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My hunger for you never wanes
your, smell, touch, look send me aflame
my lips bruised after being crushed by yours
my thirst quenched by drinking you in,
my need as robust as your thrusts,
my cravings, like a ****** in need of a fix.
Immersed in you, luxuriating in you,
knowing you, has starved and saved
my soul.
Amongst the smell of lust and lechery
Dante watches, he watches my soul.
Purgatorio, penitent I walk within flames to purge myself of lustful thoughts and feelings.
Dante's Inferno. Souls of the sin of lust are blown about in restless hurricane winds, I feel the wind at my back. Howling.
A symbol of my own lack of self-control to my lustful passions
in this my earthly life.
Just be with me when we are judged, together we can prove our

"Lembranças, fragmentos de pensamentos que tivemos, vidas que vivemos. Este é o nosso purgatório, nosso inferno. Sim, estamos mortos. Nós destruímos a terra e já não mais vivemos e tudo o que nos restou foram as lembranças, fragmentos de pensamentos que tivemos. Estamos mortos agora...".


"Souvenirs, des fragments de pensées que nous avons eues, vit dans lequel nous vivons. Ceci est notre purgatoire, notre enfer. Oui, nous sommes morts. Nous détruisons la terre et ne plus vivre, et il ne restait que des souvenirs, des fragments de pensées que nous avons eues. Nous sommes morts maintenant ..."


"Memories, fragments of thoughts we had, lives we live. This is our purgatory, our hell. Yes, we're dead. We destroy the land and no longer live and all that remained were the memories, fragments of thoughts we had. We are dead now ..."


"Ricordi, frammenti di pensieri che abbiamo avuto, vive viviamo. Questo è il nostro purgatorio, il nostro inferno. Sì, siamo morti. Noi distruggere la terra e non più dal vivo e tutto ciò che restava erano i ricordi, frammenti di pensieri che abbiamo avuto. Ci sono morti oggi ..."


"Recuerdos, fragmentos de pensamientos que teníamos, vive vivimos. Este es nuestro purgatorio, nuestro infierno. Sí, estamos muertos. Destruimos la tierra y ya no vivo y lo único que quedaba eran los recuerdos, fragmentos de pensamientos que teníamos. Estamos muertos ahora ..."


*"Memories, fragmenter af tanker, vi havde, lever vi lever. Dette er vores skærsilden, vores helvede. Ja, vi er døde. Vi ødelægger jorden og ikke længere bor og alle, der forblev var minderne, fragmenter af tanker, vi havde. Vi er døde nu ..."
D Conors Sep 2010
"io sol uno."
-Dante, Purgatorio

There I was,
the comic-tragic star of my own motion-picture,
bold beneath the springtime Italian sun hung high
--a heavenly fixture,
illuminating the gold-leaf enframed frescoes in
kaleidoscopes of colours,
baking dry the pigeon droppings upon the flagstones
they smothered,
where I, in all my self-serving recreation,
posed proudly in a costume of my own creation,
an operatic villain clad in a billowy blouse of black,
the Campanile Tower like a sentinel behind my back,
as movie cameras panned and zoomed,
paparazzi photographers capturing me
and freezing me,
in all my wicked, medieval glory,
floating and gloating in the dank aroma of the Venetian seas,
"I'm the shining star!
--Look at me, look at me!"*
-the super-special star I always knew I'd be,
a painted parody,
a harlequin of displaced passions
for all to laugh at and see,
before slipping silently
into the ornate basilica,
dim and dark as night,
thanking Mother Mary (for nothing) as I sparked
a votive candle's light,
not really sure or caring
where my life would lead,
just as long as the Azure Queen
shed Her Grace on me,

...until I fell
and fell
to the mockery of a home
I made in Hell,
hard and forever and fast,
the only fool left alone in my solo cast,
adrift with no direction,
****** and lost,
me and my frivolous theatre,
squandered an an extravagant cost.

"io sol uno" means, "I, myself, alone."

This poem is a true-life story.

