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Poetry by MAN Apr 2014
I used to..feel all alone
A King without a throne
Insecurity sickness caught
A kingdom of unruly thoughts

I used to..think I was no good
Just a knucklehead in tha hood
Dealt pain for my gain
Memories scar leaves a stain.

I used to..wish for inner peace
Within me is a beast
Tame my soul under control
The struggle will never cease..

I used to..want to die
My soul asked me why
I did not know..Its painful to grow
My nature is to try..

I used to..I still do
Go ahead label me a fool
In the end myself I *****
My intentions are quite true...♏
M.A.N 2-7-14 Short quick hitter poems I guess you can call it???Using "I used to" I wrote about ten but some were too personal I'll keep those for my private collection.♏
Ellis Reyes Feb 2010
He is a bookworm humming marching tunes with a caribou.
They smell the sky, hear the sand, see the bright red light with their tongues.
Ed Ed the Knucklehead hides his hands in Ottawa.
Ed never hid his hands, he revealed them for all to see.
Splish-Splash, Splish-Splash, his webbed feet slap the tiled floor,tasting, tasting, tasting.
Walking, walking, walking
The foul-smelling wall of hunger screams empty codes at the freezing sun.
"Calculus," whispers Ed, "I want more Calculus."
The math will sneak by, he will feel its shadow; but not yet.
Sour triangles whirling openly greet the visitors.
Powerfully they mask their entrance embracing fraudulent identities.
The caribou now speaks his truth, "Ani rotzeh tachtonim."
Blindly the door opens and reveals all that the caribou desires stripes, rainbows, little flowers.
Down the long pathway to nowhere.
Jay Jimenez May 2013
Family Bound
My Family means everything too me
Got a brother in the Navy He's married got a beautiful
wife too.
He's enjoyin the beautiful sunsets in the city where Micky Cohen use to own.
Got my other brother whos a gear head, a knucklehead, works on knuckle heads, and hes my knuckles too.
Me and him use to get into it throw a little bruises around but **** has he made me proud
went to the city where you can cook eggs on the sidewalk Pheonix.
Went to school too work on bikes and now works at Harley.... this means for me free tee shirts and cool biker partys too go to
hot women in leather pants and mean dudes with long goatees.
My Mom shes a healer, a bible dealer, and the leader of a womens AA program but is married to a Ex-convict, Ex-felon, Ex-drug dealing, Ex-******
I never understood why she goes for trying to heal men maybe it's because shes been trying to fix all of her 3 boys and thats the only way she knows how to love a man. Either way I love her too death and it'll be death if that man decides to lay a hand on her again... you'll see something that only Hades eyes have seen but enough about that loser... Unto my Old man.
My pops hes a machine mechanic a use too be psychobath maniac tatted up with rough hands, palms always itching and eyes always looking out for his family. He once told me Jay " You Gotta Pay to Play" and those words have stuck with me for some reason for a long *** time. He always has these little one liners that just make ya get back to reality,wipe your nose clean, put your head up and stand up straight and get back to the money. So thats my blood thats what makes my heart beat everyday knowing that my family gots my back to succeed.
Classy J Nov 2016
Inveigled, tangled, mangled, strangled, scrambled, dismantled, trampled, got caught by the deceitful vandal, should have known the moment I blew out my candle. So easily swayed, thought I was strong willed, but now I find myself once again walking in the shade. Sometimes I fell like I'm a human grenade, after all I am a renegade, downgraded by the world that treats my people like they a mermaid. Saturated society focusing on the wrong things, politicians so corrupt they don't even really attempt to hide their strings. Manipulating mind games that got me twisted, impersonating someone I’m not, mocking me for being gifted. Sadistic fiends making me feel so simplistic, saying my goals are unrealistic. Tilted, jilted, wilted, tempted into being wicked; how can I see the world clearly when I came into it tinted. Never fitted in, a man whose kindness was boiled away from being fed up and let out the evil buried within. This is just apart of the Diablo’s masquerade, to put me through the barren terrain, and when I feel like I’m almost through it; another barricade blocks me.

Hesitant, irrelevant, inelegant, how can you possibly be a benefit? Two steps forward, just to go two steps back, sorry this isn't the salsa jack. The only thing I hope for is to go onward and not falter too much, the only thing I hope for is to go northward and not need a doctor's medication as a crutch. There is a little Diablo in everyone, even if you own a Durango man, you aint fooling anyone. Just because you have nice things, and are able to buy diamond rings, doesn't mean anything. How is that green treating yaw? Sure it may help goldiggers sleep with yaw, but after awhile you realize that the green is like picking the smallest straw. For glory to those who are poor and meek, for they will inherit the earth, maybe you should think twice before preying on the weak. It is easier for a horse to go through the eye of a needle than it is for rich people, so though you may have it good now, just wait for the sequel. This is just apart of the Diablo’s masquerade, to put me through the barren terrain, and when I feel like I’m almost through it; another barricade blocks me.

