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Keith W Fletcher Jun 2016
Rance looked at the speedometer. Set  at 65 and on cruise control ,which he was fully aware of - at least he should have been. He kept looking anyway.
   Every time he glanced at the speedometer , he had to lift the fingers of his right hand to see, as it was draped across the 12 to 1 o'clock Zone of the steering wheel in the most casual way ,causing his fingers, in drooping repose- to resemble an enormous back scratcher.
   His left arm rested on the window sill at the elbow as he was experiencing a slightly manic episode  of nerves,  therefore he was doing his best to stretch his left ear lobe  all the way down to his shoulder . Okay, maybe not that radical, but he was firmly  in danger of removing the inner layer of skin from his earlobe with his rubbing thumb.
    Quick glances to his right with darting eyes confirmed his fear .  He  also saw the absence of Largo's large grey head., so a quick backward glance into the rear of the camper- unintentional but habitual -allowed him to see that Largo was asleep beside stormy in the approximate territory each  had staked out
  It was as he was pulling his head back forward , that Piney glanced up from The Notebook to smile.  There in the co-pilot seat , she sat gracing him with a  warm smile , and as far as Rance could tell , those lips that  smiled at him- so friendly -/were totally natural and uncolored, and if she were wearing any makeup at all ,it wasn't enough to cover the four or five little freckles just above the tip of her nose.  The natural look  gave her face that timeless look.   She could have been anywhere from 18 to 25 or 30 he didn't really know and....he really didn't care .
    It was noticing  those walnut colored flecks, just outside the iris of her light ,hazel colored eyes that  started causing him such personal turmoil.  As it seemed - to his astonishment- that he seemed unable to detatch  his own vision from  those eyes.,  Until she looked back - that is.
    First happening to him when she had  accepted his offered ride and as she wss climbing into the copilot's seat. If it hadn't been for largo, who had instantly attached his chin onto her  thigh ,she might have noticed how he was staring .  Fortunately  he was able to break it off but he was still self conscious of that effect she was having on him.
   After he'd done the initial stumble in the parking lot , he had actually carried on with - amazingly enough  -surprising clarity. It was in those 10 minutes that he had learned of her hometown and  all of the time she had been on the road up to now. Which had been all of 30 miles.
    It was that nagging voice that  kept repeating - in the back of Rances mind- the thing that she had said. " I wasn't really planning to be stopping at that restaurant , but I had to get out of that car.   Although the rest of what she said mattered , it was that part that kept resonating .
  " Oh that guy ! "/She grumbled "was just getting creepier and creepier.  The farther we went down the road , the bolder he got ,as he began to get handsy.
First , puting his hand on my knee and then a little bit later a little higher up my thigh." She shuttered  as she spoke  , in a pantomime inspired gesture before continuing. "It was after he pulled out that bottle and then started taking swigs that things got really bad.   When we started coming around that long curve, just before we got to the restaurant he was unable to bother me and ,adjust  for the curve,  so he kept driving over into the other lanes. Then he over-corrected ,almost getting  us killed  by a semi that came barreling through in the slow lane.   Laying on the horn as it swerved away to miss us, and then I knew I had to get the hell out of that car. Anyway possible.
  " So right then I saw the restaurant sign and I tried to get the best lilt into my voice and the most calm that I could muster as I said  "Hey! there's the place  I'm supposed to play tonight. Pull over ..right here! RIGHT HERE!!!"
    But in his slow, befuddled ,drunk and almost run over  brain he stopped right in the middle of the slow lane . " Where we at?"
  "We're at the place I'm playing guitar music tonight " She said -that she told him this - to keep his attention so she could wrestle the guitar case out of the back seat ,over the seat back and out the doorway of the car.  Then just as she had it ready to pull through the open doorway she reluctantly said " Thanks for the ride." Then with a little thought and ****** attitude " yeah ...I'll be playing here tonight at 8 o'clock , so why don't you come by and listen" she lied
  A bit perturbed and confused but he was still able to find his inner creep as he spoke.... muttered .....gutterally.... whatever  "Yeah I'll do that and then me and you can have a drink and I got a little Coke " then he did that drunken kind of wink where they end up opening their mouth in  such a crooked fashion that it looks like a stroke victims Visage
  " Where is a fly when you need one ". Piney  said that then she pulled  the guitar case on through  the doorway , wrestling it the 10 feet over to the grassy apron of the road . Returning to close the door as  he asked "what did ja say?
   "Oh . I said I've always wanted to give Coke a try " and with that she closed the door -/just short of a slam.
 " You got it ba " he pointed his right forefinger like a pistol, but if it went off Piney never heard as she trundled her case across the grass area  in the most direct route towards the building and the safety of people.
  At this moment she was still in the process of confirming the abject fear that had Rances heart doing flip-flops, as he was aware that she was still sitting there ,reading his poetry.
    As soon as she had settled into the copilots seat, allowed Storm and Largo to introduce themselves and as they happily filed her smells away. Storm returned to his spot after just a half of a minute while Largo, on the other hand gently lay his head on her leg and for all appearances seemed to go into a trance.
     She confidently rubbed his head as she spoke in a slight cooing sound then looking up at Rance as he was guiding them out the parking lot and did the cruelist thing possible . As polite as a butterfly landing on the petal of a flower she asked if she might read some.
  To which Rance had said "Sure , go ahead " and then began trying to do damage to his left earlobe. After 30 miles he was beginning to catch up with his runaway thoughts.
   Any remnants of sua da vi that he had mustered up in the parking lot , now long gone -evaporated. Unfortunately now it was being  replaced by a carrousel of thoughts in poor Rances mind that spun to the cacophony of music from the most  sinister sounding Calliope.
   Though the music blasted a torrential sound wave throughout his mind it was not enough to silence the voice that kept repeating " oh man oh man oh man" - with annoying and echoing  persistance - from an obscure region--, somewhere beyond the Swirling carrousel.
   Then suddenly the crazy carnival and the voice came to a sudden mind shuttering piney's soft velvety voice interceded. " you wrote these...i mean ...all of them ?"
  A quick glance towards Piney was enough to.see this fresh faced girl with those magnetic eyes- now filled to overflowing  with tears -  was looking at him in a wonderfilled  way as she held the open notebook in right hand and with the other she stroked largos head.,Which had rematerialized.on her lap , just as soon as her voice had broken the relative silence.
    " He really likes you" remarked the reemerging Rance ,as he indicated Largo with his head. 'And yes I did ...write .....yeah all of them." Not really smooth he said to himself ..but okay.
    " This one " Piney pointed to a page that Rance could not take time to recognize " Somber Sunset. Its killing grandmother just went ...and went through Alzheimer's before she passed. "
    Rance was still staring out the windshield, in silent astonishment - at her perception- when Piney gathered herself to the point of unbroken speech. " that is what its about ...right ?"
      Rance turned a full face ..straight on and confident gaze into her tear glissening eyes ( sua DA vi having returned full force) "Yes " he softly acknowledged her perceptivity" as I read it ...yes"
      Thats  when that annoying voice decided to reassert itself . "  There is always something about a damsel in distress that always brings  out even the most quivering coward ...." SHUT THE HELL UP!! Lance barked out at the voice as he stared out the windshield while making a slight adjustment to avoid.a small box in the road.
   At that very moment the sleeping Storm opened his eyes to stare forward with both ears and eyes , as if he had heard his masters voice call out in angry distress. With no danger detected as he scanned the area, he was about to resume his squirrel watching -which had just gotten good before the interruption -/Storm let his eyes scan around and land on Largo ." Humans "he spoke to himself " good thing they're smart enough to befriend dogs. Now that Largo...that's a dog that poor Rance could learn a thing or two from." Then he closed down his eyes and calling out "squorrely come on squirrel where'd ya go"  as his slight snore began and his right rear leg began twitching.
Keith W Fletcher Mar 2017
First day of Rance s and stormys New Life.
After the first night of sleeping in the camper .
First  realization that he's  on his own ,for the first time in his life. First opportunity for Rance to find ,what will eventually become a great novel so to say hi and meet the neighbors.
An hour later,  back from walking the campsite not have found any great stories, a couple of people nodded back as we passed , and one returned how you ? To my How are you doing today?

. No Epiphanies and no happy mood  as he  cooked up some hamburgers, for himself and for stormy .
   As it came time to eat,   and Rance  does something else for the first time ever, and that is deciding to say a prayer- for the journey and for the meal.

Made some hamburger patties , fixed stormy some food in his bowl turned on some Aerosmith Circa 1982 and waited for what would be next. As it turned out it was just hamburgers. No Revelations , no approaching strangers/ Neighbors to regale with the most amazing story ever to be heard..
   So I grill the burgers, set out the condiments, fill the plate with chips ,open the can of dr. Pepper then did something I had rarely if ever done in my life I made up a prayer'.
    Dear God in heaven
Jesus and the holy Spirit
Thank you for this meal
Both mine and Stormys
And for the opportunity
To see...
..... Beyond my horizons

Lift Me Up
And I will look farther
Open my heart
That I may feel deeper
Fill me up that I may have
Something to give back

I don't know what
My sites should be set on
Or the path
That I should be taking
So I will put it in your hands
To guide me- to show me
Where to look and help me
See what I might otherwise miss

I asked myself a little while ago
If I would do anything different
Than the people who. are camped around me .
I don't know the answer
I would like to believe.... that
The answer is inside me
Where only time and your good graces
Will help me if ....
... .  Understanding is mine to possess.

