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Nat Lipstadt Apr 2018
a short poem


kept women

my words are all kept women;
an old fashioned term
that has no currency today
but true for me

they but be the heart of my hearts,
when they leave my employ
keep them well, these yeowomen,
good fellows all,
for they will always be your
one true reciprocating lovers

keep ‘em




how many gray April Saturdays are inventoried,
that we be bequeathed yet another this dull day of the 7th of the 4th month,
of errands and tax preparation and poem initiative-nationhood

the city backyard is a dulled green, energy ****** by one three too many nor’easters in March that  “Sherman-through-the-south”
came marching double time,
leaving the leaves, airport-delayed
and the spring poem planting, struggling

buy milk, lie and get a refund, do stuff and
don’t forfeit forget to
do laundry and

write the longest short poem in history
that green-shots nature won’t provide,
so Me absinthe wills into existence


this English Woman

tomfoolery’d me continuously,
nature comes to her on knave-bended knees begging for
a verbal sword tap upon each shoulder for a knighting of a periodical glorious poem.  

She provides.

Does woman live in a glen, upon the wetlands,
walk moors
in moons grasp,
or upon a table way in the back of the pub, drinking pints of imagination?

man will die disconnected for so many “reasons”
but if his passing precedes an answering to where,
wherever she locale composes,
man will haunt her residential terrain  happily


Seven Hours

the clock implies that the body sleet-slept, probed deep-dark for seven hours.
disbelieving, then recalling the dues Frodo-Friday eve paid:
three and half hours with two thousand others at the Opera,
hours of Placido Domingo,
extracts from the body
emotional  countenance,
homage to artistry exemplary;

the pharmacist denies having this drug among the sleep aids
so to the opera must return to earn my occasion occasional dreamland refreshment

a well worthy trade: innervation trust rest from enervation must



all my idiot life wanted to be
unique something special different

then I realized that’s what
everyone wants and we are all idioticsyncratic

so much trying, exhausting life,
it’s wonderfully human and classically



* Postfaces*

Postfaces are used in literary works so that non-pertinent information appears at the end, to not confuse the reader.

this very short poem was born, birthed, on a salty grey Saturday, April Seventh, Two Thousand and Eighteen,
precisely between
Eight and Nine O’clock Eastern Standard Time

The opera was Luisa Miller at the Metropolitan Opera,
Lincoln Center, New York City.  

Everything Everybody is a factual fiction of your imagination.
Short Poems are copyright, copied write from the tissue of a man who is epistemologically incapacitated in a life incapable of writing a short poem, post facing forward.

(Too **** bad for you).
Hal Loyd Denton Sep 2012
Messages in the stillness of the moonlight

To set in the rays of wonder the night mystery this distillation of days loaded voluminous contacts near
Over load now in silence to ponder to orderly fix time and place the dim moonlight touches all that is
Askew this calm throbbing influence the moon with the softest hum from its distant place in the night
Sky the trembling branches foretells the entrance of wisdom on this planetary shore one mind set to
Receive the silver moonlight does not deny the waiting one sets his back against a tree is this possibly
Nature’s antenna it collects and draws it down a beam shoots out in front of you a snow colored lamb
Begins to nibble grass innocents to stand against evil if it would try to mix negative thoughts with your
Pure message there is a dark figure a few feet behind but it a guardian in case a more sinister creature
Of these woods detects your presence you came here as a last resort you foolishly brought pain to your
Self when you tried to hasten love from an unpredictable place you knew what you sought was an
Intangible and it was to be pure and powerful the only answer to your hearts cry first you decided to
Consort with Venus known though out the world as the goddess of love but then the thought the old
Romantic moon how many times as he conjured the impossible because this is what you are seeking
It’s not lighting in a bottle but its affections that are true but they hold no deceit it is a portion of life and
Love that only lives in the spirit no flesh to corrupt or offend anything or anyone when in their presence
The natural feel and flux of the moment crackles and love invades two hearts the soothing pleasure erases
All distasteful acrimony does not a dance occur does not tenderness drop as softest rain bodies meld
And are in robbed in wonder into darkened shadows you sway while the music plays aerial is now your
Ascended high weightless truly you are mixing air with the elements and the greatest is that intoxicating
Globe set in the sky this is a quest for love that is uncommon it would take a great person to give this
Much of oneself thus the reason for consulting the moon only he has beckoned so many romances he
Has them inventoried what a preponderance of records that have the scent of sweetest honey when
You near ever wonder what the man in the moon is doing this is some of it will I get an answer you ask
It depends on what happens when she takes a stroll in the moonlight if her heart starts to glow with the
Purist white light anything is possible if not the very trying is worth the world to me


