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Jordan Apr 2013
It’s kind of funny how you can go from walking around with nothing but lint in you pocket and being totally stoked, to walking around with a pocket full of keys and being totally bummed.
It starts out simply and seductively. I’ll just get this car so I can snowboard more. Wrong. Anything that let’s you snowboard more is a scam. It won’t let you snowboard more because you ride every day and a car can’t add days to the week.
“I’ll just get this little night job so I can buy gas,” you hear yourself saying. There’s another key. Then your job starts making you miss sleep, so you can’t snowboard as hard or as long as you used to. And you need stuff to wear to work. You need a place to change and store your stuff. Now you have an address, that’s another key. Soon you have to get a day job because you’re not making enough money at night. The keys start adding up.
Now that you have a job, girls know you’re not a total loss and you end up with a girlfriend. She wants you to hang with her once in a while instead of going boarding all the time. First, she gives you the key to her heart, and then the key to her apartment. That’s two more. You can’t give her the key to your heart because snowboarding put a combination lock on it and only your snowboard knows the number.
Now you have a bunch of keys in your pocket. They’re high-maintenance items. You have to take care of them. They’re weighing you down. Snowboarding is slowly slipping away, and you don’t even notice.
One day, cruising to your full-time office job that you had to get a few years back to make payments on all your keys, you drive past a guy on the corner with his thumb out and a snowboard under his arm. While speeding by you start thinking about the guy you just passed. He looked like you used to—snowboard and nothing else. As you pull into the parking lot at work, you can’t get the hitchhiker out of your head. Your mind keeps wandering back. Pulling all the keys out of you pocket and jingling them, you think about what you really want from life.
Running back to your car, you reverse out of the parking lot and squeal a Rockford in the middle of the four-lane highway. You’ve got to get away from your keys. You begin throwing them out the window as you blow down the highway. First to go is the key to the door at work. Then you backhand your girlfriend’s apartment key out the passenger window. Flick, there goes the key to the storage unit, then the key to her car. Flick, flick, flick. You feel better each time a key flies out the window and goes bouncing down the pavement at 100 mph. You don’t even slow down for the tollbooth, paying instead with the tossed key to your office and the executive washroom.
You only have two keys left. You unlock your house, run in, grab your snowboard, and dash out of the house. You leave the key to your house sitting in the lock to the front door. Whoever finds the house open can take it, and all your stuff. You don’t need it anymore. You jump back into the car and start burning rubber through all four gears back to the highway where you saw the hitcher.
He’s still there. You slam on the brakes. When he opens the car door, you look into his eyes. It’s you. It’s the life you left behind when you sold out.
a m a n d a May 2013
[ode to my vehicle]*

always mindful
not to love things or stuff

living so that it 
could all burn

and it would be nothing
but an inconvenience

always mindful
   to love the people
because for these
there are no replacements

three objects 
have escaped my plan

through my designs
and i fell in love with 3 things:

1. *old white macbook
my beautiful
whirring piece of brilliant technology

you are already gone.

2. *wedding rings


 i used to believe the
   joke of the symbolism
i fell prey to the beauty of
    well designed twisted metal
and stone.
no more.

3. asian machine love
    (a.k.a. mitsubishi outlander sport)  

i am having a hard time

having to let you go
my beautiful, black mitsubishi.

i chose you.

i researched for weeks
analyzing data

comparing machines

trying to be reasonable

and out of all the machines,

i. chose. you.

you are the perfect shape
of all vehicle shapes, mitsubishi

you fulfill my obsession with

c o l o r 


    and b  o  o  m  i  n  g SOUND

you are the perfect balance of safety
including 4WD

and fuel efficiency

your headlights are so bright
and your high beams

so magnificent
  it's almost embarrassing

mitsubishi, you little snake...
  you have a manual mode

so i can choose to be a race car driver
  whenever i want

mitsubishi outlander sport, i love you so


let's talk about your face
(you have a pig-face like me
your nose is abrupt
it's blunt and it's different

and i love it

you know i hate the cold and the snow
   so you heat my seats
you warn me about ice
  you wipe away the rain

  without me having to ask

you cast light into the dark

  all on your own




  rockford fosgate


you shake the earth

 blasting music 
through my dna

  so that i am made
of vibrations
and air

  invisible to the naked eye

or playing my science fiction audiobooks

  at a reasonable

and responsible volume

you respond to me
with such grace

showing me impossibilities

with a rearview camera

saying, "hello!" in the morning

and, "see ya!" when i leave

(and i believe you mean it)

the deer was not your fault.

or mine, or the deer's.
we were all doing what we do,

and to be quite honest,

  the deer got the **** end of the stick, mitsubishi.

