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Jazmin Huey Mar 2014
by definition is a light to moderate yellow color or a flower.
Yellow a generally happy color.
it makes sense i mean i am a generally happy person,
or at least that's how it seems.
If you really listened to what i have to say
you would see the gloomy, dejected, hopeless world i see.

when you help some one you may see a life you’ve made a difference in
when  i help some one i see millions like them in the same position
who's to help them?
who's is to lend out a hand?
who is to help that child in the corner who's starving to death?
i want it to be me, but what can i do
I'm just a kid

yet at times being a child is  a good thing
i smile. i run. i play.
i have friends, i have people who care for me
i have people who make me smile
i work hard and get good grades.
i try hard to be the best at everything

still I'm not happy, but you would never know that
i wear this fake smile
i wear it because i know one smile can change someones entire day
one smile can give someone hope
one simple smile may mean nothing to you
but it can mean the world to someone like me

id be happy if only
I Jazmin Huey can change millions of lives
id love to leave my mark on the world
to have someone look up to me and actually say
i want to be just like you
that would make me happy
A flower only blooms in sunlight
but you have managed to not lose sight
in this God-Awful darkness
in loves mercy is your only bliss
a silent but deadly kiss
your own love couldn't even diminish
just needs to be replenished
cough, crawl, cry coward cry
let your fever go sky high
and hide every struggle, every sigh
and let your smile go on for a while
just smile
because a flower only blooms in sunlight
after every storm comes a rainbow
after every tear comes your own show
where they come to entertain you
to please you
give everything that life's taken away from you
and love you
so grow my dark rose,
my dark heart
Mayra Castillo Jun 2015
Mother, you are my White Rose
A rose embraced by  cotton petals, emanating  a sweet intoxicating aroma of jazmin and pearls
A fragrance so delightful that it engulfs the spirit with inexplicable  sweetness of love
You are as exquisite as a good wine
Delicate as a newborn
Warm and cozy as a cashmere blanket
Thus, mother, you are my White Rose!
I will forever remember  the day you said to me " Oh, daughter of mine, thank you for being such a beautiful and caring daughter"
My response was " Oh, mom, you don't have to thank me, for it is my obligation, my duty to take care of you, besides, I do it with delight, because, it comes from my heart"
I am so glad that we thanked each other, because our gratitudes came from the deepest part of our souls
Although, I thanked you for being my mother, I forgot to thank you for being my White Rose!


Mayra Castillo

Written as a tribute to my beloved mother, who, now resides in the Lord's garden. I love you mom. You will always be my White Rose. My mother's name is Regina. Born 1934   Died 2010
Troy Dec 2017
Behind this smile, the mask I wear. Hides the scars where tears once fell..weighing me down i was drowning in a sea of pain...
.in the darkness Id hide my shame, the tears, the pain ..
there was a time the mask had fell...
the tears and pain she saw ,,I thought had made me weak ..
she saw me that day tears and all...she sat with me as the last would fall...
she looked deep into my eyes with compassion to my surprise..
she saw me then a broken man. Though she did not know me she took my hand..
she stood by my side ..this angel bearing all watched me die inside ..
her kindness and love i will never forget, her eyes so full of innocence.
This angel who knows me not...
sees me without my mask ..
she does not judge me but loves me as I am...
Friends Forever and always ,jazmin thank you..
Emma Langley Dec 2012
What is family?
I know that it is any one related to you,
you know,
second cousin twice removed and all that.
I love all my family dearly,
my aunts and uncles,
brother and sister,
great aunts,
great uncles etc.

But I also have another family,
My best friends who are like brothers and sister to me,
Emme Shoup,
Frances Calvin,
Sophia Hale,
Jacqueline Peaglow ,
Taylor Corkil,
Dakota Thrall,
Jazmin Villasenor,
Crimson Morgan,
Marshall McIvor,
And many others,
I want to thank you for always being there,
When I needed you most,
You have helped me through the hard times,
And laughed with me through the funny ones,
You have never given up on me.

I would like to say one thing to you all,
Even if you give up on your selves,
I will never,
give up on you
You are the siblings I never had,
My sisters from other misters,
My brothers from other mothers
I love you.
Jazz Aug 2020
If you we're the gun lets say I was the bullet
if you were the noose I'm the **** fool that pulled it
and let this dangle without air
I'm so sorry I acted like I didn't care
I'm sorry I wasn't there for you the last week,
but these end at some point had to meet
so my reason for all I let Happen
You're just not worth it Jazmin
A perspective poem I wrote from my Ex's point of view

— The End —