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Often think I'm odd
to fall in love--
a well too deep
to crawl out unscathed.

So I stay outwith
peeping inside the pit,
hearkening to sundry sounds
of infectious laughs--


I too cheerfully fell
into affection's well.

How I was wrong!

—And then I realize I’ve been breathing in through a cigarette.
Like again before, the violence of reality, its press of revelation.
Rush to write before it fades.


My Muscles could be putty (non anent my lungs
to soot); another year of breath and fight past,
another year to revisit me, its Tocks, it’s to
“Keep lithe to be left living after its descent.”
*******, I’ve been saying that for years,
—now that I’m older—*******,
I’m talking about every kiss I’ve forgotten,
that is, everything we lose on way to Adulthood.
It’s unique, the imago state; most betokened of
His image, right? We are social creatures, too.
This year descends with the sand-bag weighting of
its guests, demons, its music and oxford commas.
And like every student here, inches of brick between
their sod-sleeping heads—I’m getting puttied muscles.
Grandfather clocks could only measure the pace
of time dripping from filter to lip right now.


So, out with it! Outwith disclaim and excuse!
Did these calendars and turmoils bide
inside, waiting? And I carried on dumb?
No, I couldn’t face it. To have any brag
or claim on consciousness you couldn’t.
And brag is the stuff of home and placement.
Too, I felt placed, and set, and spoilt, like
a full-soled step was took each step.
And then the rain came Sunday,
I knew a full periphery again, all that;
And now the center, too.


Berthed I become as I imagine the sky cloud.
Fixin’ to rain war and revelation.
This earth is a battlement now, I’ll fight.
The rolled cigarette, violent reality,
sweetly slipped into my mouth.
I never want to sound conclusive
(assertions, pretensions): keep repeating:
I’m just a sensitive thinker.
No better than like a decade’s
worth of culture, every conclusion
becomes irrelevant and useless
like an old law. An old decade
is entirely the footrest of the new,
and just as sturdy as He makes it.


I never understood the value of a dollar
‘till inside a tower over the campus
I tasted the thousand-dollar crime
of Security & Maintenance for climbing
a building. Tuition’s, now, an inkwell;
($)30,000 unmarked, illiterate words
and too much say with one bottle.
Same, too, with one purchase.
But still the shame of confusion
is an education in and of itself.
Confusion as useless as the future
and old criminals acquitted.

Take on another [name], any other,
so that God can call out to you
in the night.
Well, I’m learning.
between this poems…[sic]
I’ve learned that names are your own,
so name the un-cut, -construed past
and all it is you, for safe-keep, see.
I’ve learned that a capitonym
is God by any other name :
Hope, Love-lorn, Terror.

Monistically, I’ve learned there is only
us, the namers, for so our charge was:
whatever the man called each living
creature, that was its name.
that’s gotten us a lot of places,
i.e. hubris, tragedy, undoing.
But it’s its very syllables that undo.
So whisper. Snarl if needed. But
tack that trouble to tree and let it bleed.
This is your deer, your grace and past.
Yes, rotting there is your former muscle
and ideals, all prelude to this very moment.
Just as real and violent as when alive,
yourself, and yet confrontable,



Andrew Siegel Dec 2013
she whispers to me sweetly
sleeping, quiet ecstasy
then tells me what is wrong
she needs another verse or song
I'm her puppet to be sure
I would paint the sky for her
silken strings pulled and release
silken skin bare to me
and all the stars in night's sky see
She comes to me in dreams
and **** to me in screams
but her words are painful strings
tying me to her in verse or song or chat
heads of her fore-strings make me weak
compete with her heart? To what end?
I'll begin again when quiet promise blooms
perhaps in May or March or June
then she will say words echoing from my heart
An ache that smarts might learn
From outwith her tender sorrow
comes blessings disguised
and then I will hurt her though I don't intend
See her smile and laugh again in my arms
look at me with smiles wide open to heaven
then cast a frown down to persevere
against the flow of life thrown carelessly at us both
you will know this verse when you can
understand that it's not a candy land you dropped
laborers placing wooden panels on the walls
and you in the house by the lake, watching it all
John R Pettigrew Nov 2016
                       John R Pettigrew
                    Owner of JRPTAROT
                 1 BLACKFAULDS DRIVE
                      WEST LOTHIAN

So many people with so many questions
Not realising that each and every experience is just another lesson
You actually think that any answer gave
Will make it any easier in dealing with the pain
This seeking closure will stop you from moving on
Brushing the things coming up as just a feeling
But the simple fact is that it always leaves you reeling
Letting fear and resentment live rent free in your mind
Giving some narcissist continue to emotionally rob you blind
To deal with your past is to begin to let go
Looking within and letting the light within you flow
Stop looking outwith for the answers is key in this lesson
As every experience handled correctly could be todays blessing
When you let the anger in your tolerance will begin to wear thin
No more second guessing,the answers you seek lay within so clear your mind and let the abundant light of love within
When you look within you will gain deeper insight
To shed pride and ego
And bask in the glory of your wondrous light
ri Jan 2015
by Leslie Thomson

One night late after midnight,
A poet sat with pen in hand,
Surrounded by crumpled up paper,
No words came to his command.

In his house there crept a poem,
Full of smarm and beguiling;
Just out of reach of the poet,
It stood there, sardonically smiling.

“Do I elude you, poet?”
Said the poem with mocking tone,
“Do I keep you awake at night,
And won’t ever leave you alone?”

The poet snatched at the poem,
Which stayed outwith his grasp.
He cursed at the elusive creature,
Who laughed with a throaty rasp.