In Jesus name amen

Then for some reason I decided , instead of spending the day and night - as planned -at 12:30 in the afternoon- I packed up ,checked  the map,  picked  what I believe would be a pleasant four our trip, then I shook the dust of campsite 12C modern from my clothes and waved hartily at all the strangers  camping down the lane- as I went past.
    One little boy of about 10 waved enthusiastically back at me as I roll by.
     An hour later I found myself traveling a. switchback mountain pass highway when I came around a blind curve to come face-to-face with large backpack -a very large backpack - in the road.
    The backpack - upon reflection - was on the narrow shoulder of the road and rode on the the narrow shoulders of a red headed guy;  walking with a  dog on a string and ,going in the same direction that I was traveling.
      As I passed by, slowly. as  the surprise from  coming around the corner and seeing the sudden backpacks appearance ,along with the steady uphill climb of the road had slowed me considerably anyway.
    It was the dog that nearly brought me to a complete stop , not the - enthusiastic hitchhiker's - thumb sticking out to his side.
      The dog was bone-thin with  ribs showing like Fingers through the flesh and the protruding hip bones that stuck out like golf ***** under the skin just above each hind leg.  A silver and black dog that stood about 26 inches at the shoulders and should have weighed 80 pounds....would probably  tip the scales at 45 or 50.
      I passed by this pair with cuss words on my breath and anger in my heart to suddenly see a pull off/ view area to my right.
    I pulled in with a sudden and violent yank of the wheel that earned me a hard look from Storm .
    I was probably a quarter mile past The Hitch-Hiker when I pulled in and it was large enough to move back away from the road to a point I could no longer see the guy or the dog.
    " Good God" I said to Storm " Did you see .... and then it hit me with the spirit , as sudden  as a bug hitting the windshield would do;  so I looked up to the heavens" REALLY ?" I said "This is my answer?"
   Then I knew right then and there that I had judged, I had assumed , "I saw a starving dog and never thought... maybe he was attached to a  starving human.
Keith W Fletcher Jun 2017
Wednesday morning I woke up from my first night sleeping in the camper, and  I had that  disjointed feeling that comes from unfamiliarity.  I recognized  the interior of the camper, so that was not what was  triggering that closed in feeling that enveloped me, not claustrophobic really, it was more: comforting.  It is hard to put into words that kind of feeling, but as I am supposed to be an aspiring writer ......It would seem to be my responsibility to do so,,  or at least try.
    So as I lay there cradling the warm afterglow of a satisfying night of slumber and with pleasant dreams of…I’m hungry ! I suddenly thought to myself.  No! Actually I am starving, and just one look down at Stormy , lying on the floor and staring at me and  it was more than obvious that he too was hungry..
    “Okay, boy, I know.  I hear you..”
     “All we ate last night was those Fritos wasn’t it?”Stormy just stared at me with those big brown, expectant and hungry eyes..
   “ Sorry boy !  I am new at this.”  I said as I was just  realizing that I was fully clothed, This fact reminded me that I had come into the camper cruiser nine hours earlier, intending to fix me some food, had seen the bed laid out , done while setting up camp hours earlier, so I decided to see how comfortable it could possibly be .
    I remember laying down and  saying to myself, “  this ain’t too bad.”  Looking down at Stormy -closing my eyes- and well , here I am, nine hours later,  starving and being stared at by Stormy .
    .  6:30 AM Wednesday morning- and both of us starving  .   "Man!   Talk about exhaustion.!" I said to the world at large .
    “Just hang in there for a few minutes more  and we  will both have bacon and eggs today....  Okay?”
To which stormy happily  wagged  the whole rear half  of himself in undying gratitude.
     After breakfast I had a cup of coffee in my hands, and a buzz in my head as I sat down in the lawn lounge thingy ( It had even come with the camper) and watched the other people  go about their morning..
     Was this my story--the ever evolving story  of… Come on dude!  I chastised myself,  this is not your mission, to write about camping spots,  and the ever evolving state of one parking spot that                they are occupying.   .  But as I was beginning to slowly realize  ; my story , just might be more elusive than I  had taken time to consider.
      I glanced down at storm to see if he had any insight, an opinion of some great revelation for me,  but he was in his own world; lying there beside me and watching with rapt interest the antics of a pair of foraging gray squirrels as they skipped and be bopped among the branches of a huge white oak;   wherein  Stormy, unlike myself,  saw the big picture,,  all the story he needed was playing out in the branches of that tree.  This tree was his tree ……of life..!
    “Crazy little buggers   ain’t they boy?”  I remarked to him as I rubbed his head and neck , taking away a few precious seconds of his squirrel watching while he looked around me before returning his gaze back to the  acrobatics  of the little be boppers of the tree..  I went back to watching my new neighbors,  for in a sense-that is exactly what this is . Nt much  different from  the cul-de-sac.  I grew up on. ..  With one exception-vital as it is . I mean  that I only have  the imaginary view of these people , not  the  reality  that I had with… But then, I reassess my thought,,  reorganize my pattern as I remember that morning  .
     That crazy day with all the police  and ambulances suddenly appearing in the street..  All the neighbors  having  been bunched up  in curious knots to wonder what was happening at the Angleton’s.
   Like wind swept fire  to a field of tall grass, the rumors began spreading through  the street.
   “He killed her!”  Someone remarked abstractly..
    “Who?”  They all asked in comatose reality.
    “George Angleton” they said, “he killed his wife  and then he killed himself--I think”
    “Whyyyyy?”  They   bleated .
    “Do not know-I heard they had financial problems,  maybe that was it.”  They quoted equivocally.
    “There was always something funny about them.”  The little man said   fumbling the ball
   “Who?”  They all questioned again.
    “Angleton’s…  It was strange, I wouldn’t  let my kids go up there  on Halloween.. and that time he gave all comic books!”  The little man said with an air of superiority.
   “   Why is that?”  They argued in question.
     “You asked me he was trying to lure them kids in.”  He blundered and fell
    “You are nuts!  He was a sweet old man… It had to be… financial”  they persisted..
     “Say what you want-  but I know what I know-and he was weird.”  The little man overstated.
    “You did not even live around here.  That year he gave out comic books-did you?”   Somebody pointed out aggressively.
      “Well.... no,,” the little man sputtered,, “bububut I heard about it..”   The little man  beleaguered now     “So you never even met George!”   Someone accused  ..
     “Not personally; but all  the…” The little man started.
      “Get the hell away from me little man.” the whole crowd expressed in screaming silent looks .
Seeing we never found gay fairyland
(Though still we crouched by bluebells moon by moon)
And missed the tide of Lethe; yet are soon
For that new bridge that leaves old Styx half-spanned;
Nor ever unto Mecca caravanned;
Nor bugled Asgard, skilled in magic rune;
Nor yearned for far Nirvana, the sweet swoon,
And from high Paradise are cursed and banned;

-Let's die home, ferry across the Channel! Thus
Shall we live gods there. Death shall be no sev'rance.
Weary cathedrals light new shrines for us.
To us, rough knees of boys shall ache with rev'rence.
Are not girls' ******* a clear, strong Acropole?
-There our oun mothers' tears shall heal us whole
(C) Wilfred Owen
Keith W Fletcher Dec 2015
When Rance drops Macy off back in town he asks Rance to come out that evening to a birthday party his band is playing." come on man. You know everyone and its Beckys party so you need to get out." when Rance arrives at the house he sees dozens of cars and lots of people he hasn't seen for awhile. Then he finds out its actually his going away party. ........NEXT MORNING....
        -----------------------   ---------------------------------  -------------------
    As for how my going away party went. It was a good one as far as I remember ;   (never having had one before) anyway,everyone said it was.
    There is a tendency to think that you don't matter. That your life is just that; your life, but  then a wake- up call comes ringing, bringing life back into  the limp sails , the floundering vessel that is you.
   Rejuvenation is a very miraculous thing because it takes total exhaustion as a precursor to its acceptance. Unfortunately for those who do not receive the breath of life ,the hearty breeze ,the resuscitation- death is so often the results.   This is why depression and death so often walk together; hand in hand, across the lonely ,forlorn desert of humanity, as  if--somehow -- the afflicted were walking through a parallel universe , unable to interact with the entities that surrounds them. Ghosts and illusions are all they see ;for alone is alone , a choice not chosen but one forced upon --the unwilling, the unwielding-- the sacricial cannibal ; unwittingly eating themselves up until nothing is left unconsumed but the memory of someone that --they thought --they used to be.
   In a way ; that was almost who I had become, before I ---almost by accident --came to my own going away party.
Keith W Fletcher Dec 2015
A dysfunctional suburban family just after Rance has lost the man who was his father. After 10 yrs of depression following tragic loss of wife; he had in effect, become the
Man upstairs that Rance had cared for and enabled since he was 15.
   Now he was going to los Angeles
He's 25 ,an aspiring writer and armed with a nice , newly aquired self contained R.v his dog stormy and a thirst for the knowledge that a 6 week drive from east Tennessee will bring .
Rance , Stormy and their best friend Macy go for a mid-week 3 day wilderness trip to work out the bugs.
              -----------  ---- ------------