haldenton › Portfolio ›
Shannon Sep 2014
In a memory, in a postcard, in a corner, in my mind.
I tuck it there and wrap it well
old newsprint to mark its date.
In a bottle, on the bottom, in the lake, in winter,
I ship it there and throw out anchor
and watch it as it bobs.
In a place I won't remember
as soon as I remember to forget you-
I'll have shelved you
and stocked you
inventoried and packed you.
And then I'll say,
"just where did I leave that thing,
that heart of mine?"
And then I'll say,
"What was that thing I remembered to forget?"
In a thought that I won't think of you
when I think enough to think again
Is where I'll banish you to.
Yes, In the that place where the lost things
stay lost.
In that place where broken pieces stay broke.
I will take you
and your soft way-
long kiss, tired eyes, weary heart.
No. No, I'm remembering again.
I'm infested.

Thank you as always for sharing my work.
Nat Lipstadt Apr 2016
alliteration intervening invasion,
a bed-throned life journey summarily unasked for, reviewing

follow behind the collected beaming seams,
to the discolored end-of-a-whiting rainbow of writings

sack in hand, sack'd yet surfeiting,
gleaning the falling bits,
inventoried stories, the poor and the glorious

light droppings,
stir'd and stor'd in hopsack bag,
woven intervals of clashing fabrics

trilogy of
me, myself and I,
following falling, trailing, failing flalings

cross currenting, swirling,
disheartened chest heaving cursing
if only, a mite more sipping
of courage everlasting

here a memory,
there a visionary,
happy haunting,
glaceing eye dreams

keepsakes of a life
modesty and poorly lived
error prone, choices weak,
father confessor to the supremity of oneself

played safety first,
thirst quenching
with the unsatisfying yellowed bursts
of "it could be worse"

but these stuffing,
gleanings of a life,
uprighted night, declining days, admixture of son and moon,
women's flashing eyes inviting
happy danger and ending disaster inevitability

this sifted treasure chest
of self-selected retained
cursings and blessings,
the measuring cup of a tragedy
well acted, quantifiable pathos superb aplenty

a play veined with comedic relief,
a Falstaff for every Hal,
compare and contrast
your essays on the container storage
of dusted cells morning-mourning

summarizing gleams gleaned from a life well....dissatisfaction satisfied...truth in poetry
oh my gosh oh"is that what ur saying sir? umm excuse me but thats just not me, i always say the lords name in vain. and all the subliminal marketing of your consumer artistry is making meweak an gag, im puking out all over in the bathroom upstairs past the solid maple tables past the circle murals in pairs who is there going to hold onto my hair when ur busy drooling about grandfather clocks high as **** doppelganging 2 levels flourished below me  all the tans and the colors of the north arre closing in where everyone and everything are turning into furniture store manikins stubborn geriatric commercials with one foot already on the conveyor belt to heaven and i just stand here and put the chips in, wrist here maam, forehead here sir just lift up your skin, living memory card into your left hand so u cant forgot all the horrible **** that u did, and ur on your way again back from indecision wht the **** else could u invest everything you worked for in, i can tell you
where to place your last faith in, you are going to die, people tell me laughing almost every-time so what the **** is the point of warranting anything, invest in a quality product that completely dissolves your thought process and rockets you into purgatory, where all the other good spirits are prostrating begging to be inventoried all the dead fathers and husbands and all other price tags shes still floating on that ocean signalling ships in with her omens and they are driving into the rocks just to hear a second of her laughing
Rajnish Mishra Jun 2017
And they call me passionless
Half-alive half-dead.
I lack sorely, they say, inspiration:
Those drops of blood
That the heart brings on page.
My poems are hard as stone, artificial.
I bring no flowers of hell with me,
No, that’s not all of what they say.
No fires of heaven bring I, say they.
The visionary glance is not mine.
Love, longing, thorns of life, not mine,
Nor envy’s green flush,
Shame’s blush scarlet,
Fear’s pallor:  
They have almost been done to death.
Nor can I take a prophetic stance
On Self, on Man, on doubt or Faith,
All inventoried subjects,
On Nature or Nation?
Crawl in mud,
Or flights sublime and steep?

No flights. No Sir!
Not mine.
Not while you,
And you
And you
Read me.
Not today.
Lawrence Hall Aug 2022
Lawrence Hall

                                     ­    Undocumented Gardening

Last week I planted my autumn garden
No permits were required
This evening I dragged hoses in the drought
No reports were assigned

This morning I freshened the water for the bees
There was no sign-in sheet
And then I used a machine for cutting weeds
No evaluations

And then while resting in the leafy shade
I inventoried the grasses, blade by blade

— The End —