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Marshal Gebbie Jul 2018
How tenuous this grip we have, how slight our hold remains
When all around  loud braggards boast that power now pertains,
We see the banner headlines splashed across our daily rags
And redneck demonstrations cleans the streets of Spics and ****
When blood runs in the gutter as the battons rise and fall
And whilst taking tea in style the filthy rich ignore it all.
The blonde leader of our nation struts, postulates and brags
While the rest of us skive off around the corner smoking ****
Our  kids ingest confusion as they loiter on the street
Unknowing  our delusions make illusions held, replete.
How tenuous the grip we have, how slight our hold remains
As our allies shower cold distrust convinced our fault inflames.
What chance of clear redemption, what remedies revive
When truth is lost to darkness can our honesty survive?
Reputation cut to shards, confidences ******
That leaders of community no longer hold our trust
When white is caste as black and then to green and then to grey
And sanity refuses pontification one more day.
How tenuous the grip we have, how slight our holds remain
As twilight turns to darkness caste against a larks’ refrain.

The White House
HAMILTON, New Zealand
25 July 2018
Despair across the nation, good people sitting quietly in their kitchens not quite believing the chaos and disunity sown by the White House amidst their communities, not knowing which way to turn to seek reason, to seek an element of promise for the morrow.

Who would have thought this possible in what was once, the greatest nation on Earth?

Mateuš Conrad Oct 2016
i was about to start writing this up when i thought:
another whiskey Quincy? **** storm,
spilled the remains of the one i barely touched
before having to pour myself a:
puritan Scot in Cheltenham.

now, i heard people say any town in Essex
is a ****-hole...
                            fair enough...
but there are darker recesses of England you
must get to know before making that
                  sure, London, proper London,
zones 1 - 4, E17 (post code, outer reaches,
Walthamstow, used to have a dog racing
track - played there once,
like a typical Paris catwalk, those hounds)
can skive off Greater London
                    like New York can laugh off
New Jersey, it's pretty much like that...
the only thing is: Londoners don't know what
exists outside this area: the buffer zone.
this is the buffer zone...
                 you experience England outside of
this very sensitive area of integration,
take for example a 3 hour coach trip to
a little town of Cheltenham in Gloustershire
not far from Oxford (a hub of learning)
and Bristol (Massive Attack, and that
bridge by Brunel - funny, engineers are above
architects, in that engineers build things
that *work
, architects are like science-fiction
novelists rather than scientists -
do you know how many problems workers
experience, because an engineer
"forgot to mention" something essential in the plans?
at least an engineer gives you a read table,
all architects work for Ikea -
          ah, here's pieces a - z,
put it together yourself) - anyway...
              spilled my Quincy whiskey, now i'm a puritan
of scotch - unlike that damning quote from
1950s Hollywood: whiskey with a drop of water...
   ok ok... a little **** of ice floating about...
when will the nagging stop? no one says jack
about putting water into authentic absinthe...
      why? cos it goes cloudy green when you do!
(too much digression, news paragraph).

