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Poetic T Apr 2017
plauges bride does swing
oblivion clasps deaths breath

motion is static
I have yet to receive
My mutual love
From that one I put forth energies ,to.
Freedom of feeling uplifted
When the signal is returned
I fly on the wings of the Dove.

Nights go by
No answers to my connection
The one whom I hold dear....
She  seems to never hear
Or has seen the true admirer,near.

What is the price
To receive what love
I selflessly put forth
As  a signal to gain her attention?
Gold,youth,ot fame?
Questions arise as the pain
Of her silence plauges me

Does she fail to see
That id give her my whole world
My life
Just to have her return my energy
My feeling
My true care
My heart?

To create a brave and new miracle
Of a new life
A newer world
Mutually together....
As a brilliant start...

Of a better existence
Than remaining a loner
A drifter
In a large world
Uneeded by those fakers
And those who fail to except
My invite
To a better world
After all we've been through .
Such an answer
To end painful lonely days
With you by my side
Each day ... A paired experience.
Hesitant Alien May 2015
This is what I feel when its 3 am and I'm laying in bed awake
Although my eyes are heavy from lack of sleep I cannot bring myself to close them
I want to lay in the darkness for as long as I can
I also want to scream, to break the silence that has fallen on my house like smog
But I can't bring myself to open my mouth
I'm too tired
In the mental and physical sense of the word
Too tired to speak and to scream and too tired to do anything
I used to be happy
When did I stop being this way? I don't remember anymore
When did I stop smiling? Or looking people in the eye
When did people stop caring?
About me
About how I'm feeling
But I wouldn't even know what to say if they asked
How would you describe the feeling of being empty when you still remember what it was like to be whole? To be full to the brim?
How do you portray how your chest tightens every morning when you wake up
Or how it feels like I'm drowning inches away from the surface of the water and if only I could make it those few more inches I could **** in the sweet air
How do you explain that it feels like I'm running towards the light at the end of the tunnel but the light has vanished years ago.
But I'm still running. Hoping and praying to a god I don't believe in that the light is just around the bend.
And thats all I've got left
Like Pandora, I've let out all the monsters and plauges and evil but I've kept hope close.
Tamara Stoffels Apr 2014
The scars that cover my body, mind and soul.

The feeling of abandonment and lonliness.

The constant fear that plauges my entire existance.

The raw sting of rejection, judgement and betrayl.

The shattered fragments of my confidence and joy.

My interior that is bruised and battered from  fighting the battles inside.

The taste of unspoken words in my mouth that remain there, ever stagnant.

The hollowness of my stone-walled heart.

The steady stream of regrets that fill my veins.

With all these reminders, will I ever be allowed to forget?
John Taylor Jan 2015
Nail my hands to the stars, call them Pyramus and Thisbe
Whisper to me with your moon kissed lips, through the cracks in your bones
   And tell me of the sweet nothingness that plauges you                                
As I watch the sun begin to rise in your eyes
Something I wrote for fun, enjoy :)

— The End —