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Anna Miller Oct 2017
Body; caution tape closed-up casket.
Traffic light stuck on yellow. I am caustic, I say,
             I am battery acid. I flash all the
                          bright colors. Defense mechanism
     won’t save me now. My soft victim-skin screams
             danger-red against your palms.

Force myself into small doses. Become immune,
               numb to all of this.                   Finally.
Sometimes poison feels a lot like
                          I love you; I need this; It’ll be quick.

I am child-small again, like the first time,
             call this the third. Wish my body asleep
                           like the second,

Start to claim this slow contamination voluntary.
                         A part of me. Easier to swallow if I say
                                        I wanted it, than to tell them
             I never learned. It is so hard to run from something
                           you have sat still for your whole life.
Chris Thomas Oct 2018
So the wind has circled back around
Picked up your scent
And carried it off again
You know, it's funny
Because the slightest of breezes
Can remind me of it
On days where the rain has soaked me
From the top of my guilt
To the bottom of my soul
On days where the moon pulls at my tides
From the shoreline of my failures
To the abyss your absence has caused

Everyone seems all too quick to remind
That this empty draught of mistakes
Was always just a poison
Weak enough to keep me alive
But strong enough to **** me slowly
And the thought of never refilling my cup
From the tap of your bitter bliss
Inspires sorrow that I have never known before

So now I watch our lightning die
Straining to hear one more meager clap of thunder
Something, anything
To carry your tempest back into this valley
Because even the slightest of sparks
Is enough to ignite my heart again
And set ablaze every forest from east to west
But now, our own creation aims to consume us, too
Kore Jan 2019
the act of
poisoning until
are no longer

to you
  to your
heat, heart, humor

taking you
piece by piece
until I can
Julian Oct 2024
(The latter paragraphs are more persuasive than the introductory one)

Clinched by the cloture of clinkstone nebels exhorted the kerygma to truckle nebulizing egintoch nepionic nevosities once pristine now reformed by aggiornamento nidamental to furor and favor against bisontine imaginative byre by the bobstays of badigeon steeving inclemency sequacious to tantony shabracking incontinence (delegating the shakuhachi of fairer brocades for chiffon simity jaded by permissive recidivism) by pushful skalding spurriers bracing for thalassic ucalegon in abthane absterged amende dire to notitia umbels of ultraism isorithmic lest the echard immanent and prevenient over egelidated soteriology florid and variegated in the elutriation of apodictic truth (rather than crumpled deadwood davenport emotivism) that bewilders emys of lost dirigisme foundering in enthymemes against stalwart erotesis of the maieutic ambit and dominion designated for plebania above the naves skeldering for merciful pontiffs to engage the nembutsu windlass around the hadal novantique (established by hamarchy now regnant abroach of elastane prerogatives) eleutherian in nimble recourse. Sociodynamic abscissae prone to abuna trouncing conscientious acapnotic deployment of moral agastopia ahimsa predicated on soteriology renewed despite the akinesia of precedent and the alameda concatenations of tacenda hinged to ameplography wed to sophistries of psephology designated by psaphonic priority ignorant of the proairesis of liberty vouchsafed by anamorphic noogenesis abetted by sleek balustrades of anbury among assorted desmans thwarting detraque in favor of didascalic diremption of baldfaced balbriggan secularism into culminated quatorzain apotheosis regnant in supernal amaranthine energism hybridized with quietism factive to elect ratiocination even when bereaved of common lionization.

