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Luke Colbert Jan 2013
Someday I wanna stack neon cowboy boots til they reach the solar system. I wrote Leslie today and she said, "Hey, love is what I got. Remember that." Pennies are x’d out. Cut me Sally. Only 1 apple-tooth *****. But now I realize that that didn’t make any sense. Tell Christina that I work at Arby’s. She told popcorn that we are a portrait of an American toad. Sorry. She won’t talk to me. She hates me now. I know it all. World will end for me under a fallen tree. Confusing is love. Serious, sadly enough Christ is dead *****. That’s my boyfriend! Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad. Let me down. 2288 is a strange………………… number to sell a video for. I smoked *******. RATS, SCROTUMS, YOU’RE A *****! Scoot over you ***** ***. I don’t even know you or *******. Hayley, now that I think of it, is a tight, beautiful, powerful…… I hate her. She has blonde hair and I look way too much. I’ll go shopping now. Tina will hate me for lusting Hayley. So I’ll go on to Mr. G himself. Shazaam! He is in a boy prison where the boys are molested. I cry. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Watch out, I do this to everyone. I love myself only and can drop you without hurting. But I love Christyn. Despite Christina’s rage she is still just a rat in a cage. She does it all! It’s her! She, her, she. Hershey. I love you Christyn and my mom is my dream. I stay alive, maybe rooting for the Green Bay Packers. I want to **** in Grayson’s face. I have to go, my milk is over there. He has lice, but it doesn’t matter cuz he takes his hair off anyway. Colon cleansing for sale! And I got a new girlfriend, she looks a lot like you dear. They pass me up. And if they don’t it’s only cuz I smoke acid(that’s funny). Or I don’t want to have ***. I hate ***. It’s Casie’s fault. I thought it was OURS! I ****** HER, SHE WAS MINE!!!!

Hello ******. My gums are bleeding everywhere cuz I play so much. Why can’t Hayley like me? Why is Christyn faking? Why go home? says Eddie. James is in prison for **** he did. Robert is in prison for stabbing this dude. It’s a good thing that my new cats are gone cuz I’d get hell. Black man is funnier and prettier. I eat Arby’s stacked in my trashcan. Why do they laugh? I’ll just stop now. I’ll **** myself cuz of you. I saw Rachel walking today. She’s sooooo pretty. Untrendy cuz I love her so. No rap, just Beastie Boys and marijuana. I take showers with Stephanie on the side, so don’t be surprised. She cuts underneath her legs. I want to hold her for lifetimes on a mattress of air. This is good ****. Please help. Aye Davinita. I’m not happy without your dreads, Docs, and beautiful…… But Hayley is too. Tell her that. She’ll **** me. I’ll never be enough for her. I’m white. What?! How do I not blow up?! Gotta go **** a monkey. So ****** me soon. Sleep sleep. Hayley, Rachel, Casie, Michelle, I rest in peace now.
Wrote this on LSD back in 1996
Big Virge Nov 2017
Now let me just ... Say This ...

I'm The Cat ...
WITHOUT ... The Hat ... !!!

Who ...
Writes about ... THIS ...
And ...
Writes about ... THAT ...

Or YES ... That Chap ... !!!
Whose Wordplay ... Shows ...

I'm ....
Searching for ... FACTS ... !!!

Facts about ... " Why " ...
Life's NOT ... So Nice ... ?!?

Is it ...
The Choices we make
About our ... " Welfare State " ... ?

Do we ...
REALLY Have A Choice ... ???

Or Do ... Leaders DICTATE ... ?!?
By ... Using Ploys ...
to ... ***-ide ... Our Race ...

The ... " HUMAN " ... Race ... !!!!!

So Don't EVER ... Mistake ...

My Use of ... Poetry ...
As A Path ... to ... Race Hate ... !!!

Now I'm ...
NO .... Doctor Seuss ...

But ...
Here's the news ...

My Poetry ... Moves ...
Kind of like his ... " Smooth "

So Let's QUICKLY ... " Recap " ... !!!

I'm NOT ... The Cat ...

IN ...... The Hat ..... !!!

But I am ...
a Cool Dude ...
Who's ... Searching for ... FACTS ...

to ... IMPROVE My View ...
of what's ... " Called " ... THE TRUTH ... ?!?

THE TRUTH ... About ...

" The World " ...

THE TRUTH ... About ...

" Girls " ...

THE TRUTH ... About ...

" Life " ...

THE TRUTH ... About ...

" WHY " ... ???

Some FORSAKE ... What's RIGHT ... ?!?!?

So ...
What is ... WRONG ... ?

And ...
What is ... RIGHT ... ?

That's A Question that ... " Belongs " ...
In the ... " Annals of Time " ... !!! ....

So does anyone ... CARE ... ???
and are we ... " Prepared " ... !?!

For what may ... become ...
A World of ..... PROBLEMS ..... !!!

Do You ....
Think that your ... STRONG ... ?

Or .....
Think that your ... weak ... ?!?

DON'T Procrastinate Now ... !!!
Take Your Chance ... to ... SPEAK ... !!!

Before you're ...
FORCED To ... FROWN ... !!!

By Those who belong ...
Somewhere ..." Down South " ... !!!

Does your ...
Future Look ... " SWEET " ... ?!?

Or ....
Does it Look ... " BLEAK " ... !?!

I Believe ... The words be ...

"Yo, Keep It REAL !"

Do You ... TRULY FEEL ... ?
That You've ... Got A ... Good Deal ... !?!