All too soon it was friday morning; approaching noon, as we sat there at our campsite. Neither of us having uttered more than twenty words since we.had finished breakfast.
  Neither of us; including my dog Stormy, was ready to re-enter that door we had exited two days earlier, but -due to the fact that nothing lasts forever-' the red light had turned to green , the second hand had once again started its ominous tick, tick, ticking and nobody can continue to sit at the stoplights forever ; avoiding the inevitable move ,whether forward , right or left into the flow of traffic.
Sooner or later someone or something will push up behind to honk the horn or gun the motor. Then the only thing to do is move or throw up a finger.  Though; at that point--with finger or no finger thrown to the approaching fates, the moment is lost-'the future looms as that clock unrelentingly shuffled on its inevitable grind.
     So we reluctantly packed up; taking us one -- long, slow, -- last look around ,as if we could actually see what it was that we were leaving behind. Then slowly and solemnly we made our way back through that door.  TICK TOCK-'TICK--TOCK -- TICK.......!
This is a page from the best run at penning a novel I've ever achieved.
Hark! 'tis the twanging horn! O'er yonder bridge,
That with its wearisome but needful length
Bestrides the wintry flood, in which the moon
Sees her unwrinkled face reflected bright,
He comes, the herald of a noisy world,
With spatter'd boots, strapp'd waist, and frozen locks;
News from all nations lumb'ring at his back.
True to his charge, the close-pack'd load behind,
Yet careless what he brings, his one concern
Is to conduct it to the destin'd inn:
And, having dropp'd th' expected bag, pass on.
He whistles as he goes, light-hearted wretch,
Cold and yet cheerful: messenger of grief
Perhaps to thousands, and of joy to some;
To him indiff'rent whether grief or joy.
Houses in ashes, and the fall of stocks,
Births, deaths, and marriages, epistles wet
With tears that trickled down the writer's cheeks
Fast as the periods from his fluent quill,
Or charg'd with am'rous sighs of absent swains,
Or nymphs responsive, equally affect
His horse and him, unconscious of them all.
But oh th' important budget! usher'd in
With such heart-shaking music, who can say
What are its tidings? have our troops awak'd?
Or do they still, as if with ***** drugg'd,
Snore to the murmurs of th' Atlantic wave?
Is India free? and does she wear her plum'd
And jewell'd turban with a smile of peace,
Or do we grind her still? The grand debate,
The popular harangue, the **** reply,
The logic, and the wisdom, and the wit,
And the loud laugh--I long to know them all;
I burn to set th' imprison'd wranglers free,
And give them voice and utt'rance once again.
Now stir the fire, and close the shutters fast,
Let fall the curtains, wheel the sofa round,
And, while the bubbling and loud-hissing urn
Throws up a steamy column, and the cups,
That cheer but not inebriate, wait on each,
So let us welcome peaceful ev'ning in.
Not such his ev'ning, who with shining face
Sweats in the crowded theatre, and, squeez'd
And bor'd with elbow-points through both his sides,
Out-scolds the ranting actor on the stage:
Nor his, who patient stands till his feet throb,
And his head thumps, to feed upon the breath
Of patriots, bursting with heroic rage,
Or placemen, all tranquility and smiles.
This folio of four pages, happy work!
Which not ev'n critics criticise; that holds
Inquisitive attention, while I read,
Fast bound in chains of silence, which the fair,
Though eloquent themselves, yet fear to break;
What is it, but a map of busy life,
Its fluctuations, and its vast concerns?...

