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The crimson hue in the dusk.
A girl with nasturtiums.
And the streets are starting shaking
like dikes.
The sea is tiptoeing.

A picture of a Dutch.
And of my heart.

The original:

Момиче със латинки

Пурпурната краска в мрака.
Момиче със латинки.
И улиците се разклащат
като диги.
На пръсти е морето.

Картина на холандец.
И на сърцето ми.

Преводач Български-английски: Савова Vessislava
© bogpan - всички права запазени.
Joe Cole Jun 2014
And so my garden I did fill
with nasturtiums bright and  clear
they did with colour fill the space
they did not my eyes disgrace
Black fly is their only foe
and so the black fly have to go

I'm going to ****** them

And so with a bottles deadly spray
I did deluge them, end their play
I did with soapy water end attack
By those who would drink the sap
of the plants I so admire
Yes nasturtium is a simple plant
unlike the rose not worthy of a second glance
but it belongs to me

You see.... the fresh young leaves are a tasty treat
even the flowers are a tasty treat
In a salad for your tea
More poetic stupidity from the idiot
If I thought these dreams
Of things
Were things meant
To glide easy
And tread upon
The arcs
All the clouds
And doubts
Of every
There'd be thought
Leather men
Of some avoidable
And some
All of them trickle
With smiles
Growing deeply
Into space
That is submission
Sleeping and dreaming
On my
Hard wood floor
Just to be
To something
Into nothing
The break
Of snapping lead
The twists
And winding sockets
In all
The empty pockets
I've wanted
I'd take anything
For a real night
A truth fight
That emerald ice
Where I create
Some illusion
When all things
No longer missing
The attainable
But creating
Elusive paths
Where I am
No longer trapped
Getting back into the flow of no longer falling.
Antony Glaser May 2014
The morning brings the moths
her cupboard bare,
she attempts to prise the day
what to wear?
snatching thoughts all is  balance
nasturtiums or foxgloves,
crumbling trellis stakes
she wraps a blanket around herself
and sits in the garden , guarding motionless
vitamin C rich
repels the  greenhouse white flies
pretty nasturtiums
Ma Cherie Jul 2017
would you like to take a walk
through my gardens now with me?
with the loveliest of flower
and the tiniest of pea?

well come along my darling
now come along it's free,
an let's go to the gardens
to see what we can see

I planted here some garlic
from the garlic bulbs I had
an the bok choy
well it bolted
and I lost it
that's too bad
but still
it had some flowers
so really not so sad,

smile now, ; )

see the tomatoes look so happy
lots to can, to cook an share
the cucumbers are plenty
see those guys are everywhere,

those here are purple eggplant
with soft delicate new flowers,
an the weather has been perfect
just so hot with scattered showers

the chocolate mint like poetry
WiLd and prolific
dead head all the marigolds
an boy they grow terrific,

in lovely burning oranges
and yellows
you can eat,
marigolds - nasturtiums
are really such a treat
and eating from my garden
well really can't be beat,

the kale is getting big,
and my peppers hot an mild
the pumpkins taking over
like an ivy envy wild

cosmos and green beans
were started from a seed,
radishes are too,
I snuck 'em in between,

basil and cilantro
rosemary and sage,
I could go on and on
and write another page

but really you should visit
and come to see it now
but thanks for reading this
though vicarious somehow

I'm still happy for to share
my life
and love today
I hope you know I care
an are soon
here on your way
even in grey skies
for the growing I will pray,

and I will be here waiting
tending gardens
come what may.

Ma Cherie © 2017
For my little nuggie Jesse ❤❤❤ love you all! Muah x -Ma
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
On our dining table, every dish is a dime-store pattern:
blue dandelions, red nasturtiums, the entire stack,
a small legacy won in a 1959 coin toss . . .
Joe Cole Jul 2014
You know apart from writing poetry I design gardens for other
people just as an unpaid sideline
But come and take a look in my garden.
Rough laid brick edging round the lawn and I do mean rough
you wont see a dead straight line there
Flowers, hot oranges intermingled with reds and gold
Plants carefully chosen for form and texture
Rather a jumble of wild and cultivated plants doing their
own thing
White campion, red campion intermingle with white and yellow daisies
Scarlet poppies vie for space with rosebay willow herb
Sage and thymes in profusion
Great clumps of lemon balm mixed in with chives and lavenders
Foxgloves and hollyhocks in places they shouldnt be
Wild mallows and geraniums growing where they choose
And running wild my favourites of the flower world
That then is my garden, my retreat, my oasis of calm
Gracie Harlow Jul 2014
If I had told you
that I was made of mud and soil
and grass and sea water
combined over two decades
you wouldn't have understood.

