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Saumya Aug 2018
If 't be true i ev'r befall to meeteth myself,
i'd sitteth graciously on silence's table,
and studyeth mine own evolved, yet un-evolv'd self,
undisturbed, unhurried, un-agitated,
by w'rld's brightest gulf
. and smileth backeth, as i seeth myself.

if 't be true i ev'r befall to meeteth myself,
i'd sitteth comf'rtably on peace's table,
and gaze mine own wounded, yet un-wound'd self,
un-agitated, un-deviated, unmoved,
by w'rld's s'rry self
. and smileth backeth, as i seeth myself.

if 't be true i ev'r befall to meeteth myself,
i'd sitteth calmly on agony's table,
and obs'rve mine own painful, yet not painful self,
unmoved, undaunted, unleashed,
by w'rld's weirdest self,
. and smileth backeth, as i seeth myself.

if 't be true i ev'r befall to meeteth myself,
i'd sitteth fain on glee's table,
with mine own eyes smiling, and smiling at myself,
unaffected, unguarded, unremitted,
by w'rld's unrequit'd self
. and grineth backeth, at myself.

if 't be true i ev'r befall to meeteth myself,
twill forsooth beest a did bless, contending  miracle,
as yond's at which hour i couldst pateth & greeteth myself,
in real, in real, in real!
and maketh this fact p'rceivable,
yond our w'rld may sure oft hest struggles,
and our m're existence in t,
may just beest negligible,
but we nev'r gotta f'rget
to stayeth hopeful, smileth and giggle,
nay matt'r how hard the struggles,
as yond's the most wondrous fuel,
yond can oft causeth miracles,
in a w'rld,
so obsess'd with struggles!

And then with a sigheth,
a blooming grineth,
yet a sparkling desire within,
i'll did bid myself,
a farewell
Olivia Kent Aug 2013
Snared heart kept, imprisoned could be potential dying day,
Lips regaled in ischaemia, blue blood,flows.....cold,
Face scarlet,temperatures up, pyrexia rules, as she tries too cool,
Mouthing  strange babble,  
She's talking in tongues,
Beaded mask  sparkling,  droplets trickle,
Tachycardic, heart beats, trying not to escape this life desperately, Heart trying not to explode!
the forties....roaring!
She breathes, so fast...  the forties....roaring!
It's  tragic,like everything's trying to meet  demand with supply........!
Currently on remand, waiting for  her sentence to be be passed,
Docs and nurses they rally, running with obs,
All taking their roles, while doing their jobs,
Mews activated, doc visits he's, anxious,
Iv antibiotics he orders,
In plastic sachet, hanging up high, hereby, lies the awaited decision, if she'll  have the will to live, or will she die...
Hope not!
It's not in an instant, but, recovery apparent, as breathing slows below twelve,
Heart beat, it settles,
Her kidneys show function,
Her temperature chills slowly, 36.5, she's still alive,
Thank God,
She got off the train at sepsis junction!
Copyright Livvi Kent (RGN) 11 /04/2013
ruby stains Feb 2015
i like the typ<e tha?t's
dif}feren\t th=an
me in every way and
fo ^rm * (it'll h_]urt if th-ey hu"rt me
'cause:: i know *if that
were m'e//, i neve:/r w
ould'a done it) ,

i like the type that'll
always make me la
h ev%en whe^n i can't
bre##athe (even though
it'd bu
rn and const
that, right the+re, wo[u
ld be h ea v)en).

i like the type that won't ob
e_ss over me as i obs@ess
ov$er the m;(wouldn't wann
a put 'em throu
gh that kin*da
m is e r      ,y.)
this is getting worse.
(honestly i wanted to make this sweet, but it just never happened)
Esther M Aug 2018
All my life you've been all I've sought
Without your presence my life is not,
The demons
No, I mean the season
Of my obsession
I mean,
That's what you did

Can't you see that i'm obsessed
I mean can't you see that
I'm in
With you.

I love you
To the point where i'd
Rip the innocence off your skin
And take a picture of you wearing
As time draws near
I live to hear the melody of your tears
As you cry for your

But I have come to a conundrum
After all I've done
For you,
My love still speaks
louder then yours

Why don't you feel the same,
Say you feel the same
Can't you see
I'm in
with you


Why can't you see i'm
in love with you

To the point where
I won't let
Take you away from

Let me be the
Cause of your
So I can say

True Love
Killed You.
Emily Tyler Nov 2013
Oh, how do you not worry?

One's sick and overseas,
One's in camp,
One's not replying,
One's out for a dinner,
One hasn't been replying since forever,
One doesn't ever talk...

Oh, the only comfort is that
He's not going but
The thought of travelling is just


What if I freak out during OBS?
What if I have no friends?
What if no one understands?
What if the counsellors see?
What if I get sent to the counsellor?
What if they all die?
I'd be so

                                                               ­ [Alone.]

What if I really go mad?
What if I die before that?
What if I die tomorrow?

How do I tell someone I died
When I'm dead?

What if my friends die?
What if they're already dead so
They can't tell me?
Is that why they don't reply?