Oh winter, ruler of th' inverted year,
Thy scatter'd hair with sleet like ashes fill'd,
Thy breath congeal'd upon thy lips, thy cheeks
Fring'd with a beard made white with other snows
Than those of age, thy forehead wrapp'd in clouds,
A leafless branch thy sceptre, and thy throne
A sliding car, indebted to no wheels,
But urg'd by storms along its slipp'ry way,
I love thee, all unlovely as thou seem'st,
And dreaded as thou art! Thou hold'st the sun
A pris'ner in the yet undawning east,
Short'ning his journey between morn and noon,
And hurrying him, impatient of his stay,
Down to the rosy west; but kindly still
Compensating his loss with added hours
Of social converse and instructive ease,
And gath'ring, at short notice, in one group
The family dispers'd, and fixing thought,
Not less dispers'd by day-light and its cares.
I crown thee king of intimate delights,
Fire-side enjoyments, home-born happiness,
And all the comforts that the lowly roof
Of undisturb'd retirement, and the hours
Of long uninterrupted ev'ning, know.
No rattling wheels stop short before these gates;
No powder'd pert proficient in the art
Of sounding an alarm, assaults these doors
Till the street rings; no stationary steeds
Cough their own knell, while, heedless of the sound,
The silent circle fan themselves, and quake:
But here the needle plies its busy task,
The pattern grows, the well-depicted flow'r,
Wrought patiently into the snowy lawn,
Unfolds its *****; buds, and leaves, and sprigs,
And curling tendrils, gracefully dispos'd,
Follow the nimble finger of the fair;
A wreath that cannot fade, or flow'rs that blow
With most success when all besides decay.
The poet's or historian's page, by one
Made vocal for th' amusement of the rest;
The sprightly lyre, whose treasure of sweet sounds
The touch from many a trembling chord shakes out;
And the clear voice symphonious, yet distinct,
And in the charming strife triumphant still;
Beguile the night, and set a keener edge
On female industry: the threaded steel
Flies swiftly, and, unfelt, the task proceeds.
The volume clos'd, the customary rites
Of the last meal commence. A Roman meal;
Such as the mistress of the world once found
Delicious, when her patriots of high note,
Perhaps by moonlight, at their humble doors,
And under an old oak's domestic shade,
Enjoy'd--spare feast!--a radish and an egg!
Discourse ensues, not trivial, yet not dull,
Nor such as with a frown forbids the play
Of fancy, or proscribes the sound of mirth:
Nor do we madly, like an impious world,
Who deem religion frenzy, and the God
That made them an intruder on their joys,
Start at his awful name, or deem his praise
A jarring note. Themes of a graver tone,
Exciting oft our gratitude and love,
While we retrace with mem'ry's pointing wand,
That calls the past to our exact review,
The dangers we have 'scaped, the broken snare,
The disappointed foe, deliv'rance found
Unlook'd for, life preserv'd and peace restor'd--
Fruits of omnipotent eternal love.
Oh ev'nings worthy of the gods! exclaim'd
The Sabine bard. Oh ev'nings, I reply,
More to be priz'd and coveted than yours,
As more illumin'd, and with nobler truths.
That I, and mine, and those we love, enjoy....
Keith W Fletcher Mar 2016
Rance is eating in a restaurant when he sees a girl ,obviously hitchhiking, get out of the car, carrying a guitar case and then coming to the restaurant. As he's leaving he tells the waitress to buy her  a hamburger because all she asked for was water . Then he goes out to his van
            ---------      ++ -------- ++     ----------    
The guy with the large helium balloon floating over his head was saying something as he closed the distance between us on this crowded bustling Street. The people, for some reason, kept raising their faces to stare at me with lonely ,beseeching  eyes as they scurried by ,then instantly dropping their gaze back to the ground as they quickly continued on.
    " State of my..... state of my ....state of my head....".said the balloon man as he drew near me and I couldn't help wondering why the words weren't appearing in the balloon that bounded along ,dancing chaotically, in lock-step to the dance-like movement of his pace "state of my head ."  
    Unlike the other people who passed by, he never looked at me -in fact- he didn't seem to notice anything except the zone right in front of his next step .  
       "You're legs on fire!"
     "I could still hear the echo of his chant as it, and him, bebopped into the obscurity of the distance, suddenly becoming aware of the barren and empty street , and the fire that was burning my right thigh.
    "Your leg's on fire"  now these words did appear in symbolic cartoon measure across the face of the balloon. "Hey!"I  cried out and then heard the echo of the words as they came sailing back.
    "Finally waking up I see" continued the echo as it became a soft laughter-filled sound to my ears.
     Slowly I was  becoming aware that my vision was filling in with the world outside the windshield of my van. The last stanza of Shinedowns state of my head was just fading from the radio as.....
    "Thanks for the burger"
My leg WAS on fire. Okay , it wasnt really,but it was burning above the knee of my right leg from the sunlight streaming through the windshield.      
  I was busy patting out the fire and rubbing the sleep from my eyes when I heard the voice again "Hello?"
     Now though, it was a real voice ,as it came sailing through the window of my van. A female voice.
     A bit slow maybe, but I was finally beginning to catch up, so I knew before I even looked, that it was the girl with the guitar case.
    It was. As I peered over the door frame I saw that she was sitting three feet from the van, on a patch of grass and leaning back against the big oak that grew at the edge of the parking lot and had provided a nice shade for storm ....okay and for my nap.        
     Surely the crooked -and haltingly, embarrassment driven - smile that I managed to conjure up ,as I looked out the window and down at her, was totally inadequate.  I was attempting to move past it , so with great confidence ,and sua da vi I heard my words as I said.
   "Huh? "  oh god !My brain said to my inner voice "really smooth" --- my inner voice took the fifth.  
     "That's a heck of a watch dog you've  got " she said.  Somehow breaking the ice  and allowing me space and time to regroup. " He told me he was there , aware and in charge as I approached your window,but he did it by just raising his eyes and the slightest rumbling growl. It was obvious he was serious but he was so cool about it"      
   I reached ,almost ,unconsciously, to stroke Storms muzzle and the furrow between his ears. "Yeah, " I said " He's got style alright." as more than a bit of pride tinged my words.
    Her laughter was sudden and as free as a wild bird being released from the confines of a cage as it rose up into the air.It was one of those beautiful,,natural
voices of those rare people who are not embarrassed by their own spontaneity.
   "Style " she managed to exclaim among the peals of joy " I love that"
     " Hi" I told her " I'm Rance and my stylin friend is Stormy"
      Her movements were quick, agile and graceful as she bounded to her feet , quickly wiping any perceived dust from her right palm across the hip area of her jeans before reaching out to shake hands.  "I'm Penelope Woods , but everyone back home just called me Piney"
     Now it was my time to laugh. A slight chuckle accompanied my hand as  I reached out to collect hers . " Piney Woods that funny. "
    " Why ,thank you kind sir " she exclaimed with the exaggerated imitation of southern gentellity " I've always thought so"  then that freebird laughter , again came rising up ,to float over and then slide all the way down into the hollow,unused places of my heart . Settling there as though it were home......Maybe it was.
Keith W Fletcher Jan 2016
When you live in the suburbs like I do and like I always have,
the same house even, there is an intimacy that develops- real or imagined -with your neighbors. It's like those dreams we sometimes have about people and places that really do exist, but it just ain't quite what it's supposed to be , but we accept it anyway, because it's a dream and in that ethereal realm of dreams -that's what you do accept the normally unacceptable.
       For instance, who could ever have imagined that the Rosses ,who live at 1423 ,would turn out to be secret swingers ? Mr. Ross is 62 years old, probably five foot nine with a horseshoe ring of white on white  cotton- fluff hair,  perched on his round pink scalp,  over his round pink face , accentuated by round -wire rim- glasses perched on his nose and a  little white mustache that hangs under his nose - like an afterthought.
    Mrs Ross is a  slightly rounded little woman that  always wears  flowery dresses, and  those god awful  tortoiseshell glasses secured to a  string around the neck  like secretaries and librarians often wear.   Her hair would also be white , if not for her habit of having it dyed blue , as is a habit of many suburban housewives of her age .
     So it would be impossible to ever imagine this pair of- short , jolly - suburbanites as secret swingers , but it's true. . I know!  Because I've seen them at it .  About 2 years ago- while Billy Joe Randall , Macy and me were( oh yeah my name is Rance Reed short for Clarence -but don't call me that ) anyway; where was I -oh yeah -we were down at the little pocket park on Grove Street- sitting behind a hydrangea bush-smoking a fatty- and telling each other lies that no one believes anyway, when we saw the Rosses walking toward the park, holding hands as they were often doing.
     Mr Ross looked into the park- suspiciously - as if he were afraid a  hit- man were  hiding somewhere .  There  for a moment I thought he could possibly smell our smoke.,but seemingly satisfied with his inspection, the two of them strolled -hand in hand - across the grass to the playground area where the spring horses , the merry-go-round and swings were.  Mrs Ross perched herself on the rubber - sling like - seat of a swing as Mr Ross pushed to get her started and then he climbed aboard the one to her left .  Using  that see-saw motion one uses to get himself going and then the two of them sat there -swinging and laughing together -for almost an hour.   Sometimes we could hear Mr. Ross go varoooom varoooom and Mrs. Ross would go wheeeeee. It  was the funniest thing that I've ever seen and the three of us sat there making jokes and laughing at them.   Three 23 year old wasted wastrels thinking that laughing at this spectacle was the right thing to do . Then a little while later , as a melancholy wave washed over us like a sea tide , we all stopped laughing.  All three of us -I believe - realized that jealousy is a hard pill to swallow while you're laughing . Looking back at that now I'm a  little  ashamed of myself.  So yeah, the Rosses were secret swingers , but you would never know it by looking at them--- (Oh!  You thought I meant the other kind of swingers. didn't you ? )   -anyway ; where was I ?- Oh  yeah .-     I believe they were sort of embarrassed about the whole thing so I've never said a word  to anyone  about what I saw -until now.  
     Then there is old man George (call me GL ) Angleton and his wife Sarah.   Theirs was the big grey, split -level rock and cedar  house that  dominates the very end of the cul-de-sac we live on called Grayson circle . An enormous porch dominates the front and that is the first thing anyone  - turning onto Grayson Circle- sees after making the turn.   The Angeltons house was always the most decorated house on the block , no matter the holiday,  especially at Christmas- when a raucous mix a snowmen, reindeer and especially Santa's, gathered under the thousands of twinkling lights each year.    There were so many Santas on the lawn, on the roof ,along the porch , one climbing the chimney   that- I always thought - it  looked  like the gathering together of Santa's for a Santa gang fight.
   Halloween was another special time with the Angeltons when they gave out more -kinds and just plain more -candy to all the kids than anyone else for blocks  around or even miles around. One year Mr. Angleton gave a comic books along with the candy to every kid  that  came to the door.
    So who could have ever imagined that just 6 months ago ,  2 days before Christmas , Mr Angleton , who was always of sweet disposition  and always quick to give you a warm smile or a compassionate pat on the shoulder would shoot and **** his wife Sarah and then turn the gun on himself ?  NOBODY!!!
   Certainly not me.
   No, you cannot just see the outside of a house, with the flocks of flowers , the nice neat lawn  and charming old rocking chairs on the porch and really know anything about the heights of happiness or  the depths of despair that live or die behind the front doors .
    When I was growing up , you sure couldn't have done any of that at my house. Looking back now I realize that G.L .didn't put out any decorations last Christmas .
        I should have noticed that.     Yeah , I really should have noticed that!
K Jun 2013
Poetry is just a tool

To speak your mind, not serve as rule.

Constructed help to bear one's soul,

Declare one's love, or friend console.

To speak in verse is but a scheme,

A packaging for fancy dream.

Fixing meter's common place,

But it's up to the writer's taste.

To rhyme, to pair these simple sounds,

To fuel the whimsy, feed these hounds,

Can sometimes be itself a crutch,

Or hind'rance if it's used too much.

The feeling and it's heartfelt message,

Speak more than some structured presage;

Create your voice from humble words,

An ode or sonnet, praise or gird.

Loose your arrows, verbal arcs,

And dot the Earth with sharp remarks

And when the last launched barb should fall,

Who minds if they should rhyme at all?
martin murray May 2014
In My Hat At School I Played Had
When I Was Bad Got A Slap On The Hand
So Glad To Have A Friend Named Brad
We Read My Mag In My Best Bag

School Milk In The Morning Was A Thrill
Share Lunch With My Friend Bill
Wobbly Jelly Dessert Was Swell
Lunch Is Over After The Prefects Bell

At The Back Of The Class
Behind The Teachers Glance
Paper Planes In Overabundance
Dissipate By The Chairs Rance
i was a good kid at school and so were you......
JK Cabresos Oct 2011
Estranging those dusts of the morn
Truth be restored; peace be reborn;
Eyes can reflect each grief and gloom,
Scrutinize me 'fore world's doom.

Ne'er build fences for your heart!
Mark my footsteps o'er my past,
Hold me nothing than your parlance
Thus, adore me — except my tongue.

For eterne time may show my lies;
Howe'er, don't mourn upon each night
Open those eyes for who I am:
Then behoove me — except my tongue.

For future may seize you to change
But my persev'rance lasts no ends;
Bestow love with mere words to drown
And cherish me — except my tongue.

You're my breath, my ears and my voice
Tho 'tis diff'cult to be your choice,
I'll exult to all things I've done
If I'll be loved — except my tongue.
© 2010
Simplement, comme on verse un parfum sur une flamme

Et comme un soldat répand son sang pour la patrie,

Je voudrais pouvoir mettre mon cœur avec mon âme

Dans un beau cantique à la sainte Vierge Marie.

Mais je suis, hélas ! un pauvre pécheur trop indigne,

Ma voix hurlerait parmi le chœur des voix des justes :

Ivre encor du vin amer de la terrestre vigne,

Elle pourrait offenser des oreilles augustes.