See the Piazza San Marco, Venice, Italy:
D. Conors
August/September 2010
christopher crow Oct 2010
High above and brave;
Taunting the waters below.
With this bridge we have conquered
Open spaces
And Time opens its wings
To let us pass without aging.
Who ages on the bridge?
No one.
Children are arrested in a state
Of wondrous apprehension.
The old forget gravity's pull
On their brittle bones.
It is a marvelous thing that connects
Our world to
Middle Earth and Rivendell; the great
Castle of Gormenghast, Narnia and
The fathomless depths of Cthulu; the
Temples of the Oracles; the lost rock
Walls of the Necropolis; the emerald
Towers of Oz; the Memorial to Krypton
In the Fortress of Solitude; the waters of
Lethe; the expanse of Midgard and the
Rainbow Bridge; Mount Olympus;
Daedelus' Labyrinth; the Inferno, the
Purgatorio and the Paridisio; the dark
Forest's of Pan; and the broad field's of
And the galaxy of stars, of worlds destroyed
And created by your Will, that shapeshifter
Of Prima Materia that stretches out in
The limitless space that is your mind.
This ancient construction of arched
Rock, mankind's greatest achievement
That draws the curious, the adventurous
Without verdict or punishment, and gives
Them the ability to walk on air, defeating
The current of death that rushes
Obliviously below.
Lara Trujillo Jul 2015
I may not be a ghost or a saint
to know the place you keep within is by the trees striking midnight at the most.
Trying to intertwine my fingers with your pallid hands comes against the law of your vicious past.
Your complexion broken in accumulated clots of despair in which you've hidden dearly
But your veins are intact and lungs in place, it is far too early to misplace the walls you have built.
The hollowness in between your guilt and creation
does not house what's left of your deceptions.

I may not be a ghost or a saint
to know the place you keep within
is at the palm of my trembling hands for me to break
at night

i dream of your abscence

in the dark of the night

i am forced to participate in a sequence

of mad scenes

of a life in wich we are seperate

and no longer one clashing unity

on the insane stage of my mind

i see faces in the laughing audience

familiars from my past life

my mortal life

the life that i used to live

the life without you in it

i scream at them

i plead them to help me

to help me find you

to help me remember something

but they spit and grin

and i am forced to wander this brave new world


but with you engraved upon my heart

somehow i find you

or something that reminds me of you

a figure that represents you

but it is distorted and ugly

it is a shadow

i present to this darkling

my undying love for you

but it is not you

so it cannot fathom the depths of my passion

my passion for you

my passion for us

so i turn away

and venture broken, and alone

into the wastelands

the imperators of my mind

the ones who rule my personal darkness

who sits on the amorphous throne

of my tormenting imagination

creates a dread barrier

seperating me from you entirely

for you are the stars

my stars...

the heavens have been chained

with a dark and terrible force

i am trapped here on this mortal soil

trapped on earth

while you await in the sky

but my love is strong

it is undefeated

i strike up at the skies

tearing a rift in the very fabric of space

i soar up towards you

like a lightning bolt from hell

while the earth crumbles and dies beneath us

i am coming
and i awake

you are right next to me

you always were

i was searching in vain

despairing in vain

my exausted breaths

gently touching you precious nape

i love you to death

so i kiss you

i kiss your frail body

i trace my tongue everywhere

i all the divine places upon you

you tremble beneath my masterly touch

like an exquisite instrument

designed specificaly for my hands

you tremble

i swallow you whole

and your waves drown in my ocean

i devour all of you

nothing tastes sweeter to me

then all is silent

you are pleased and happy

i am infringed still

a demon inside

waiting for you to reach out to me

as i reach out to you

i will wait forever

i will come to you

if you wish it

but i need to know you truly wish it

and when i know...
Reede Feb 2014
May perpetual darkness shine down upon you
May your soul consume itself in a desparate act of hunger
May dogs attack you, and birds flee you
May food sour and rot in your stomach
And May the acid corrode your insides
You have no more blessings
No more skins of the teeth
No more luck
May you be torn apart by the hands of those you’ve wronged
May you not even be allowed hallucinations to alleviate your loneliness
May vicious judgement be forced upon your every move
May liquid plastic clog your throat so that you may no more speak words of sin
May hellfire scorch your limbs so that you may no more write words of sorrow
Nor may you run away from punishment
May this purgatory make living seem brighter than the bliss of death
For you repeatedly attempt to escape life
And in turn you take lives but
Slowly, you roast them unevenly
They burn, and you observe
With the box of matches you weren’t even aware you had clutched tightly in a sweaty grip
Thinking they were fireproof
Expo 86' Sep 2015
Forçado a um habito falho
Esfaqueando a face que eu sou
Encimentando um mundo que mal começou
Estrangulando todos os meus pensamentos