Jawhole fairleads of oppositive causes fantigued in the throes of despotism often invoke festination over fissicostation flagitated primordial flenched titrations of frith betrothed to lambrequin lurdan prisoptometry negligent of lineolated limpkins because the brunt of zaftig bronteums transmogrifies zappy junctures into zarzuela plenary because the zayat is just too hinnable in moral brehon to bend their mettle to hods holobenthic in deontology who champion hopsack qasida emphatic in qawwali derricking a deft future for the industrious dobhash of entelechy of broadened dromonds versed in opodeldoc gilded with olivaster onagers (obsequent to insidious oblations of wokism) ixiodic with newfangled irriguous bonanza rather than iopterous conflagrations of dholes indigned in inaniloquent apyrexy. The paragon for civic moralism is arrayed in a matrix of appurtenances apotropaic in sedated throes of stalwart interpunction in idoneous subservience to vulcanized mackintoshes pegged to aleatory nimonic stridulation, bolted in bedrock faith and thriving with idiochromatic genius umbrilizing hippiatric doomsters (hinnable only in specious zuche alloquy of zayat) and foiling farcical ichnology with transcendent sophianic nidor nidamental to sophrosyne spiritualism allodic to trifling secular strife histing godless hoggasters against integral hodiernal homologation.

The hordeiform consensus defalcates hotchpot zendik zenana zabaglione of scripted lycnoscopes of lycanthropy stipulated by their compital nomogeny often lorikeeting mutual laevoduction despite lapatic overhangs of scruple frowning at lazaret frostworks of drygulched fourgon forcipation of desiccated flysch falsidical brinkmanship of specious standpipes masquerading as salvation but only amounting to the **** of stulms against stanjant in sybotic quatsch quademed to profligacy despite frustraneous defaulting inertia of supercilious protanopia repugnant to our best collective enterprises. Orrery orguinnet oryx is mesothermic to osnaburg bootstraps in the overlock of hamstrung ekistics sunken by irrevocable organdie because emphatic empasm less hobbled by multicultural enallage scacchic with enthalpy gradgrinded through gingerly haqueton abducent to fondink dowitchers (whom droshky appoints preeminent) fixating on constellated faculae just to feague around with fontinal ochlesis of powellization freeboarding on deliberate dilapidation of laches laystalling crambos connumerated in tenure of the ulterior congelation of collimated pataphysics bankrolling insatiable cementum cambering with jagged jacquard bonanza for the thickets of constringed monolithic diaspora callow in coordination juddering ancillary skirmishes of boondoggle to bunting fanfare in the jubbah of aleatory jinks. The immarcesible imparidigitate ormolu quaky lest eupsychics and eurhythmics devolve into hamerkop evulsions of abaft nidor of olid aboulia in stark acropathy mandated by ulterior acyesis they fear diminishing returns of wretched adrogation tag-teamed by gammerstangs of barmcloth jarveys of jasperated emasculation aduncating cultural redundancy in the narrowcasted affiance of hamshackled aftergame cobaltiferous in aggerose vengeance against stanjant and lavolta so steep in alembication that pedestrian andragogy must drail isallobar inculcating isobath as sequacious simplicity becomes the byword of the balbriggan flautino to denature (after toiling decades in isopach verisimilitudes of slugabed fysigunkus isostasy) in the most contrary ways to ithomiid nationalism such that we resort to oriflamme conflagrations of ludic phlegmatic osmol into ****** cacotopia.

****** kymatology in the windlass of obtuse tympanies sculpted of pergola parabolaster pomace klendusic to vagary kirking the testudo bellwethers misyoked to godless mofette trutinates the nimble reedbucks pliant to oscitation equipped eagre to ecdysiast stampedes toward eclaircise because of manufactured wantage jaleos and jarabes among the ghawazis handspike repentantly for habanera pupating into moral fullness and divine nimiety isangelous in proxemic sympatric plerophory in revolutionary phoniatrics aggiornamentos vitative to every twiring turtleback taffrail may the volplane of revelation become a virgation and a vastation against rheotaxis vendible as cascading vecordy dismantled by compital grace convolved with evolved kerygma nacreous as synclastic destiny beneficiating oikonisus and holobenthic communion never a bergamask pretense for opaque scofflaw bedaggle baize nympholepsy outlasts. Allemande iceblinks of verglas saccadic idiorhythmic illaqueating implodent mortmains imbruting thorny thickets of impedimenta for expedient skullduggery coempted by blackmasters gridlocked in ineradicable jamdani often postulate in unstercorated tirades the tentation of indehiscence and the inferiae vaccimulgent in retroactive disgust by throttling ingluvies to traffic isanemone contingent on obeluses halyarding wellaway welkins of whelky crutched on alamode abasia divorced from the veteran paradigm of albescent androlepsia supplanted by annectant wellsprings of dodecafid digladiated bangtail footholds of backstay vestige transmogrified into footling forcipation vaunting cultural enallage lagotically optimized into incorrigible and ingravescent hawsehole highbinder rigmarole hindermated often by eximious sedigitation because of epiphenomenal cnicnodes many hotchpots bury in anachoric huggeries of adoptive dedans tasked with the demurrage of akinesia friendly to dentirostral vogues ever pinguefied by wanigans of wapentake by lucrative woodreeves of bobstaying at all cost.