Il faut un cœur pur comme l'eau qui jaillit des roches,

Il faut qu'un enfant vêtu de lin soit notre emblème,

Qu'un agneau bêlant n'éveille en nous aucuns reproches,

Que l'innocence nous ceigne un brûlant diadème,

Il faut tout cela pour oser dire vos louanges,

Ô vous Vierge Mère, ô vous Marie Immaculée,

Vous blanche à travers les battements d'ailes des anges,

Qui posez vos pieds sur notre terre consolée.

Du moins je ferai savoir à qui voudra l'entendre

Comment il advint qu'une âme des plus égarées,

Grâce à ces regards cléments de votre gloire tendre,

Revint au bercail des Innocences ignorées.

Innocence, ô belle après l'Ignorance inouïe,

Eau claire du cœur après le feu vierge de l'âme,

Paupière de grâce sur la prunelle éblouie,

Désaltèrement du cerf rompu d'amour qui brame !

Ce fut un amant dans toute la force du terme :

Il avait connu toute la chair, infâme ou vierge,

Et la profondeur monstrueuse d'un épiderme,

Et le sang d'un cœur, cire vermeille pour son cierge !

Ce fut un athée, et qui poussait **** sa logique

Tout en méprisant les fadaises qu'elle autorise,

Et comme un forçat qui remâche une vieille chique

Il aimait le jus flasque de la mécréantise.

Ce fut un brutal, ce fut un ivrogne des rues,

Ce fut un mari comme on en rencontre aux barrières ;

Bon que les amours premières fussent disparues,

Mais cela n'excuse en rien l'excès de ses manières.

Ce fut, et quel préjudice ! un Parisien fade,

Vous savez, de ces provinciaux cent fois plus pires

Qui prennent au sérieux la plus sotte cascade,

Sans s'apercevoir, ô leur âme, que tu respires ;

Race de théâtre et de boutique dont les vices

Eux-mêmes, avec leur odeur rance et renfermée,

Lèveraient le cœur à des sauvages leurs complices,

Race de trottoir, race d'égout et de fumée !

Enfin un sot, un infatué de ce temps bête

(Dont l'esprit au fond consiste à boire de la bière)

Et par-dessus tout une folle tête inquiète,

Un cœur à tous vents, vraiment mais vilement sincère.

Mais sans doute, et moi j'inclinerais fort à le croire,

Dans quelque coin bien discret et sûr de ce cœur même,

Il avait gardé comme qui dirait la mémoire

D'avoir été ces petits enfants que Jésus aime.

Avait-il, - et c'est vraiment plus vrai que vraisemblable,

Conservé dans le sanctuaire de sa cervelle

Votre nom, Marie, et votre titre vénérable,

Comme un mauvais prêtre ornerait encor sa chapelle ?

Ou tout bonnement peut-être qu'il était encore,

Malgré tout son vice et tout son crime et tout le reste,

Cet homme très simple qu'au moins sa candeur décore

En comparaison d'un monde autour que Dieu déteste.

Toujours est-il que ce grand pécheur eut des conduites

Folles à ce point d'en devenir trop maladroites

Si bien que les tribunaux s'en mirent, - et les suites !

Et le voyez-vous dans la plus étroite des boîtes ?

Cellules ! Prisons humanitaires ! Il faut taire

Votre horreur fadasse et ce progrès d'hypocrisie...

Puis il s'attendrit, il réfléchit. Par quel mystère,

Ô Marie, ô vous, de toute éternité choisie ?

Puis il se tourna vers votre Fils et vers Sa Mère,

Ô qu'il fut heureux, mais, là, promptement, tout de suite !

Que de larmes, quelle joie, ô Mère ! et pour vous plaire,

Tout de suite aussi le voilà qui bien vite quitte

Tout cet appareil d'orgueil et de pauvres malices,

Ce qu'on nomme esprit et ce qu'on nomme la Science,

Et les rires et les sourires où tu te plisses,

Lèvre des petits exégètes de l'incroyance !

Et le voilà qui s'agenouille et, bien humble, égrène

Entre ses doigts fiers les grains enflammés du Rosaire,

Implorant de Vous, la Mère, et la Sainte, et la Reine,

L'affranchissement d'être ce charnel, ô misère !

Ô qu'il voudrait bien ne plus savoir plus rien du monde

Q'adorer obscurément la mystique sagesse,

Qu'aimer le cœur de Jésus dans l'extase profonde

De penser à vous en même temps pendant la Messe.

Ô faites cela, faites cette grâce à cette âme,

Ô vous, Vierge Mère, ô vous, Marie Immaculée,

Toute en argent parmi l'argent de l'épithalame,

Qui posez vos pieds sur notre terre consolée.
Marchands de grec ! marchands de latin ! cuistres ! dogues !
Philistins ! magisters ! je vous hais, pédagogues !
Car, dans votre aplomb grave, infaillible, hébété,
Vous niez l'idéal, la grâce et la beauté !
Car vos textes, vos lois, vos règles sont fossiles !
Car, avec l'air profond, vous êtes imbéciles !
Car vous enseignez tout, et vous ignorez tout !
Car vous êtes mauvais et méchants ! - Mon sang bout
Rien qu'à songer au temps où, rêveuse bourrique,
Grand diable de seize ans, j'étais en rhétorique !
Que d'ennuis ! de fureurs ! de bêtises ! - gredins ! -
Que de froids châtiments et que de chocs soudains !
« Dimanche en retenue et cinq cents vers d'Horace ! »
Je regardais le monstre aux ongles noirs de crasse,
Et je balbutiais : « Monsieur... - Pas de raisons !
- Vingt fois l'ode à Plancus et l'épître aux Pisons ! »
Or j'avais justement, ce jour là, - douce idée.
Qui me faisait rêver d'Armide et d'Haydée, -
Un rendez-vous avec la fille du portier.
Grand Dieu ! perdre un tel jour ! le perdre tout entier !
Je devais, en parlant d'amour, extase pure !
En l'enivrant avec le ciel et la nature,
La mener, si le temps n'était pas trop mauvais,
Manger de la galette aux buttes Saint-Gervais !
Rêve heureux ! je voyais, dans ma colère bleue,
Tout cet Éden, congé, les lilas, la banlieue,
Et j'entendais, parmi le thym et le muguet,
Les vagues violons de la mère Saguet !
Ô douleur ! furieux, je montais à ma chambre,
Fournaise au mois de juin, et glacière en décembre ;
Et, là, je m'écriais :

« Horace ! ô bon garçon !
Qui vivais dans le calme et selon la raison,
Et qui t'allais poser, dans ta sagesse franche,
Sur tout, comme l'oiseau se pose sur la branche,
Sans peser, sans rester, ne demandant aux dieux
Que le temps de chanter ton chant libre et joyeux !
Tu marchais, écoutant le soir, sous les charmilles,
Les rires étouffés des folles jeunes filles,
Les doux chuchotements dans l'angle obscur du bois ;
Tu courtisais ta belle esclave quelquefois,
Myrtale aux blonds cheveux, qui s'irrite et se cabre
Comme la mer creusant les golfes de Calabre,
Ou bien tu t'accoudais à table, buvant sec
Ton vin que tu mettais toi-même en un *** grec.
Pégase te soufflait des vers de sa narine ;
Tu songeais ; tu faisais des odes à Barine,
À Mécène, à Virgile, à ton champ de Tibur,
À Chloë, qui passait le long de ton vieux mur,
Portant sur son beau front l'amphore délicate.
La nuit, lorsque Phœbé devient la sombre Hécate,
Les halliers s'emplissaient pour toi de visions ;
Tu voyais des lueurs, des formes, des rayons,
Cerbère se frotter, la queue entre les jambes,
À Bacchus, dieu des vins et père des ïambes ;
Silène digérer dans sa grotte, pensif ;
Et se glisser dans l'ombre, et s'enivrer, lascif,
Aux blanches nudités des nymphes peu vêtues,
La faune aux pieds de chèvre, aux oreilles pointues !
Horace, quand grisé d'un petit vin sabin,
Tu surprenais Glycère ou Lycoris au bain,
Qui t'eût dit, ô Flaccus ! quand tu peignais à Rome
Les jeunes chevaliers courant dans l'hippodrome,
Comme Molière a peint en France les marquis,
Que tu faisais ces vers charmants, profonds, exquis,
Pour servir, dans le siècle odieux où nous sommes,
D'instruments de torture à d'horribles bonshommes,
Mal peignés, mal vêtus, qui mâchent, lourds pédants,
Comme un singe une fleur, ton nom entre leurs dents !
Grimauds hideux qui n'ont, tant leur tête est vidée,
Jamais eu de maîtresse et jamais eu d'idée ! »

Puis j'ajoutais, farouche :