   i was leaving London on Friday,
murky the way i like it... Albert Bridge never seemed
so out of cinematographic urgency -
               but the west end with its grand buildings
appealed to me to start imagining
                    Oscar Wylde ghosts leaving these places
for promenades in top cats and tiaras for the ladies...
                     west London... the best way to see it
is in transit... preferably rather urgently...
                    and in a coach with other people not paying
                       the Thames receded into the estuary (
as it does), those housed in boats experienced a wake-up
call with a 10° ***** into the mud -
                                past the Chelsea pensioners' abode,
past many monuments to be exact...
   and then onto the open M4... past Windsor Castle
and the streak of aeroplanes about an aerial mile
apart landing at Heathrow -
                                  3 hours later, there i was,
in Cheltenham - chitty chitty bang bang,
apparently dubbed the hub of all English literary
endeavours - well, if you're going to host
a literature festival, wouldn't you claim to host
it with at least one patriotic son of the word?
did i see any statue of a famous poet or writer in
that little rugby stockpile of excess triceps?
           well, at first i thought it was cute...
                                a little Portobello, albeit
without the St. Petersburg paintwork on the houses,
houses as grey as the skies...
                                           got lost looking for
the b & b hotel i was supposed to be staying at for
the night, went into a gas station, asked,
i was apparently only adjacent lost -
                           old school, map printer and no
g.p.s. on foot -
                                  i once read a map and navigated
a car from an obscure Essex city,
to an even more obscure city in eastern Poland,
past the dreaded Penta Germania consisting of:
Düsseldorf, Duisburg, Essen, Wuppertal and
obviously Dortmund -
                                           i call it the whirlpool
of navigation...
                            anyway, so i found the abode,
what a nice little place it was, shied away from
all the traffic - a lovely garden,
a room fit for a journeying writer,
          actually, everything a writer could hope for
to lock himself away and write,
            tunic scenic - everything to ease the literary
constipation - the surroundings, the whole decor,
i even took a picture thinking: shame if no
Balzac were to not emerge from these rooms...
                           i sure didn't,
i dropped all the things, took a shower,
went into town to do the g.p.s. topographic of
the city so i wouldn't need a map in the future -
bought a bottle of whyte & mackay with a huh?!
apparently this brand isn't popular...
               went back to the room and found myself
drinking in front of the dreaded sight...
well... it was a room fit for a writer...
               but it had a double bed in it...
and a mirror at the desk...
                                    i downed one puritan glass
and looked in the mirror: i don't need your company.
looked away and found to my amazement the
truth of modern writing: the industrialisation
of writing... it emerged in the 20th century when everyone
did it by himself, with a typewriter -
        the industrialisation of writing on an individual
scale can be quiet debilitating when trying to
rekindle the quill... i didn't write anything, i doodled,
and those were bad doodles, it wasn't writing,
it was doodling... i drank a quarter of the bottle
and went out...
        went into the first bar, ordered a Guinness and
and sat down by a table with a
(later disclosed) Gloustershire University student,
a Canadian, jacking-off a script for some
B-short-movie in a public place: to catch the oozing
exfoliation of inspiration from crowded places -
if ever that worked, it might have ever worked
in a graveyard...
                             we were joined by his friend,
some peasant, we got chatting, boy, it was such a thrill
to exchange names... the Canadian's name
i did remember: Darcy...
                          he had that look about him that made
it worthwhile to remember his name,
ah, when names fit the image...
                         chubby, pig-blondish, hairy...
i'm guessing a native of Quebec...
                               but i could be wrong.
so a few hey hey, yeah yeahs later i asked if they
knew something about this gig on the festival slot
that was starting tomorrow, 5 p.m. and for free...
sure sure... got to eye the guide... so i asked:
so, maybe we could meet up at this place at this time
and go from there....
                                  Titanic looked more graceful
sinking than the reply...
                                                 i had to really check myself,
this isn't London psyche chess, this is:
we are small people from a small town,
we think a charming stranger is a serial-killer...
                    the Yorkshire ripper case scenario,
not last... first.
                              i might have been ******* a lemon
by then and pretending to be drunk squirming
a Buddha look - i pretended the polite noting down
the details: suddenly i didn't think like attending
this ****** venture that would start at 5 p.m., end
at 12 a.m. and according to my travel diary:
having to wait 2 hours to catch the 2 a.m. home.
so i went to the first instalment of the "literature"
festival... lemn sissay and salena godden -
and i have to admit, it was a corker - a true
a champagne cork popped and hit the crystal
chandelier and i laughed... and that's how i lost my
virginity to "spoken word",
                                         i wasn't listening to poets,
but i was thoroughly entertained, i swear that
at the end of her performance Salena pointed into
the dark (great tactic, how can they be nervous
if they can't see anyone? they stand on a pulpit of pure
light and see black ahead, where the nerves?)
and said: esp. to my friend over there...
                i might have involuntarily back-laughed /
snorted like a pig trying to catch enough lung volume
for a ha ha...
                          got chatting to this lovely middle-aged
couple: told them: i'm being ***** with gags.
                prior, i was watching the queue build up
into the room, with a god-awful grin on my face...
i couldn't take it off...
                         perhaps because i was looking at
the demographic and thinking: where are my peers?!
i spotted about three people in a close age proximity -
the rest were farts and soon-to-be-farts...
                             now Sissay freaked me out...
in a good way... i met the two after the show,
i brought two copies of my own printed work to give to
them... i had to ask their publicist if i was allowed
to touch the Aegean marbles... luckily i did,
but then i asked the stupid question to Sissay:
so who were you trying to imitate when your eyes
were bulging out nearly gauged out like a Pink Floyd
song video of: teacher! let these children go!
               i should have associated something African
freakish in mask, a strengthening - the sort
of look that New Zealander rugby players put on
to frighten people off when dancing the haka -
he really did talk like that...
                                       the little devil voice didn't help
either... but i only asked that "stupid" question
while mumbling something about how hard it was
getting published and how anyone aged nearing 40
forgot the free press of the internet emerging and
how he asked for a q & a after the performance...
and... hand on my heart:
                                   got asked one question...
          and answered... only one question...
                                        a complete and utter ******* meltdown...
   not: oh yeah, so who's your major influence...
                      a Samuel Beckett moment from not i.
later i standing outside and smoking, a grand English
dame of the west approached me,
chitty chatty kiss the hand later i got to say the most
famous line known to the current Englishman:
unfortunately... from Essex.
             honest. anyone asks you in Essex the question
they always ask: so where you're originally from?
                         anywhere else in England
they just ask you: whe
Tarzan and Jane
swung from tree to tree
neath the jungle's
lush canopy

