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my hands fit so
well in yours
your hands have
touched me deep
bumping my skin
how they sent
me on frenzies
of late mornings
bare to alleyways
by misty sea on
a rounded hill
your hands have
eyes that see me
i hoped my hands
saw you as blindly
o how i miss them
the way we lost
each other only
to touch and land
over inside bodies
your cool hands
are lushy and white
flesh feather plucked
call me little burns
who trace downs
the valley fingers
branches twined
with shy red hair
tangled and us
winged in skye
my hands so fit
well in yours
my hands fit so
well in yours
your hands have
touched me deep
bumping my skin
how they sent
me on frenzies
of late mornings
bare to alleyways
by misty sea on
a rounded hill
your hands have
eyes that see me
i hoped my hands
saw you as blindly
o how i miss them
the way we lost
each other only
to touch and land
over inside bodies
your cool hands
are lushy and white
flesh feather plucked
call me little burns
who trace downs
the valley fingers
branches twined
with shy red hair
tangled and us
winged in skye
my hands so fit
well in yours
Donna Feb 2018
O I'm well tired
My poor feet are bigger than
normal that's not good

I know what a big
elephant feels like now with
there big stompy feet

And it's o so cold
outside that winters trying
to get in my house

I can feel it's bite
What a cheek it as , get out
of my house winter

go outside to the
trees cause no matter what you
do the trees stand tall!

Yeah take that winter!!
And see your fluffy snowflakes
They can shoo off too

Because all they do
is shut down the schools buses
and all train stations

And it melts way to
fast to build a snowman , all
that's left is puddles''

Oh slushy mushy
Fussy crushy lushy snow
Pushy offy please
Fed up with winter roll on spring :) this was inspired today after watching snowflakes full down x
Aayush Vasudeva Jun 2018
Walking down the sandy beach,
I ran towards the calm sea, so close within my reach,
But as i waded through the serene water,
I was met with the most horrendous of horrors

Floating, non-biodegradable debris
Was tossed into the land and ocean, on a mad spree
With no regard for mother earth and its flora and fauna,
Humans couldn't care less,just litter and relax in their fancy hot saunas

A lightning bolt of righteousness struck me in my mind,
And my path now i had to find,
I picked up the waste, without any haste,
And threw it in the litter bin, whereit rightfully belonged,
But the story isnt over yet, just hold on

Alerting the nearby locals about the conundrem at hand,
I paced away swiftly, as my footwear pounded on the soft sand,
I had done my rightful duty as citizen, have you?
Lets keep the land green and lushy, and the waters blue.
Lucanna Aug 2022
You are a desert,
the two white webs in the corners of my mouth.
I lick my lips
only to slide the salt of other lovers who have crystalized
on your
sophomoric saliva
They cheapen my rich kiss
And leave the webs spinning
slowly closing in on words and intimacy and right
Little did you know
I am black widow
I take thirsty lacework
and Spiderman shoot your
***** back to you
Even though you have always been
Open mouthed you beg for my wet
Insatiable and bare footed
You pink your heels
desperate to climb my pyramid
Never, will I allow you to the top  
Light your cigarette on heat wave warnings
and keep disintegrating in your broken down
washed up sandy life
Even if my body becomes a well
the moment you turn to dust
Not a rain drop, would I exchange
unless it meant your copper compliments would rust
Go **** yourself
Recollecting the memories that enhances the morning breeze,
Feathery Flock nested with care;

Amidst the blossomed floral pink and fair,
Strong essence of lily flows
Tiny blades of lushy green grass grows
Steamy sprinklers sinks the earth
Glorious beauty comes to birth

Enormous clouds come and go

Rain,sun,rainbow's vibrant blow
Violet,Red and Yellow attracts the sight
And ,little white jasmine glows at night
Oh,Dear lovely spring
Thanks for the pleasure you bring.
Love by all , Liked by all
That's all I want!❤️
Ami Mathur Jan 22
I dreamt of you all my fancy nights
on my face - you keep shutting the door.
Immediately I rushed to the window peeping out
You lushy face, what a sight.
Finding you busy, I talked to your 2 am cloud.
It is not the time, he said,
Making an imaginary pout.
Revert back maybe tomorrow on the same line.
In aghast, I said, "fine."
You worried about rain on forest fire.
What about the storm, I am going through.
Thunderstruck by your desire.
I know your answer could be any back and forth.
But still, I will play this game.
Just listen to me once.
Let my heart say it’s due.
Then it's my neck,
Your claws,your roar.

— The End —