In The ... " Circle of Life " ...
That SPINS Like ... Wheels ...

The Cycle ... REVEALS ... !!!

While MANY ... "conceal" ...

What's REAL ...
From THEMSELVES ... !?!

Is that what comes ... ?
From ... Financial Wealth ... !?!

Now ....
Knowledge of ... " SELF " ...
Leaves Many ... UNWELL ... !!!

" Dark Moods " ...
And ... " ISSUES " ...

Because Many ... REFUSE ... !!!!!

To Accept ...
What is ... TRUE ...

I Wonder ... ?
I DO ... !!! ...

But .....
What About ... YOU ... ???

Do You ...
Have The Time ...
To ... OBSERVE ... The Signs ... ?

These Days ...
Most Now ... DON'T ...

And ...
That is ... NO JOKE ... !!!!!

Do You Ever ... " Kick Back " ...
Like The ... " Cat In The Hat " ... ?

Well I'm ... NOT That Chap ... !!!

But DO ...
FILL My ... Notepad ...

Like ... SHAZAAM' ...
Just Like That ... !!! ...

With Wordplay that ... " Maps " ...
Ways ... OUT OF ... " Badlands .........................................

By ... " Those mans' " ...

Who ...
Like To Set ... "TRAPS" ... !!!

My ...
Well Written ... Text ...

And ...
Will to ... EXPRESS ...


" Those " ... Ladies and Gents ...
Who ... "EMBRACE" ... Governments ... !?!

So ...
Let me ... Just Ask You ...

Are YOU ...
One of Them ... ???

Well ....
I've ... Come to ... EXPECT ...
That THEY ... Will REJECT ...

EXPRESSION ... Like This ...
That ... Has it's ... OWN SECT ... !!!

" Poetic " ...
Well YES ... !!!

" Spoken Word " ...
When it's ... SAID ... !!!

But .....
Let me just ... STRESS ...

It's UNIQUE ...
Like A ... " Gem " ... !!!

When I ...
Pick Up ... My Pen ...
and ... Choose to ... EXPRESS ...
When I write a ... " Poem " ...

I'm .....
MUCH MORE .... Relaxed ..............................................
Than A Cat ... Who's ... " Laid Back " ...

I'm ... " So Cool " ...

and ..... So Shrewd ....

That MY WORDS ....
FRIGHTEN Jerks ... !!!!!

and ....
DIRTIES ... Their Shirts ... !!!!!

I REJECT .................................................................­.... The ABSURD ... !!!
So am ... QUICK TO ... Defer ...

Meeting Humans ... whose views ...
and Visions ... Are ... Blxurrrrrrreeeedddd ... !!!!!

I'd Rather ... " Confer " ...
with those who ... PREFER ...
To INDULGE in ... REASON ...
and ... "WISDOM FILLED" ... Words ... !!!

While Most ...
NOW Appear ...

To ...
RATHER NOT .................................................................­...... hear ..... !!!!!

That ... CONFIRMS ...
Their ... DEEPEST ... of ... Fears ... !!!!!

What is .... BLUrrrRRED ....

Becomes ... CLEAR ...

FEAR ... Rules MUCH ...
"Within" ... Humans ...

And Leaves ...
Some ... STUCK ... !!!
With ... NOWHERE TO RUN ... !!!!!

Well REALITY ... IS ...
The ... " Spice of Life " ...
And RIGHT NOW ... Has ...

A ... NASTY BITE ... !!!!! ...

Which is WHY I Write ...
The Things ... I Write ...
Through ... Simple Rhymes ...
Kind of Like ... THAT GUY ...
Whose Face is ... FELINE ... !!!

But MY ... " Poetic Style " ...
Has It's ... OWN DESIGN ... !!!!!

That's ... NOT CONFINED ...
By FEAR ... or ... Pride ...

So .....
WHATEVER ... The Box ...

I'm ... WAY OUTSIDE ... !!!!
And That's A ... FACT ... !!!!!

So Remember This ... " Jack " .. !!!

" I'm The Cat ...
WITHOUT ... The Hat ... !!! "
Just some fun and other stuff, all up in this one .....
Ashley Dennis May 2013
It had been said that showers
Can give magical powers,
But I didn’t believe it.
Sure, someone can smell like ****
And then take a shower, and boom
They’re the cleanest in the room.
You can go in there dead tired
And come out awake and fired
Up, ready to go on for a few more
Hours than would have been possible before.
You can appear to be the lowly peasant
Covered in dirt, grime, and cement
And then get under the magical water
And shazaam you’re a king’s daughter.
Now, however, I’m much wiser on the subject
And have learned to really respect
The powers of showers.
Star BG Jun 2019
Take my crazy and mix it with a bit of sanity
and Wala you have a me clone.

Take my love and mix it with the moment
and voila you have harmony.

Take my faith and mix it with trust
and shazaam you have a miracle.

Take my intention
with my poetry
and you have
a loving friend.
Inspired by Krystal Scoglio

Take something and try it on for size.
What do you get?
Dennis Willis Sep 2019
it is a fine finger of value
i extend
yes to  you
as representative
of this 'verse

are you not the voice
of the universe
arisen through
whatever agent
you believe

whatever magic
you require

your *** is here


so there

okay i accept
whatever story
brings you to the brink
of this line


nice to meet you
i am certain you are dee


there is a pumping of blood
we seek
to be turgid


i have passport
to devine

it is thine

— The End —