« Ô cancres ! qui mettez
Une soutane aux dieux de l'éther irrités,
Un béguin à Diane, et qui de vos tricornes
Coiffez sinistrement les olympiens mornes,
Eunuques, tourmenteurs, crétins, soyez maudits !
Car vous êtes les vieux, les noirs, les engourdis,
Car vous êtes l'hiver ; car vous êtes, ô cruches !
L'ours qui va dans les bois cherchant un arbre à ruches,
L'ombre, le plomb, la mort, la tombe, le néant !
Nul ne vit près de vous dressé sur son séant ;
Et vous pétrifiez d'une haleine sordide
Le jeune homme naïf, étincelant, splendide ;
Et vous vous approchez de l'aurore, endormeurs !
À Pindare serein plein d'épiques rumeurs,
À Sophocle, à Térence, à Plaute, à l'ambroisie,
Ô traîtres, vous mêlez l'antique hypocrisie,
Vos ténèbres, vos mœurs, vos jougs, vos exeats,
Et l'assoupissement des noirs couvents béats ;
Vos coups d'ongle rayant tous les sublimes livres,
Vos préjugés qui font vos yeux de brouillards ivres,
L'horreur de l'avenir, la haine du progrès ;
Et vous faites, sans peur, sans pitié, sans regrets,
À la jeunesse, aux cœurs vierges, à l'espérance,
Boire dans votre nuit ce vieil ***** rance !
Ô fermoirs de la bible humaine ! sacristains
De l'art, de la science, et des maîtres lointains,
Et de la vérité que l'homme aux cieux épèle,
Vous changez ce grand temple en petite chapelle !
Guichetiers de l'esprit, faquins dont le goût sûr
Mène en laisse le beau ; porte-clefs de l'azur,
Vous prenez Théocrite, Eschyle aux sacrés voiles,
Tibulle plein d'amour, Virgile plein d'étoiles ;
Vous faites de l'enfer avec ces paradis ! »

Et ma rage croissant, je reprenais :

« Maudits,
Ces monastères sourds ! bouges ! prisons haïes !
Oh ! comme on fit jadis au pédant de Veïes,
Culotte bas, vieux tigre ! Écoliers ! écoliers !
Accourez par essaims, par bandes, par milliers,
Du gamin de Paris au groeculus de Rome,
Et coupez du bois vert, et fouaillez-moi cet homme !
Jeunes bouches, mordez le metteur de bâillons !
Le mannequin sur qui l'on drape des haillons
À tout autant d'esprit que ce cuistre en son antre,
Et tout autant de cœur ; et l'un a dans le ventre
Du latin et du grec comme l'autre à du foin.
Ah ! je prends Phyllodoce et Xantis à témoin
Que je suis amoureux de leurs claires tuniques ;
Mais je hais l'affreux tas des vils pédants iniques !
Confier un enfant, je vous demande un peu,
À tous ces êtres noirs ! autant mettre, morbleu !
La mouche en pension chez une tarentule !
Ces moines, expliquer Platon, lire Catulle,
Tacite racontant le grand Agricola,
Lucrèce ! eux, déchiffrer Homère, ces gens-là !
Ces diacres ! ces bedeaux dont le groin renifle !
Crânes d'où sort la nuit, pattes d'où sort la gifle,
Vieux dadais à l'air rogue, au sourcil triomphant,
Qui ne savent pas même épeler un enfant !
Ils ignorent comment l'âme naît et veut croître.
Cela vous a Laharpe et Nonotte pour cloître !
Ils en sont à l'A, B, C, D, du cœur humain ;  
Ils sont l'horrible Hier qui veut tuer Demain ;
Ils offrent à l'aiglon leurs règles d'écrevisses.
Et puis ces noirs tessons ont une odeur de vices.
Ô vieux pots égueulés des soifs qu'on ne dit pas !
Le pluriel met une S à leurs meâs culpâs,
Les boucs mystérieux, en les voyants s'indignent,
Et, quand on dit : « Amour !  » terre et cieux ! ils se signent.
Leur vieux viscère mort insulte au cœur naissant.
Ils le prennent de haut avec l'adolescent,
Et ne tolèrent pas le jour entrant dans l'âme
Sous la forme pensée ou sous la forme femme.
Quand la muse apparaît, ces hurleurs de holà
Disent : « Qu'est-ce que c'est que cette folle-là ? »
Et, devant ses beautés, de ses rayons accrues,
Ils reprennent : « Couleurs dures, nuances crues ;
Vapeurs, illusions, rêves ; et quel travers
Avez-vous de fourrer l'arc-en-ciel dans vos vers ? »
Ils raillent les enfants, ils raillent les poètes ;
Ils font aux rossignols leurs gros yeux de chouettes :
L'enfant est l'ignorant, ils sont l'ignorantin ;
Ils raturent l'esprit, la splendeur, le matin ;
Ils sarclent l'idéal ainsi qu'un barbarisme,
Et ces culs de bouteille ont le dédain du prisme. »

Ainsi l'on m'entendait dans ma geôle crier.

Le monologue avait le temps de varier.
Et je m'exaspérais, faisant la faute énorme,
Ayant raison au fond, d'avoir tort dans la forme.
Après l'abbé Tuet, je maudissais Bezout ;
Car, outre les pensums où l'esprit se dissout,
J'étais alors en proie à la mathématique.
Temps sombre ! Enfant ému du frisson poétique,
Pauvre oiseau qui heurtais du crâne mes barreaux,
On me livrait tout vif aux chiffres, noirs bourreaux ;
On me faisait de force ingurgiter l'algèbre ;
On me liait au fond d'un Boisbertrand funèbre ;
On me tordait, depuis les ailes jusqu'au bec,
Sur l'affreux chevalet des X et des Y ;
Hélas ! on me fourrait sous les os maxillaires
Le théorème orné de tous ses corollaires ;
Et je me débattais, lugubre patient
Du diviseur prêtant main-forte au quotient.
De là mes cris.

Un jour, quand l'homme sera sage,
Lorsqu'on n'instruira plus les oiseaux par la cage,
Quand les sociétés difformes sentiront
Dans l'enfant mieux compris se redresser leur front,
Que, des libres essors ayant sondé les règles,
On connaîtra la loi de croissance des aigles,
Et que le plein midi rayonnera pour tous,
Savoir étant sublime, apprendre sera doux.
Alors, tout en laissant au sommet des études
Les grands livres latins et grecs, ces solitudes
Où l'éclair gronde, où luit la mer, où l'astre rit,
Et qu'emplissent les vents immenses de l'esprit,
C'est en les pénétrant d'explication tendre,
En les faisant aimer, qu'on les fera comprendre.
Homère emportera dans son vaste reflux
L'écolier ébloui ; l'enfant ne sera plus
Une bête de somme attelée à Virgile ;
Et l'on ne verra plus ce vif esprit agile
Devenir, sous le fouet d'un cuistre ou d'un abbé,
Le lourd cheval poussif du pensum embourbé.
Chaque village aura, dans un temple rustique,
Dans la lumière, au lieu du magister antique,
Trop noir pour que jamais le jour y pénétrât,
L'instituteur lucide et grave, magistrat
Du progrès, médecin de l'ignorance, et prêtre
De l'idée ; et dans l'ombre on verra disparaître
L'éternel écolier et l'éternel pédant.
L'aube vient en chantant, et non pas en grondant.
Nos fils riront de nous dans cette blanche sphère ;
Ils se demanderont ce que nous pouvions faire
Enseigner au moineau par le hibou hagard.
Alors, le jeune esprit et le jeune regard
Se lèveront avec une clarté sereine
Vers la science auguste, aimable et souveraine ;
Alors, plus de grimoire obscur, fade, étouffant ;
Le maître, doux apôtre incliné sur l'enfant,
Fera, lui versant Dieu, l'azur et l'harmonie,
Boire la petite âme à la coupe infinie.
Alors, tout sera vrai, lois, dogmes, droits, devoirs.
Tu laisseras passer dans tes jambages noirs
Une pure lueur, de jour en jour moins sombre,
Ô nature, alphabet des grandes lettres d'ombre !

Paris, mai 1831.
Nathan Duncan Jan 2018
A vast expanse of unreachable souls,
Each ignorant of their daily impact,
And all pursuing hedonistic goals,
Will guarantee constantly selfish acts.

With such an innumerable legion
Of invariably foolish masses,
Could even a wise, master strategian
Upgrade the whole group’s moral compass?

Can one person really make a diff’rence,
And what’s the permanence of perceived change?
Should we have an attitude of suff’rance,
Or actively subdue those who derange?

Regardless of the strength of your power,
You ought to strive to do good ev’ry hour.
Awake Manimeth ... wake up !!
fire goes out on the horizon
the horizon line curve your hands as if your two
absorbed will press tu face burning fire,
burning your nose in your clasping his temples into the void ...

this, you utter your conscience gema rance decorating your
mind since the beginning of their training,
then manimeth sat with his face to the sun;
this stroked his hands and fell on his altar,


" i meditate on my heart that wants slow its beat,
you want to beat my mind as heart deserter.
hold my senses whose hands beating,
without it is felt by my conscience.

they slip jewels of the universe for my thoughts
looking sit shore maze of ideas ...
ideas for those of the shores of the sit of edge
invisible planet to me now situate them
away from an image as the desert rushing the
cosmos ... "

that over Sun ...., look wheel by tiger eye iris
as a party lights,
transparent wheel and bouncing off the moon brains out. those are crushed envious by evil,
believed to enjoy bliss of pardon for their sins ven slips on themselves not falling the storms of flower seeds on themselves.

my locked tongue  snaked
my fingers clubbed ...
but the surge of infinity breath of faith  
embrace a creed,
illogical swings embrace the path that is pursued by the logical paths.

