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mark john junor Jul 2013
a coin harlot he showers the day
with his turn of phrase that would sell
a sunken city to a floating fat man

the floating man
isnt really fat
but he belives himself to be
after all they wouldnt lie on tv would they
so he spends his lackluster days
become a deeper shade of golden tan and thinner by
shouting phrases of strangers arguments at
the passing clouds
nawing on the bone of contentious verbal meat

he floats in a life peserver
from the Lusitania
and its well peserved sanitys sealed in a jar
which he grips with a fevered hand they
are both his bane and plastic fantastic lover doll
all rolled into one evil mocking grin rubber ducky smelling henchwoman

she languishes in her sand and shell embrace of her lips
her rubber ducky superglue scent
is her own chinese man trap
after all dosnt every man secretly desire a love affair with
his rubber duck
they wouldnt lie about that on tv now would they
course not, dont be silly

i wait for first my ride home
but failing that
i will swim
goodnight and sleep tight
least you find yourself a rubber ducky
you can f@%ky
be very afraid of crossing pathes of the evil mocking grin rubber ducky smelling henchwoman...
and yes i am very deeply and madly in lust with my rubber duckie..her name duckie...she loves me too..( more drinks with umbrellas..ever)
Jack Thompson Mar 2015
I've loved you too hard.
It WAS your fault.
You gave me everything I needed.
Heart turned mush, most would revolt.

I loved you too hard.
And you told me you loved me more.
But what am I to do with this.
A heart petrified and sore.

I've loved you too.
And you gave it back times four.
A heart unloved.
You returned it to the store.

I loved you.
I cared for you more than self.
Demons nawing at my will.
Im unable to release you, help.

I love you.
© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2015
The Mellon Jun 2016
I said not to read this,
Foolish child
It's to late now
Or can you stop?

It is temptation
To know fear
In the flesh

Now don't worry child
It will only hurt
A little

Do you remember
Those dark nights
Turning off the lights
And sprinting to your bed

As dark shadows
Slashed at your
Shaking ankle

Heart pounding
As the dark sets on
A syrup filling your lungs

How the sheets.
They were your protection
Wraped tightly around you
Nothing could penetrate them

But as the night sets in
Not even light can save you now
As the flickering of candles
Cast light upon aproching shadows

Oh the cold
The shivers
The standing hair
Your sheets a permafrost
Freezing you in place

Only able to watch in fear
Shadows lapping hungrly at your bed
As things unknown

The sounds
The gentle squeek of floorboards
The bruixng of incisors

Sorounding you
Enveloping you

You feel it
The vibration
Of a hundred warm bodies
Pounding into your skull

Theres no escape
No way
It's far to late now
Think you can sleep?
Do you really want to close your eyes?

Is that wise?
Do you think your alone?
Are you that foolish?
Why don't you open your eyes

Let me enlighten you
Let the dark come to the light
Let your fear
Become flesh

Don't worry child
It will only hurt
A little
Reposted from poetfreak
Kasey Bailey Mar 2010
My heart sorta hurts, it does ache soo...
What's wrong with me? I don' t really know.
Pushed to the corner of a mind
How do I always get in THIS bind?
It hurts, It hurts! But I can't tell
How are you? Fine, I'm doing well...
Deep down inside, my heart cries
It remembers how hearts feel when they fly.
I wish we could talk, but there's never any time
I'm soo tired of THAT old line.
Suportive and there, I'm trying to be
I'm tryin so hard why cant they see?
I admit it, I need to know.
I know their love, but would it hurt to show?
In the beginning so many small things
The tiniest action made my heart sing.
Now if I'm lucky, a yes or a no
My heart feels like it's tossed to and fro.
Don't get me wrong,I'm so full of love
They are the best thing, ive ever dreamed of.
It is just fear, nawing at my heart
My biggest fear: that I will unknowingly tear us apart.
Zachary Bellamy Feb 2017
Gentle teeth on Delicious skin
Nawing at what lies within,
Hidden darkness and horrible sin
Parrellel With hatred akin.

Sweet and sour, Twisted Grin
Vile Demeanor, A soul left dim.

vera Jan 2018
tell me again that you love me
i love to hear people lie
because you don’t know how to love
i cant say that i do either
but, i know that love isn’t supposed to feel like this

love isnt supposed to manifest itself as paranoia
nawing at your every thought
or jealousy
overriding your functions like that little green monster

love is not these cruel things that you do
- i strive on lies
OnwardFlame Dec 2016
There's a flutter in my chest
Let's name him "Warshop"
And he drifts in a boat
Called the Igloo
We pitter pat
As if biting, nawing
Into forgotten and feathered hats
And impotent impatience
That meditates between pain and fiction
Detailing type writer copy
Dialed in by the hand that feeds
And forgets

He's strict and strong
With iron for horns
A lip made up of daisies
Wilted in the corner of a bed frame
He flutters inside my heart
And whispers me weaknesses and faults
That I don't think is pointed out to me
All that often
Because a lighter radiance
Often shines brighter.

But with that flutter
That power
Comes the responsibility of haste
A fear of being replaced
Just to say:
Remember when you were 15
How beautiful you were then
Like a crisp magnolia flower
On a humid sun dried fried okra day
Just to swoop in and say
The pampas grass grows vast
In the sweet limber of quail egged fusion
Of the mornings you drank coffee and dreamed big.

I think we might could be friends
But I'm still learning to pick and play with him
Like the string of my first Fender black and silver guitar
That I picked up so that a boy would like me
But had a natural knack for
Only later to trade it for paint

The masculine wailing tiger inside of me
We often raise our swords
As if a bow and arrow could solve it
Or erase it all
But he's every bit the inside
And outside of me.

— The End —