Going up just to go down, you’re a knucklehead, might as well call you Charlie Brown. Good grief, what a relief it is to hear such a positive belief. Goodness me, I should've seen, that I shouldn't act as me, because what I do and say is deemed unclean. Let me fix my tiny flaws while your flaws take up half the galaxy, such is the blasphemy and hypocrisy of this society. Slandering, bantering, meandering, modified and manufactured gatherings; that are no more than unflattering. Keep on pandering to what is hip; keep pampering your car so you can let it whip. Don't cut that red tape, keep censorship, remain primal apes, let yourself stay a slave to dictatorship. It's time to wake up, it's time to leap up, take off that make-up, this is no time to cake up or clean up what has already blown up.  You can **** the man, but not the idea, you can ban it all you want, but it's bound to come out like diarrhea. This is just apart of the Diablo’s masquerade, to put me through the barren terrain, and when I feel like I’m almost through it; another barricade blocks me.

(Outro) But nothing can keep me from reaching my goals. You can knock me down, but I will get back up each time. I will no longer stay confined to the Diablo’s masquerade. I am done playing games. This is my life. This is my time to see change. This is my time to stay strange. This is my time, my moment, and I will own it.
CLStewart Mar 2015
Whats up knucklehead! Where have you been hiding? What transit did you take to get to 44th and Broadway? We found the petting zoo just fine without you, although the ***** in the Ballroom B Lounge had a few words to say about it. In case you were wondering, Kat and Marissa picked up a shuttle and then onto a cab that later found a flat on the parkway. Yea, they were ****** but made it just the same. Pops called again and asked about the drinking thing, I covered for you and said you be home by sunset. Whats up knucklehead, Where you been hiding?
David Nelson Mar 2010
Sweets Return Wrap

Boy, wouldn't cha know it,
just when you think, you've got control,
you think you understand the situation,
then they make you dig, down, deep in your soul

you think that you've been playin,
the part of your life, and doing it so well,
then you're called out on the carpet,
something's not right here, it's a game called the shell

What the hell, I'll try anything once,
just got to keep an open, mind this time,          
you knucklehead, you big dunce,
it's only rap, all you gotta do is rhyme

the Queen was in her royal tower,
she was just, doing her thing,
you heard there was a power struggle,
all about the money, all you hear is ka-ching

I'll put my game face on, tar under my eyes,
insert my mouthpiece, buckle my chinstrap,
looks like it's going to go 10 rounds,
now you're jammin, to the Sweets Return Wrap

Gomer LePoet...
Carl Velasco Feb 2019
Pretend you’re dead
after risking it all.
You’re on your stomach
sprawled on a moor.
Someone approaches.
Limps forward, more like.
He’s dark, and being
hounded by bees.
Pretend you lost everything
after betting on him.
You’re on your back
in an empty house.
Someone opens the door.
They start beating the carpets
with a bat. You hear puffy thuds,
like rust prongs landing
on thin cotton against concrete.
Pretend light enters
after injuring yourself.
Someone checks for blemishes.
His fingers are lava hot.
His voice so cavernous there’s
echo and delay.
It terrifies you, what this
Man might do.
You shed skin for the day
and return to the kiln. Then you fall asleep
to the sound of creaking gates.
Elijah Almond Aug 2014
i watch them browse the magazines
wedding dresses
*** hints
fashion sips
a celebrity scandal
a celebrity beauty tip

i watch them consume calories
i see works about wars long past
fantastic other lands
lore of presidents long gone
I wonder if immortality for deeds done
warrants anything next to red carpet fashion

i see Archie
and that knucklehead crew
I see Simpsons, Wolverine, passing times
and somewhere
I can see me and you

wake up today
go to sleep tonight
there is no  hunger
go to sleep now, fool

you have nothing to add
i use the internet in the magazine section of a book store
Jen Snow Feb 2018
My friend reminds me of summer
He smells of fresh cut grass
And clean air
A mosaic
Blue sky and clouds
Wildflower meadows
Cold running streams

He is warm and musical
Kind and funny
But his eyes are sometimes sad

He has the biggest heart
And tries and strives to be and do
So much for so many
He often forgets to account for himself

I think there is a hole
Deep inside
His heart seeks to fill
And somedays he is lonely
Even when he is not alone

He gives the best hugs
and tells the best jokes

He is patient when I am an idiot
Which sometimes is a lot
He is kind when I am afraid
Which happens more
Than I like to admit

He is just as mortal and vulnerable
As anyone else
He doesn’t hide from it
It becomes his strength

He stands boldly
In the face of harsh challenges


Like a superhero or maybe a myth
Few men have the will to try

It’s funny to watch
The people scurry by him
As if
He is untouchable and unknowable
Titles can be a cruel endowment
For people with good hearts


I see

When I look at him

Creative passionate soul
Big hearted
Little boy
Emperor king

A man of complex nature
A man of contrasts

Light and dark and rainbow prisms
Soul and funk and jazz
A perfectly unique recipe
For a man