Look at that hunt ... !!
accecivity is rotating in your arms portals
it is your illogical outfit uncover your personality,
sheltering beautiful but your radio influence
**** about feeling kingdom kindness of you and your evil,
in a dialogue on allowing a ***** sheet for you
you are feeling for your pleasure human luck
it levitating or for response to where can
losing my world comfort foliage of my true

but me accecivity headlines
enrich my delicate sides harmless.
the accecivity during a month ago pain
in my sides of my increasing progression winds,
without passive dominate chastise my sorrow.

but my altar in his platform
admit my dreams of eternity making my
fire, sun and moon as a whole,
and these three elements astrophysics  be myself wish
light ends but not born.

Manimeth wake, the offense !! here she comes
flinch you comes your depth impure
it comes from the **** that is cut your belly,
is torn of your life as a minute  
pressed to become the second of your life
by leaving your altar for the occupy another.

Wake araise up manimeth,
he opened his eyes and saw all the brown,
vio his hands embodied in flowers,
vegetative as psychic strength dermis and growing herbs.

your eyes dwarfed compassed
basin as lost their eyes suns
galactic orbits looking to occupy.

Manimeth but is illuminated,
and then quantifies wind gusts
they occupy your space that as wind dies
your roam in between ,
as rivers of light with new species of light protecting
messages for detainees interfered.

winds here are understood,
go there for you receive them
willfully why he decided
traveling my words mounted on the wind
to arrive to you.

In the oven,
where the hosts of devolution swept
violent with feeling my beloved ...
it is hence the examination of my self-awareness  
mammalian waves as you want all breastfeeding order by continuing creation of new exams
of worlds in creation
in lines and creating stable appearance worlds ...
floating stable wishes ...

i crossed as parchment
bowling for that wind fragile,
carrying my heart fire sealing
for the whole universe my doubts,
heartrending voice screaming like
inertial manimeth running away from me,
only leaving me sitting in my altar jeweled
only with my hands in flower converted
and my mind as ethereal form compressing
worlds now meditate in my heart ...

Jose Luis  Carreño Troncoso
August 8, 2002
Moi je suis content ; je rentre
Dans l'ombre du Dieu jaloux ;
Je n'ai plus la cour, j'ai l'antre :
J'avais des rois, j'ai des loups.

Je redeviens le vrai chêne.
Je croîs sous les chauds midis ;
Quatre-vingt-neuf se déchaîne
Dans mes rameaux enhardis.

Trianon vieux sent le rance.
Je renais au grand concert ;
Et j'appelle délivrance
Ce que vous nommez désert.

La reine eut l'épaule haute,
Le grand dauphin fut pied-bot ;
J'aime mieux Gros-Jean qui saute
Librement dans son sabot.

Je préfère aux Léonores
Qu'introduisaient les Dangeaux,
Les bons gros baisers sonores
De mes paysans rougeauds.

Je préfère les grands souffles,
Les bois, les champs, fauve abri,
L'horreur sacrée, aux pantoufles
De madame Dubarry.

Je suis hors des esclavages ;
Je dis à la honte : Assez !
J'aime mieux les fleurs sauvages
Que les gens apprivoisés.

Les hommes sont des ruines ;
Je préfère, ô beau printemps,
Tes fiertés pleines d'épines
À ces déshonneurs contents.

J'ai perdu le Roquelaure
Jasant avec la Boufflers ;
Mais je vois plus d'aube éclore
Dans les grands abîmes clairs.

J'ai perdu monsieur le *****,
Et le monde officiel,
Et d'Antin ; mais je m'enfonce
Toujours plus avant au ciel.

Décloîtré, je fraternise
Avec les rustres souvent.
Je vois donner par Denise
Ce que Célimène vend.

Plus de fossé ; rien n'empêche,
À mes pieds, sur mon gazon,
Que Suzon morde à sa pêche,
Et Mathurin à Suzon.

Solitaire, j'ai mes joies.
J'assiste, témoin vivant,
Dans les sombres claires-voies,
Aux aventures du vent.

Parfois dans les primevères
Court quelque enfant de quinze ans ;
Mes vieilles ombres sévères
Aiment ces yeux innocents.

Rien ne pare un paysage,
Sous l'éternel firmament,
Comme une fille humble et sage
Qui soupire obscurément.

La fille aux fleurs de la berge
Parle dans sa belle humeur,
Et j'entends ce que la vierge
Dit dans l'ombre à la primeur.

J'assiste au germe, à la sève,
Aux nids où s'ouvrent des yeux,
À tout cet immense rêve
De l'***** mystérieux.

J'assiste aux couples sans nombre,
Au viol, dans le ravin,
De la grande pudeur sombre
Par le grand amour divin.

J'assiste aux fuites rapides
De tous ces baisers charmants.
L'onde a des coeurs dans ses rides ;
Les souffles sont des amants.

Cette allégresse est sacrée,
Et la nature la veut.
On croit finir, et l'on crée.
On est libre, et c'est le noeud.

J'ai pour jardinier la pluie,
L'ouragan pour émondeur ;
Je suis grand sous Dieu ; j'essuie
Ma cime à la profondeur.

L'hiver froid est sans rosée ;
Mais, quand vient avril vermeil,
Je sens la molle pesée
Du printemps sur mon sommeil.

Je la sens mieux, étant libre.
J'ai ma part d'immensité.
La rentrée en équilibre,
Ami, c'est la liberté.

Je suis, sous le ciel qui brille,
Pour la reprise des droits
De la forêt sur la grille,
Et des peuples sur les rois.

Dieu, pour que l'Éden repousse,
Frais, tendre, un peu sauvageon,
Presse doucement du pouce
Ce globe, énorme bourgeon.

Plus de roi. Dieu me pénètre.
Car il faut, retiens cela,
Pour qu'on sente le vrai maître,
Que le faux ne soit plus là.

Il met, lui, l'unique père,
L'Éternel toujours nouveau,
Avec ce seul mot : Espère,
Toute l'ombre de niveau.

Plus de caste. Un ver me touche,
L'hysope aime mon orteil.
Je suis l'égal de la mouche,
Étant l'égal du soleil.

Adieu le feu d'artifice
Et l'illumination.
J'en ai fait le sacrifice.
Je cherche ailleurs le rayon.

D'augustes apothéoses,
Me cachant les cieux jadis,
Remplaçaient, dans des feux roses,
Jéhovah par Amadis.

On emplissait la clairière
De ces lueurs qui, soudain,
Font sur les pieds de derrière
Dresser dans l'ombre le daim.

La vaste voûte sereine
N'avait plus rien qu'on pût voir,
Car la girandole gêne
L'étoile dans l'arbre noir.

Il sort des feux de Bengale
Une clarté dans les bois,
Fière, et qui n'est point l'égale
De l'âtre des villageois.

Nous étions, chêne, orme et tremble,
Traités en pays conquis
Où se débraillent ensemble
Les pétards et les marquis.

La forêt, comme agrandie
Par les feux et les zéphirs,
Avait l'air d'un incendie
De rubis et de saphirs.

On offrait au prince, au maître,
Beau, fier, entouré d'archers,
Ces lumières, soeurs peut-être
De la torche des bûchers.

Cent mille verroteries
Jetaient, flambant à l'air vif,
Dans le ciel des pierreries
Et sur la terre du suif.

Une gloire verte et bleue,
Qu'assaisonnait quelque effroi,
Faisait là-haut une queue
De paon en l'honneur du roi.

Aujourd'hui, - c'est un autre âge,
Et les flambeaux sont changeants, -
Je n'ai plus d'autre éclairage
Que le ciel des pauvres gens.

Je reçois dans ma feuillée,
Sombre, aux mille trous vermeils,
La grande nuit étoilée,
Populace de soleils.

Des planètes inconnues
Poussent sur mon dôme obscur,
Et je tiens pour bien venues
Ces coureuses de l'azur.

Je n'ai plus les pots de soufre
D'où sortaient les visions ;
Je me contente du gouffre
Et des constellations.

Je déroge, et la nature,
Foule de rayons et d'yeux
M'attire dans sa roture
Pêle-mêle avec les cieux.