I'm not gonna have any friends.
I'm not gonna have any sleep.
I'm not gonna have anything.

I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead,
I'm going crazy, going crazy, going crazy.
Oh, how do you not

JDK Dec 2023
Future hermit reconciling his (albeit short-term) commitment to a career in mass communication.

Every obligatory conversation, every concern to extend the web of networking, every not-so-subtly coerced public interaction feels like an embedded knife being slowly extracted.

How exactly did I allow myself to be contracted into something so antithetical to so many aspects of my own personality?

What in the hell could have possibly possessed me to do such a foolish thing?

Foolish me.

I knew what I was doing, though whether or not it was out of some well-meaning ambition to round out weaker abilities or just one giant masochistic way of up-ending everything in a giant '*******' to how I'd been living remains a mystery.

Forcing myself to live a life outside of my comfort zone, I find it exhaustingly, unendingly -and altogether understandably-uncomfortable.

Am I learning something?

Undoubtedly, but I'm not necessarily thrilled about the insights that've been endowed on me.

Oh you Salingers. Oh you Brandos. You Plaths, DFW's and Garbos. You Fischers, Goulds and Hughes.

You lonely and abused. You gray, black and blues.

You at least left legacies before retreating into solitude.
Only the Lonely could know
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2017
this would be considered a "world salad", by people who's ambitions are to write books, but who barely lack the ambition to read a newspaper thoroughly, let alone a novel... or like those a.a. gill dyslexics, who "write", well, write by talking, having slaves to write for them... if these ***** are "writers", then i'm a ******* "orator"!

i've mentioned this faux pas once:
to read a hardback copy of a book
with the sleeve on, is a rare faux pas.
you only read hardback books
with the sleeve off,
because there are actually two
the ends* when reading a hardback
(a) the end of actually finish to read
a book, and
(b) putting the sleeve back on...
any bibliophiles erotica manages to
invoke this "minor" detail.

brooding, brooding,
asking for a balancing act: ah!

it's not the essence of thought to
think about thinking,
babushka dolls and all...

the cognitive equivalent of
the taj mahal before me...

     tibet is the vatican of the orient...

the displaced eskimo and the white
buffer reef of the northerners...

to think is not to un-think
thinking & "meditate"...

                within the realm of void-creation
nature answers: vacuum does not
belong to nature,
            all holes must be filled,
from each unto each other:
  an extract of worth, however small,
however big... from each
an extract of worth.


ah! that's it!

    there's the "correct" cogito ante actum,
as there's the "incorrect"
        definition of those, who have been
morally satisfied...
      the cogito circa cogitans -
the former school:
though before an action,
            but that is as abstract as nothing
compared to the second tier,
only with a fathomable morality can
there be a cogitans = narratio parallel,
semblance, equilibrium -
   not before this point can you have
the leisure of making thought

         to think about the existence of
thought is more profound than
the cognitive escapism of an existence of god...
sorry, but that's how the cookie crumbles..
to de-fetish the existence of thought
to be below god, is:
   (a) an excuse for argue the existence of
a god, and (b)
that's an open suggestion.

but you can't exactly enjoy thought
as narration when you overcome the ought-process
of having established an ethical model
for not thinking about ethical conundrums...

    cogito is a unit that replaces the
psychological unit basin / basis of ego -
there is no ego to be spoken of,
only **** sigma - which is identified by
           in the rationality of identifying
with thinking, the ego has no
storage fathomability to store memorable
                   if thought it order,
then ego is chaos...
       there is no ego totality -
  but sure as **** there's a totality of thought...
ego: incisor point in
psychiatric anatomy.
to think about the existence of thought
is to move beyond an "ought" dimension of
thought, the θ question -
              is debating the existence of
a god, moral, or immoral,
       well... since, inquiring beyond
   self-knowledge, i.e. acknowledging
a second tier of consciousness, i.e.:
thinking about thought...
        cogitans circa cogitatio
      is the foundation into theological
inquiry, from this basis: furthered;
         the circa contra the ergo...
           when did thinking,
verb /  non-verb process ever extend into
a ghost limb?
when did thinking ever arrive at realising
a posit of "self" or "consciousness"?
         never in my reading has thought
managed to extract it's own identity without
an indicative unit of ego...
           thought always paralleled the body,
it never imploded into a per se of a "self"...
to which it furthered itself to consume
by exhumation.
                        there was never a
thought conscious of thinking -
          since the preoccupation of this
investigation was always shrouded,
if not merely preoccupied by a theory of, ego...
of agency...
                or else, a self-cannibalising
entity of good, fed by man's belief
  to satiate a vengeful hope to be mastered
into a genuflection.
                           i, oddly enough,
establish my existence from the standpoint of
cogito circa cogitans -
think about thinking -
         since i no longer desire thought
to mark me as a student of ethics...
i've obliterated the θ-debate by making myself
parallel: in a shady guise of solipsistic interaction...
since i have arrived at this point,
i have no freudian three tier theory,
of affix subs- or obs-,
              to parallel their straitjacket unit
of incompetence...
   nor a super- to a sub- or an un-...
                 i am, the Minotaur,
                and thought, is my labyrinth.

— The End —