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Robin Carretti Aug 2018
Something is
simmering  *  
His spice the stars*
His cologne heat up the
Lips and taste boiling
The Green Irish Tweed
Epicurean love at
the Italian
Spice Epic Stadium

Here comes the
Sun the__?
Royal Mayfair

My Fair Lady
The spice diction of words
Her name is Sage Lady Bird
You could feel her smile

Carnal spice knowledge
Savory animalistic
Spice culture ******
Citrusy fancy dress
Not to panic
His Sunday gravy
Italian sauce garlicky  
She could win so pungent
Spicy lady Pagent

The poor stealing the
rich culture
Sage surrender like the Oz
Like Robin Hood

Spice of life this is our life
Top of the sea salt Spy
You better have a love
Like a deep pouring
Her Sage Genie bottle
on the stove

Her sheerness lascivious robe

The Meditteranean sea with
Four leaf clovers
These cultures and eyes of
strength feature
There is no time to
break up for the love of a spice
Is this the human race
Fresh linens better company
What a primary
Oh! Hail Mary

Those ethnic spices
what a sensual smell
Sage pretty coffee cup show and tell
What a razzle top of her cake
The media takes over all
painted and swirled
Baked spicy finger she dialed

Through her locket heart sake
Recovered love reconciled
The Teddy Rosevelt or Chicago Bears
tight hugs of cultures

Hairy chest his smooth gestures
Culture rough and tough exterior

Like the smile beautiful mind
Beyond to be seen
The Spices computer
world of devices
Strawberry fields forever
But what is forever more love

Do we always lose our stripes
Feeling layered with her cereal
Tony the tiger
Whats great about curses
Sage speechless can feel the
roar spicy mouth
Going South or North
Victorian corset sensual
Guity spice dark side of Goth
Hot desire from both
The pine needles
Christmas time
The mistletoe kissing pointing to the star

Wearing herself out with her
pointed pump shoe*
But losing her spirit what to
*The Blue Horizon Spice Rub

The  pub the sky has no limits
to the Stars that twinkle
The Gods to their *****
Rip Van Winkle
Dry Vermouth or the Russian Roulette
French spice Crepe Suzette

"Adam I Apple Dante Jubilee
Eve was more like a neigh
Horse spicy slide Colonel Spicy mustard
Meeting General Lee Sage custard

Her handkerchief
with sage cut leaves
Hearing echoes what gives
Anyone's spice rack
of shoes engraves Sage leafs

Noone really knows for sure
She wore spice deep blue velvet
Jade Ring Brittish Colony
Stuck to her beliefs like a magnet

Eating vegetable and fish
Her best China ever find her dish

How the jade chandelier twisted
Became laughing like two musketeers
New York City love Serendipity
The Queen chair so domineer
'What Debutants"
Crazed like spices of mutants
The anger management getting
the evil out
The shoutbox strong clove spice
Sage was never outfoxed
Her **** jaded uniform
The firefighter Smoky the bear
  eyes of candlelight storm
didn't make it this year
Torn to tears like two
vultures of
the haunted night
He peddles fast
But the fear needs to disappear

Fresh lake smells fresh
as her breath
The culture and media
make tons of mistakes
She knows what she wants
Not a jungle of
poisonous snakes
He knows what he doesn't want
to tell her
Perhaps losing his
bark dog naps
The best part engage her on
Sage with a heart
The fruit her
flesh and blood
The blood on his finger
Her medicinal herbs
of China
The mason spice jar is empty
The full heart needs his half
Cream of the crop
Careless love accidentally
spice dropped
Sensual Chin like pine needles
The exception to the rule more leaders
Remember Every September
to leave your scent
We all have needs we want
Drinking all the flavors of Snapple
*Big waves of the ripple don't you
love her amazing dimples
Sage spice mighty divine but when its mixed love can be jinxed watch out. But just keep singing her "Sage way" her garden is magnificent in every way just pray
Sandile JUNIOUR Jun 2015
you broke my last hope on us
you failed to see how much i love
you took me for gratenge
i begged for your love with blood n tears
fought all my battels for you
gave you all my love  

but you failed to see how much i love you

i kept on going till i was broken
you telling me about ******* who i dont even care about
is this how you want it to be
talking to your bestfriend and making yourself believe that i dont love you after all iv done for us
i feel ashamed and guity because you failed to see how much i love you
you mean the world to me but you have tured you back on me made me kneel down for you but still you failed to see how much i love you

now i have to let you go exit your life this wasnt my plan but we have made it like this so we gotta take what life throws at us i love you but i hate the fact that you fail to see how much i love you
by the time you read this it will be too late  
i love you but they say if you love something let it go if it comes back then its yours

i love u Nolwazi but you failed to see how much i love you so i gotta let you go
# not ohk
#23:59 # brake
oscar is on trial not guity is his plea
we have got to ask ourselves did or didnt he
he cried many tears for all of us to see
is this just a ploy in order to get free

truth it will prevail when evidence is heard
guity or not guilty will be the final word
Vlrey Jul 2014
I was so afraid to loose you that I lost myself someway in the middle of love and hate.
So please don't look at me like this. Like I'd have ripped your heart out and left you bleeding on the street. That's just not what happened, okay.
You might ask yourself why I tell you this...
Maybe because you just have no right to act like this!
Maybe because I've spent the entire last year crying and thinking over the same **** thing.
Maybe because I can't and won't do this one more year.
I wish I could tell you I'm sorry for how things went.
But I'm not. Seriously. I shouldn't have to feel guilty because I walked away  from something that made me sick.
Yes, I was the one who left but we both know why.
So I'll ask you again, why sould I feel guity about this? Huh?
Why is it a shane to walk away from someone who makes you feel sick and worthless? Why nobody ever asked hy I walked away?
Because you're the poor little kid that was left behind?
I teel you this because I want you to know that I don't miss you anymore or even hate you. I can't. I've spend so much time thinking about you and everything that has gone wrong between us that my whole body is sick of you. Of your voice. Of your face. Of your whole existence.
But there was a time when you used to be the most important person in my life. To be true, that's the only reason why I'm even writing this down.
I let you go along time ago betwenn tears and loneliness.
And whatever what, I'd never wanna go back to the past.
sorry but not sorry ;)
Michael Perry Jan 2020
in a series of memories we made; thinking back,  lack of clarity
fore-shadowing our fall, taken in by, inevitablely, left waiting
the writing was on the wall-we never thought through, to place blame
when it came down neither of us really knew how to play the game

we are two elements of fire and ice, within moments of love, we are
ready to blaze on-only to lose our way, sure footing-  hot turning cold
what happened to us baby, what went wrong, still, through
a series of memories recalled; where a touch-once meant so much

if only we allowed our passion to survive into another day
with a burn instead of dying with the cold, if only we had another say
two hearts on trial, guity as charged- a love placed on hold
we are two elements of fire and ice; mistaking something more, exposing it all

we were child-like to wish by chance-in an unlucky happenstance full-on
where elusive stars, shone far away, we hate ourselves for not taking another stance
we are two elements of fire and ice within moments of love-ready to blaze on
to eclipse us both;  as touch falls stone cold,  what happened to us, would we never learn

by Michael Perry

— The End —