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‘Twas many moons ago in fled days of yore,
In a distant realm of a golden shore,
When there dwelt a maiden of golden hair,
The last fairest by the name of Lenore.

The sweetness of her mellifluous voice,
Like only Angels of high heaven can make;
The beaminess of her impeccable face,
Reflections of a dawn sun-kissed lake.

Once by a golden noontide, so they say,
Perfectly salubrious was the day,
Fairly enriched by heaven's fairest ray
That Lenore chose to potter by the bay.

She marveled at so wide a limpid sea,
That was a vast luminous blue millpond,
Whispering mellifluous lullabies
Like of Angels upon heaven's compound.

“O sea, thou art lovely like a sweet dream,”
Quoth Lenore, “In thy waters I must swim.”
Hence as quick as a plummeting sunbeam,
In waters jumped the little seraphim.

Frosted in sheer elation she galloped
Upon the crest of so gentle a wave,
But every sea creature lifted its head,
Whilst doleful as marigold by a grave,

And in faint whispers didst bid her adieu,
"Farewell Lenore," till she was out of view,
Away where mortals of yore never knew,
Away where none canst ever have a clue.

In a while, the sun had shone her last ray
And solitary stars were beaming bright
Upon heaven's timelessly stonking bay,
But she still alone In the dead of night.

By luck, on yonder was a galleon
Of a sundeck decked with bright neon,
Her glossy sails as if from diamond hewn,
With words golden blazoned upon her stern:

Come thou little maiden, come thou aboard,
But little did innocent Lenore know,
At the back words in clear ruby-red read:
“To the kingdom of eternal sorrow.”

Not so long faded the night, dawn was nigh,
Heaven's molten gold began oozing by,
Whilst silvery clouds waltzed athwart the sky,
That Lenore's eyes slavered with ecstasy.

But then, there came a dog in the manger,
A hateful wave assailed the galleon
And heavens raged with roaring thunder
That echoed louder than the hungriest lion.

Tossing her where the sea kisses the skies,
Hence now but a speck on the horizons,
And there she galloped by and by downwards
Till wrecked upon shadowy blue islands

That bore words by the shores: “Little maiden,
Welcome thou to the kingdom of Nineva,
Where mortals shalt see thee never again,
For here you'll dwell forever and ever.”

This sent poor Lenore reeling far in mind
That with cinder-like eyes stumbled behind
But her galleon she could hardly find
For it had long vanished into the wind.

But hark! Yonder woods sprang a companion,
A lad whose names were Edgar Alan Poe;
Bestrode upon a snowy fair stallion
Who unto her whispered softly and low:

“If the moon be fair, then thy skin fairer,
If the stars be bright, then thine eyes brighter,
If snow be white, then thy lip’s gems whiter,
If the sun be hot, then thy hair hotter,

Then tell me, what bringeth thou to Nineva,
A realm of eternal sorrow and fear,
Where no mortal hath escaped ever,
But ever doomed in dungeons of despair?”

Despite her visage was lugubrious,
Her worries were all now but fugacious,
That yonder fair floral woods susurrous
Galloped whilst trees sang in tunes mellifluous.

For Edgar’s words of kindness had soothed her
Now doth she beam with ethereal luster
Like of night lanterns upon heavens shore
Scintillating in a wondrous cluster.

Alas! strange and covetous myriad eyes
By yon brier coveted the beauty queen
That as passes a fiend in the night skies
Did spy upon her with eyes all unseen

'Tis then when Edgar was away hunting
Whilst the beauty queen was all alone singing
When those dreamy figures came whispering
Amongst each other whilst wildly smiling.

Bestrode upon many a snowy fair horse,
Their strange faces, as pale as death her self.
Their voices, as if thousand snakes didst hiss,
Betwixt them, there lordly sprang an elf

Who unto her said, "how sweet thou dost sing,
Thy melodious voice would so please our king,
Unto thee, rubies and pearls shalt he bring,
Of banished gold shalt be thy nuptial ring."

"Nay", softly replied the little maiden,
To thy king I canst not walk down the isle,
For in violent love I'm with a swain,
Thy king's treasures outweigh not his smile.

"Wretch", why dost thou abhor our proposal?
For soon thou art to regret having done so,
So cried the elf, "opting for a mortal
Than a mighty king who is immortal"?

"Hark! Fair moon, see that morrow by noontide
Thou art by the edge of yon verdant moor,
For then thou shalt come with us yonder side
Neath the sea, and dwell with us evermore."

At this, a wild wind danced by many a leaf
And so vanished the strange troop of the elf
That she busted with a sigh of relief
Though deep within, her soul kindled with grief.

Not long, news sprinkled into the swain's ear
Who gathered a troop of a thousand men
Each bearing a bow, a hummer and spear,
All ready to guard the beauty queen.

When came morrow, they took little Lenore
And laid her beneath a lone sycamore
That stood by the edge of a lonely moor,
And then all matched towards the shingly shore.

No army led by any hostile king
Towards them could ever come any near.
There job was great that they did chant and sing
Songs of triumph of the fled days of yore.

Alas! To match towards the sycamore,
There pale and cold laid innocent Lenore
With not any single bone of poor her
Broken, but her breath taken evermore.

Mute, forlon, and motionless stood the swain
With bitter tears galloping from his eye,
With his soul 'neath a sepulchre of pain
That from yon day on, the realm he did curse.

For in Nineva, a realm dim and deep,
There not a mean ray of light canst now creep,
And there all creatures night and day dost weep
Till sweet Lenore wakes from eternal sleep.

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros, Kampala, Uganda. 16th.July.2018.

#tale #adventure #fantasy #Lenore #EdgarAlanPoe #Nineva
"Nineva" is a magical kingdom in "Kikos's Legendarium"...a miscellany of tales of mystery and maccabre like you've never heard of. Tales such as: The Enchanted Gold, The Dwarf Of Nineva, Woods Have Eyes, Jazabel The Witch, The Novelty Tea ***, The Witch's Cauldron, The Lonely Hut, The Nectar Stream, among so many others.
And this tale is as well one of a grand scene in an adventurous movie script im penning.

#Each line in decasyllables
#Lenore is a name of a maiden I borrowed from Edgar Alan Poe's tales of mystery.

Pale mulberry was the sky,
No bird dared to fly!
Thus all seemed wrong,
But then, you came along
Suddenly like summer rain
And quelled away my pain.


