainee
prison = detention center
prison guard = C.O., corrections officer
eyeglasses = eye wear
shoes = footwear
policeman = police officer/law enforcement officer
police station = law enforcement center
fireman = firefighter
sportsman = sportsperson
sportsmen = sportspeople
puddling = ponding
enemy = terrorist
infanticide = right to choose
79Β’ = .79Β’
mistake = miscommunication
blockade = sanctions
waiter/waitress = server
check = cash
bomb = improvised explosive device (I.E.D.)
gals = guys
wife beating = domestic violence
*** change = gender reassignment
******* = transgender
***** = *** worker
stewardess = flight attendant
citizen = civilian
government overthrow = regime change
The Orient = Asia
Oriental = Asian
Afro-American = African American
Indian = native American
Internal Revenue Dept. = Internal Revenue Service
workmen's compensation = workers compensation (without possessive apostrophe)
meeting = meet-up/meetup
snitch, fink, stool pigeon, stoolie = spy, informant
side dish = side
meter maid = parking-enforcement officer
unloaded = downloaded,  off loaded
goal = endgame
sportsmen = sportspeople
physical = wellness screening
***, ***** = homeless person
destitute = homeless
destitution = homelessness
watch man = security guard/officer
nursing  home = care home with nursing  (England)
chairman = chair
P.O.W., prisoner of war (citizen) = civilian internee
rescue Mission = homeless shelter
mail = mailpiece (according to the post ofc.)
employee = team member

— The End —