they played all day
in the steamy hot sun
they played all night
they had tons of fun

their jungle paradise
was theirs and theirs alone
no interlopers could contact them
on a mobile phone

how we'd love
to join them for a holiday
so we could relish in
their carefree lifestyle of play

but alas here we all are
working nine to five
while the jungle twosome
are happy doing a skive
Guy Howard Nov 2019
So Corbyn has promised the Earth
And Labourites can't see the mirth
Diane Abbott's sums
Will Make us all bums
With no homes and negative worth

JC will fix our NHS
Sort out the Conservative mess
Millions more Docs and nurses
From his magical purses
Where the money's from's anyone's guess

Countless new cops on the beat
Is Corbyn's inspiring new bleat
But his short working week
Turns the scene rather bleak
With less police hours on the street

"For the Many" you hear Corbyn say
But if Jeremy gets his own way
He'll jump through the hoops
For terrorist groups
Like our good friends the old IRA

Corbyn stands by unchecked immigration
To diversify our entire nation
Don't shed a tear
As our new friends land here
Viewing our jobs with anticipation

Renationalise everything now
The TUC love a good row
Production will dive
As untouchables skive
Thanks to Labour's trades union cash cow

Labour's 70s weren't all that bad
Even though they made millions sad
Corbyn will take us back
But you won't get the sack
For the unions, we all should be glad

Tax big companies ever so hard
Is Jeremy's vote-winning card
Then look on in glee
As these companies flee
And your job moves to some foreign yard

Democracy thrives in the Left
The way Corbyn works is so deft
We'll have vote after vote
Till the miserable goat
Gets results that won't leave him bereft

My conclusions may seem rather gory
It's Labour's ridiculous story
The only way free
Anyone sane can see
Is to cross the box next to the Tory
a revealing confession
I shall make to all of you
it pertains to the variety
of work that I do

in a plush executive suite
I've never ever sat
only top income earners
get to hold this nice bat

the mop and bucket
are my tools of trade
which I've employed
for almost four decades

each week I acquaint myself
with a cob-webbing broom
to remove the spider's silken threads
that accumulate in office rooms

the cleaning profession
is no leisurely walk in the park
as I'm on duty at sparrow ****
and after the hour of dark

one day I hope to retire
from scrubbing and dusting
my worn fingers and maid's knees
are fast succumbing to rusting

being tied behind
the polishing machine's purr
is the pit of pits
and certainly a hard spur

in a few weeks
my annual holidays shall arrive
twill be a pleasure
to go on a month long skive
#job  #cleaning  #dusting
Ken Pepiton May 2020
2020 - day 146