Velvet blue was the sky,
No bird dared not to fly!
Thus all seemed right,
And as pure as a cloud in white,
When suddenly like the rainbow,
You quelled away thy heavenly glow.


Dark grey is the sky,
No bird seems to ever fly!
Athwart my wild blue yonder
Where I, indignantly do ponder
Night and day wondering why,
We can't give it just one more try.


Pitch black is always the sky,
But, faster than any bird I'll fly!
Swifter than a scudding cloud
Whilst calling upon you so loud,
All the way to a strange plain,
Just to ever feast about you again.


Magenta magic will always be the sky,
When once again we'll merilly fly!
Then, flowers once again shall bloom,
To see you and me as bride and groom
By a placid Mulberry Moon on the rise,
To kindle our enchanted paradise.

©Kikodinho Alexandros
Jumeira, Dubai
1st December 2016
***!!! Can't really believe it that among the myriads upon myriads of beautiful poems here at HP, this poem has turned up the daily. Thank you so much dear friends to have catapulted me to stardom for the second time...I'm really all gratitude.

Forlorn as a destitute child,
I wandered to the distant wild;
Through a peculiar lonelier wood,
Like a wave, roving as fast as I could.
Not long, I came by a myrtle river bank
Where early boughs grow wild and rank.

There my eyes kissed upon wild flowers,
All grandly dressed in neon colours,
Rhythmically whispering lullabies,
Ineffably upon velvety indigo skies,
Whilst swaying in a friskier dance,
That could render naked eyes in a trance.

At such a mesmerizing sight,
I drowned in a pool of sweet delight
Hence in wonderment shook my head,
And in a velvety voice whispered:
"Flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers
What brings about thy Ineffable colors?"

And all flowers smiled and smiled,
And exuberantly all thus replied:

"At dusk, when fair maidens of the night
Grandly dress in flocks, of burning bright;
And madly smiles about skies above,
Oh! Their opalscent eyes we flowers love:
So, from their pulchritudenous color;
So lies the mysteries of our allure."

At such a mesmerizing reply,
Sweet delight oozed from mine eye
Hence in wonderment shook my head,
And in a velvety voice whispered:
"Flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers
What brings about thy ineffable colors?"

And all flowers smiled and smiled,
And exuberantly all thus replied:

"At dawn, when the day's watchman
Doth weareth his novelty crown,
And treads upon yonder skies above,
Oh! His golden crown we flowers love:
So, from his pulchritudenous color;
So lies the mysteries of our allure."

At such a mesmerizing reply,
Sweet delight oozed from mine eye
Hence in wonderment shook my head,
And in a velvety voice whispered:
"Flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers
What brings about thy ineffable colors?"

And all flowers smiled and smiled,
And exuberantly all thus replied:

"When envious veils of dusk engulfs day,
Paving the fairest Empress way;
To grandly grace on yonder skies above,
Oh! Her rainbow robes we flowers love:
So, from her pulchritudenous colour;
So lies the mysteries of our allure."

At such a mesmerizing reply,
Sweet delight oozed from mine eye
Hence in wonderment shook my head,
And in a velvety voice whispered:
"Flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers
What brings about thy ineffable colors?"

'And all,' all flowers smiled and smiled;
I mean, smiled, smiled and smiled,
I say, smiled, smiled and smiled,
And happiness bloomed in the wild.

#bliss of solitude

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros
Jumeira, Dubai
6th August 2017
Written many moons ago whilst in shadows of solitude on passing by beauteously beauteous wild flowers by the edge of a whispering rivulet, a rivulet that serpentines through the heart of a desolate wood in the far countryside whence I come.
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
At the sound of my name, I see the faces
turn and smiles of many friends;
Queen Sue of Ruikruya in her lilac silks,
Queen Sarita of Khaikar in orange silks,
Queen Deb of Daegeral in magenta,
Queen Kim of Geniael in creams,
Queen Robin of Naeneiana in periwinkles,
Queen Fawn of Yuamor in red-violets,
Queen Dawn of Khesian in dandelion-orange,
Queen Jugnu of Enuryn in jade-greens,
Queen Yidna of Puhan in indigos,
Queen Cne of Phelyra in turquoise,
Queen Xaela of Lonusea in peach,
Queen Ayumi of Wadia in tan-gold,
Queen Sheila of Naizzuzia in cornflower-blue,
Queen Stars of Yurithireatha in green-yellow

King Edmund and his wife in matching
forest-greens attires,
King Omni of Khaniel in silvers,
King Emeka of Ghalali in white,
King Devon of Monait in blue-violets,
King Fugue of Thavia in blacks,
King Yacov of Igrador in olive-green,
King Joseph of Eaqellurene in bronze,
King Fredrick of Emirinait in mauve,
King Rob of Balan in sea-green,
King John of Khesian in melon-red,
King Aslam of Ikaesa in deep plum,
King Brandon of Huarean in ocher,
King Kikodinho of Izugalla in taupe,
King Jobira of Zavalon in orange-red
and many many more.

And last but not least, King Paul of
Luciuscemi himself in emerald-and-gold.
He wears his favourite emerald green
jacket with ruby buttons, bright gold
embroidery of suns and lions; his sleeves
stitched with pearls and rubies to match
the red sash across his chest; his trousers
black as are his boots, but even they have
gold laces.
I received messages saying part 7 wasn't seen...
Come on, HP! I'll have to split this in half also.
Anyway, alot of names were dropped so please
To Rob and Yidna in particular,  thank you very much for your kind comments! They mean alot. Don't worry, I still have them - it's just made it private.
Thank you all so so much, truly!
I'm truly grateful.
Lyn ***
Once at a halcyon sea thee dare glance,
And you'll see her smiling vivaciously
To render eyes of thine into a trance
By lullabies crooned rhythmically.
And if thee dare saunter by the shoreline
Upon a shingly beach in a brisk breeze,
Kissed by glassy waves you'll feel so fine,
For in mist of joy shalt thy worries freeze;
Yet if thee stroll by a fine golden day
With heaven's eye fairly raining her light,
It'll betoken joy to forever stay
Like of a bird upon her maiden flight.

In sweet delight it'll thus dawn upon thee,
For nothing smiles than a halcyon sea.