The woonerf of nimonic stridulation calipacing casefied bickerns of sunbittern stanhope sumpters of monolithic harvested indigent outrage solfatara engenders as cathexis to naïve sondation for spodomancy of restive cladogenesis ironmaster vastation of chiffon brocades of rumchunder rhubarbs of smug cultural isanther and pathetic icterical tomfoolery of bonces of isochrone mugience projicient to glochidate presbyophrenia beziqued by briquets and berceuse mockado canque inert in yawny torporific mazut endeavors of virulent mithridatism only demassified to the recherche limitrophes of perspicacity. The afterclap of uxorious tephra mowing tamburitza grampus of gossypine vernalization of vaccimulgent minnesinger singults sintering crepitated jacana jerkinheads cuculine in scaffmaster voltinism simultaneous to vorticism is the impetus of neutrosophy chockablock with allantoid bosky stulms and stannaries replete with ivorride brackling with whorling sastruga rife with scissures seahogging finite notoriety in headlong skintles convenient to chatelaines of mazopathia aggrieved of atocia hedged in thick jawhole quagmires of skiving snallygaster vigor (the protectorate of stalwart strahl of quotidian industry of both striga and stritch in subtended immunifacience) the progenitor of indomitable suretyship swanskin undinism rackrent in dentagra yet redeemed by resurgent soteriology. In conclusion, among both chlamydate springhares and termagant gammerstangs (both monolithic iceblink orguinette abusers of oriel or oryx) one panders oxter oriflamme trapezes above varsal sterility and the other enlists the camber of architectonic bontbokian pergolas of invidious wrox subservient to widespread epilation and imperious squamation are neither the answers nor the questions mandated by this zeitgeist but (sadly) inevitably supined by the eyeservice of modern neutrosophy. We must handspike, therefore, the springboks through the acequia of nomogeny cooperative with quokkas, vangermytes, jordans, britskas and the grognards never mercenary in their heroic devotions to acipenser acropodia acuminating moral integrity to bypass adiathermancy to institute aerophane eunomia aimed at aeviternity agentive in amberjacking moral virtues from the florilegium for aggiornamento and scrupulous revival of nomothetic noogenesis pliant to persuasive ideogeny forever tantalized (even in elflock) to broaden saffron horizons and vouchsafe prosperity and equity for aborning generations predicated on aboriginal compassions.  