Monday, May 25, 2020
7:48 AM

A creed of mathematics and mud, said
in what may be
utterance from the ghost of the late,
and likely,
no longer lamented,
Sir Leslie Stephen, author, and,
authoritative voice in the matter
of his own mind.
He apologized for the state called
Agnostic, lacking gnosis, may I say,

I know more, in fact, if I count my access
to knowns,
along with my access to the sequence
of knowing;
I know more than any prominent literati
in the time before Google's
manifestation as an idea shaping tool.

What do I know?
I know how to use the Internet to learn,

in broad sweeps through the remains of
into the dustbin of history for which we stand,
as a nation,

to build new and more destrucively effective

Blow your mind, hoist, lift-off, on your own farts.

Passing wind,
did you smell it?

Mental as opposed to spiritual,

this will need some study...
a little think,
an imaginary journey,

from here to... where? Where,
or when,
we were to change the world,
as we know it;
we did. Say we changed the world,

who would know?
Who would care? We have yet,
breath, and fuel, and functionality.

We have movement, and a grasping,
holding, using,
a natural, from the womb, knack
for making a fist.

Womb survivors of the world, unite.

Defined to the finest quarkish sublimnity,
we entangled creative
thoughts being spun into the wind
passing, rising
from bloated corpses,
we all may witness, as real as you may imagine...

in 2020, we have eye-witness visions made plain,
we have seen the bodies stacked in carts,
we have seen My Lai from the sky,
we can imagine

being there... but don't, I mean, Memorial Day is...

maybe, it is... evoking memory of madness,

how is war good? It is good for the greedy, no one else.

We watch our hero's die to stop the evil, then we watch
the bankers free the last Krupp cannon molder,
to spite the facts we can see, as seen at Nurnberg.

That injustice, was done in my name, if I believe I am
pluralized as we, the people who hold truth,

the Yanks, ye' know? Yankin' y'strang, stranger... did you
stumble into our historical records of all the good
war has done? Nay,
we came to remember peace,

in high definition resolution sharper than the
unaugmented human eye can detect,

see that guy's head, or his helmet, look close,
no head remained in the helmet,

but I knew the head the helmet was hoisted from.

I watched PFC. -name redacted - die,

-- did you know, did you learn, ever, the meaning
of being hoisted on one's own petard?

A petard was a bomb. Nothing fancy,
a bit of alchemical magi-knowing of laws yet to be

discovered in the rubble of guesses as to cause,

accusations of arrogance and hubris, combound to whys,

never examined, never lived out in vital awareness.

quenching a flaming spirit, is ill advised...

but it happens,
all the time. A heart pouring hope
into a mind jumbled
with signals and signs and pleas;

stops, stutters, and aches for
meaning meaning meaning in the
tinkling bells and crashing cymbals.

Hope, ash of aspirations inspired

love, as a thing, a noun, not a verb.

Love is a verb. Not a thing, an act.

Indeed, done, love is easy to think wisely done.
No announcement is needed,

long after the tale is first formed,
the legend rises from resting in peace,

to give a lie an opposing force, not a war,

a flood.

A deluge of lusion, a seeing at augmentedus
resolutions into further and beyond,
all we can think, or ask
into life

former-wise, formerly, unknowable, now

known, according to the pundits,
these are not the days of Lincoln,
craming laws into his head by firelight,

calloused digits flipping page after page
of proprietary rules governing

the white man's burden.


Staunching the flow, of blood, particularly,

meant stopping the flow, usually
stopping it from
flowing out of course,
the plain, flat, seeming, surface of reality.