#Attempt at a Shakespearean sonnet

**Kikodinho Edward Alexandros. 7th.Dec.2017. Jumeirah, Dubai.
On feasting about a murmuring limpid sea that was a vast brilliant blue mill-pond whilst at Atlantis Hotel in Dubai by the terrace yesteryear on a golden May day, upon the back of my palm there I jotted a faint line "Whispers Of A Halcyon Sea"... Faint, for I really didn't know what to write next but since yon day, fires of my muse about the sea errupted...'Tis once on a fine sweltering day when I decided to visit the edge where waves kiss the shore...Fact that I know not how to swim, I remembered some indelible words of sheer wisdom: "TILL TO SWIM YOU ARE ABLE, SIT CLOSE TO THE TABLE...Loll" by the ancient sage, LEWIS CAROLL".... hence there by the table, that's when I knew what to write. Lest thou art a sea lover, hope thou hast enjoyed my musing about the sea. Thanks for reading. God bless ye, dear friends.
In days dead and burried in time,
In a very far away enchanted clime,
In the mighty kingdom of Nineva
Where there fairly shone forever,

There once was a strange lonely wood
That ever in fairest robes of green stood
By the edge of a fair shoreline of pearl,
Whose mystery none may tell nor unfurl.

For akin to the most effulgent yonder star
That forevermore scintillates from afar
In a splendiferous novelty golden cluster,
So thrice scintillated the gem's luster.

And 'tis for this that as we all truly know,
All mortals, I say, all mortals  of long ago
Gravitated from corners of distant lands
On the quest for riches by those strands.

Once, sweltering was the noontide
When upon a violent lonely rolling tide
A bunch of desperate pirates were seen
Nearing that wood of emerald sheen.

In a while, they'd gathered all they could,
Leaving not a single gem in the wood.
Alas! A wind murmured upon the skies
In faint whispers: "Woods have eyes"

So muttered all birds - all birds of the air,
All creatures in caverns desolate yet fair,
All leaves upon strange shadowy trees,
And all - all creatures of wild lonely seas.

But, despite the looming dark omen,
Swifter than plummeting drops of rain,
So hastily dashed every single pirate
Blindingly minding not about their fate.

They raised their silvery sails to take sail
But hark! All this - all this was to no avail;
For upon the skies no wind was seen
To render them across so wide a sea.

In a jiffy, louder than birds of the skies
All gems whispered, "Woods have eyes."
From that moment on, all lost their sight,
Doomed never to behold the sun's light.

And now, upon those murky restless seas
They dost weep but no plea can please,
For they were doomed to rove evermore
In search of their long forgotten shore.

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros, Kampala, Uganda. 29th.July.2018.
#Tales of Nineva #fantasy #adventure

Nineva is a magical kingdom in Kiko's legendarium - A miscellany of tales of mystery and maccabre like you've never heard of. Tales like, "The Dwarf Of Nineva, The Nectar Stream, Jazabel The Witch, The Novelty Tea ***, The Witch's Cauldron, The Enchanted Gold, The Mystery Of Lenore, among so many others.

Thanks for reading.
Doubt thou the Earth doth spin,
Doubt the skies not to be Heaven's chin.

Doubt that Heaven's green and gold,
Her pulchritude is a fairytale told.

Doubt thou we'll meet the Lord,
At the other side of life's road.

Doubt that in Heaven's pleasant glade,
Life shall dare never to ever fade.

Doubt thou the sight before thy eyes,
Infinite not to be the coyly sinking skies.

Doubt that a pulchritudenous flower,
Akin to any other flower loses her allure.

Doubt thou Hell ain't a woeful grave
But never doubt thy love I dost crave.

©Kikodinho Alexandros
Jumeira, Dubai
28th January 2017
My Darling's eyes:
Embers of molten gold,
An ocean of stars nigh,
Mine eyes dost behold.

My Darling's eyes:
A pulchritude cauldron
Akin to the skie's lanterns
Yet are but of chalcedony.

My Darling's eyes:
To be on the mark
Are but diamond dunes
If not a fountain of sparks!

My Darling's eyes:
Effulgent stars in a cluster
Swaddling velvet night skies
With celestial shore luster.

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros
20th September 2016
#Be on the mark is an idiom that refers to be accurate or correct.
Not snowy seraphs of heaven above
Nor lustrous gems by heaven's stonking wall,
Shall outshine the eternal mark of love
Thou blazoned upon the skin of my soul.
Though midst my wake and dreaming hours I know,
Heaven's meanest pier is of burnished gold,
And celestial shores chatoyant than snow,
But all not as bright as the mark I hold.
For when fickle time in layers of life
Shalt shroud me, and away I must then run
To meet the judge of souls, lest lasting grief
Were my soul's fate, I mean to burn and burn,
   The fragrance of thy love could still linger
   Freshly upon my soul's fading ember.

#Iambic pentameter
#Shakespearean sonnet

Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Jumeirah, Dubai, 14th.Jan.2018.
After reading what is arguably the loveliest poem ever written by man, Sonnet 116 "Let Me Not To The Marriage Of True Minds" by the ancient wise, The Bard Of Avon, William Shakespeare, from such naked truth to transcend in perpetuum, there I drew the inspiration to pen one nighly akin unto his that depicts how far love canst travel hence the sonnet above.

Secondly, long hast I penned poetry unto friends, unto many others, but none unto my parents not until I penned two unto my father not so many moons ago after his death. Verily, it doth hurt knowing I canst never recite him one though from the two I penned, I'll have one engraved upon his sepulchre upon going home.

So, now that I did such a great mistake I canst never forgive of my self, the Sonnet above is wholeheartedly dedicated to the lady who gave birth to me 25 years ago. Honestly, this lady I'm proud to call MOTHER hath been a PHENOMENAL WOMAN unto me in a myriad of ways mere WORDS CAN'T, upon going home I'll have this sonnet with a snap of her and me inscribed...and I'll have it well recited unto her in my local language, something I'm working upon as I've never penned one in my mother tongue, but I dost pray unto He who dwelleth atop effulgent yonder stars to render me ethereal wisdom such that I may capture the images as depicted for her to fully know how much I truly LOVE Her.

Lastly, if thou hast someone whom thou dost revere that way, the Sonnet above sails thy way as well.

Thank ye for reading, dear friends. God bless ye.
There was an aged man of Ghana,
Who was told his cows were attacked by Nagana
"Dare He temper with my herd!
To hell, I'll send that *******!"

Thus replied that ill-tempered man of Ghana*.

Kikodinho Alexandros
Jumeira, Dubai
27th November 2016
#Nagana: A disease of cattle, antelope, and other livestock....
"King he was to the realm of Nineva
In great halls that fairly shone forever.
Kaleidoscopic were hues of his blade,
Of burnished gold was it fairly made.
Diamonds, sapphires, pearls, and rubies
In fresh numbers were seen in his vase.
Ninety nine archers guarded the palace,
His horsemen swifter than comets of space,
Over wood, yonder hill, yonder vale, they'd race.