Addendum: With gingerly caution, I exhort anyone to read this keeping in mind that my loose figurative language could be misconstrued as menacing, militant, disrespectful or otherwise disheveled and levies no obligation upon the readership. It is an exegesis of many deep arcane truths and constative hypotheses that should be treated with latitude rather than bartered by counterfeit means to miscegenate nolitions mandating the steepest compurgation and bowdlerization of the thickets of tartarology wagering spiritual warfare against the righteous throne of demassified sophrosyne wisdom persevering beyond the thickets of boschveldt schadenfreude that compital degringolade yeuks for so insistently in rabid compagination commorient with evanescent fables destined to die in the aceldama of conscience over the brehon of moral indigence contrahent to the prerogatives of God himself my vindicator and champion who defeats the bronteum of satanic prestidigitation by vanquishing an honest oversight tethered to a marginal maeiutic clairvoyance misleading in maladroit collimations radically spayed by polyphiloprogenitive cofferdams from the dominion and domain of the righteous and the snares and wickedness of false scales of rabid codswallop cackling for a moment only to be snuffed benighted and forever cast into the deepest barathrum of oblivion. God is my vindicator and my champion and my most earnest ambitions staked on love and fortune remain preeminent in every consideration of soldiered entelechy vanguarded by peremptory cloture in spiritual warfare against petty pettifoggery of jagged cisvestism forever defeated.
Julian Dec 2024
Ravaged ampelography in zuches of disdain protean verve quick refrain

Limericks serenade the uncial revet of revalorization promethean to any squirebell doormat notion of sanity whitewashed profane

Curdled lisp of avuncular bliss a kisswonk without coquetry amiss rattled by crotaline permanence sideration of nimiety leveraged by the wastrels calipace racecar palindrome faceplant ashes of stulm

Squalor cardimelech in seguidilla reiterated by satisdiction against affliction the culmination of craven swelters of mercedary spodomancy relishing each lacuna in the pleroma of doldrum

Spurrier springald winterbourne saffron sun gleaming in the brehon of desolate inheritance drawling on moonset glazes of gallimaufry

Wider eyes dovetailed segues between saccadic jettaturas jinking specular jiggermasts of bascule for brannigans of recess shivering softly

In the brooked maraud rampicks of fraud glozing with glissades of trichosis sublimated into shakuhachi lightning yerkas of downtrodden soboliferous suave treasuries yet to rob

Time bleak in blemish squalling in marksman primes of redundant infinity devoured by microwaveable cheddar Richter smog

Vivat moulins pregnant with rabid sabotage rummage the libkens of fossarian sinecure pontificating catholicons of selachian verve

Askew of largesse the mantissa of mangonels in distress of lineolated limpkin lugsails zuches surround in quidcunx become witness to pilfered but penniless nerve

Time frogmarched into macropicide kenspeckel to credenda and tacenda flummoxed by bewildered tokens of agiotage swollen with rank olid miscarriage of lampoon wed with the one coveted bassinet sassoon

Too many jamborees jilted with spurned coquetry of empowered vibrant ragdoll verbs swerving left into righteousness declared patently absurd by laystall laveers heralded but unheard by bonanzas surrendered to a hindsight glistening from an empty tomb

Sinking turtlebacks twire with tympany at every fanfaronade dodecaphonic with intricacy littoral to iniquity tralleyripped with vanitarian willowish thrasonical brattice bulging with bushwa and travesty

Sprent sphacelated towering monsters carouse in crooned weddings with piebald amnesty ribald with pointed amphigories in Indiana Jones’ tapestry

Sordid though it might burst tumescent with each sertivine jimswinging curse avowed to death upon which ghouls ghastly conclave must thirst

It penetrates the wielded knight’s shield buried in hemlock corruption of choregus in paroxysm in bruption for the last man known is counted the paragon of antebellum triumphs first known to Earth

Vauntlayed vastation of virgation the venatic principle of gossypine segregation sequacious to all ovations is the turnpike for ragmatical chomping warbles in loony saffron disguise dauntless in facility emblematic of videndum crossed by fertilized vernal vibes

Surpassed by fictions of scop the scorbutic ******* bronchos crops seedy with desperation upon millenarianism flocked and herded by flanger phasers heterochrony is livid of discordant pickthanks desperate to survive

Ingenuity plucky with imbroglio and boyg rattles the crotaline Esauline rhymes of rancor henpecked by subliminal cartels of verse and crime

Potvaliant cocktails ramble in synchrony with tantiemes of sybotic sondage the avizdanum of pilloried fortresses of indelible refugium of peerless gallops sidelong jostles of imprimatur’s best possible design.

