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mark john junor Nov 2013
there are significant sings
that tomorrow is near
and she try's hard to be
as small as possible so she wont get noticed
when it gets here with all
its wide awake hangers on
the blind to all else masses trying to get to work

she pours you a tepid coffee
clears you a spot next to her
behind the dumpster
her cool eyes betrayed the moment
and set fire to the heels
of the urgent messenger
who riding a pale sick horse
rode promptly into the night
becoming as lost as her in
the complex visions

her open shirt feasts on your eyes
it breeds on the verge of your conscious mind
and sends its small creatures invading
your contradictions with the
unfailing reasons to fail
it breeds an urge to touch things not your own
and they taught you in school to
be polite and ask first
contradictions are the devilish whim of the world

once the talk of the town
she took her tattered beauty queen crown
and stole away
down the alley
her dozen stray cats are her minions
the loading dock her empire
and she is happy
and that's more than all the
fanatical fashion rich girls got

she sketches masterpieces
in a spiral wide ruled notebook
fine line art that tells stories
the stories never end
the people in them never age or change
they never get sad and move away
never stop being who they were that day
never stop being who you thought they were
never get angry and say mean things
they never like mom and dad

we go to shooters lane
and get her natural benefits package
and to the broken house
there is nothing missing this is how it ends
here in the dank darkness of shooters game
her knight in shinning armour is Lancelot
she can almost see him in
the pale light greasy and thin
hangs from the ceiling
and is disturbed by flickers
like a modern candle

you appear to the bright sunlight
steps away from the kingdom of night
miles away from where you just stepped from
Amanda Patrina Oct 2013
Kiss me here, kiss me now!
Show me love, and show me how
Teach me your ways
Indulge me with your knowlage
Whisper me sweet nothings
Fill me up with butterflies
Never let me go

David Coleman Oct 2011
have you ever had your guts ripped out.. freom a few simple words?
or litsening to a song and your whole body runs cold...
have you ever had that moment in life you just stop?
have you ever felt yourself collapse, your tears running red, your blood running cold, and free?
sometimes you just get tired and weak, you wanna give up. but you gotta feel that inner sreangth.. no matter how bad you wanna jsut stop and collapse.
have you ever hand that nihtmare that your all alone ad everyone has abandoned ou... where your doors are shut, the hall is longer then youve run,
have you ever had someone jsut rip your guts out and let the hang around your neck till the last breth is a sorry for the mess you lived.
have you ever had that break down wehre your falling and no ones there to pick you up, they are holdingoyu down, inthat black mack covering they one true love of death.
my dear you are all I dreamed about for long then I lived... I am the borne of love... fallen from the sky, and that is all I do.. it fall.. everyhting I tried jsut fell and dropped fron under me.
no one can beat me.. yet Im in this **** hole of my years...
behind this smile ws the knowlage that everything is going to be okay and ehres this cold hard fact that this **** smile wants to cry everything to death
behind this smile, this fake mask with the tear stained eyes, I am not as happy as I play it to be, everythign crumbled into a million peiced, half them got fixed and it all seemed to be okay but its all too fast and this little baby is motherless. and this little babys daddys the soldier that freed the pain of the world.
hush little baby dont you cry everythings gonna be alright...
this little lulliby for your life.. go to sleep little baby everythigns gonna me alright.
Another poem written years ago. Ive been out of practice for the last few years. Hopefully will have some new stuff up soon.
Saint Audrey Apr 2017
Leaden feet
Soul heavy
Constriction wracks my chest
Eyesight fading out at best

Every step
Burdens me
Drowing out my screams
They don't know what i mean

Cold are we
Faceless sea
The crowd is sundered
With a sound of thunder

Chemical feeling
Rising faster
Black metal plating
Hidden by color

Nausea knowlage
Turning over
Sterile and voiceless

The second freezes and the door explodes
One or two to every home
The crowd plays on
A silver show
And all of mine
are on their own

The masks are on
Every sillable
of every song
The Loss of feeling
I have no doubt
And they are carried off

A few rounds pop off
The music stops
For a split second order holds everyone still as stone
Then my life is taken before my naked eyes
And I wake up here, alone, surrounded by the flock

My heart has been torn from my chest
God give me strength
Burst Dec 2021
I can only provide
The tools
And the knowlage

You are the skill

Weve got all the time in the world

Its real

Go again

Go again
Go again

— The End —