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Waiting in the living room
laid across the leather couch.
I could smell the flour from the kitchen.
Infused with garlic powder, pepper, old bay
the right amount of paprika.
Watching her coat them, gentle like
baby powder during a  changing.
The grease sizzles like tap dancers across
marble floors.
Watch the delicate flip, she’s rougher
when she rubs my nose.
Sounds then become single
Raindrops hitting a metal roof.
The meat rises to the top of the pan
They are cooked.
REL Jan 2013
i woke up gorging myself with whiskey and cheerios
i’m sleep-punishing again. mother will probably
threaten to call the doctor and forget.
dinner is on time as usual
gabby dial Apr 2015
oh god rice
ive had it every night
porkchops and rice
nodles and rice
step mom make brocoli
brocoli and rice
oh god guys so much rice im my sad life
long grain or sticky
yellow or brown
got a rice *** cooking it now
rice and steak
rice and eggs
rice and life
im tired of rice.
i talked about rice for thirty minutes drunk at a party to a group of people.
Day Dec 2011
where? in a land far, far away

suburbia about to crack
every Jim, Joe and Jack
solicits money for dope
with no hope for a future
for his kids cause he’s broke

                he hasn’t seen them in a couple of years

                there are all
these mannequins

they walk around like they’re people
they got the houses like us
they got their malls and their steeples


the hand that feeds them buys ammonia
and they give it to the kids
yeah, they put it in the pigs  
before they’re porkchops and ribs
they take
a little arsenic
and sprinkle it on carrots
because they heard the brand has merit

it's like

a different planet
once they had orange men and pink

and they didn’t get along
they said the colours were wrong

and they fought,
of course they fought
because that’s in all of nature

but they were given a few thousand years
they never quite figured
it out
it was a failure
and they never found a cure
and they never did mature

til the sky

came falling down

and it’s
a different time a different place
it’s not even the human race
but citizens get robbed by banks
held hostage with a gun in face

so I hope
that though the words I speak
are really just absurd
they’ll send a message that is heard

                                     almost there
                                                be the change
                                                          ­    with your
                                                            ­               words.
I feel a little redundancy going on~ we're all one! ☮
thanks for reading!
SøułSurvivør Jul 2015

If you offer Moses porkchops
And Ghandi t-bone steaks
An Amish woman lightbulbs
You have what it takes!

If fish ain't on the menu
For a Catholic's Friday meal
And you fast on a Fat Wednesday
You're the real deal!

If at a Mosque you're dancing
While they're bowing to the east
If you use a salad fork
To eat the main course feast
At Episcopal church functions
Then don't give a dime
At Joel Osteen's mega-church
Man, you're right on time!

Non-religious offenders
Really should unite!
Just do what comes naturally!
Don't give up the fight!

Far from being reverent
Take it one step more!
Diss ol' jolly Santa
While looting big box stores!

But watch the gays and lesbians!
Jokes we won't allow!
Or political gurus and women

For those are sacred cows!

(C) 10/9/2013
Don't get me wrong.
I don't like nor want to diss ANYONE.
But "political correctness" has gotten
really over the top.
The only group it seems "correct"
to diss are Christians. I guess in
some instances we have it coming.
But we are automatically put in the
category of greedy, lustful, crazy, ignorant (or downright stupid)

What happens when you point
the finger? Yep. You got it.


— The End —