Eternally limpid yet ineffable was his lass's
Diamond-like eyes as dewdrops upon grass.
Winds of hate this beauty beheld and said nay
A beauty reflection as that in my wings must lay.
Roses, lavenders, lilacs, gardenias of the spring,
Daffodils of rolling hills unto her I'll bring.

A star-like diadem I'll press upon her gaily hair
Light buttons of pearl shalt bedight her dress so fair
Eternally mine shalt she be like as waves to sea or
Xylograph upon wood shalt be her soul to my soul.
And 'tis for this reason that all creatures know
Nineva's king since yon day turned cold as snow.
Diamond-like, so hardened his soul that now
Roves in a labyrinth of restless nostalgic winds
Outgribing here and there like wingless birds
Stuck in branches of night or shells neath the sands."

© Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angels, California, USA.
A brief history about "Kikodinho Edward Alexandros" preserved for men of ages to come who shall wish to dig into his past.
In Nineva, in melted days of yore,
In a very distant verdant realm
Of a shadowy enchanted Moor,
There rolled a nectar stream.

And whoever ever drunk from it
Whilst the sun rained her golden light,
Craved nevermore to drink nor eat
But perpetually dwelt in delight.

Once, upon her banks strolled a couple
Majestically holding each other's hand.
Golden robbed with plush ribbons purple,
All the way from a very far away land

Where dwelleth many a mandrill,
A realm of many a precious stone
And many a verdant rolling hill,
Though creatures there all but forlorn.

King and queen of Merindrill they were,
On a golden quest for perpetual youth
Akin to the luster of many a fiery star
Whose mystery none knows the truth.

Though the stream galloped in gladness,
Though meadow larks chirped in ecstasy,
A roving wind eerily rustled in sadness
As it danced about aspen leaves all sassy.

All birds of evil omen graced the heaven
Whilst darkling clouds blotted heavens' bed
But unto none did it seem a bad omen.
Dyadic ravens perched upon their head.

"Quaff, quaff, oh quaff not from the river,"
Unto the king quoth the first raven.
"In that river deep thou shalt dwell forever,"
Unto the queen quoth the second raven.

"Quaff, quaff, oh quaff not," they didst spoof
At the ravens whilst as quick as drops of rain
Plummeting from earths' eternal dewy roof,
In such haste, they quaffed again, and again.

And 'tis for that reason that all men know
From the ***** of that sweet rollin' river
Did the fanciful couple now as cold as snow
Ever leave, but there dost live forever.

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angeles, California, USA.
#Tales Of Nineva  #Fantasy #Adventure

#Merindrill is a realm of darkling woods far away from from the mighty land of Nineva.

Nineva is a magical kingdom in Kiko's legendarium - a miscellany of tales of mystery and macabre like you've never heard of. Tales such as, "The Mystery Of Lenore," "Woods Have Eyes," "The Dwarf Of Nineva," The Novelty Tea ***," "The Witch's Cauldron," "Jazabel The Witch," "The mandrill of Merindrill," among so many others yet to be posted here.
There castles fair as a moon of June
Despite denizens 'neath a pit of despair
Like a night lit not by stars or moon.
Sweet is the silent whispers of a zephyr
When falls dew at the peep of dawn
Upon meadow boughs of emerald fair.

When heaven's ever fair golden eye
Doth sprinkle her very last fiery ray
To pave way unto maidens of the sky
That evermore bedeck heaven's bay,
In woods strange lonely things dost cry
In lament of the sweet melted olden day

Now 'neath the vale of time: In fairyland,
Where days once colorful and bright,
Where novelty gems bedeck each strand,
Where lofty towers shine than star light,
There naught remains that doth stand
And there dawns never but endless night.

Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
      Los Angels, California.
#Fairyland #Tales Of Nineva #Imaginations
Wandering past Thousand Oaks,
There mines eyes met many folks
And among them was an old man
Whose beard was as white as a Swan,
Whose voice, was as rough as of a Crow
Whose cinder-like eyes all exuded woe.

Hey old folk, hey old folk, hey old folk,
Unto him I called as he laid by the Oak.
Unto me of thy woe speak If thee can,
But softly replied he, "look, young man,
When in days to come old you grow
I pray of woe thee may never know.

For lest thou ever, the less you'll talk.
Not far off lies my child as still as a rock,
For a ******* came, shooting he began;
And my dear child away couldn't run
That now her coldness thrice as of snow
Hath immersed my poor soul in sorrow."

At this, no more could I talk nor walk,
But grew mute and motionless as a rock
When said he, "if we had not a single gun,
Perhaps dear life would truly be fun."
Then vanished he, leavin' me in sorrow
That thee, dear reader might never know.

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angeles, California, USA.
This poem hath been born of the shooting that took place yester night at Thousand Oaks, a place not so far from where I currently dwell. I wholeheartedly convey my prayers to whoever lost someone there. I wish there's something more I could offer but since there's naught, I pray this ink from a quill of mine might soothe a soul of thine. May God bless ye and strengthen ye all.

#Gun shooting #Death #Thousand Oaks
There once was a poor cowboy,
Who had one Horse and a Cow toy.
But, one summer day
The Horse eloped away!
At the Cow's back and left the cowboy.

Kikodinho Alexandros
23rd November2016
Akin to Edward Lear's Book Of Nonsense, in a jiffy I'm planning to come up with one as well. Its title being: "The 21st Century Book Of Nonsense" by Kiko, the bard of Nineva.
A full orange moon
Hung upon the horizons
As we were quaffing ale,
Bleeding funny talk
And thrilling tales

She thus asked me
Why I could hardly look
Into her eyes for long?

And being enveloped
By timorous clouds
I could hardly say a word

For her eyes glowed like
"A couple of colliding galaxies"
Hence could hardly
Bear the light before me.

© **Kikodinho Alexandros
#Eyes #Galaxies #Pulchritude #Her

Once upon a time,
A friend in need at all times,
Time was such my best friend
And so we hopped till the end.

To my castle he'd come,
For he was always welcome
Any time he ever wanted to,
Something my queen loved too.

We'd ramble woodland paths together
As he reeled off one story after another,
All day long having a good time
Till when castle bells could chime.

Time was not of this world,
But a great war lord
Of a very far away land,
King unto the realm of fairy land.

