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Mahum Siddiqui Sep 2015
rich with the depth
and intensity
of oxidized blood,
a plushness caresses my bare skin.

my fingers tracing against the grain of the fabric
slowly seducing
as the canvas
becomes duo chrome
the tip of my finger
a nymph
cunning and artful

the strokes
offering an insatiable
yet so in control

finally it succumbs
turning a tide of new color
permeating from where my touch once was
a culmination of sorts
leaving you enamored.
Ryan A Flournoy Apr 2015
10:35 p.m.

Again the man ate too much for his own good. He could barely sit long enough in his car ride home without an involuntary bowel movement threatening to ruin the interior leather of his new convertible car. The same convertible he happened to clean earlier that day, and for the second time that week. Barley able to transition out of his car he wobbled his way to his front door and into his house away from the fascist eyes of his affluent neighbors. He plopped to the living room floor assuming the only position his body was capable of. As he lay spreadeagle on his back uncomfortable and slightly anxious he ripped his shirt off in fear of suffocation. The spinning fan above brought waves of nausea if he starred at it for too long. Rubbing his naked protruding belly seemed to be a brief fix for the brewing pain in his stomach, but then the pain turned for the worse. He felt the sidings of his stomach stretched and the food nearly about to overflow back out of his mouth. A small burp came from his abdomen and he could taste the food as it rose and steamed in the back of his throat. He questioned himself In agony, "Why?". Why would he continue to spoil the treat of dining out at his favorite restaurant in town just to come home in disgust and pain? Is it an inability to stop himself from ordering the biggest plates of food and forcing every single grain of it into his mouth? Or are the pictures that show the plates of food just too enticing for his self control? Is it that the price seems right, therefore it only seems logical to order the full plate and its copious amount of sides to choose from? Perhaps it is just because his finances allow him to and his lack of appreciation for what sparse living feels like, or even worse famine. With no real acknowledgment of the nonrefundable resources he so easily exhaust, not to mention the physical harm done to his body, he was doomed for failure. He winced as he rolled to his side. No burp could subdue the agony of each turn in his stomach. He feared at any second his dinner would decorate his luxurious new rug that he took so much pride in. So much pride it was not uncommon he would insist his guest to bend down and feel the plushness of it every time they stepped on it. Still the war raged in his abdomen. Focused on his breathing, he shut his eyes in hopes of a get away. Struggling to remain still he reassured himself to breath.

11:07 p.m.

Suddenly, like a light switch found in a dark room a life changing truth was revealed to him. One so beautifully powerful it was to change him for good. The awareness of this truth would put an end to his pain and suffering, his lies and imperfections. There was now an answer to the constant void in his stomach, his unquenched hunger, the glass half empty. No longer was he a prisoner of deception. There was an overwhelming fleeting of demons and a mountain of weight lifted. His vision was as clear and vivid as it could ever be. The bliss was not ignorance, not was unfeigned truth. For the first time ever he could see life for what it really was. It felt like a lifetime of emotions in one moment. Simplicity surrounded him in every direction. He felt the joy of complete freedom. The weightlessness of eternal peace. He was to tell the world of this untapped truth brought to him. A new and better way to live. An actual sustainable lifestyle free of judgement.

Then without his consent, he abruptly stood up. Dazed and in a state of confusion, he glanced at the clock.

11:11 p.m.

He then looked down and saw what his life cleansing truth was. He had simply soiled himself while asleep, ruining his new living room rug.
Man longs for fulfillment but looks for it in material objects, false ideologies, pleasure and desires. We will continue to take from this Earth until one day there will be nothing left.
Maeve Jan 2014
Well, you're beautiful, aren't you?
Something about you makes me want to stay
Perhaps it's the way the breeze feels when you radiate warmth
Or the way your soft, cold plushness feels against my skin.
Or the calmness you bring to me when everything seems to speed up.
My favorite gift from you,
The best thing you've given me is
Clear skies
Bright eyes
And hope.

I'm in love with the earth.
in the warm pleasure
of a pillowy plushness
as we settle in 4 bed

dozens of candles
dimly (dancing)
lighting the room

two silouettes
curvaceous, crazy
calling out names

frantic, feverish
moving melodic
rhythmic, rhapsodic

(it's getting warm in here)

rapidly warming
degrees of desire
sweating, squirming
melting into u...
I want to push on the plushness of your face and tell you all the ways you make me smile.
Your voice is a drop of warm honey, fresh from the comb, settling into my stomach. You have turned my heart into a hexagon of wax.
And when you laugh I can hear bees humming home home home home.
for RGF
Chase Graham Feb 2014
Library pulsing with audible shrieking and terrible scent
tattered books slid from his back shelf
a years will of sociable training
and swirling, as he,
loneliest and surrounded by
himself, visualized purpose,
innermost being. And he
slouched down within the plushness of a navy couch
and absorbed his moment,
and dreams tangible grew from his index.
Leila Valencia Apr 2016
Her chair by the grandfather clock
Creaked with ticking and tocking - a moment awaits
She grips her hands softly
Her furrowed brow creased and squinted a moments memory
The pillows of green lounged and her lover caressed her golden locks


