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Sarah Michelle Oct 2016
They are here every
morning, tripping down the stairs,
laughing, repairing
One4u2nv Jan 2012
Write on the bathroom wall this:  

Diligence is probably slaying rebellion

Dreaming comes out of an atomic bomb

Your girlfriends in a gang that’s lead by prostitutes  

Cavemen getting punched in the face by men  

Werewolves developing a crush on skinheads  

Soldiers experimenting with martyrs  

Your nextdoor neighbor pretending not to know a *****  

A gypsy writing love letters to a villain  

A guy you once dated driving away from a distant memory  

Your mother at a funeral with an executioner

Mind control freak making eye-contact in an elevator with a flight of birds  

Gleefully bulldozing gigantic flaming embalmers underground  

Ferociously inspiring detail-oriented museums in the dark  

Painfully sorting through stainless steel students backwards  

Electronically sorting monophonic apparitions in the shadows  

Faithfully inhaling Armenian scorpions at tea time  

Briskly hovering above loud controlled substances eaten by America and spat out  

    Dream about this next time you sleep:  

Quizzically exquisite keyholes inside a sunken ship  

Wearily alcoholic skeletons invading our love  

Sharing sternly precious lithographs with Charles Manson  

Adoringly high-pitched frescos out on the streets  

Wildly crunchy affairs with reckless abandoned hope  

Her boyish handymen is like Mona Lisa without her brows

Sensually cuddling big pistols  

The AntiChrist finds the cure for cancer in the local pet shop

Mary Magdalene can sometimes lead to your soul’s desire  

*** can (and often does) lead to motherhood  

Absolutism has never touched cooperation  

The Tao Te Ching manifested properly may ease the destructiveness of Christ  

******* is hindered by believing in motherhood  

Nature encourages rebirth and recycled courage  

Ashtanga Yoga is more important than victory  

An inspired mind isn’t always The Bible  

Energy must always conquer evolution  

*** is a decent alternative to nightmares wouldn’t you agree?  

Electricity is a manifestation of mercy and Tesla  

Pleasure feeds on Gandhi’s sweat ridden bald head  

Candidly breaking dormitories brimming with joy  

Barely used unstable translators outside the lines  

Enjoying calm lavish casino hotels with the electric eager manicurists of tomorrow  

A janitor burying a troop of apes while nature contributes to death and new yesterday’s  

The unknowable comes out of knowledge  

A ***** mind finds the cure for ignorance in patience and the aloha spirit

Education contains traces of drugs and alcohol and also combats drugs and alcohol  

Satan always enjoys Richard Dawkins.
Tashea Young Dec 2016
Dear Black Men,
They have been throwing you away like a trash can.
Never to Understand
That you have value, and for your life God has designed a plan.
So Here I am with you, Side by side I place my hands, in your rough, calloused, laboring hands.
Merging together in solidarity just as a musical band.
As you are Always being placed under Servere Scrutiny
At this moment I stand with you declaring that we start speaking the healing language of unity.
Or This will be The End of Our Community.
Before our Village becomes Extinct
within a moments notice like the eyes that blink.
Removing The hate from our heart and brain that have formed into a kink
like the negative thoughts that we think
Overwhelming the mind drowning only to sink.
They are an Important asset to the family  just as the body needs Zinc.
They're An Esstenial Mineral.
Yet you label them as a Criminal, Cynical, Miserable, Pitiful,
A Creature deemed Unforgivable,
But if you look beyond the attributes of the physical
Take a glace At the mental and spiritual temple.
Resting inside is Gods Love that's Unconditional.
Then is when you will see what I see  Indispensable Individuals; Descendents From Israel.
Does the pigment of thier skin disqualifies him as being equal?
Is this Prince of Egypt's Sequel?
Or maybe its the fact that These Men are  Gods Royal people.

And Still you label them a Negros.
But when thier Tribe looks at them we See A heros.
Trying to lead thier people to the mental state of freedom just Moses did In Exodus from Pharoh.
If only it were that simple
To see inside The temple's window
You would see souls so beautiful.
conscious men awoken to what thier mind and innermen has come to know
Or hearts so rare its special.
And Like A super Moon painted on the black sky thier spirits will glow.

They are kings whom are kind and gracious.
Like a lion's Roar thier Words Are Boldy spoken into the atmosphere and Audacious
Their presences is contagious
Their spirit his courageous.

They are men whos wife and children watch intentively and admire.
They are the household provider.
In their minds he sparks a fire
A flame That Inspires.

He's The The soul that lives within.
Their Maghony skin has been dipped into Hersheys Rich Chocolate Melanin
Thier Deep Voice sounds like A roar from Lions Den , Vigorous and Masculine.
They are powerful like strength and of A thousand men.
Thier smile is as bright as the Radient sun warm and Golden.
From what Cloth was these men woven
that such a men of thier statue has not only been called but also chosen.
Theres something they are Beholding
They are just as a campfire in the blackness of the night glowin.

