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Here is were it all begins
Now a life time to unfold
A future lies deep within
And stories will be told.

Your road it will be rocky
You will face those stormy seas
There'll be times you will be happy
And times down on your knees.

You will find that life's a journey
You'll get lost along the way
But your not alone there's many
Who get back on track again.

So put on that suit of armour
It's a dangerous world out there
Beware of all the trappings
Their are pitfalls everywhere.  

Don't look back you have a future
And hope is what you need
Your life will be your teacher
And lessons will be learned indeed.

You will find that new horrizon
It is there behind the door
That door will surely widen
And the world it will be yours.
I think you all will agree that life is teacher and we all have
Made mistakes.some of us more than others.
Anthony Moore Jun 2010
» Poem: The Story...
The Story...
written by ~Anonymous~
09:16 AM 8/9/05
Poem Style: none
There was this boy
Who loved this girl
She never knew
But she was his world
But then one day
Just out of the blue
He decided to confess
He decided it was for the best
He called her and said
"Meet me at the park tomorrow,
I have something to tell you"
She said back to him
"Why the park? And Why tomorrow?"
He whispered "Its for the best"
She said "Huh? I couldnt hear you"
He said "Just do it, and i'll explain the rest"
She gently said "Dont you remember?
I'm moving tomorrow or had you forgotten?"
He said "I know, I want you to leave
With a thought in your brain."
Then whispered "And get rid of my pain"
She yelled back at him "Stop mumbling!
I cant understand you!"
He said "Sorry just thinking out loud."
She said "Well i have to go now so,
I'll see you later?"
He said "Tomorrow...two-thirty."
She said "I'll try if my mom will let me."
They both hang up
He sat back and sighed
Then thought to himself
I need to get out what I feel inside
Tomorrow came and he was at the park
He didnt see her
But she still had another half an hour
2:20 shes not there
2:25 he started pulling his hair
2:30 and he started running to her house
He cut through yards
And jumped over fences
Out ran a dog
And dodged a car
He was so close yet so far
When he arrived at her house
Her car was dissapearing into the horrizon
He went to the door to bang his head
But before he could
He saw a note stuck half way in
He pulled it out and opened it up
He slowly dropped his head
A tear dripped onto the page
Because this is what it said:
"Hey you,
Sorry I didn't come to the park. I didn't know we were leaving so soon. I figured you would come by the house if I didn't show up so I left you this note, I'm so smart, anyway since I'm moving to Europe I'll probably never see you again and I just wanted to say goodbye in one way or another. Oh, sorry you didn't get to tell me what you wanted to tell me but it's not like it was important right?

Anthony J. Alexander 2005
No Aug 2014
You poisoned my sunsets, now I can't watch the horrizon anymore. I guess it was my fault because I wanted to do everything with you and now I can't do a thing without swallowing pieces of broken promises and memories of you.
Oliver Miamiz Jul 2016
Derailed, feeble and
Frail in there beds,
wailing, mourning and
yelling but to no Avail,
Seconds, minutes and
hours the Clock is
Days, weeks and
months are just but
too Long.
Stench in the air
enough to cause Death,
Kinsmen portraying faces
of Despair,
others Driven absolutely
Cuckoo by Pain,
Amidst sadness, sullen
shimmering figures
glow in the Dark,
Angel of Death out
to collect Souls,
Death is Looming in
the Atmosphere,
Amid Desparity hope
still lingers in
the Horrizon.
Free at last
struck by the hand of

starchild Nov 2017
Now im back
back in this hole she put me in
and she thinks that its all my fault
but i promise i wont let her
let her push me out of my friends lives
and she sais i made her feel worthless
that i go around telling
telling everybody that she broke my heart
well good
because its all her fault
and now she thinks
thinks im talking behind her back
and she calls me names
and talks behind my back now
and now she hates me
and i love her
and its sad
but she sais that shell **** me
that she will get me
but i say guess what
id probably put a gun in my mouth before
before she could even touch me
and i hate it though
i hate that i love her
because she continues
continues to torture me
but i wont let her destroy me again
ill be happy when i get out
now and then
ill be happy
now were back to the begining
its just a feeling
and no one knows yet
but just because they cant feel it to
doesnt mean that you have to forget
pick a star on the dark horrizon and
follow the light
but i promise
i swear ill be happy again
credit to regina spektor...... ;)

— The End —