Reality not being as defined as we imagine, in ourselves.
This being the flow,
if we pay attention, focusing on a point,
fixing a line of sight to a distant thing, a star will do,
no, those won't do, you see, the planets, now we know,

the planets reflect light,
they bounce light back to our eyes, which we invariably miss

when our attention is owed to the habits we hold.
Our daily grind... growing, or surviving in hope

We guess at many next right or otherwise, standing,
based up on a pedestal, a riser,

lift up your head, egregious though you be,
easily seen, so
easily you see as far as I'm concerned, dis
cerned, re
fined to the innermost edge,

ground to a halt... pressing blade to ground to scrape
a living

plowman, plow me a furrow, for the flood.
Maker of ways,  form me a way to flow,
channel my worth to the dying seeds

scattered, so long ago, on the thread of time we ride behind.

a bug, an insect, not an arachnid,
by leg count
class-ift, insect extremely delicate, what use
could this bug be to me,
a mayfly,
that I did pay it this attention?

Did I mention, no,
sequences in re
telling, consider starlight bounces from sunlight,

but reason and gravity suggest, those
waves of starlight intermingle
with sunbeams.

A mote in my eye may have bounced once from the moon,
as a made its point pinging a receptor some where behind

the window of my soul
to make a ligandary acceptence of influence, from the Greeks,
in an instant
Zeno, doncha know, decided, made a cut,

skience is the conscision, the cutting into bits, until

no further cutting may be done,
and we are dust,
at best.

Flakey humans. Homes to literal gazillions of mites,
hunting and gathering epidermal

flakes of us, digesting said flakes, into demodex *****

{demodex, face mites, are as old as **** sapiens}

as we are in didactic tic mode, ******* meaning from flakes
rubbed off during the itching ear phase

of dust mote formations, see

a mite eating the scales of our bodies, our subjective habitats,

where we hold our habitual rituals;
a mite eating those, fecates and defecates, fecation required,

in consequentialist thought, prior to defecation.

Fact or fiction? Science, as we know it at grade eight,
on the global scale of common knowledge,

science is what we are convinced we know in useful ways.
Knowledge is our opinion of

what we think we know. That is a guess. Not quite right, flow

the missed try, reach a next un ex spectated, un i magined
ic tic tic

time passing options, while a life away, or wait

wait and see, or come and see.

I say go. Where this river runs, reach that place,

get all salty, then
lay in the sun and evaporate. Ex sciere, rise, sublimated into ever knowing more,

scient-if-ic known knowns within the un gated narrative we occupy.

We live in an atmo-sphere, a bubble, with a core- inward pulling force

which rolls the rock down the hill, as me and Sisyphus spend a pleasant afternoon
watching all our effort play out...


forgive me if you already made all the links, I found the scient bits glittering in Old Norse skita,

science is ific in its will to be known truth holding, bogus science is willing to lie, for prestige.

Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to cut, split," extension of root *sek- "to cut."
It forms all or part of: abscissa; conscience; conscious; ecu; escudo; escutcheon; esq­uire; nescience; nescient; nice; omniscience; omniscient; plebisc­ite; prescience; prescient; rescind; rescission; science; sciente­r; scilicet; sciolist; scission; schism; schist; ******-; schizop­hrenia; scudo; sheath; sheathe; sheave (n.) "grooved wheel to receive a cord, pulley;" shed (v.) "cast off;" shin (n.) "fore part of the lower leg;" shingle (n.1) "thin piece of wood;" **** (v.); shive; shiver (n.1) "small piece, splinter, fragment, chip;" shoddy; shyster; skene; ski; skive (v.1) "split or cut into strips, pare off, grind away;" squire.
It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit chindhi, chinatti "to break, split up;" Avestan a-sista- "unsplit, unharmed," Greek skhizein "to split, cleave, part, separate;" Latin scindere "to cut, rend, tear asunder, split;" Armenian c'tim "to tear, scratch;" Lithuanian skiesti "to separate, divide;" Old Church Slavonic cediti "to strain;" Old English scitan, Old Norse skita "to defecate;" Old English sceað, Old High German sceida "sheath;" Old Irish sceid "to *****, spit;" Welsh chwydu "to break open."
This began when I noticed science is from the same root as all those old words for post digestion of chewed up stuff.
Haddie Brenner Apr 2017
And out of,
I go,
In and out.
Pouring out and
Crawling in.
Spilling out and
Climbing in.
Spewing out and
Trampling in.
My knees are bruised,
My shoulders slumped,
My head is dizzy,
My thoughts are stumped.
My body is a sieve.
In and out.
In and out.
In and out.
I skive,
One slice,
A layer,
A layer.
Spreading a carpet of myself, flat.
Now all over, I'm the same height,
Much easier to go in and out.
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2018
says the gimp, says the:
i also had a wish:
had i the chance to exhort
the same power....
           instead all i have is a
hood to entwine with a kippah...
       and then there's the:
i'm supposed to laugh...
             i was born
of night:
      have asserted
a presence with foxes
and chased dear into formation...
       of a missing ****...
i am empty on the ***** -
i am Tokyo friendly:
London is a *******-worth of a
tourist-actraction -
    you, need, to, be, reassured,
concerning, a draft: of being:
                    the draft being:
you are born father,
you are born mother...
   sit and beside yourself with
ever having a brother or, sis...
  how will the asiatic spirit
of yapan ever unlearn
to mimic the european?
            well... ask  me:
why do the Yaps fly with
the europeans in the ski jumping
            lippy *******!
gimp says who...
    says who? says gimp says who...
    says: i fetish a ******
and a latex bride...
                but then there's
you with a hard-on to make
me the double-inseminate mech.
  and that's because i was really
allowed to fathom such a cruelty...
i was really a double-inseminate mech.,
because i was both ***** and live (f)
giver! ****! why don't you just turn me
into the Polish Catholic church -
and then ask the migrants...
who, being non-migrant:
        are harder to concern oneself with
in comparison to the "exploiters"
of: hard, earned, cash...
but no...
         you need drowning migrants
to "get the picture"...
              dumb worth of wit...
i really need a tokyo eye-exam...
         but then of course i come from
a city that has failed...
                i wouldn't have become an
economic migrant:
     if the city managed to survive...
hence not sympathy vote...
               hence the humanitarian "vote"...
whatever the **** that is
with the "guarantee" of pop media...
          the failure of socialism having
killed 100 million people is not that
they killed them,
   it's that WESTERN capitalism failed
having failed naming them...
      individual, i.e.: so what's
the problem with everyone being so
             "i" thought everyone was
so suddenly "important"?
             no? they weren't?
so... why the **** did i hurdle
to create economic migrants?!
              the point where you start *******
me off, read good, is where i start to stall
your ambitions, and leave you:
*******! no...
you can excuse migration for anything
other than economic gain...
  your take on economics
without a base for economic migration
ingores the death of Soviets...
       hence you needing
a cultural subversion...
     it doesn't really ask the question
whether you need it, or don't...
       you already have it!
      i'm here... to just ******* the joystick:
and it's not on behalf of the russians:
mind you;
              i'm a freed pronoun entity...
    well... if i can't be a Pole,
i can't really Zee und Ur -
         blank me via: ergo there's no vice...
and versus becomes neutral...
fiddler on the roof shimmy:
if i were a ritch man:
   worthy of a *** change...
  yabbad - tip toe: churn the milking
of a cow: had i: but a jew to tell, a, joke.
- but i have been scolded for
adding "extra" letters!
   ha-yam ha-don ha-scon!
the the the,
             and i, belittled shay:
  to show a dire owed...
         to have lived...
   but to also have wishing in wishing
the world intact:
      in that you have owned
it for the core purpose of
selecting the Jew in his "promise"...
then i would not concern
myself with a theology...
as the Jew applied himself to
the perfected ontology of a
blacksmith: for i lived:
                the un-doubting man;
but i have lived a man denying:
what i have nothing to doubt;
with an anonymous coming from
a prophet your
     people hate the most!
     said so said the fiddler on the roof:
and... the last forgotten word
to concern the women!
        as if... it were the first,
of a child akin to a yawn...
      but as such is the case:
     i'll allow myself no fortune to
project into: other than a past...
and a history of the grave to abide by.

