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Heavy Hearted Mar 2018
Down swoops lonley owl
Graceful talons search for prey
As field mice scatter

May you land, dear owl,
Where love is a place, learning
the languange of the night.

May you understand
"...the unfinished creation
Of a changing soul."
tripple haiku
how can I make a translation
of these never before felt feelings
if their language I don’t possess
one of which mine ears
have never had a previliage
of previous precous encounter
and one which overwhelms so powerfully
mine eyes;  and my tongue but in realisaton
is powerless to pronounce
yet can do nothing else than confront them
these feelings, these feelings, oh these feelings
a painted mosiac of plasure and gulit
that leaves me in such a quandadry as I don’t know why
yet has me beliebve that the only thing  I trust
any longer is this very moment; the moment with him
where pure and untainted feeelings break upon me
as foamed waves upon a pebbled beach
where convention does disintigarte
in splintering bursts of Vulacn light
oh to be yet disintangled in my mind
to be detached, feeling each succeeeding thought
as it seperates itself from the centreal core of my mind
to examine them in the srange sub-lit detachement
where I find myelf now floating
there is no known languange for its expression
these feelings, these felings, these feelings
only Raleigh, only Raleigh, I hope
SEAN May 2019
sometimes, i wonder if i could just go away

i'll live in a strange land

where people speak a languange that i don't understand

i'll probably find myself a job as an applepicker

after work, i'll go home

pamper myself in my log cabin

read, write, smoke, drink wine

then sleep
Creux Nov 2024
i sent a letter to the moon
it was written in the sky
i hung my hopes on stars
but i never got a reply

it was a languange of almosts,
of pauses too long and smiles too fly
of glances that fall like thin paper
of gestures too subtle to the eye

i sent a letter to the moon
it was written in the sky
the words were too faint to follow
but sharp enough to those who'd try

— The End —