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there is principle, there is mad luck on the streets
 but then again, i have neither one.
i assume the idleness of poles underneath the roof of a cafe in Poblacion
   and wonder where all my poems go,
 the value they impose -- only there's implosion   and not   so much sense
    so i go out to seek tenderly in the night,
 a cheap moon trapped underneath the bottle   of a pilsner
   as i hear one  of   the patrons call out
  my solitude like a ******* on all fours;

one afternoon pursues a following.
  i have wasted my time writing and stopping
 to   watch   stray hounds   pant   and
     ****    on the hot asphalt of Plaridel.
the   papers   retch  at tyrannies.
    hands   for  mechanisms  configured to
  a heady bias of  probabilities.
 the   house   next  to me is  being
     overhauled   and i  imagine  the incredulity
of   things  not their own  meanings.

  a pair of old Chuck Taylors on the bedspread,  a decrepit  bed for making love
    or passing time or  wasting the night away.
somewhere, someone  is  reading my  poems  and  weeping at the  cadence.
   most do not notice -- it was the caprice of things   not mine to  commandeer.
   the sound  of  stone masons hammering
boulders double the  melancholia.
   the deliberate sieving of  sand and  stone
      felt like   sandpaper air.
 the matutinal  sky split into dire condition
    much like  mine: becoming   and unbecoming.

all the   ******* are out in the streets
with ladies wuthering in high strides.
all the priests are in their rendezvous,
killing buddha heads.
the police have silenced the sirens
and behind pairs of old navy blue slacks
   and mobiles covered with dust,
the  captives scream mercy.
all the ATMs drone the pither of metal mouths.
a widow in Bocaue holding a picture
  of the departed.

i look up and see my face in the sky:
  if only i could **** the man and be the man,
fill his shoes with flesh, his movements my emulation, his enigmas my clarity, his day old denims my best dress.

more than beer and cigarettes have done me in and more to myself much no less
   than a cat hit by a speeding bicycle
  somewhere in Padre Faura.

madness hurries like a lover and hands me
   a picture of the moon.

i've got something and that's good enough
  as the police leave the grime of times
   and evict drunks off the streets of Malolos,
  as the priests step into the showers, naked
  and bloodied just like the ordinary man,
  as the cat that was hit
      by   a bicycle
   goes   back   to   the dark
  licking   the   salt  off the wound,
    bone fractured,    still alive on the  hot roof.
Why do women that i like
Always say **** like
"I like you , but I'm not ready for
something serious!"....right ....

Sounds like ******* to me
Cuz if she liked me she'd be
Ready, but instead she
Doesn't sag what she means

Cuz what she means is
"I think I'll wait for someone better"
Cuz I'm good enough to be
Friend zoned,  but she'll never

Admit I'm not good enough ever
Cuz I've seen this before
Some people get scared hearing
Gun shots but A closing door

Causes me way more horror
Cuz truth is the whole package
Doesn't consist of a fat body
Cuz I maybe cute but unattractive

Overall, so overhauled yet again
Is the familiar reflection
That personifies rejection
So I'll answer the question

Of why she doesn't like me
Cuz I'm a sketchers, not Nike
a no name handbag, when Gucci
Gets the coochi, so ***** likely

Will go to some ******* unlike me
With less heart to offer
who will take her for granted
But as long as he's hotter

Or makes money like a doctor
He's automatically above
I guess that's why I need drugs
The only substitution for love

To fill, what never will be filled
By a companion, cuz a bangin
Full gallery of Personality,, don't
Beat salary, so hangin

Like a man from a rope
as suicide takes air out his throat
Left dead, is my chance to advance
like I choke on hops

So of course back to dope
Is how I cope, but I know that
All I have to offer, isn't hotter
than the beauty of a 6 pack

Left wishing I was like crack
Like I was anything that stops me
From being inferior, like an exterior
Less inferior, so she'd want me

But like always all I'm wanting
Seems to just be too much
why can't someone want me
and not be , saying what she does

when she doesn't say
what she says , not saying it cuz
she don't wanna be rude and say The truth... I'm just not enough
To Resonate
Love communicates but lips to lips
Passion reinvigorates to celebrate
Beauty crops up for the golden tips
Every moment of love is but a date

My love let me drink from fountain
Let me be intoxicated ,enthralled
Allow me open the wonderful tin
To make myself really overhauled

You and me are one and the same
Our heart beats but are to resonate
By burning our souls in love flame
To present just that we are soulmate

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2018 Golden Glow
Down to the wire, before this
calendrical occasion doth expire,
though arbitrary twenty four hour
time set aside for guide
ding hand of the supposed/purported
fairer gender, yet human race, yet hide
bound male oriented (patriarchal) must
relinquish reigns of power and egoistic pride!