He who had a novelty crown
Bestowed upon him by a fairy clown,
A crown not of gold but of palest silver,
A precious gem from the fairyland silva.

With lurve in the air one morning,
My friendship with Time died aborning
When he chose to do something frivolous
Just when the Sun's rays were so glorious.

Time emblazed my heart,
Something that didst hurt
When he smiled unto my wife,
Such a great shock unto my life.

He gravitated towards her after a deep sigh,
Like a whirlwind, my mind whirled high.
He thus gallantly asked her for a dance,
And was granted a golden chance.

Keenly I watched this flint-hearted boy,
Thought him skint but feared not nor coy.
With alacrity and in broad day light
Together they cwtched in delight.

He whom I always enjoyed with the wine,
There enjoying with a queen of mine
Whilst committing mischief;
This friend of mine such a thief.

Time whispered thus into my Queen's ear,
Whispers I could hardly hear:
Alas! He promised her the moon
For they'd eloped by noon,

To places strange I might never have a clue,
To where mortals have never dared walk to,
All the way to the realm of fairy land,
Such, such a very far away land.

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros
10th Aug 2016.
I've been sick for the past days though thank God I'm here to share and sip from the well of poetry once again. Oh how i missed you my dear friends! Honestly, I'm all thankful to the Almighty for "TIME" didn't vanish away with my life all the way to fairyland the same way he did to my queen!

#Time #Lonesome #Me #You #Relationships #Melancholy #Fairyland
Bells, bells, bells,
I hear mellow bells
Merrier than sea bellows,
Bells, bells, bells,
So, sang a cloud grandly dressed in white.

Bells, bells, bells,
Who canst tell the mellow bells
Merrier than birds of the Vales?
Bells, bells, bells,
Upon my back novelty shores he'll sight.

Bells, bells, bells,
I think I know the bells,
I think I know the bells,
Bells, bells, bells,
So, cheerfully didst reply many a Kite.

For Christmas is here,
For Christmas is near,
Just around the corner
Heralding so fresh a year,
For as fades the sun this year's to avaunt.

Bells, bells, bells,
I think I know the bells,
I think I know the bells,
Bells, bells, bells,
They're but jingo bells—bells of delight.

O, dear Kites hold on tight
Whilst we set for our flight.
So, upon the back of the cloud,
There proudly didst shroud
Many a kite, I say, many a Kite,
And away from human sight
They didst glide and glide,
Yonder a dewy rainbow-like glade,
Yonder silvery whispering rills,
Yonder verdant charming hills,
Yonder so halcyon a limpid indigo sea,
Yonder a realm of many a golden tree,
Yonder a realm of lofty towers,
Where there are opalescent flowers
Well watered by eternal nectar streams
Serpentining by in the land of dreams,
Yonder a rose-scented ineffable clime,
Yonder beyond restrictions of time
Whilst whispering, bells, bells, bells,
To the mellifluous whispers of the bells.

#Onomatopoeic  #Diacopic

*Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
21st.Dec.2017. Jumeirah, Dubai.
Wishing ye a lekker Christmas and an auspicious new year in advance...Hope thou hast enjoyed my humble tale. Thank ye for reading.
'Twas in the eventide of June
Whilst he didst lay in a pit of despair
When a lass fair as a silvery moon
Stately sailed his way as a zephyr
Yet majestically as drops of dew
Rollin' upon boughs of emerald fair.

Heaven's ever fair golden eye
Had sprinkled her very last ray
To pave way unto night maidens
That evermore bedight heaven's bay
With luster that in perpetuum gladdens
Naked eyes in a way i canst not say.

Radiant hope in his eyes shone bright
To potter beside a beauty queen
Whose eyes thrice brighter than light
Fair like as sails of diamond hewn,
Opalescent as robes of Sirius in the night
Whilst decamping at the fall of dawn.

Euphonious lullabies into her ear
Mellifluously he didst sing and sing,
For her to know she's all he did revere.
A fair diadem unto her he did bring,
For her to forevermore hold it dear
Queen unto him she's, and him her King.

But yonder stars in lone splendor
Coveted him and the beauty queen,
For her effulgence surpassed their luster
That as passes a fiend with eyes unseen
When the wind is hushed into slumber,
So did spy upon 'em with eyes keen.

Alas! As we all know naught lasts forever,
The looming veils of night began to vade
Whilst stars in a splendiferous cluster
Upon celestial shores coyly didst wend;
And his visage grew pale by dawns luster,
For far off with his queen they'd eloped.

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angels, California, USA.
#Tales Of Nineva #Swain #Maiden #Fairy whispers #Imaginations
Sauntering by the edge of a calm sea,
I thus squinted through the mirror of time,
And there, I beheld memories of us,
Ebbing like a wave to a distant clime;
Wistfully I saw our golden moments,
Ineffable moments we once relished,
Away vanishing by ragging torrents,
Yonder sea where they'll never be reached;
But, betwixt my despair I beheld clear
Shadows of my heart despite cold as frost,
In a jiffy erupted with sheer pleasure
On sojourning to our sweet golden past;

Truly true love dawns once in a life time,
And in a lover's heart ever doth chime.

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros
Jumeira, Dubai
7th June 2017
#Attempt at a Shakespearean sonnet.
There was an old lady of England,
Who sowed a chicken's eggs in her land.
But when they failed to grow,
For it culminated to sorrow
Thus declared to leave such a barren land!

Kikodinho Alexandros
Jumeira, Dubai
23rd November 2016
Farewell, farewell  my father,
Farewell, farewell my only joy
That none canst ever destroy,
Farewell, farewell my father.

Farewell, farewell my father,
Spread thy wings like a dove
Past effulgent yonder stars above,
Farewell, farewell my father.

Farewell, farewell my father,
Fly past cruel hands of time,
Fly unto a rose-scented clime,
Farewell, farewell my father.

Farewell, farewell my father,
Fly through the endless night,
Fly unto a realm of eternal light,
Farewell, farewell my father.

Farewell, farewell my father,
Fly unto a realm of fairest gold
Where beauty you’ll only behold,
Farewell, farewell my father

Farewell, farewell my father,
Fly unto where gentle winds blow,
Fly unto where stars eternally glow,
Farewell, farewell my father.

Farewell, farewell my father,
Fly unto lands of silvery fountains,
Lands of golden-capped mountains,
Farewell, farewell my father.

Farewell, farewell my father,
Fly unto lands of opalescent skies
That forever dost shine in paradise,
Farewell, farewell my father.

