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Mitch Nihilist Aug 2015
it’s quiet and i hear nothing but the snowflakes
hit the fabric on my shoulder
i hear nothing but the paper
burn as my inhale imitates the gust of
wind that guides the cold to shutter skin —
street lights sit above the lit, white-flowered flakes
as they dance to the ground as a group
that whisper soliloquies to the crimson
lobes that hear nothing but the snowflakes
hit the fabric on my shoulder,
a hazy fog covers the air before my face
as it sways from nostril to upper lip —
a sight down to an illuminating ash,
blinking to meet a lid to whited lash —
as the paper burns
the smokey sky is content
with silence and nothing more
than a look to the fields                             MJB
Part one of a two parted, emotionally ambiguous, duo poem.
Mitch Nihilist Feb 2016
I wish it was easier for
people to forget, if things left their
mind as easy as they let
them in, tough skin
wouldn’t wear thin
as easy as it is right now,
my past is full of imperfections
and bad decisions, leaving unstitched
incisions beneath the brink of sanity,
but who’s isn’t? every time falsities
start, my mind races
with my heart to contemplations on
when to finish, they tattoo the past
of others on their insecurities,
fuelling the fire that burns a hole
into respect and reputation,
creating a vicious cycle
of revenge and envy,
each gossip verbally vomited
into naive ears pulls the marionette
strings of perception into the road normally
taken, two roads may have diverged
at a yellow wood, but when the ignorance
burns yellow to ash,  the road less taken
seems blocked, so the next time you hear
something about another, don’t be too quick
spread the word, the game of
telephone can get a little distorted when
the next phone call
you get is that they
were found hanging from
a rope.
I've made some ****** decisions in my life, and people seem to distort the progression of such. The world we live in has such a call for attention that it comes as a sacrifice to the wellbeing of others. Most bad decisions are eventually identified by the maker, but when rumours start it makes it hard to forget and fix what has been doing you wrong. Basically, the message trying to be portrayed here (sorry for the vulgarity), is to shut your ******* mouth until you know more about what you're spreading. I've seen this type of ******* hurt way too many people.
Mitch Nihilist Sep 2015
she's in the
those pine
that cry to you
when your
feet whisper
to the door,
she's in the
hinges that
weep when you
clinch your jaw
hoping she stays

she knows
but she loves you
and she's tired
of being stepped
on and shut out

and soon you'll
find yourself
cinderblocks on
pine needles
leaving through
the front door.       MJB
Mitch Nihilist Nov 2016
what does the man behind his desk
at the publishing company deem
worthy of publishing and
how much are his shoes?
I wonder if my words
will entice him enough to begin smoking,
or quit smoking,
or have a drink,
maybe sign a contract
or rather have me one,
will he turn off his Bach  
to understand or
turn up his Bach to understand?
will he analyze my grammar,
or the need of post secondary?
I wonder if he will bring forth
his obsession of
having a finger in his ***
to his wife after reading the erotics,
or will he put a finger in his ***,
will I be read in a
reader’s digest in 25 years
while a man of elder
near ***** his pants,
or will I be dwelled as an elder,
and I bet you they’re over
200 bucks.                                   MJB
sorry for the vulgarity
Mitch Nihilist Aug 2015
it’s 12 degrees outside
excluding the breeze, I hide
behind the rising smoke
of the cigarette just lit,
my fingers are falling off,
nails ripping to the marrow
a ****** stutter impairing speech,
a seizured grab to the fleeced pocket
leaves only the other hand to freeze,
such a sacrifice to something
old-me said I didn’t need,
I kick around snow
as my leather boots wear a
coat of white as I shiver
and inspire, throwing a black
coat over my lungs
“hey do you have a lighter?”
the ash sails down
and kisses the filter and a flick
collides the ember to exhale it’s final breath
to the frozen floor,                                                    
I step inside and
suddenly, I’m cold again.
Part two//
Mitch Nihilist Aug 2015
her innocence is soluble
when dipped in
her mirror;
like the bottom
of dinner plates,
her wrists are
tire marks on
gravel roads,
she sees not
what we see
but in what he
sees is what
she cares
but who is he
a riptide splitting
face paint
saturday nights,
veins of toxins,
staring at roadkill
and streetlights
and garbage
hugging curb-sides
mixed with dust
days followed
with headaches
and remorse
dying not
I can see it in her
she’s only 16
this hit's home, and home is family.
Mitch Nihilist Jul 2015
an intrepid image of consistency to living painlessly
floats aimlessly through an adjacent sea of complacency
that finds way to drift further from shore.
worries of capsizing and baptizing
in this ocean of social chastising
leaves me coming back for more.

descending the sail paints
images of pale
skys clouding progression,
shadowing the sun’s oppression
to shining through the cracks,
dreams reflect the water
of sailing to shore and
never coming back,
the table in cabin
covered with cigarettes butts
and empty bottles,
leaving stains of black
on the whispering floorboards
that sways with the current
that restores more
contentedness to being
lost at sea.

but, I wake up to reality
sea sick            
Mitch Nihilist Aug 2016
I sat watching 3 girls,
couldn’t be any older than 12,
wearing shorts cut by
expectations and
            taking pictures
with coffee cups and
wearing make up
stronger          than
perfume clouds
following like
a slow car.
**** magazines          and enraptured
by the           irrelevant famous,
exposing the youth’s lack
of interest in literature,
callow   and murderous,
glasses filled and cocksure,
the world in front of them
and yet they’re taking
steps backwards

Mitch Nihilist Aug 2016
Find that
someone that
becomes the
gust of wind
who turns the
weight on your shoulders
to dust.