Survival of species mandates, er...
woman warrants segue way into an opportune
winning moment for matriarchy,
idea leaning in with my paunch
just now while sitting on me
*** issuing flatulence,
while poised on haunch,

this grand scheme to shift "mother"
paradigm as kickstarter platform
global campaign best Gaia hood launch
(without no ifs, ands,
nor buts) to staunch
******, brutish, nasty...
warlords indiscriminate ******

apparently linkedin with machismo
animal, banal, carnal  apropos
for those supposed
"men at work" dough
boys in many industries

hesitant to allow
management to incorporate
diversity and flow
with admixture to
tone down militaristic
stance heavily saturating
gunning product endorsements

sans, toys for tots miniature
weapons bought as a la carte,
bons with child size meal,
some ideally meant to spark
vitiate, unleash, trigger, spur
rapidly snarling tussling among
yips and playful puppy like bark

aggressive competitive purchasers
devices snapped up on a lark,
that ravenously mesmerize,
glow with a Noah ville paginated arc
predominantly helping boys shine
lasers to find their way in the dark,

these "FAKE" trappings priming
gun toting mindset at crucial stark
age to inculcate impressionable
embryonic seeded inquisitiveness
sophisticated electronic goodies, sans quark
thought processes, advertisers nudging

with everlasting lifelong indelible mark
steering stereotype cast gender bias
buzzfeeding future enlistees, earmark
kings military industrial complex edifice
for tomorrow's psychologically finagled
jackknifed, psyched...indoctrinated trademark

most likely completely
overhauled with able
bodied, confidant, daring...
females at the helm,
who would quickly disable,
where future teeters on

the brink of apocalypse,
rousing the ghost of lovely legs
Elizabeth Ruth "Betty" Grable,
whar fight'n World War II boys
gabled analogous to din heard
in tower of Babel,

yet upon understood signal din silenced,
when esteemed goddess took to podium with great
******* up pomp (albeit modest) and circumstance,
where clamoring would immediately abate
revered hand of Lady Liberty look alike incarnate
her majestic poetical, quintessential, regal...aura
charisma, karma...did automatically infiltrate
(synonymous with some catatonic, hypnotic tonic...

inducing meow wing spell), where her intrepid
essential unbesmirched virtue did actuate
magical mystery tour de force augmenting
win-win conflict resolution unanimously,

this mantra, she would strive mode to administrate
dethroning entrenched fruitless governments
honoring integrating, juxtapositioning...
for human beings (with other life forms) to propagate
amity, ethnicity, integrity, magnanimity to coordinate!
Rhea Shergill Aug 2020
Take a deep breath as you walk through the doors,
It’s the morning of your very first day as you enter your second innings.
We are lost in reminiscences of those days filled with adventures in the moors,
Memories bring back more memories as we now cherish all your winnings.

8+ years old you were when to Sanawar’ you went away,
The place gave you memories that you can narrate all day.
It’s time for you to rest your mind and brush the cobwebs away,
As I take you back in time which may now seem like eons away.

At 17+ you went rolling into NDA,
For you knew it was here that your passion lay.
Friends for life you made who would change your life thereon,
Your animated stories and anecdotes were those to which people were drawn.

An epitome of serenity, whose legacy will live on,
Pleasant, calm, patient and loving all the qualities that you adorn.
We are lucky to have your blood run in our veins,
For it gives us the strength to climb life’s rocky terrains.

You are the Phantom in the good and bad times,
You gave us everything and taught us to control life’s reins.
You believed in all three of us and encouraged us to fly,
You make me want to be better and encourage me to try

You were the shield that kept all storms at bay,
Fights that ensued among the female trio.
You resolved them better than Sherlock and Poirot,
You make us come together every single day.

You wear your scars with pride and courage,
And give us a place to let out our secrets and umbrage.
I’ll always be proud of having you as my father,
For there is no one else as brave, giving and stronger.

You are the bravest man I know,
You’ve overcome hurdles all of which have made you grow.
You are my father I can proudly say,
To anyone and everyone all day.

You were the ray of light during our darkest times,
You taught us to overcome hurdles and face life’s climbs.

I met you many years ago,
You held my hand and helped me stay afloat.
All the trials and tribulations that would throw,
You encouraged me to Never Give In and face them, for they'd help me grow.

You make my life beautiful and purposeful,
You encouraged me to dream once again.
You taught me right from wrong,
And struck the chords to tune my life like the right song.

Forever may not last in a pragmatic sense,
But it’ll last for my love which is so very dense.
I’m glad you are mine to be called,
For this bond shall never be broken or overhauled.

You are our midnight sun,
And you always encouraged me to be someone.
Our father is a hero and who wears a uniform,
He with his medallion is someone you cannot outperform.
My father recently retired from the Indian Army. This was meant to be an ode to him.
For your reference-  Sanawar is a boarding school in north India and NDA is the Military Academy.
Yanamari Dec 2023
Rock the boat,
  I'm fine
Little waves won't hurt me.

Rock the boat
    I'm fine;
What are a few more,
  I can handle it.

Rock the boat
       I'm fine
   I'm fine...
I can handle it

      To and fro
                      Underwater,­ can't breathe--
               Overhauled, overstretched
          Deep breath
I'm fine...
hated writing this
To Resonate
Love communicates but lips to lips
Passion reinvigorates to celebrate
Beauty crops up for the golden tips
Every moment of love is but a date
My love let me drink from fountain
Let me be intoxicated ,enthralled
Allow me open the wonderful tin
To make myself really overhauled
You and me are one and the same
Our heart beats but are to resonate
By burning our souls in love flame
To present just that we are soulmate
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2018 Golden Glow

— The End —