the kids like
  to go in
"mandy's car"
    they like to
look through the moonroof
  and i know they are safe
you are my one machine love
with power

     and pistons

you are electric

and you boom

          well designed

i don't want to see you burn.

it would be more than an inconvenience.
but you will burn. he will burn you.
it won't be me, mitsubishi.

he will take you.
he will smile when he takes you.
he likes to take what i love.
he likes to hurt people
who have never hurt him -
not once in their lives.

he is coming for you,
and i will never forgive him.
Nemo W Jun 2017
It's cold out
but he's so warm
ands inside holds a storm
emotions and thoughts
ecstasy in the lot
but she's lonely
self esteem an all time low
she tells him to go slow
or else she may break
tears turned to a lake
caught in the act
said she has no tact
stuck in the dull and grey
eating Rockford eggs
kenye Apr 2014
Where the soil demanded a sacrifice
Of the girl with the sunflower tattoo

Where I left a lot of blood
Defending your honor

In ICU where I woke up with
Angels at the end of my hospital bed

Where I woke up
on the phone
with my best-friend's ex

Arlington Heights
Where we attempted
to find our lost minds together

Arlington Heights, was kind of a funny story

I've given you all
and I'm still here *******.
Claire Collins Oct 2014
There is a hunger
Like a gun to yr head
Metal and cold
Empty yr clip
Personal *******
Egoic standup metaphysical *****
Pseudo spiritual people snakin in my garden
Workin gets harder
When you poet all the time
Clock you don't know what it looks like
A vague memory takes over me
At the corner on 15th and Rockford
I'm unheard and disturbed
No it's not ok
Know insanity like secondhand glove fit/spit atheists outta my mouth
Now you know what god Tastes like
Teeth know what gods about
Molar spell
Glamour silver
Share gardens worth of rent/have bent knees to cold Chicago concrete
Ask god
She's listening
With an open hand
Yr glistening sidewalk shine you concrete vision of glitter and litter
You performance piece about ennui
Yr callouses
Don't ask how ok I am
We all got issues and I know you want a poem
But all I got is tissues and I didn't mean to make you cry
I jut wanted to remind you of the salt of life
The stuff dreams are made of
Homemade hair cloud spun
Wicked sister come whisper In my ear drum
Hum the chemical hymnals from our childhood
Don't hide your big tooth
Chew and chew and Chew
Purposefully at the great growing complacency
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
Sherlock Holmes came and couldn't solve the problem.
Charlie Chan pitched in and hardly could find the clue.
Mister Moto, stated he was better at solving various things.

Columbo wanted to help.
Even Mannix, Rockford and Magnum too.

Too much reading gotten to my brain.
When I placed myself in their storylines.
****, I even thought they called in the FBI.

Well, maybe it's just a matter of time.
It does make me want to go to college and get a degree.
Then I be the best private investigator the world has ever seen.
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
South  west bound
Driving through the backroads
Blemishes skill
Holding the steering
Colleagues and Cousins

Alike in thought
Education and Profession
Interests the same
Character identical
Honest and integral

Fathers best friends
Mothers greater buddies
From the same family
Thanks to the Grannies
Siblings to each

Pedal to the metal
Ripping through the South
No one on your trail
Just got a mission at stake

Forget the brakes
Push the pedal
Keep the diesel flowing
Put that  foot down and give it a go

Final destination
Before time
Rubbers burning
Gears changing

Gene  Hackman in French connection
Steve McQueen in Bullit
Charles Bronson in Violent City
Burt Reynolds in White Lightning

Done it all
Done it before
Travel the same path
100 miles plus
Engine full of wrath

5th gear release
Lowest to 4th
Shift between the 2
3rd is for amateurs

Find the RPM
Release the clutch
Control the launch
0 to 100
And out of sight
You're gone

The Rockford turn
Missed the bend
Back in 4th
Zoom past the roads

Heal & Toe
Blip the throttle
Hit the break
Find the RPM
Same foot
Shows the experience

Turbo charge the car
Use the gas from the exhaust
Spin the turbine
Compress the air
Increase the power

Grip the surface
Dont loose the traction
Push the envelope
Hear the metal

Negative camber
Flush the car
Slam low
Scrape the ground

Rotate the shaft
Increase the torque
Roads at a fork
Taxi down to a fault

Racers not ricers
Taxiing on the highway
Jetting past the speedway
No one in the way
Sound of the engine
Boeing in take off position

Enjoyed the ride
Driving skill a matter of pride
Driving and Navigation
An art worth celebration

Greatest pleasure
Easily lured
Taking the back seat
Evidence the feat
Feel the heat

To life added 1
A new dimension
Very few possession
Skill and exgpl
Dynamite explosion

— The End —