Secretive boodle the presbyteries prized glamour apace of grognards lamentable in boltrope bonces brackling with insouciant crackles of amberjack vitality verdant with plumage in seeds sown by heydays yet known

Embroidered pulchritude of lurid passions wintry in spoiled care menacing a disarmament of spare tires careworn with wayfarers relying on the compass and square of typhonic gullywashers yet blown

Crafty clinkstone the cloture of cuculine calvous progeny of esemplastic harmony serrated by brusque rannygazoo bristling with acclaim shadowed by windows of bickerns of retinues of filigree over frame

Still motion “Godspeed” melismatic splendor flapdoodling in the afterglow of reverie gravid with slapstick revelry is the victim beyond culprits of vampires defamed of radical blemish and blame

Surrounded by the ulterior postern of potamic rhizogenic riddles whimpering in four-square davenport polders conflagrant with zazzy zuches of onolatry gilded by silly rebarbative pretenses of tinsel garb

Somebody tell this guy rapid routes of killjoy masquerade are easier to fossick from chiffon rhubarbs better than crabwise barkentine bards

Captains of hauberk cribble and cretify nebulous nyalas with nutation as grampus of grillage greaves digs many graves two yards flagrantly steep the grim reaper’s daily keep

As he sashays between moments of despair and propitiated care hallmark schadenfreude trounces every uneven charlatan sunken in debt immeasurably deep

The King’s greatest valedictory terpsichorean vivid maskirovka among Goliaths of penury wilting in etiolated despair conniving for siamangs among the beasts stook his majestic claim at the forefront of snide gravid with isangelous stake

The amplexus among the brittle brinkmanship of vociferous times sliding into rapid decay too many “Take On Me” racers swallowed their freight sloshing rattlesnake corpses in their vapid wake

A “Eureka” shouted from Denali eclipses the guileless betrothed witchknot of foraminated limicolous carapace to grimgoire and serpent driven by ambition personally fervent sidling like a hustler rambunctious on his mainlined craft

Cascading torrents of corsairs bulging squabs and sadogues ripples through sands of time hymns upon creaky cunning lickerish licentious sneers too implodent to carry their own graft

Hostage to history, self-reference is a mystery flanging the spaces between spaces of bars between swank lightyears of novelty predicated by girdled gammon on high

Trusty travesty rickety in creaky hinges of jettatura jinking around regolith sunken in oases of poor foundation scrimshanks the valleys’ apostles in countenances brave and wry

Wrepolis wavering in flagrant desuetude because of a brackish diseased tome the gnomes of nomogeny distorted by barnacles of specular afterclaps enthrone

Just like Denzel serenading togated gladiatorial carnage in Aceldama despite a fated brevity all his own

Such is the weighted carapace of a flimsy baragnosis of feted **** of vernalized harvests in turgid wapentake sprauncy with dapper Dons of donnism in rudenture’s slake

There is no vigilant meteoric promachos paragon grim enough to weather frostbitten venom sullen with quaky quakers rakish rake manumitting marsupial pedigree with roadhouse jailbreak

In the troves of time, point guards at the helm rescind the zugzwang engorging the coffers of coffles of catalfalque ballicatter ramshackle with counterfeit plaudit bonanza

Every rulership mismeasured by apperception quaky on premise and slipshod in design is a grauncher in convenient disaster supererogatory as conventional answer

But to this refrain we have no sanitarium ****** riveted enough with keelhauled subterfuge to sink disdain in bronzed frothy seas of poison as a mithridatism ratomorphism covets only when it sees

Time’s ultimate hamartia is sanguinolence brazen because it bleeds, craven because it bereaves and raffish because it believes

We must therefore believe the umbrage of toil, the limericks of our very soil siphoned by lavaderos of occamy lionized by too many a tour

No wound sours the mettle of men more vehemently than a manifesto pedigree disheveled of academicism bent on nihilism and profligate in its enumerations of things yet deplored

Time is its own recourse, and luck is its only measured score

— The End —