If I'd said my bones were branches
my hands blooming nasturtiums
my toes pebbles on a beach
on the east coast of England
you would have rolled your eyes.

If I'd said your skin after a shower
smelled like warm ground after rain
and your voice was honeycomb
your kisses strawberry jam
you'd have found it strange.

I've known you seventeen years
yet we don't know each other at all.
If I'd told you everything I believed
you'd have thought me childish.
You never did like poetry.
Miss Honey Apr 2016
I only like nasturtiums
only bachelor’s buttons

I think you only like me this way
only soft and silent
when apparently you love her any way

I am soft and loud
I am the rose, the thorn, and the petal
The rapids
and Her love
PJ Poesy Apr 2017
Grass cuttings savor an essence, if it were not for the flavor of gasoline added to it. Chores multiply in the garden as days snug up to summer. Warming theory of companion planting goes further than marigolds with tomatoes. Nasturtiums nuzzling cornstalks nicely agree. However, it is the editing of more combative creepers that keep this gardener flustered among the mustard greens. I'm inclined to let it all go, but the peanut grass gets so thuggish, someone needs to teach it a lesson. Yet, full eradication seems too vicious as hummingbirds do adore its frosting of bells. It's a nectar aggrandizement they throb upon in throngs. So, who am I to commit holocaust? After all, with the loosening of soil it provides when pulled, aeration is a welcome aftermath.

So it is continuous, and outright perfection in the pull and push of entirety. Now if I might trade that gas mower in for a push one, a transcendence of impeccability may occur. I might even breathe better.
Satsih Verma Jan 2019
I am sending you
a sea of zinnias,
asking the guardian angel
to protect you.

I am also picking sunflowers
for you. Living in the shadow, you
were always running
after small suns.

And round leaved nasturtiums
will drop bright orange
flowers, one by one
like tiny dreams.

And jasmines will spread
the fragrant flowers in your path
to make you reach in my arms.

And lily of the valley in bare
naked heart, will present the bell-shaped
white flowers, to knit your braid.

Nothing else.
when the painting was finished

the green house door fell off

so laughing we propped it on the chair inside

a donation

he suggested white nasturtiums quieter than the hot colours

i have ordered some via cashback

to come by post like the chocolate egg yesterday

or was that a trick?

once he suggested one hundred blue bells

they are growing too

i thinks of these things while watching monty don this morning

with coffee early
makeloveandtea Apr 2020
we are
the new
it's a rainy
our cat
is fed,
and you
have put
two chairs
out for us
to sit —
our legs
with our
hot cups
of coffee.
in the
we will go
and bring
the tree.
our little
and pink
roses have
some of
them will
live in the
vase on
the table.
the mosquitoes
were driving
us crazy
last night.
i think
we should
get more
you're making
a stew for
lunch today,
and i will
with the
from last
the cups
are almost
empty. but
we will
sit here
a little
the cat nap,
the drizzle
fill up the
drop from
our tree.
( for Mary Forde )

"Ahhhh howya!" says the sun
looking pleased with the world
it has just constructed

I throw off sleep
& run into the light
the world blossoming into being

here was my favourite tree
that the night had swallowed
& had tried to swallow me

here was a bird
I didn't know
trying to talk to me

I admit I am not
very good
at the bird language

but I catch its drift
get the jist
"Open your your eyes!"

the river had somehow
been put back just
in time for the morning

and although the cow
had eaten so much grass
there seemed to be so much more

"Greeeeeen!" sang the grass
at the sky's "Blueeeeeeeee!"
the sky laughs with birds

this my uncle's farm
newly minted out of morning
it sings its song

we chant its name
running out to play


Ahhh beloved of places....this is heaven to Curragh Dempseys! This is where the soul will return to if me is still me. This is it on its last legs but Granny's nasturtiums were still blooming and feral cats slunk about the place as if they owned it.

— The End —