Mitch Nihilist Nov 2016
I wonder what type of whiskey
the man painting road lines
at 3am drinks,
am I stereotyping
or am I foreshadowing
my trip to the liquor store
in 10 years?

Mitch Nihilist Aug 2016
a soft voice that can
sanitize a mind, and
that mirrors skin like linen,
hair flowing faster than
blood to her heart,
looking in her eyes
proves that cerulean skies
can walk on earth,
anxiety blurs the lines
of a perfectionist,
leaving reservations
in the minds of anyone
lucky enough to
grace tangibility and
her footsteps cohere,
with lips rarely touched
a godless man can feel them
in his fingertips when praying
to a god he doesn’t believe in.
Mitch Nihilist Mar 2016
subsiding repetition
seemed inconceivable
and to reside at the
brink of light was all but
but achievable,
and to rebuild you must first
fall apart but to find peace
with mind you must
first with heart                    MJB
(-X) is a series I'm doing where I'm going to be posting a string of poems that are 10 lines or less over the course of the next few days that are compiled with emotional brevity. Showing that the lengthiness of a poem doesn't necessarily validate the meaning, truth, and heart put into it.

If anyone would like to be a part of the (-X) movement, message me on here or email me at, spread the word!
Mitch Nihilist Mar 2016
I miss the confusion
of who had
cigarette breath
when we kissed,
or who’s pack was who’s,
but what I miss the most
is the thought of
killing myself with
the one I love.
#3 in the brevity series.

If anyone would like to be a part of the (-X) movement, message me on here or email me at, spread the word!
Mitch Nihilist Aug 2016
She saw through
my        pseudo smiles
empty eyes and
        gave me
iris’ of blossom
and perpetuity
if she had       kaleidoscope lenses
she’d still see
she’ll always
be my median of
perceptive mires
thoughtless meadows,
if a diamond in the rough
sleeps on spikemoss,
is it
still worth something?
Mitch Nihilist Aug 2016
a broken vessel
and bailing water is drowning
out the ability to drift back to shore,
it’s always calm before the storm
but when a breeze disappears
the chance of moving anywhere
flies away like the seagulls
laughing in cocksure,
the water seems so thick
like drifting in ink that draws out
abstracts of stagnancies
and ever time I row,
the boat rhymes in harmony
with the singing current
and cisterns will begin to cry,
I can’t travel alone and
I don’t know how to swim
but at least the sand below
will be softer than rock bottom

Mitch Nihilist Sep 2015
her legs
wear tattoos
of backseat
stitching as
drainage hair
paints faces,
for love in
parked behind
or grocery stores
and only finding
comfort in
fogged windows
that give
no reflection
Mitch Nihilist Jul 2016
I told her she reminds me
of a bird chirping at 1am
and she never asked why,
strange yet beautiful,
inconsistant and seldom,
appreciative upon scarcity,
a hedonist of silence
has never found serenity
in the blurred lines of infinity,
but the confidence of
clamour will fade
with every night a chirp
goes unheard,
the consistency
of inconstancy is the hand
that feeds and the
bite that bleeds.              MJB
Mitch Nihilist Jul 2016
The aftermath of a finished
cigarette lingers in the air
and I pick at it like a
cobweb in the wind,
floating aimlessly
unable to grasp,
and I’ve never felt so weightless
Mitch Nihilist Jul 2016
I'm a mosquito trapped
in a clapping hand,
I know that I can be bothersome
but I'm just trying to survive.      
KorbydAngyle Jul 2020
Doth nuns with colors and clouds.. squint their eyes and laugh at the rain through disguises?
Or royal guardians through other ways and words ask who shouldst beckon fealty to our places and palaces...
That mistresses do ask let there be chaos and war-
What if hate goes 8!.. at 9.. 89 ..98 re go the tyne.. to 70 30 60 40 calculating a clock **** over with the shell of the door or how bout mental stress punches you 9 thousand times?!
I'll say I had no way of knowing individuals can calm the **** out of people..
We're all from one of ten other categories(flack & livid) and our towne has less people so that hadn't reached
What returned with a mighty pebble twas a pass to also turn and prevent heightened welcomes from the king's high and wayfaring wanderer..
Let's do some MJB, some of us are glad that we're not part of what more often some of us were, anymore, sage begins the session...
It's slightly a slab jar mary joe bob though not so much of a gauged sandwich?!
Augmented by amusement and ****** camouflage, though the difference of decency is pretty small time on the big time potato chips of a geek was the dam ticket and the hot chicken beside it!
...the editor of revised fortune for your life inculcates that aversions rescind when the..
(talkmin bout)...
Oh?! You were going to call it?(fate) because if you go for this then an iron knuckle porker?!
This puff monkey that, while, if you should be attacked( formally with attitude) maybe you see you a... and so on?
Moon Jah has no techno drome me thinks the lady thinks "can't wait for boogie boarding and stuff"
If your so good at showing off with a personal cookie( then noted wishes of being taught) this summer there's better stuff
Surfing laughing and pain when the valentines include remember me
The phone number at the Hawaiian place is more or less what you could find on a picture at a studio gallery on the wall... P.S. .. .. .. It's of us laughing!!  They'd say
"Hi the moo moo cow hopes you live the dream of a super star or respected architect yet..."
I'd challenge "... the Lord Christian summer camp is really just a study group with hope at a crossroads..thus good folks had fun and new friends and life made it's processions"
Oh dear.. my what smooching that fox did supercalifragilisti- indefitaguh- soiree - legions of shackles are the  "CONVENTION"

              !! oh please goals meet declarations shouldn't be!!
angry about fate and the lack of effort of the past... well make the work goals now or you might look at it as this portrayed BS and excuses

— The End —