But though art thou gone my father,
Wherever I’ll wander like a river,
Thy lurve as dawn dew fresh forever,
Farewell, farewell oh my father.

**Kikodinho Edward Alexandros. Jumeirah, Dubai. 10th.11.2017
For those of ye who know little about me, I'll commence by saying: My name is Edward, and I come from the pearl of Africa, Uganda. I was born to a poor family but despite the fact we were destitute, there's a HERO who worked slave-like to paint a smile upon everyone's physiognomy...A Hero I'm proud to call, MY FATHER. We dwelt upon a small piece of land in a single room by the heart of a slum zone, and that was the place we called home. Wild was the environment and to pile on the agony, as a peculiar dark fate bore it, without my family's consent the piece of land where we dwelt was sold by some mean family members hence we had to look for a new home and the end result was, my family had to split....The two young sisters of mine went with my beloved Mom whilst I with my Dad. I stayed with Him in the far countryside for a while but as time drifted by and by, I no longer wished to put up in the countryside hence I set off to live by my own back in town. This thus completely limited me from seeing Him quite often..... The city bore all wild behaviors ye could ever imagine of under the book of life, but thank goodness I went to church....a church where serendipitously I met a British lady of God, a lady who helped me in a myriad ways I canst never explain by just mere words. At this point, I visited my father once in a blue moon, for I craved blooming to success as to surprise Him the person I'd blossomed to. By serendipity's sake, after much toiling I'd saved some money on me that could help me travel to Dubai as to seek a fortune. 'Tis at the point of departing when I visited him to say my goodbyes.... To my dismay, He was critically Ill and on asking Him why he hadn't informed me earlier, his response was that He wished not drowning me in a stream of worrying. My flight was nigh that he had to bid me adieu.....Sick as He was, He dragged out His motor cycle he hadn't rode for a while to offer me a ride.... and on asking him whether I could ride, his response was NAY but He....He was such a flint-hearted man to change his word thus through the ragged countryside he valiantly rode with his quaking hands till when we came by where I had to board a vehicle back to town. He then gave me a warm handshake and said unto me in a velvety voice..."GOODBYE SON, BE WELL" In a jiffy, the vehicle commenced moving, but through the mirror I beheld him indignantly staring at the vehicle till when i could see Him no more. That was the very last time I caught a glance at Him.....Now that I was abroad, whenever I'd call Him, he'd always tell me that He was doing quite better and recuperating. But, as a dark fate bore it, on 10th February 2017, the most heart-rending news poured into mine ear, HE HAD PASSED AWAY. Swifter than a plummeting eagle at her prey, I approached the company I'm working for seeking an emergency leave but 'twas to no avail since i couldn't cater for the air tickets fact that his Hospital bills had long drained me.
I tried as much as i could but in vain hence i couldn't burry him.

so, today is 10th again... the same day like this not so many moons ago when  he passed away, and I've decided to whisper Him this poem till we meet again. May the Lord of tender mercy judge his piteous soul with utmost kindness. Amen.

Thank ye for reading, dear friends. Take care of thy selves. God bless ye.
Ye men so coward of poor Uganda,
Why dost thou comfortably rest in bed
As though crimes extant all propaganda,
And overlook the rising toll of dead?
Ah, night is nigh, rise now or nevermore,
For deep in dungeons lies thy dear child
Who should have lifted thy hope from the floor
That bliss as merry birds spark in the wild,
As such would bloom again upon thy land
That now lies in a sepulchre of sorrow,
As of a pirate prostrate by the strand
With faded hope to sight a new rainbow.
  O rise up now and fight for thy freedom,
  Before the land sinketh in lasting doom.

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Kampala, Uganda, 20th.August.2018.

#Shakespearean sonnet
This sonnet hath been written in defiance of atrocious acts by the current president of Uganda, he who hath been in power for more than 32years. This time round when he detained Bobi Wine, a musician yet politician who is now on the verge of death in dungeons unknown after being subjected to atrocious acts that deserve not even an animal because he stood up against his malicious acts, I had to pen this poem to cowards of my country (Uganda) who have failed to rise up for freedom. God bless our dear land.
Love is nothing but
a nicely penned palindrome poem
that needs not to be plagiarized
as it will loose its allure

Kikodinho Alexandros
Jumeira, Dubai
*June 18th 2016
There is a beauteous lass of golden hair,
A silky velvet frock she loves to wear.
Akin to a mulberry moon,
She makes me swoon.
My beauteous lass of golden hair so rare.

© *Kikodinho Alexandros

*17th August 2016
#Limerick #Twilight #Pulchritude
Fair rose, now that thou art picked in the prime
Of thy breathtaking splendour to go bloom
By strands of pearl of very far a clime,
Upon roads of life I deserve no room
But as the wind bids adieu unto hills,
The lonely woods, the indignant still cloud,
The silent vales, the gently rolling rills,
As such, I must vade to another world;
But hark! Fair star, though snowy angels fair
In countless numbers bedeck heaven's shore,
Eternal flames of brightest love so rare
By my soul shalt blaze for thee evermore.
  So, until then when we shall meet again,
  My love for thee as fresh as summer rain.

© Kikodinho Edward Alexandros, Kampala, Uganda. 13th.July.2018.

#attempt at a Shakespearean sonnet
#iambic pentameter
Written when news sprinkled into mine ear that she who kindled my soul with the brightest spark of love was going to walk to walk down the aisle.
At the sea, on the run, on a quest
On a sailing ship decamping
Sailing far to the very end
To the end of the world
Only to free my soul
On a quest for
The unknown

At the

Kikodinho Alexandros
#Nonet poem

I'm alone at crossroads wandering
But its time to dream a new dream
Spread my wings and fly again
So high like an eagle
Only to seek release
From unfairness
Please dear God
Bless my
Gone be yon melted summer's day
Whilst shrouded in robes of sorrow
That never quill of a bard can portray
Nor years unborn may ever know
When a fair maiden pottered my way,
Gently as drops of descending snow.

Her eyes fairer than burnished gold
Illuminated the vast shadowy night,
Ebony hair upon her seraphic body rolled
With a diadem of reddest roses bedight
That swifter than a gallant knight so bold,
I plunged to Elysium at such a sight.