Cependant tout ce qui reste,
Dans l'herbe où court le vanneau
Et que broute l'âne agreste,
Du royal siècle a giorno ;

Tout ce qui reste des gerbes,
De Jupin, de Sémélé,
Des dieux, des gloires superbes,
Un peu de carton brûlé ;

Dans les ronces paysannes,
Au milieu des vers luisants,
Les chandelles courtisanes,
Et les lustres courtisans ;

Les vieilles splendeurs brisées,
Les ifs, nobles espions,
Leurs altesses les fusées,
Messeigneurs les lampions ;

Tout ce beau monde me raille,
Éteint, orgueilleux et noir ;
J'en ris, et je m'encanaille
Avec les astres le soir.
Petits amis qui sûtes nous prouver

Par A plus B que deux et deux font quatre,

Mais qui depuis voulez parachever

Une victoire où l'on se laissait battre,

Et couronner vos conquêtes d'un coup

Par ce soufflet à la mémoire humaine ;

« Dieu ne vous a révélé rien du tout,

Car nous disions qu'il n'est que l'ombre vaine,

Que le profil et que l'allongement,

Sur tous les murs que la peur édifie

De votre pur et simple mouvement,

Et nous dictons cette philosophie. »

- Frères trop chers, laissez-nous rire un peu,

Nous les fervents d'une logique rance,

Qui justement n'avons de foi qu'en Dieu

Et mettons notre espoir dans l'Espérance,

Laissez-nous rire un peu, pleurer aussi,

Pleurer sur vous, rire du vieux blasphème,

Rire du vieux Satan stupide ainsi,

Pleurer sur cet Adam dupe quand même !

Frère de nous qui payons vos orgueils,

Tous fils du même Amour, ah ! la science,

Allons donc, allez donc, c'est nos cercueils

Naïfs ou non, c'est notre méfiance

Ou notre confiance aux seuls Récits,

C'est notre oreille ouverte toute grande

Ou tristement fermée au Mot précis !

Frères, lâchez la science gourmande

Qui veut voler sur les ceps défendus

Le fruit sanglant qu'il ne faut pas connaître.

Lâchez son bras qui vous tient attendus

Pour des enfers que Dieu n'a pas fait naître,

Mais qui sont l'œuvre affreuse du péché,

Car nous, les fils attentifs de l'Histoire,

Nous tenons pour l'honneur jamais taché

De la Tradition, supplice et gloire !

Nous sommes sûrs des Aïeux nous disant

Qu'ils ont vu Dieu sous telle ou telle forme,

Et prédisant aux crimes d'à présent

La peine immense ou le pardon énorme.

Puisqu'ils avaient vu Dieu présent toujours,

Puisqu'ils ne mentaient pas, puisque nos crimes

Vont effrayants, puisque vos yeux sont courts,

Et puisqu'il est des repentirs sublimes,

Ils ont dit tout. Savoir le reste est bien :

Que deux et deux fassent quatre, à merveille !

Riens innocents, mais des riens moins que rien,

La dernière heure étant là qui surveille

Tout autre soin dans l'homme en vérité !

Gardez que trop chercher ne vous séduise

**** d'une sage et forte humilité...

Le seul savant, c'est encore Moïse.
Le dernier coup de vêpres a sonné : l'on tinte.

Entrons donc dans l'Église et couvrons-nous d'eau sainte.

Il y a peu de monde encore. Qu'il fait frais !

C'est bon par ces temps lourds, ça semble fait exprès.

On allume les six grands cierges, l'on apporte

Le ciboire pour le salut. Voici la porte

De la sacristie entr'ouverte, et l'on voit bien

S'habiller les enfants de chœur et le doyen.

Voici venir le court cortège, et les deux chantres

Tiennent de gros antiphonaires sur leurs ventres.

Une clochette retentit et le clergé

S'agenouille devant l'autel, dûment rangé.

Une prière est murmurée à voix si basse

Qu'on entend comme un vol de bons anges qui passe.

Le prêtre, se signant, adjure le Seigneur,

Et les clers, se signant, appellent le Seigneur.

Et chacun exaltant la Trinité, commence,

Prophète-roi, David, ta psalmodie immense :

Le Seigneur dit... » « Je vous louerai... » « Qu'heureux les saints.

« Fils, louez le Seigneur... » et, vibrant par essaims,

Les versets de ce chant militaire et mystique :

« Quand Israël sortit d'Égypte... » Et la musique

Du grêle harmonium et du vaste plain-chant !

L'Église s'est remplie. Il fait tiède. L'argent

Pour le culte et celui du denier de Saint-Pierre

Et des pauvres tombe à bruit doux dans l'aumônière.

L'hymme propre et Magnificat aux flots d'encens !

Une langueur céleste envahit tous les sens.

Au court sermon qui suit sur un thème un peu rance,

On somnole sans trop pourtant d'irrévérence.

Le soleil lui faisant un nimbe mordoré,

Le vieux saint du village est tout transfiguré.

Ça sent bon. On dirait des fleurs très anciennes.

S'exhalant, lentes, dans le latin des antiennes.

Et le Salut ayant béni l'humble troupeau

Des fidèles, on rejoint meilleurs le hameau.

Le soir on soupe mieux, et quand la nuit invite

Au sommeil, on s'endort bien à l'aise et plus vite.
Un projet de mon âge mûr

Me tint six ans l'âme ravie,

C'était, d'après un plan bien sûr.

De réédifier ma vie.

Vie encor vivante après tout.

Insuffisamment ruinée.

Avec ses murs toujours debout

Que respecte la graminée,

Murs de vraie et franche vertu.

Fondations intactes certes.

Fronton battu, non abattu.

Sans noirs lichens ni mousses vertes,

L'orgueil qu'il faut et qu'il fallait,

Le repentir quand c'était brave,

Douceur parfois comme le lait,

Fierté souvent comme la lave.

Or, durant ces deux fois trois ans,

L'essai fut bon, grand le courage.

L'œuvre en aspects forts et plaisants

Montait, tenant tête à l'orage.

Un air de grâce et de respect

Magnifiait les calmes lignes

De l'édifice que drapait

L'éclat de la neige et des cygnes...

Furieux mais insidieux,

Voici l'essaim des mauvais anges.

Rayant le pur, le radieux

Paysage de vols étranges,

Salissant d'outrages sans nom,

Obscénités basses et fades,

De mon renaissant Parthénon

Les portiques et les façades.

Tandis que quelques-uns d'entre eux,

Minant le sol, sapant la base,

S'apprêtent, par un art affreux,

A faire de tout table rase.

Ce sont, véniels et mortels.

Tous les péchés des catéchismes

Et bien d'autres encore, tels

Qu'ils font les sophismes des schismes.

La Luxure aux tours sans merci,

L'affreuse Avarice morale,

La Paresse morale aussi,

L'envie à la dent sépulcrale,

La Colère hors des combats,

La Gourmandise, rage, ivresse,

L'Orgueil, alors qu'il ne faut pas,

Sans compter la sourde détresse

Des vices à peine entrevus.

Dans la conscience scrutée,

Hideur brouillée et tas confus.

Tourbe brouillante et ballottée.

Mais quoi! n'est-ce pas toujours vous,

Démon femelle, triple peste,

Pire flot de tout ce remous,

Pire ordure que tout le reste,

Vous toujours, vil cri de haro.

Qui me proclame et me diffame,

Gueuse inepte, lâche bourreau,

Horrible, horrible, horrible femme ?

Vous l'insultant mensonge noir,

La haine longue, l'affront rance,

Vous qui seriez le désespoir.

Si la foi n'était l'Espérance.

Et l'Espérance le pardon,

Et ce pardon une vengeance.

Mais quel voluptueux pardon,

Quelle savoureuse vengeance !

Et tous trois, espérance et foi

Et pardon, chassant la séquelle

Infernale de devant moi,

Protégeront de leur tutelle

Les nobles travaux qu'a repris

Ma bonne volonté calmée,

Pour grâce à des grâces sans prix,

Achever l'œuvre bien-aimée

Toute de marbre précieux

En ordonnance solennelle

Bien par-delà les derniers cieux,

Jusque dans la vie éternelle.
L'indulgence qui n'est pas de l'indifférence

Et qui n'est pas non plus de la faiblesse, ni

De la paresse, pour un devoir défini,

Monitoire au plaisir, bénin à la souffrance.

Non plus le scepticisme et ni préjugé rance

Mais grand'délicatesse et bel accord béni

Et ni la chair honnie et ni l'ennui banni

Toute mansuétude et comme vieille France.

Nous serions une mer en deux fleuves puissants

Où le Bonheur et le Malheur têtes de flottes

Nous passeraient sans heurts, montés par le Bon sens,

Ubiquiste équipage, ubiquiste pilote,

Ubiquiste amiral sous ton sûr pavillon.

Amitié, non plus sous le vôtre, Amour brouillon.
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
thousands of miles hence
human beings just liketh thee and me
art being bomb'd to death
news of mourning families
art being telecast
by hourly news and albeit
w'rld agnizes syria's
up-to-date condition
v'ry few has't seen the pictures of
blood and drops of sorrow and deep t'rr'r
ign'rance at its most wondrous
the west at its most wondrous
can’t we best committ'd
rath'r than reactive
wherefore doest t taketh so much timeth
people to realizeth
yond massacre is occurring
and liveth art being t'rn apart
as we sitteth tranquilly at our dinn'r tables
abundant with pea soup
and roast'd chicken
and want of caring
Nabil Apr 2021
Saturated to the root I lay my my land, across the swamp the vines they dance to a rumpus rut ravage and rance , bold they grow leaf and branch

— The End —