They are men of color
They are the cover for thier lover
They are My brothers from other mothers.

To The Blackwoman they are our
Batmen, Supermen, Ironmen, Tarzan, Patrolmen, repairmen, handymen, guardsmen, Businessmen and Gentlemen.
And We are your support system, your biggest fans.

You all are The craftmanship of The Most High's hand.
Constructed from the dust of the ground on which we stand.
Mixed with breathe of Life created a human being who bare feet ran,
feeling the warmth from the grains of sand, As he Walked among the surface of the land.
Adam, the Earths first black man.

I Wrote this to let you know we value you My Dear Black Man.
NJ McGourty May 2013
October brings a flurry of trigger-happy handymen
to carpet over the potholes, puddles and last year’s cloth
with that emerald bract that’s rusted in seasons past and
now swarms in copper opulence.

I often wondered why sky’s most subtle inclinations
did not bleach the meadows into hues of tarnished brass
but will glaciate them rather than pull at the soil’s gums.

How I would thread a coat from those discarded teeth
and wear them out before they abandoned me.
Visionary2020 Jul 2015
I have grown up in the same house most of my life
15 years ago I stood on the pavement of my driveway
Learning how to hula hoop for the first time
Meeting my next door neighbors

15 years later I stand on the pavement looking down
I can't help but think how much it saw
How many people have walked on it
Friends, family, acquaintances, random handymen, or FedEx people

I wonder how many heartbreaks its seen
How many tears have been shed
How many skinned knees have happened

Today I stood on the pavement and wondered how many more heartbreaks
skinned knees it has left to see

How many more years this pavement would have with me
With my family

I stood on this pavement wondering how the time was ticking
How this pavement has maybe 5 years left with me

*With the footsteps of my family.
Self professed trees surgeons , insurance agents , water damage  "consultants ! "  Jack leg carpenters , news crews , would be electricians , handymen and " rubber neckers ! " The fly into town , apparently in the first wave of the storms ferocious winds , perusing  potential customers for quick cash , price gouging courtesy of shade tree operators ! They stand by their brand new gas gulping pickups , smiling and self absorbed like they're doing you a favor ! If it wasn't for the tornado scattering my possessions , I would fire rock salt directly into your *** without reservation ! This may seem like a " backward Hick town " with thick southern accents , old pickups and overalls !  Your true intent is quickly visible , your " modus operandi " is quite evident , if your still here at Dusk kind Sir , may your God be with you !
Copyright October 23 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2017
the handyman remembered
where he left his tools...
that's me left
being 40 quid shy
of making a deal
in the alley...
so much for gaining anything
out being honest...
          other than the mantra:
the reason i sleep so well
is transcendental to me drinking
and: never mention the evil
of dropping pills to a chemist...
i have a clean conscience.
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2017
well i don't know,
it could be either -oom or
or the umlaut arithmetic
or a pinch of the acute -
   call it, what you like,
lexicon, infinity -
            i will die not having
said the plethora
    of the peacock that is,
   a sober actor,
   is a dead actor,
   which brings me to my conclusion,
i know why that handyman
left his suitcase in my bed'rue'mm,
            as one handyman
to another handyman said:
i have my drills, you have your books,
we can not expect to congratulate
each other on being both
handymen, and, kleptomaniacs;
mind you, i prefer drinking
with window cleaners,
      scaffolding folk,
roofers than these ghastly:
closet intellectuals...
             seems like we're only to
find these closet people,
  since homosexuality became
so mainstream,
and if a "thing" becomes mainstream
there's no taboo...
no taboo? no fun (in tickling
a fancy of).
ergo? back to the *******... sorry...
drawing board.
Joseph Molobi Feb 2020
Sinking deep into me thoughts deeper than the mystical pit, maneuvering through the sea of me consciousness, see me mental C is complicated as much as the chess pieces Compiled together (please spare me the compliments). Oh! What can we do to this beat? Lemme outpour me thoughts in it, what's your thought in it?. Thoughts flourishing me mind, too flooded to exercise me vocabulary to its highest state as I state this statement in the state I'm in, I swear it's like I'm drowning in me own dark thoughts. Now as I travel across me mental C I came across by the man named 'memory', pieces of clues started to unfold before me eyes. Here's a jigsaw puzzle ready to be solved by the mysterious guy known as 'logic'. Furthermore as we penetrate more deeper we met 'desire' to act as an immediate gratification to both memory & logic. All three of em travelled and interacted through the decoding of the message, (work hand in hand as in like the handymen). Now they sail on top of the sea of me thoughts, seems like the storm is fuming. All hope is lost, is it the last hope we had of deciphering the code?

— The End —