My friend
Santiago Oct 2014
Terrifying nightmares of blood, skulls, & passing shadows
Now that I'm older I'm able to describe such phenomenal
Waking up in the middle of horrible nightmare scares
There was nothing there, as my mother flick the lights on
Deep inside I wasnt tripping, I could see blood dripping
Escalating heavy footsteps leading towards the door
No one took me seriously "He just a little boy" they said
Little did I know I was walking with the dead in red
The serpeant knew I was destined for my Lords order
A mental disorder as I got older my heart grew colder
Midnight playing marbles with a bolder, my cold shoulder

Dancing with the devil, adapting levels, ways of a rebel
Consumed by the turfs in my land, watching them expand
Seizing control, demanding full respect, live and direct
Caught up in the hustle, this a little piece of the puzzle
The majority devoured by this trap, SCLAs on the map

Middle school was about acheiving at my best
Would not settle for nothing less careless who I'd impress
Success was the only thing on my mind, walking blinded
Managed to strive a promotion & reach to the next rank
Battalion Commander, proud of my accomplishments
In failure comes great success, overcoming obstacles
Still the Devil refuse to leave me alone to reside in peace
Graduated making my mother proud, special, and content

A story of a ghetto child, difficult to smile, trials in denial
Focused always looking ahead, guns spark flying led
County fed, openly said, hungry child, running wild
Maintained my composure, knew better than to follow
Lurking in the night like an owl, everything seemed foul
No one really cared, shocked but wasnt scared, like a bear

High school was another stage in life, fraudelent strife
Gangs took possession, demonic obsessions, lesson learn
Knucklehead transferred into four different schools
Acting like a fool, I had to keep it cool, education is a tool
Many couldnt dare to take me off my seat, I defeat
It was all a game of challenge, in the end, seeking revenge
Had fun I wont deny, a journey in the devils playground
Through all the drama, and all the fighting
Graduated with overtime due, handed my Diploma
I never knew disappearing in the clouds of thunders
Lightening striking, prepared for my next adventure
Everyone told you he was a bad guy
And of course, why would they lie
Keep your distance, they all say
But you will not go down that way
You're too good, at the very least
You can tame that wild beast
But wild beasts are not for taming
And anonymous horses are not for naming
He left you less than what he found
Dug your ego into the ground
He did this to the next girl, too
And never, ever thinks about you
Still, you're stuck right on rewind
Until your heart, you can re-find
Come on, girl, please move past
Heart breaks are too sad to last
Next time everyone warns you away
Promise you'll refuse to stay
MAN Nov 2018
Cold turkey is only good on a sandwich.
Not when you have to stop caring.
The only way I’d eat that sandwich is if you made it.
And you never made me a ‘sammich’.
I guess I’ll stay hungry.
Goodbye knucklehead.
Eshwara Prasad May 2021
I'm not as smart as you are, but I'm not a knucklehead to believe it all of the time.
Bob B Dec 2022
Back in the 1950s my cousin
Met a guy, and later they wed.
For sixty-four years they were together,
Until her death parted Shirley and Ed.

They moved to gorgeous New Mexico--
The state where their three kids were bred.
The mountains, mesas, and desert splendor
All were captivating to Ed.

He worked for Sandia Laboratories
And therefore wasn't a knucklehead.
But we never knew what he really did.
A top-secret kind of guy was Ed.

When people didn't use their brains,
He likened them to the living dead.
Critical thinking was high on the list
Of priorities for wise ol' Ed.

A die-hard atheist he was.
One thing that made the man see red
Was forcing religious beliefs on others.
That was anathema to Ed.

No, he was a man of science and reason,
Astute and knowledgeable. He said
That all religions are based on myths,
And myths are myths, according to Ed.

Some say that without religion you can't
Be ethical, but there's no shred
Of evidence to prove that theory.
A perfect example was honest Ed.

He wasn't what you’d call a big spender.
Wasting money was something he'd dread.
Thus, he lived quite frugally,
Though comfortably, if you'd asked Ed.

But he loved friends and family
And welcomed them with arms outspread.
Though he could be a curmudgeon at times,
You couldn't help but like dear Ed.

Until recent years, it was
Quite an active life that he led.
When he was still in his 80s, you could
Play a match of tennis with Ed.

There are people who'd benefit
From following the path he tread.
An active life and an active mind
Were key facets of life for Ed.

Now that he's left us, I can no longer
Chat with him on the phone; instead,
I will rely on my memories--
My memories of dear ol' Ed.

-by Bob B (12-24-22)
I don’t feel comfortable being a victim
I suppose I am
A victim
Probably more than most
I don’t like to stay a victim
Though being one seems unavoidable
****** up ****
Has routinely happened to me
Since I was a baby
Amazing **** too
I probably deserved it
Most of it
I was a knucklehead
And I’m still an *******
Which simply means I’m an *******
There is no such thing as being a little
When it comes to assholery
It’s either all out or all in
Or maybe just wipe clean
And itch less
Being a victim
Feels itchy to me
We weren’t the type to share flowery
He was a **** knucklehead
And he had his own opinions of me
I know I drove that man pretty crazy
Our language of love was spoken
High decibelly
Rattling the walls
Our whole family
But that doesn’t mean
The love wasn’t there
We just liked to express it
Very loudly

— The End —