Today, today.....
Did I not stand beside the shores of your river, weeping the ink my pen should have used for mere words of regret or shame or longing.
Longing for a kiss of flowers, did you not witness me writing calligraphy in the sand with the shard of a broken sword?
Today, today.....
You deigned to visit again in the small hours, a lotus from the Ishii valley, whirling in drops of incandescence.
Did I not wince with a longing for something I can barely remember save in dreams and flashes, that mystery you write of?
Today, today.....
Pieces of paper are all that may remain as proof that what I experienced was something that actually existed once.
Did I not realize that these Revolutions in my heart are only the absence of having someone near to pour my love over?
Inspired by Blue Submarine No. 6