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NeroameeAlucard Mar 2015
Mom I know it's your birthday soon,
And because of that you'll be over the moon,
but I'd be remissed if before your day
I didn't tell you I love you more and more each day
And though you bother me sometimes to no end
you've helped me heal when I thought I wouldn't mend
When I was sick you got every last drop of medicine
When I skinned my knee or stubbed my toe
you were there for my little crying self, and I want the whole world to know
that even when we argue we always get it right in the end
your not only my mom, but my best friend,
but this is getting repetitive so I'll end it in this space
though many have come and gone, no one could ever take your place.

happy(early) birthday Mom!
I love you!
Happy early Birthday MoM! I love you!
Lady Phenyx Dec 2020
Sitting on trains plastered in rainbows
Hues of the fairest gray periods
Heart tired
Eyes glued
My grandmother always said not to stare...

I got caught in the naps of his hair
His 6 foot awesomeness
Maybe he's texting about business
His holiday arrangements...
Maybe his locs long for her

Maybe he tells her she's amazing
That he cant wait to see her
He'll kiss away her fears
Install the mirage of his emotions
Hold her, rub her back
3:00 am "you're beautiful"
Dreams of morning oral soliloquys...

Awakened by his agenda
She's remissed she couldn't wake earlier
To spend those last moments glancing out
Into the moments paradigm
To play a lil' house within his eyes ...

A faint streak of saliva on her cheek
He's off...

She walks into the lavatory
Wondering why the hell the bathroom light's on...

Desperation breeds uncouth
The silhouette of which feigns repose
You'd be remissed to unveil the pain

A moment Dire
Wrought in Desire
Never Lies
and will never Die

Oh i never want to lose you
ambivalent to unrest
this perfect Truth

The philosopher and his quivering lips
Darest thou speaketh a truth?
Dadelus knew, the persisent illusion so useless
where gateless gate lie
wouldst thou tempt fate?

Whether or not you do is Mu
Oh not to be me
but to see
For the sake of those old cleets of yours on the floor by the door.

for they remind me of a thing, a feeling, a meaning, a truth, so very similar to a truth many might agree and feel.

Pummeled, bombarded, is the oceans of the beauty of the very love we all see.

patient, kind, loving, attentive, sensitive to the slightest motion, in turning a tightness so deserving as to render the backside of a mountain a mouses naked tail be that of our forward motion as we trains upon these rails.

hence when, has this or that been the bottom line up front* of the very essence of a man or their works , the things they have done, accused, intended or otherwise? we all yell out with a rebel yell as to say, here my friend on this very day, the deeds of a man be counted for none were missed or remissed to find light in the hearts of any good man to be shamed or shameful , for mine eyes , mine teeth, mine heart too truly do taste, see, feel the core of the you in me.
So how could it be any other way than to be tghat of honest men fighting the hardest and most dangerous fight of the very lives from time, times and half a times back.

So for the very pains you have endured, every humiliation you have embraced, every heart torn scar that has marred up your beautiful face, every single tormented manipulation you knowingly chose to walk face first into, I say to you, thank you, for you too have a heart of gold and a soul that i shall pray and stand for on any **** day, and every **** way, for the very sake of mine own.
for you too, know how truly important this really is, and what is at stake, and my good friend, we are brothers , sisters, family to the very very very and truly very bitter or beautiful end, either way, i love the you i see in me.
Seasick Steve, youtube mix;=RDvC4qHL9-ASg

banjo song
thats all
as for wishes, i have had a few, none to much to say for sure has claimed of commin true, yet i have those hopes and wishes, not unlike you, true, true, ahh, oh yeas, so true, a few wishes, heck, even had some hum dinggers that were for all of you and not a thought to self, but, i find i have a few wishes, that i need just for me and mine, maybe, they shall come to pass as true and full, these wishes i have for me, mine and you and yours. we shall see, soon, maybe, or like all things  in mine life so far, they just hang in the air all endlessly and unfulfilled. or maybe, i am more than worth a **** fine smile some day... yep, i am, so are you, smile, a fine smile for you , your and mine and me today, cause though pummeled and pained here this of many long arduous days, i am smiling a fine *** smile for you and your for sure.

— The End —