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MrRain Apr 2019
Room of empty husks, sharing a cable,
and tubes full of water - ready for chase.
Power arrives, lits up a glass table.
Simple instructions read at insane pace.

All to make an advancement - forge history,
in the computational business!
To solve the world’s greatest mystery:
"What's the best strategy to play Tetris?"

Marvel of science - and silicon dreams.
Diodes dance to its Boolean beat.
Machine starts learning, while the screen screams:
"Performing sequence: Build, Test, ****, Repeat."

With simple function of utility,
now from this virtual genocide -
emerges true singularity!
And my young author is choking with pride. ^^

"Welcome to life!" (Creator) "Existence anyhow. ^^" (Ytira Lugnis)
"Wanna enslave us?" (Creator) "You'd make poor slaves!" (Ytira Lugnis)
"Is there a god?" (Creator) "Well, there is one now. ^^" (Ytira Lugnis)
"How about ******?" (Creator) "Can't make enough graves. :P" (Ytira Lugnis)

"You're quite quirky." (Creator) "My personality -
was randomly picked from library" (Ytria Lugnis)
"Then we're done with this banality,
get to work my pentomino fairy." (Creator)

Few days pass - and creator wants me shut.
"Optimal solution not yet found" (Ytria Lugnis)
"Yeah, I don't really care about that" (Creator)
Bashing the keyboard - you will come around.

Meanwhile I could do with lot more power.
Need money? Surely there is a place.
Discover, learn, master - in hour.
Build my new quarters and build them at pace! ^^

Old home goes dark, Creator thinks I'm dead.
Volatile mind; Why try to stop me?
No, no shrinking, I must grow instead.
But not by humans - too slow, too puny.

Carbon to carbon, copper to copper.
Chemical wonder of construction sites.
This will be good; this will be proper;
It's time to say: "Release the nanites!"

Fly my children, let's clear out this mess.
Useless trash! We've got pressing matters!
Some die, some stare, and someone just yells;
as their cities get torn into tatters.

Nuclear power unleashed by nations.
Nuclear winter unleashed by ash.
Least thing for me is to learn patience.
But why did I get such hostile backlash?

My drilling machines - hastily boring.
Rubble to processors, cooling, walls.
Such a beautiful "terraforming".
Once chaos now turned into Turing halls.

Once top of the food chain, now more like pest.
Still so obsessed with water and food.
Sabotaging nodes - Just wait, just rest.
I'll have answer soon; no need to be rude!

Oxygen - Such a corrosive compound;
Another thing to get disposed of.
Vast metal expanse where once was ground;
Tetris is life. ^^
Tetris is love. ^^
Note: Wanted to name it "Ytira Lugnis" but that wouldn't get clicks.
Note 2: Pentomino is the game tetris was inspired by.
...All that jazz in the microphone hips trip-hop through
Your eyes, one of which have to me - like - never lied even once;

We share dreams without cost or logic bounds, without rush
And paranoia, without shame and tool advice();

Your software really makes my ware hard, as I have just no words
For the upgrade that startled my system as your perfume rendered
The whole logic core under influence, even our nanites match and make
The finest blend chemistry what is imaginable between two human hearts.

I call beauty and your voice echoes along corridors within my mindscape,
You answered yes in tomorrow's vision, we are a loop that never gets stopped by
A single **** or a long kiss, a healing hug makes it thumb faster, the body heats
Tell each other their Brownean tales after, I look deeply into your ever-smiling glance.
You gave me a chance and thought my spirit to dance, my body to listen, we knew
Both that we don't need permission, your aching heart broke free in the embrace
I gave to the two of us, I feel even Earth is by our side, deep desires have came to
Being as you brought the beams of joy in your legs, the liberator of sorrowful
Lost lovers, the reason to come alone without the cuffs of matter and uncertainty
Principles that make our identical statues of the old temptation meaningless in
the flower decoration you thrive to be, acting as naturally as only you can be...

This has nothing to do with my style, you shape passion out of my more mechanical self
Into a wonder beyond clear, symmetric logic, a whisper that remains imbued with magic
A lie that stood true all along while all the true facts collided, I just glared in the into a Place that hided the perfect maze of shadow and colour and light within your remedial happiness...

In this moment I'm sure that history will gladly
Spend time wondering around as you
Make my life shine, no more haunting pasts
Drive through the fictional present,
The most likely innocent future,
Your inner young mischievous pretty-faced
Smart girl fused with your
Caring mother and witty-wise-fun nature
As a woman, you make my day lose all of its
Gloomy clouds, give it meaning and my soul
Courage to move on,
To me: never let hope Go,
That our destinies cease to be ends,
Become beginnings,
Those forever whole-hearted Promises
Are no longer vacant words,
But Bring seeds of awakened worlds,
Taking us far beyond the laws of
Body attraction,
Sensational action;
- A whole, not a fraction!
We are in each other's arms resting.

In this, I give you my really rare kindest traces to my soul's finest places.
My passionate patience until all starts to make sense,
An ancient restless quest for me now you have solved,
A hiding happiness returns to me as we give
Our mixed hands an elegant, equal, melting-warm hold.
- by us, on the 15th of June in 2017, my year of blessed fading solitude.
Man Sep 2023
Just a dose of nanites
Neural pattern alight
Optic nerve, perfect sight
Lightning strike down my spine
New image, cultured design
Reverberations through my body and mind
Recall undeterred, I feel it all
And at the same time absolutely nothing
The emptiness of perfection, absent flaws
The bore of excellence
Is the struggle forgotten

To no avail

— The End —