of what i wrote:
  thankfully i understand very little:
because? i have no
    jewish audacity... just for fun!
but because i'm Polish and not German,
i'm to be blamed for the Holocaust....
which is the funny bit,
in what's funny about the stereotype
of being a Jew...
             while also having poor
cousins to skive off having a highest opinion
of: counter epitome of Giza?
  Biblical: said: unreplicable: with no counter:
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2018
A lot of Irish people walk
with a strange gait, as if their
centre bolt has come adrift.

Some dogs, seem as though
their rear ends are indicating
to pass the front quarters.

***** have proven, that the
shortest distance between
two points, is a tangental line.

The most amazing of all, is, of
course, butterflies, they can't
think and skive at the same time!!
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2019
i die of a secondary
scoop of today's
worth of tomorrow's
skip in
what agitates
a hope for
the scythe for:
             the never
lived and never died...
but always
scouting for the newly
and fitted
to almost quake
with fear when
blessed with the
adjective of:
one, who is to foster;
lucky me...
every cat is somehow
likely an equivalent of
     chequers a chess...
that tabloid noun:
i almost want
to care...
but whatever care is,
is easily replaced
by the Chinese
      and i was millennial:
and i said:
******* too...
   go beg where
beggars are most welcome.
   the ****
are you looking for
around here?
skive worth of
    blisters worth savings
acne: limp **** protest
scratch funds?
guess even i was
'e' born on morse.
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2018
middle aged women in the mid-40s
and in their late 50s,
and their mid-***
20+ homosexual journalist
what could ever go wrong?
                             last, time i checked?
not much...
                            it's fun though,
watching these mongrels....
                                       skive beliteling
                                      little women
and their little gays....
                                  after all,
we need our puppets without
the strings...
the hell does it matter, tomarry off
a peasant vogue inspector,
                  with the lasting remains of
a hubris...
                     pretty boy made it into her
facet journalistic
                 only because he fathomed
the ****-,
                         talk about reintroudicng
man to glucose...
                               death by a sudden
                   and man: retaining:
                 a circumstance
                                for a lost for less fiddly,
           with language being
the ultimatum of tongue
not spoken,
played with what is allowed by the arc...
               to deem a rose plagued by
bruised by Barking...
                           as the only Muslim
i might retain a respect for being the Turk...
scribbling in Latin...
                                        remnant of
                   remnant of Troy,
                    the last remnant of
a cruelty...
                       and the blacks would say:
your women...
        my what?!
                 what women?!
                             last time i checked
putin made it clear
that the women who retained their birth-right
would remain shackled,
in an ever extended sharia law...
way past the simplis -
              of spotting,
                    the eager face...
                        to be shot..
                                         even with her
faces hidden,
      in istambul...
            their lives were doubly
        with niqabs, worthy of a life...
lived, unlived,
                          hidden women,
niqabs that didn't hide their faces,
rather, their lives...
                                         no stranger than
what was already strange.
NIGEL Apr 2020
The Leaving

It’s six thirty three,
The alarm: a frigid banshee.
My key:
Lost in a beneath-bed puzzle.

Arrive at work,
My space: lost to a ****.
His Merck:
Here and defining late.

This meeting,
Tabled folk: my business ring.
Is better than this?

It’s ten thirty,
The boss: success thirsty.
No ethics for this race.

It’s twelve forty five,
Salad: on this we thrive.
I skive:
Long lunch for Sue.

Two forty one,
My work: nowhere to run.

By five twenty two,
Morals: ***** you.
Their glue:
Rinsed away by rain.

It’s now 6.08
Life: It can’t now wait.
Free state:
Leaving feels good!

— The End —