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Gary Gibbens Jun 2012
Falling (1)

I can still remember the climb out of darkness
It was aching slow
Many times I stopped
There were good holds sharp cut
Hands jambing in cracks that were cool
A ledge for resting
Friends showing me a better line
But I was afraid
Behind, below the emptiness of the abyss
Like a mouth opening
Darkness breathing
Still I came to a high point
And really viewed my surround
For the first time

Crazy Escherian stairs and lines
Cracks and climbs
Exploded from my gaze
Destroying every piece of knowledge
Every safe passage gone
Paisleys of twisting patterns
Purple reds, greens, orange
Twisting into a cacophony of images, bodies
Thoughts both shimmering and unborn

And my pinnacle
My granite stand
Dissolving into sand

With the panic of my tortured lungs wheezing
My heart pounding like some ancient broken bell
I leaped,
Hands desperately clutching
And held onto something I hoped was strong
I closed my eyes as it gradually dissolved
And heard the exhalation of the abyss
Welcoming me
Cielo Gebilaguin Dec 2010
He's a cynic,
she's a motley fool
they go through time;
witty, in opposite directions

Together they make up
the string of Time:
everlasting, effervescing,
shimmering a long a line.

In contrast they balance
In not like features they oppose
Uneducated or wise,
each to the same degree.

They balance like 6 and 9,
fitting like
two paisleys
in the same sphere

Likewise they despise and love:
in the same degree, at the same time
Everlasting, effervescing,
shimmering a long a line.
Bellie-boo Apr 2021
Lilies and Daisies,
Today I have got a case of the lazies,
I sit in our room listening to the eighties,
Thinking about nothing my thoughts come and go like the waveys,
I wonder Dear if you would look good in paisleys,
But then that pattern is a bygone phas-ies,
If you wore it on our dates, I can’t imagine all the gazes.

Lilies and Daisies,
We are feeling Lazies,
Sitting on the bed doing nothing but maybes.
“Want to go for a walk?” “Maybes.”
“Want to go to the movies?” “Maybes.”
Our code word for, “I have the lazies.”
When we hear maybes,
I know well just sit here doing nothing…
But I am perfectly okay with doing nothing so long as I am doing nothing with you, Cuties.
Just sitting on the bed with my partner thinking how happy I am to do nothing with them <3
Ken Pepiton Dec 2018
Bang the drum slowly

There was a rhythm, an echo
Everything, after to day has been leavend
by Iain McGilchrist I heard him speak on Youtube.
We can learn forever, I think he agrees. We live to learn.
I've lived a bit longer.

When the teacher is ready the student appears
in arrears
twisted from duty by dereliction

do you understand, stand under, any

one thing word god idea and that's it truth?
I do.
What idea do you stand under?
Seek and ye, meaning me, shall find.
seek a place where you believe that is known
make that place your home,
make that place
make that
effectual, fervent axing fells the forest for the trees

if you please, brief turing-inspired tests of ideas
re-presenting old good ideas
rusted through disuse

for possible recyclings through a level of minecraft.
the wargames are
rewarding, post-war on terror.
After age 27, winning alone is not enough,
even the gang, the fam, the team
all the weese we ever was

We aint. I am

needing meaning like air

oh my god, a worship song I heard that
You are the air I breathe

do we, the we of you and me believe air is good?

we do, I knew. Good, 'ts'at mean? Air is meaning?

all one after the morph into alone
I am the way or there is no way

that could be the story but for you,

I-Thou Philosophy, I bow to thee,

en passant on pointe

Ministry of truth Prognosticator Hagee he say
Hell? Yes, he say Hell yest'here is a hell for all

who fail to escape it. I say
One way or another,

you escape one hell,
paying nothing more than proper attention
to detail (did we define duty),

you know how, do it as needed,
friends help but
eventually, something like a father must judge me

good. That is the whole duty. Or else nothing,
eventually right,
live a life that brings honor,
he who troubles his own house

inherits the wind,
you heard he said I came to divide?

Split the flow with a contrail of ice
cutting through the clouds
a jet plane don’t know if
any thing of the sort was ever seen

before my generation.
slice the current into paisleys bubbles reaching away
from the point whence most heat meats least resistance
boiling begins
bubbles emerge and pop.

as old as sin
yada, the chorus sings, all the little milk sops sing

yada yada yada and mock the need

to know, you know? More,

after all's been said and done why goes on,

she waves, Cliché crashes to my frontal lobe from lizard brain
Dive in
follow wisdom flowing past
our di er rama drama direct ******* of re ality ify ing

Did that work? That's maybe
as good as praying, effective

Judge you, I judge me. Can I live with your
following the flow I followed

ob right ob vious not en vious

if the clouds and rain were what water wishes to be,
first some tears must add specialsalt to the sea,
earth salt, from mudmen,
then salt ***** water from
the mud after the flood
when the mammoth
died, (Thank him, for his bones)

then grandpa tells another lie and we laugh
and he weeps

it only hurts, when I laught, he winks,

She pushes and the story takes 'is father's breath,
his first alone, all one, all the air in the world
flowing in to fill the need pressing listing
need need need to breathe
lusting listing and
a new whirl in the world
with all the wind an heir may need
someday, from one bubble to another

in one breath.
One beat of the walking drum,
Meaning, the search for reason and rhythm, skipping it seems, the old man declares is a necessary mode at some point in every upright walker's life.
Elioinai Nov 2017
You call out dreams within me
Like pulling out folded saris
from boxes waiting on attic space
Colors I’d almost forgotten
come tumbling down like a rainbow waterfall of fabrics
I long to drape them again
and walk my own adventures
I am none of the odds
One of the ordinary sight to the lads
A figure of uncertainty
Imprisoned by the unholy

Enraged by memories of the late
Fire ignited by hate
A warrior disabled
By the cage of my people

Thoughts, feelings dreams unspoken
Unsure of my own brethren
Left in mid air
Is everything in love fair?

Overthrown by the shadows
Outsmarted by the one in cloaks
Can't hate nor shout
For there's death in my brother's mouth

Profanities mumbled in secrecy
Rebellion wrapped in ecstasy
Wounds patched in paisleys
Eyes closed to misery

— The End —