Oh, mergulhe no meu coração
E acenda a alma da minha substancia
E se apresente como meu purgatorio
Enquanto eu me balanço nessa rede de discórdia
Sobre essa mar de ruinas

Me afaste dessas fraquezas
Me ilumine com seus pesadelos
E acabe com minha juventude
Com seus sonhos doentios
¡Qué adorable manía de decir
en mi pobreza y en mi desamparo:
soy mas rico, muy más, que un gran visir:
el corazón que amé se ha vuelto faro!
Cuando se cansa de probar amor
mi carne, en torno de la carne viva,
y cuando me aniquilo de estupor
al ver el surco que dejó en la arena
mi ****, en su perenne rogativa:
de pronto convertirse al mundo veo
en un enamorado mausoleo...
Y mi alma en pena bebe un ***** vino,
y un sonoro esqueleto peregrino
anda cual un laúd por el camino...
Por darme el santo y seña, la viajera
se ata debajo de la calavera
las bridas del sombrero de pastora.
En su cráneo vacío y aromático
trae la esencia de un eterno viático.
¡Y al fin, del fondo de su pecho claro,
claro de Purgatorio y de Sión,
en el sitio en que hubo el corazón
me da a beber el resplandor de un faro!
Joanna Eliades Oct 2018
I am suddenly aware that my eyes are open, and have been for some time.
its dark, quiet.

The faint taste of ammonia, seeps into my mouth

I feel heavy and unable to move,
my body hasn't yet caught up.
Fear surrounds me.
I am not alone.

I am caught somewhere in between.....
The rules I follow - that keep me safe, and bound - are lost, purgatorio

I have glimpsed the operating system.

There is no need for remembering, rewinding. I am completely aware of every detail of the place .
A revisit.... A slap in the face of reality.

A visit back to a long forgotten place from many many years ago, suddenly completely clear... Back to where I left off.

These r the ones that pull me down. , my mind free from creating and ready to explore... Let the games begin.

I need the fade out, the short but so
Important time it takes to move from dream to reality.... to give your mind time to adjust, slow down.

This isn't how it is supposed to be.
The fear is becoming intense, I need water to get rid of that taste, that place. To knock me back. But I can't move.
Jason Zhao Jul 2013
The worst dancer you are in the world
Not one step you move with your feet
A statue I can not call you
Movement still can be felt in your eyes

What dance are you playing I know not
What I know is that it is the most beautiful
and graceful dance in the planet
No dancer or dance moves my heart till I saw yours

What role are you playing dressed all in white
Dante I guess it must be
since I can sense all the Inferno and Purgatorio in your eyes
excerpt the Paradise

What's your feeling when visitors came
taking pictures and throwing money at your feet
From your dance I know every picture they took
every piece of paper they throw only added more sadness to your eyes

Being also a visitor myself
I came to sit with you without money
but only with understanding and the warmth of
another lonely heart
B E Cults Jul 2021
circling the drain
the worst of it
is the taste of the
rain coming out of
the black cloud above me