For she bore beauty of a silvery moon
In lone splendor upon heavens bay,
The pulchritude of sun beams by noon
Against the sea on a fine blazing day.
Now that love casted her novelty boon,
Timidly I gravitated towards her way

And in fables faintly whispered unto her:
"Little maiden, little maiden, little maiden,
O queen fairer than chalcedonic luster;
Are flowers of yonder golden Aidenn
More fair and redolent than thou are?"
This did gladden - I strayed in a garden;

Her garden of ethereal pulchritude
Where no mortal ever walked through
And now doth hearts gambol with glee
'Neath elm leaves bedight with stars above
That the beauty queen calls it balm of Gilead
To visit her garden - a garden of love.

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angels, California, USA
Balm Of Gilead:

Balm of Gilead was a rare perfume used medicinally, that was mentioned in the Bible, and named for the region of Gilead, where it was produced. The expression stems from William Tyndale's language in the King James Bible of 1611, and has come to signify a universal cure in figurative speech. The tree or shrub producing the balm is commonly identified as Commiphora gileadensis. Some botanical scholars have concluded that the actual source was a terebinth tree in the genus Pistacia.

Besides, I'll soon employ the tittle of this poem to my book - A miscellany of love-poetry.
True love dawns once in a life time
And in our hearts forever chime

©Kikodinho Alexandros
12th September 2016
#True Love
One day I'll wake up and see,
See men dropping no more bombs,
To drag myriads of innocents
Indignantly yowl beneath tombs.

One day I'll wake up and see,
See a bunch of desperate culprits
Before their trembling knees,
Seeking redemption by pulpits.

One day I'll wake up and see,
Just as a rose wafts her scents on air,
Soothingly so shall harmony and peace
Ameliorate our world once so fair.

One day I'll wake up and see,
See all men working hand in hand
With a sole aim of invading not,
But to enrich each others land.

One day I'll wake up and see,
See the mighty air of verisimilitude
Dawn upon all men and women,
There's need to care for the destitute.

One day I'll wake up and see,
See it vividly that all women and men,
Whether yellow skinned, red or white,
Accuse not the Raven for a dark omen.

One day I'll wake up and see,
See people of all sorts of creed,
To oblivion obliterate their theories,
Admit to one great soul we're all linked.

One day I'll wake up and see,
See it dawn unto men without doubt,
Walking down the isle to the same ***,
In sullen graves they'll never get out.

One day I'll wake up and see,
See men quell their pride and vanity
Right into the most peculiar abyss,
Regain sanity to draw back to humanity

One day you'll wake up and see,
See with me all these wonders evolve,
And we'll stand in a stupendous awed silence,
Seeing such crimes against humanity dissolve.

Kikodinho Alexandros**
Jumeira, Dubai
20th January 2017
If by serendipity's sake, thou art among the bunch of people I've just castigated by this trenchantly penned poem, and some how thee feel tremendously offended, honestly ain't SORRY and NEVER will I ever be coz HELL it's self could be far beauteous to thee.
Come let's flap our wings and tails,
Entwined, we'll raise our sails.
Sail away to a rose scented clime,
Yonder beyond the restrictions of time.

Come let's sail where hearts never asunder
Nor ever fall apart, but always wonder.
Wondering the true magic of love,
Like an eagle aloft in skies above.

O come, you'll be Queen and I'll be King,
To thee, sweet melodies I'll always sing,
All day long through the night,
Till the bursting of the dawn light.*

@Kikodinho Alexandros
Jumeira, Dubai
Jan 3rd 2017
My first poem this year
Unloving thou is but Sisyphean,
Like scoria craves mixing with sea salt.
Thus akin to night and day we're but twins
Whose burning candle is never to halt.
But ever brighter than snow veiled mountains,
And perpetual as the golden Amaranth,
Yet as pure as heavens silver fountains,
Thrice fairer than the moon of the May month
Or the sea's mighty glow against the moonlight.
Always in full spate if she’d be a stream,
To draw us in a realm of sheer delight
Where daylight to fade shall be but a dream.

So true love is a gem precious than gold
Both young and old in their palm crave to hold.

©Kikodinho Alexandros
Jumeira, Dubai
       22 October 2016
#Second attempt at a Shakespearean sonnet

Dedicated to all Lovebirds in the Hellopoetry realm :-) Been missing home!
Gold so glitters than any gem that doth shine,
Effulgently than lanterns of night skies,
Dazzlingly than a moon kissed shoreline,
But nears not my seraph's opalscent eyes.
Yes, so fresh are the waters of the Nile,
With exuberance of a silken Moon,
But nears not my seraph's vivacious smile,
That tends to draw all that doth breath to swoon.
Yet I know: "Velvety is Heaven's chin,
Whose frickles bear such a novelty luster
But nears not my seraph's unblemished skin;
More fair than them in a wondrous cluster.

So true love is but a gem that doth shine,
With a luster that at one's soul doth twine.

©Kikodinho Alexandros
Jumeira, Dubai
6th February 2017
#Shakespearean #Decasyllabic #Seraph Of Mine
#Attempt at writing in iambic pentameter

Honestly, for this is my third attempt at a Shakespearean sonnet thus if there's need for emendation, I'll be more than glad to hear from thee.

Besides, please allow me take use of this golden happenstance to thank everyone out there who finds beauty in poetry of such an amateur Bard like me.
Ninety nine** percent of thee
Might be feeling naught for me
Which unbearably doth hurt.
However, one percent of thy heart
Serendipitously could be!
Well, all I crave is: "That one percent."

©Kikodinho Alexandros
Jumeira, Dubai
27th December 2016
#Craving #Lonesome #One percent
I'll rise with the tempest,
Sail away upon violent seas,
Beyond the sight of mortal's eyes,
And delve into a novelty gem quest.

I'll rise with the tempest,
Drift away to the distant wild,
To the sheer edge of the world,
And seek to ever be held by thy breast.

I'll rise with the tempest,
Whisper a serenade upon streams of time,
Streaming yonder a golden clime,
Wishing it serenade's thee, Heaven's fairest.

I'll rise with the tempest,
Spread my wings past beyond the clouds,
Gather all effulgent yonder stars in crowds,
To guide me to alien shores where you nest-

Kikodinho Alexandros**
             Jumeira, Dubai
        14th January 2017
I wish you were the night
And I were the day,
To ever dim my light
And fade into timeless beauty.


I wish you were the day
And I were the night
To ever roll down and stray
Into the warmth of thy light.