In memories of black and white his arms carried her
She carried him with her
In plushness, her cheeks puffed, her lips puckered
Her blue eyes gleaming vivaciously
As the waving goldness of yellow and orange waved back and forth
Leaning their backs towards the eye of the sun
The couple gleefully, held on to one another

Hours turned over into days - passing by time
They gripped tight on to eachother.
Moving in they moon danced to the stars
Sleeping in their hammock
Yet she felt him loosen with ease
The flower by their sink rotten and cumbled into oblivion
She cried for days yet they held on to each other

The mail man comes early today.....

She heard him cry
The foreboding of death crawled into their home, unexpectedly
The grim fate had him pulled him away
Cut loose and shield our touches - his departure to the battlefield

His flights leaves and time is the hourglass
She recalls the night of his departure vividly

6:34 - Fighting

6:41 - Screaming

6:45 - All of the kitchen ware is shattered

6:53 - Him gluing the parts together

7:00 - Making love

7:39 - Him walking down the street waving

7:45 pm - Lights out

Current Day

Every day sitting
Lights out
Sipping white wine in a tea cup - awaiting a knock

The slow creak of her door opens
Opens ever so slightly, yet she sees a tall shadow
She steps up, puts her cup down and sees someone
The quiet stillness of winter. Freshly fallen snow with nary a track to be seen. Frigid air bites at the skin. Wrapped in warmth, feet sinking into the plushness. Snow-capped mountains in the distance, a layer of fog surrounds them. Bare trees gone white with it’s bark peeking through underneath. The time of year when the suns warmth is welcomed, defrosting the icy chill. The snowfall is blinding in the sun, but without the solar beam, the grey tempers it. As dusk sets in grey turns to black and the white illuminated by the moon. Hours pass and the sun rises to brighten the morning and the cycle is renewed.
Arokiamary Jul 2020

Pigmented and fragile they seem.
Beautifully they fly teem.
Transformed from caterpillars,
they are the patience pillars.

They can compete with sunshine,
they can defeat the rainbow shine.
They are the princesses of flight,
they are hard to catch in the sky.

They are buttered and buffered,
they are colorfully painted.
They have crossed various phases,
and they are called metamorphosis.

Attractive, alluring,
radiant, and reckless.
With the arduousness and plushness,
they are elegant mobile entertainers.

Travis Green Mar 2022
I’d like to take control of your ****, sultry sausage
Take a wildly excitable trip on your rollercoaster of seduction
Where your masculinity makes me spiral out of control
My head bouncing up and down on your thick titillating torpedo
My sensations arise and swirl everywhere in the passionate flaming air
Your hypnotically hairy caramel body enthralls me
Your untamed majestic chest, your lickable leathery abs
Your luscious masculine armpits, your huge smooth arms

I am incredibly thrilled to peruse your pleasure trail
To escape into the ample amount of magic in your attractiveness
Saucy chocolate bearded marvel, you swathe me
In your brilliant eminent dreams, your unending bliss
The more I ******* your solid shooting ***** shotgun
I drown into your enrapturing majesty, my hands clinging
To your thick delicious thighs, filling my mouth
With your super ****** sack of *****, falling into deep lust

You have no clue how you soothe my system
How your matchless mega muscled masterpiece
Makes me so pumped up to down your ******* blaster
I can’t stop fondling your body parts
I grasp your tight manly cakes, luxuriate in the plushness
Stroke and tease your ******* with my exhilarating tongue
Sear your soul with my blazing flow, make you lit and twitch
Make you grit your teeth while you scramble for the right words to say
Make you amble into my space the more I taste your automatic pistol
Please, Daddy, let me see you squirt sensual ***** all around my face
Travis Green Dec 2020
You took me on the wildest ride of my life.
You made me so high inside that I thought
I was standing on the edge of a cliff,
overwhelmed with so many rising feelings,
vibrating explosions, my heartbeat
increasing and decreasing, then flying
at supersonic speed to sweltering Mars.
I was hopeless in your presence,
lost in the artistic lands of your charming
brightness, voyaging through the
afterglow of your dreamy dimension,
lying next to you, your constellation
of colors so super vibrant like a rainbow
in the graciously clear sky.  When I looked
at you, I was transfixed on your plushness,
how you propelled me into outer limits,
the doors to various worlds opening,
directing me to the heart of your core,
the sleek surface so impeccably made.
You were mouthwatering, a saccharine
flavor that luxuriated in the sensual cells
of my soul, skiing on the waves
of your great nation, so excited by the
power of your towering design, how you
coaxed me into blossoming canvases
filled with flawless art, my body
clasping to yours, enjoying all
that sparkled in the hallways
of your adorned space.

— The End —