tastes like days I'll never
be able to get back
or forget about

Zumban las balas en la tarde última.
Hay viento y hay cenizas en el viento,
se dispersan el día y la batalla
deforme, y la victoria es de los otros.
Vencen los bárbaros, los gauchos vencen.
Yo, que estudié las leyes y los cánones,
yo, Francisco Narciso de Laprida,
cuya voz declaró la independencia
de estas crueles provincias, derrotado,
de sangre y de sudor manchado el rostro,
sin esperanza ni temor, perdido,
huyo hacia el Sur por arrabales últimos.
Como aquel capitán del Purgatorio
que, huyendo a pie y ensangrentando el llano,
fue cegado y tumbado por la muerte
donde un oscuro río pierde el nombre,
así habré de caer. Hoy es el término.
La noche lateral de los pantanos
me acecha y me demora. Oigo los cascos
de mi caliente muerte que me busca
con jinetes, con belfos y con lanzas.
Yo que anhelé ser otro, ser un hombre
de sentencias, de libros, de dictámenes
a cielo abierto yaceré entre ciénagas;
pero me endiosa el pecho inexplicable
un júbilo secreto. Al fin me encuentro
con mi destino sudamericano.
A esta ruinosa tarde me llevaba
el laberinto múltiple de pasos
que mis días tejieron desde un día
de la niñez. Al fin he descubierto
la recóndita clave de mis años,
la suerte de Francisco de Laprida,
la letra que faltaba, la perfecta
forma que supo Dios desde el principio.
En el espejo de esta noche alcanzo
mi insospechado rostro eterno. El círculo
se va a cerrar. Yo aguardo que así sea.

Pisan mis pies la sombra de las lanzas
que me buscan. Las befas de mi muerte,
los jinetes, las crines, los caballos,
se ciernen sobre mí... Ya el primer golpe,
ya el duro hierro que me raja el pecho,
el íntimo cuchillo en la garganta.
Victor D López Feb 2019
En tiempos difíciles, he llamado tu nombre,
Mi amor, y me aferro a él como lo hace un niño,
A la creencia en Papá Noel,
O los ciegos, a la esperanza de la luz;

Es para mi,
El sueño visionario,
Que impulsa la perseverancia,
Y condena la desesperación;

Es la esperanza de las almas desdichadas,
En el purgatorio en espera,
A la promesa aparentemente olvidada,
De su eventual liberación.

Cuando mis palabras pasadas confunden, confinen,
Obstinan mi mente, y las imágenes convergen,
En el borroso remolino de la locura,
Digo tu nombre.

Entonces la desesperación retrocede,
Como una pesadilla incorpórea,
Desvaneciéndose lentamente, dejando solo sábanas empapadas de sudor,
Rindiéndose a los purificadores rayos del sol naciente del amanecer.

Una palabra simple, tu nombre, pero para mí, un amuleto poderoso,
Que traspasa la oscuridad y derrite,
Las formas deformadas que atormentan y provocan mis días más oscuros,
Y los llena con todo en la tierra que sana y renueva.

Una palabra simple que simplemente es mi todo, un sinónimo de sincero,
Amor sin pretensiones que rara vez pide y entrega libremente.
Un amor que no cuestiona, sino que simplemente sabe,
Que no se quema rápidamente, pero siempre, y para siempre, da calor.
Mi corazón leal, se amerita en la sombra.
Yo lo sacara al día, como lengua de fuego
que se saca de un ínfimo purgatorio a la luz;
y al oírlo batir su cárcel, yo me anego
y me hundo en ternura remordida de un padre
que siente, entre sus brazos, latir un hijo ciego.
Mi corazón leal, se amerita en la sombra.
Placer, amor, dolor... todo le es ultraje
y estimula su cruel carrera logarítmica,
sus ávidas mareas y su eterno oleaje.
Mi corazón, leal, se amerita en la sombra.
Es la mitra y la válvula... Yo me lo arrancaría
para llevarlo en triunfo a conocer el día,
la estola de violetas en los hombros del alba,
el cíngulo morado de los atardeceres,
los astros, y el perímetro jovial de las mujeres.
Mi corazón, leal, se amerita en la sombra.
Desde una cumbre enhiesta yo lo he de lanzar
como sangriento disco a la hoguera solar.
Asi extirparé el cáncer de mi fatiga dura,
seré impasible por el este y el oeste,
asistiré con una sonrisa depravada
a las ineptitudes de la inepta cultura,
y habrá en mi corazón la llama que le preste
el incendio sinfónico de la esfera celeste.
JoJo Nguyen Jun 2024
Ring and Stone (1+1+1)
Silver and Ruby (5)

Fire and Wind (1!+1+1, maybe unstable)
Kali and Ae°lus (6, unstable)

