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Hannah Anderson Dec 2012
Your smile.
I think to myself.
Please just smile.
Something about your smile.
your sweet, simple, **** smile.
It razzles my brain.
How can one person go on living
without seeing your smile?

Your smile,
your lively, loving, lush smile.
I can only go on for just a short while
without seeing that wonderful smile.
Something about it flutters my heart.
and thats just the start.

Its like you have a secret,
a secret only you know,
a secret worth smiling about,
a secret that puts a twinkle in your eye.
A secret that makes me smile,
how do you do that?
I want to ask, I really do...
How can you just smile
and make me think of sunshine
and beaches and everything sweet?
How can a smile dig down that deep?
Everyone can smile, everyone does.
I see a hundred smiles a day.
Your smile,
your moving, meaningful, mezmerizing smile.
What is it that makes your smile so sincere?
I thought I might have to pounder this thought for a while.
but then i just thought, Its becuase its your smile.
mark john junor Aug 2013
she is miles distant
as you wait in a creeping rain
its soft and constant
soaked the waterproof hood
and slowly works its way
onto you
a drop at a time
like an army sneaking in
they know they can conquer
they know its a matter of time before you too
succumb and are soaked too
its patient
just to mess with you it
suddenly cracks thunder overhead
into the mezmerizing quiet
and makes you jump startled
rain must get a real kick out of
making you jump like that
I know it gets its jollys making ya wet
and it'll stop raining after you get picked up
two seconds after you hop in the car
it'll quit
complain about rain
old as them thar hills
PrttyBrd Oct 2014
The poet weaves his magic web of words
They dance in the moonlight
Glistening with dewdrops
Like mezmerizing stars
Stalk and pounce is left to lions
The prey will come to him
Lured by sheer beauty
A glimpse of the soul
Hidden secrets locked in boxes
Peeks inside draw her near
The truth is found in years of purging
Unabashed release without inhibitions
Darkness and light
Shadow puppets of reality
Watched, absorbed
And loved more with each passage
Harsh words foment
Pain breeds caring
Love and hope pull her in
Laying bare on the dewy silken words
She waits and he smiles
As he claims his prize
Megan Sherman Dec 2016
No fairytale can counter
What science has achieved
What's manifest is better
Than what begs to be believed

No doctrine can encumber
The forward march of Reason
Deepest wisdom consists
In truth's eternal season

No magick can outshine
The majesty of nature
She is fierce, sublime
A mezmerizing creature
Stevie Ray Aug 2014
I'm going to take you on vacation one day.
To the most beautifull place on earth..[deleted]

Wait, that's not true the most beautifull place on earth would be right beside her

I'm going to take you on vacation one day..
To the most beautifull sight on earth..[deleted]

Wait, that's not true the most beautifull sight is seeing her...

I'm going to take you on vacation one day..
To the

mezmerizing? no..
stunning? no..

I'm going to take you on a vacation one day. And we're going to a place that's beautifull and amazing but none of it will match the beauty I see in you. I feel blessed as to how I perceive you and the warm glow that follows when I do or think about you. It's an ancient feeling, it's roots lie within the creation of my very soul yet it is a completely new experience. Familiar yet unknown prior before discovering. There was only one option for me, one thing to do. Surrender, I fell to my knees, head low. Victorious. Seldom rose higher, seldom felt more love surge within me. So I'm going to stay with you, I want to, I have to and I'm going to take you on a vacation with me. But just know that no matter what place we will visit or whatever sight I set my eyes upon none of it can match the beauty I see in you.
Itzel Hdz May 2017
I've been told about black, as a devilry story
and I can only think of the lines dancing around you proudly
the way you move in every corner of my mind
helplessly mocking of everyone's still life
while you master my dreams towards unmerciful longing
threatening to take control of my eternal and lost gazing
tenderly waving fire through your lastly innocence
and a sole glimpse was enough
a simple hazardous smile to never let me go
and I can't get rid off of the feeling
what if I can only stumble to the sound
the mezmerizing song that comes out of your mouth
diving to the ilusions of a sunny afternoon
but at night you look down to the blood in the cues
merely idiotic, merely naive, merely platonic
you're my favorite black tale
This crushed lasted no more than 3 weeks
August 13/2013
Megan Sherman Mar 2018
A hand - dissects - the Lion
Was the Lion bated?
Nature never queried her
Or left her enervated
Magnetic were her movements
Magic - rambunctious roar
Mezmerizing - obsidian stare
That pierces air no more
Her beauty - passion - tainted
Wisdom - eviscerated
The Heart - of Nature's loyalist
By scholar - emaciated
In another life I was a wolf
Running around in
Hostile places
Ready to take down whoever or whatever stood in the way of my survival
Living by myself
Hunting by myself
Counting on my skills to survive
Because I am fierce
I am strong
I am a wolf
I am not gentle nor am I happy
I only have one goal
And I work toward it everyday of my life
Not resting for one second because they count on me
To be strong
To come back home at dawn
To be invincible
I am a wolf
And I have this hunting instinct but also this possessive instinct
I need them to strive and it will only happen if I take care of them
I offer them what they need to become strong
To become fierce
To become like their mother
They don't know the fear I experience, or the constant guard up
They know what I choose to show them and they are gullible
They are small
They are fragile
And I need to put up a strong front because they will never grow up
They will never live
If I don't take care of them.
I am a wolf
And I feed my dreams everyday
I hunt opportunites down, I put up a strong front
I reassure them everything will be fine
Because they need to hear it
Because no matter how dangerous life is for dreams
They have a strong wolf to hold on to
Maybe… even… they might end up turning into reality
Because dreams have only one wish
For the wolf to turn into a human
For the human to make them come true.
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
At Noon I went out to see the theatrics of nature
Like a beau blooming babe, she swelled and shone
I was utterly enchanted by the mezmerizing creature
Ascended to her resplendent throne

Can I ask, earthly mistress, to feel thy touch?
To sense the smooth of your hands 'gainst my skin
It would charm me, and I'd cherish it very much
Were I to know something of Earth as kin

Embrace my libations at thy earnest altar
And drench me in your ancient blisses
In your enveloping care I never faltar
That's why I crave your tender kisses

— The End —