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MOTV Aug 2016
#Chanting, chattering. #Chanting, chattering. #Chanting, chattering. #Chanting, chattering.
Kaleb Vernon Sep 2013
From the beginning I trusted you, but in end I rejected you
Because the demons inside shined bright in the night
Sadly, we only hung out at night...
When your world was already dizzy
Mine was too busy to understand the reasons why
So my mind decided that a marathon was stunning
I only thought of you but it managaed to keep running
In this case 28 k but seemed like 28 days
Becuase as you know you just dont run the race
Theres many days of planning and exercise just in case

Now, my heart beats out of rythem
Becuase of the precision of your desicion
Your words seemed kind but in my mind I knew that they hurt
Like you grabbed my heart, played with it, put it back and left it in parts
Since then my left atrium doesnt work
Its like a inncoent whale that was left to die in the beach dirt
And i was simply that... innocent dirt
What had I done previous to this that made you act outrageous?
But now I know your contagious
A disease that brings you one step closer death
But now im just once step closer to home I guess

Home.  A intanglment of feeling like the fibers in my sheets
I thought it was a place of love but then relized its just a place to meet
My mother was a weird one. Often pressing burdens on her son
A seperated family with nothing in commom is definatly more common then Nostradomeous
To say I love quotes would be close but theres some that make me simply choke
Remember when "like father like son" was an inpiration quote but for me its what kept me a float
On the sea of hatred with the destination of dope
Becuase of the words my mother chose, addiction would be my affliction
A state of pain my mother, father, sister and brother could not feel
Yes, this is the shittest deal, but look at me now
A person ontop with the world as my partner,
Ambition like a morning light because I had the will to fight
Only you can make a change your life, not your mother, drugs and neither your wife.
Amber Blank May 2014
Left here ages ago
Imagination glides away
To a foreign land
A civil war battle field
Two lovers concealed in shade
Brave natives hunting
A million lifetimes ago

Notch in the oak tree
Has a limitless amount of possibilities
As to how it came to be.

Sharpe edge of an ax
The beaten point of an arrow head
Stabbing of a knife in anger
precise blade of a sword
mark of a bayonet that missed its target

Some thing that has been passed by with no notice
Becomes a new world a new life
to this creative mind
Close my eyes and I am transported to a demension all my own.
And the notch becomes my inpiration.
The voice Jul 2014
"This is my ride
I got inside and fly
higher the skies
and even birds get jealous
I go under the deep waters
where sight is unseen
i am the light
i am the salt
that seasons the world
i am the liberty some can only dream of
i am bread that satisfies
I am water the flows alive
i am the shadow that guards you
and the security
that gives life for you
But i am also the prince of your story
The king of your dream
The one man who gives everything for a smile
I gave my throne and my crown
for you
SO that someday you would wear it
And i got a cross and a crown of throns
so that u could be with me once again... "
And so this is what the lord said one morning in july when i thought i was left alone. Cuz the best inpiration is him!!!
Maddy Nov 2019
listen to their dreams
Dont step on their hearts
Encourage them to be brave
Regrets will happen but not because trying never happened
Doors open when you least expect them too
Never should mot be part of your vocabulary
Your heart is absolutely worth it
You will find in time that you are too
Shut off those voices in your head telling you to give up
jafarina May 2017
I have disclosed all my secrets
confessed my fears and sins
suffered your silence and my defeat
our tripping steps, -
both  out of synch

come dance again with me.
hold me once more
i'll lead with my laid away heart
and follow with new inpiration

come dance again with me

— The End —