Power and Noise (2+1+1, unstable)
Charming and Luck  (4, unstable)

Noose and Loose (1+1+1)
F√ck and Sh•t (3)

B°wel and B°wl (1!+1+1, maybe unstable)
Dreams and Dear (3/4, maybe)

Fruit and Paint (1+1+1)
John and Pink (3)

Emancipation (5)
Purgatorio (5)

Color (2)
Verdant (2)
Unamuno wrings his hands, frets over
the Tragic Sense of Life in which we
all die inevitably, inexorably, unwillingly.
And death is simply non-being to him,
and non-being looks a lot like pure
nothingness, which means we can't
even think "non-being" or "death"
when we're dead. It's all one, big,
fat zero. Add it to or subtract it from
itself, and it's still nada, the sum
of all fears. O the woe of being human.

I read him as a teenager in love with
philosophy, and thought him the most
profound thinker Europe had conjured up
in the 20th century. Continental philosophy
was the only philosophy for me, heavily
Germanic. Even Sartre was a closet
Heideggerian, teething on Sein und Zeit.
But Unamuno leapt over the Teutonic depths,
plunged into Dante's circle of death, scratched
out a mirror image of the human face. I took
it and ran, Kierkegaard stuffed in my back pocket.

Philosophy is eros is love is an incomplete connection.
Reality rises like a daffodil in the green grass
of spring. Wordsworth pens an ode; the rest of us
stare and blindly think we know what we see. But
the eye doesn't conceive, it doesn't relieve anything
save a surface tension. The eye can't speak, can't say
that the daffodil is real. Nobody sees reality in the
flesh. Nothing meshes with sensation but sensation.
That's the Latin way, the Mediterranean way, says
Jose Ortega y Gasset, another Spanish wizard of
wisdom, wishing for intellectual love, dancing at Delphi.

Philosophia. You can't see it, you can say it, but it's
all yearning, no release, no peace until the mind
settles on the bottom of the stream, feeds on
jetsam, maybe flotsam, then thinks "Being" and
gushes *******. This is Plato's territory, a long way
from Spain. But there's geometry in the bullring. There's
life and death and nada and sol y sombra in the stands.
Ideas don quixotic cloaks. Cervantes turns them into
literature, the Ur-story of Spain and its millions of minions.
The common man squirms for comedy. Tragic senses
squire hard work, and if life is so short, why not eat, dream

and be merry? Unamuno deserves his fate. Thinking
about death still adds up to nothing. Thought dies, too;
it's not accustomed to rue the end of infinity. It has no
affinity with hard limits. It rises, stays aloof, looks down
on the world, which has only one side visible, and pronounces
it good for nothing. But can't the thinker take a joke?
Incompletion competes with vast yearning like the tortoise
with the hare. No one gains on the other: Zeno's Paradox.
We might still ride Mediterranean Vespas, but the Greeks
kick-started this thing into motion. There's no reason

without Socrates, and he pronounced death a no-fear zone.
Unamuno forgot his Crito, Phaedo and Apology. Irony adds
up to something, not nothing. There's no surface irony here,
folks. This is Mycenean, not Mediterranean, Athenian not
Salamancian. Spain thinks it thinks new thoughts, taking
the bull by the ****** ear that's left behind the horn. No mas.
Only philosophy thinks itself, eternally. It never dies, man, even
if the cosmos explodes to a pinhead, then vanishes like
a magic trick. What's tragic about necessity, certainty? They
rave on in that dark night of the soul. Nada means nada,
but "means" isn't nada. It's todo on the human topos.

So climb it like a mountain in Dante's Purgatorio. Fret
no more, amigo
. You are on the top of the world; it's a tricky
move to the summit. Ascend on the wings of meaning,
then see what you think, not think what you see. That's something.
And Socrates proclaimed it enough. Hey, Plato made him say so.
Paco Lypps Aug 2020
Pinnacle of awaiting fate
V shaped recovery duplicate
Call up your options
Depressions put down
Expiring news reverberates tree sound
Lamentations heard awe all around
Shocking flash pyrotechnics underground
Labyrinth string of deceit hath unwound
Minotaur found rotten to the core

— The End —