“Poem how did you get in here?
And why won’t you give me peace?”
Asked the poet of the poem,
“I am tired and need release.”

“Why do you evade my clutches?
And keep me awake so very disturbed?
After all, I am a poet;
I am King of the written word.”

“Oh such grand conceit,” mocked the poem,
“To think this is your life to choose.
You are the king of NOTHING;
You are but servant to the muse.”

“You know your mind is not your own,
And words are beyond your control.
You merely scribble what is dictated;
You will write what you are told.”

“It is true,” bemoaned the poet,
“I asked not to be entranced.
To spend time with words evading me,
And leading me in merry dance.”

“Yet I would never want to escape it,
For I love the written word so.
The muse has me in her clutches,
And I never want her to let go.”

“So you tell me poem,” said the poet,
Just what is a poor poet to do,
When I’m distracted day and night,
And haunted by creatures like you?”

“You try too hard at times,” said the poem,
“That is why we lead you on this chase.
Each poem is like a lover;
We must be ready to embrace.”

And the poem slipped into the poet’s clutch,
And only then did he understand,
That he would never be king or master,
The muse is always in command.

His mind at once was inspired
And he continued the work he planned;
Contented and filled with love,
For the poem in his hand.

So when you look for inspiring verse,
To enlighten your life or fulfil,
Remember a poem will not be forced;
It must come of its own free will.
He closed his account, I reposted his masterpiece.
David Bremner Sep 2016
The Fox River flows
like a river of nothingness
Through my mind in the light
and my life in the dark

So many places like this
where I never have been
Exist in the world
outwith my experience

A bridge crosses over
the flowing waters
As endless as time
that I cannot tie down

On the library steps
beneath an Illinois sky
A woman gazes out
absorbing the scene

Where I do not feature
except in the mind
Testing conciousness
and the meaning of life.
nivek Apr 2016
the impasse
still waters
vacant space

deaf, dumb, blind
held outwith
the singing universe

the silence, the unspoken, the unseen.
Where am I?

Unwittingly caught in an invisible struggle
Realizing not, that my soul it tried to smuggle

Who am I?

Of this I was unaware
Nor, at times seemed to care

What am I?

How did this come to be?
This was not me!

As winter's breath brushed my cheek
Revelation came...I was weak

Tears I cried as I glanced inside

Light...from within and outwith...blocked...intermittently

Shrouded by this fog

...............Losing control

R...I would fall into this sinkhole

B...out, I could...

E...down again, I would...

Enough!  It was time again for me to care
And find that someone with time to spare

It did not work trying this on my own
I realized that I could not do this alone

Cloudy was the day
And Sunshine helped point the way

Support was something I would need often
And was given by an adherent of Dauphin

An old farmer provided directions
To  help set up those connections

And a man of affluence
With whom I once had influence
Helped pull  back the curtain
And reaffirmed my path I am certain

What am I?

I am Love and Light from above

Who am I?

Of this I am well aware
It is for others I care

Where am I?

Standing in the beautiful light of day
Far removed from my personal Cenote
Writing is such wonderful therapy, well, actually, creation in general is amazing therapy for us all. I never thought of myself as ever being truly unhappy, let alone depressed...but for a couple of years I some how kept sliding down that sinkhole. I was not always down during this time, but there certainly was an undercurrent...other than being a dad which is such a joyful experience, not much else really mattered and there was a general lack of a joie de vie which was not normal for me. In not seeing the forest through the trees I simply felt I could conquer anything by myself without help...which is obviously incorrect. Thankfully I have help and, although belatedly, was willing to accept it...I never really liked burdening people with my problems...and my ego felt it could handle anything thrown it's way...but that is what the ego does. The process, once I opened myself up to the help, was relatively seemed like each week something new was re-awakened..I noticed more light coming into me...followed by light being emitted by me saying "live is great...I love life"...words that had not escaped my lips in years....then I was humbled by the power of that which was trying to take my soul. I truly realized who I was...I am here to help others as re-enforced by many, especially a man of goal is to share my energy, love and passion for life and uplift others and hopefully help them to feel that same power in sharing our energy. I truly believe in the Prince song...Live 4 Love...and again, that was not totally shrouded, but was enough of the time to take me off my path within my life's journey. My actions, for which I am responsible, during this time confused, worried and hurt some people and that makes me feel very sad...not depressed, just sad. I am fully confident, because I know that I am not alone...that I am back on my path...the path of light...being in-tune with the Divine and being alert for the synchronicity in my life. As I work on forgiving myself and fully loving myself again...which is my current focus is on the present and a future filled with la joie la is good!

Live 4 Love
Shawn White Eagle

(c) 2019 Shawn White Eagle
Tom Blake Jan 2017
I am youthful, not withering, coming to an end.
Inside, There is a intense
Belief, ineffable...

In me.
Am compelled to express...

My body though, regardless of what I think, feel, want,
Is outwith my control
Existence in this world to an end....I have no say in the matter.

I am
Entirely free
I am
Beholden to something else.
In addition,
I have to be judged and

Final destination: hell , heaven!

Asked for this!

I Believe !
j a connor Dec 2023
And,  ,, ,,,       within the fire
Lies another realm,,  (outwith our reach)
But ........
If we look

D e e e e p

Into the white flame

All becomes clear

If we believe it does
j a connor Dec 2021
i 1
I remember a time when you had to go look for information
now it is inescapable
we are overloaded to a point of no return
short-circuited into believing all is lost
unsure how to fit in
to be accepted
driven by things outwith
unable to speak for fear of being shut down


switch off
look at the world that is yours
deal with only what you can effect
live again

— The End —