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros.
Jumeirah, Dubai. 21st.Feb.2018.
#To she who shall never read it.
One day* *in the dead of night
I'll be but shadows in light
Where I'll be more than free
Fervently you'll search for me

One day in the dead of night
You'll thus wander mazily in the dark
On roads of life which will ache
But I doubt you'll have me back

One day in the dead of night
You'll drown in star pools of light
Coz I'll be all thy heart shall crave
But then I'll be too deaf in a grave

One day in the dead of night
Fervently you'll wish having a sight
Sight at me but it'll be crystal clear
A word from me you'll never hear

One day in the dead of night
As a dive-dapper peers through the wave
Flaccid you'll stare at the infinite sky
Reminisce of mine infinite tenderness
Thus will be drawn to infinite oblivion

But most of all,

One day in the dead of night
As crystal clear as thy calcareous eyes
In-between thy sobs it'll dawn on thee
You must have been too young
To understand what love is
But its when you'll be old enough
To understand what love is

© Kikodinho Alexandros
June 29 2016
And how could I ever pen a sonnet?
So cried a lad's voice tinged in despair
At his mother who smiled in a Bonnet.
Dear child, 'tis as easy as flys birds of air:
First, always think about the poem's theme,
And let it echoe throughout three qautrains,
Like as a sweet dream in thy mind doth chime.
Always write freely as falls Summer rains,
Each line in iambic pentameter,
Ressolve the poem's theme by the couplet,
A tough but easy rule thou must remember,
For that pays off thou must never forget.
   Now go pick up thy quill, poetry ink,
   Let thy hand in a Well of sonnets sink.

#Shakespearean sonnet
#Hints of penning a Shakespearean sonnet.

*Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Jumeirah, Dubai, 1st Jan 2018.
Dedicated to so dear a friend—"Kim Johanna Baker."
Dear Kim, though well I know thou art aware of the rules of a shakespearean sonnet, just wanted to add some infinitesmal ash of garnish... for after much pondering, i thought myriads of Bards who dwell  'neath clouds of curiosity on penning a Shakespearean Sonnet might find it a gem.
Thank thee for reading! Hope thou hast enjoyed such a gift from a lowly Bard. Please allow me take use of this golden happenstance to once again wish thee a blissful new year pervaded with timeless joy none canst ever destroy. And hey, just cant wait feasting about a sonnet penned by thee.
Not so many moons ago,
You and I in a star-ship

Flitting amongst stars, gallivanting
Whilst remeniscing of moments
Indelible moments trapped in time
Only flying-by, eloping to Elysium

Fancying fair lands
Lands pervaded with flowers
Flowers blooming in perpetuity

Lands with rushing rivers
Rivers serpentining with nector

Lands with novelty sea shores
Shores veiled with diamonds

Lands enveloped by lustrous stars
Stars painting words of desire

Lands with halcyon seas
Seas as smooth as a millpond

Lands where the only air
There is to inhale is love

Lands where love is woven by
A tapestry of truth not lies

Lands where love isn't bought by
Sapphires, Rubies nor Emeralds

Lands where all avenues
Are paved with green and gold

Lands where mountains
Are golden-capped

Distant was the journey
Though at length,
For what seemed a life time,
Our eyes feasted on

And from a distance,
There we gazed about her
In all her splendor
Ravishingly alluring yet resplendent
With all chatoyance
One could ever imagine of

Like any one else would,
At a speed of an eagle
Descending about her prey,
Fervently we gravitated

Only to touch down
Than when the luster about her
Had our vessel* 
combusted to ash!

© Kikodinho Alexandros
4th Jun 2016
#Fly-by: Is a flight by a space ship past a planet with regard to astronomy

#Touch down: if a space vehicle touches down, it lands.

#intergalactic space adventure
#Melancholy #Love #Lonesome #Elysium
I dreamt a man descending from a cloud
Amidst birds in a lengthening crowd
Singing hallelujah Christmas is here
In merry notes did rejoice and cheer

Singing hallelujah Christmas is here
Amongst sparrows and many a pigeon
Leading the choir from region after region
Singing hallelujah Christmas is here
In merry notes heralding so fresh a new year

Singing hallelujah Christmas is here
There were robins and many a skylark,
Alighted upon so gentle a wind's back
Singing hallelujah Christmas is here
In merry notes gallivantin' here and there.

Singing hallelujah Christmas is here
Lets fly above the highest mountains
To go quaff nectar from silver fountains
Singing hallelujah Christmas is here
In merry notes were heard by the far and near.

Singing hallelujah Christmas is here
So sung the nightingale and cuckoo too
Till from gazin' sight vanished in clouds of blue
Singing hallelujah Christmas is here
Let the world rejoice and sing hallelujah

© Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angels, California, USA.
Honestly, been tryin' to voice out this ode but just can't do it the way I'd like it sound since ain't a musician...LOL. I truly need someone with a mellifluous voice to give life to my lyrics that are likely to go unheard.

Besides, a merry Christmas unto ye all and a happy new year in advance. God bless ye.
How can I forget
Thou art the apple of mine eye
But live to regret
We're but apples and oranges

How can I forget
That night, that day
But live to regret
A smiling lie danced my way

How can I forget
Thou art a lass so braw
But live to regret
There broke a drunken brawl

How can I forget
Such a twisted malady
But live to regret
For it costed my lady

Kikodinho Alexandros**
30th August 2016
Once upon a time
Lived a princess of golden hair
Fancied by creatures of every clime
For she was but so fair

One day whilst in a wood
There came an angel of death
smilingly disguised in a hood
Fervently craving her breath

Being in a deep slumber
She couldn't see this beast
For it thus marked a number
A death spell upon her wrist

Ding ****, castle bells rang
Slumbering she couldn't hear
Despite they were loudly bang
Soon the realm buzzed with fear

With a voice so hard and cold
Need her here! Roared the king
She's but more precious than gold
Said the queen! Thus you must bring

There were blowing of horns
By huntsmen alongside trumpets
Accompanied by crying of hounds
But still she was as deaf as a puppet

She'll never hear! Said one witch
Despite how loud you ring the bell
You must be daft! Insolent *****
Cried the queen! you deserve in hell

She has a death spell thus haunted
whilst simpering yelled another witch
Dummy gorgon! She must be hunted
Cried the king! Thus dare not screech

Soon she was found laying on grass
With not a single bone of her broken
Though she was as pale as a glass*
For her breath had been taken*

©Kikodinho Alexandros
29th August 2016

Honestly, I thank a poet friend so dear to me "Stephanie Stoychevska" to have inspired such a colorful piece!
Tale of a princess who went missing and later found dead by the edge of a Moor despite for she still bore a smile upon her physiognomy as though in a sweet dream!!!

— The End —