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Nelly Boit Apr 2016
With the curves of her body,
Ten thousand men could fall.
A vision so sublime,
Swaggered into the bar.
Oh, her perfume!
Her perfectly painted lips!
The hypnotizing eyes!.....
smote the drooling regulars.
"Guarana". She ordered.
"No ****, Amarula on my bill"
Offered the usually quiet Baba Jemo.
"And a pack of Guarana to take home"
Added 'Fisi' Johny the local mechanic.
With a smile that could melt Antarctica's ice,
She accepted the two stooges' offer.
Just as they were marrying their stools to her's
There bounced in a striking gentleman
"Sorry honey, i was caught in traffic.
Can we go to a better pub?"
With Amarula on her right hand,
A twelve pack of Guarana on his left,
They legged it out holding hands,
Leaving my silly two thunderstruck,
As I handed them the bill.
Most of the follow
     wing (fictitious) quit
tuss cent shill, knit
head, (non adult tryst) pit
tee full (sorry excuse
     for originality), rit
dunk yule huss, feebly
     abominable attempt at unit

tarry yen rhyme for excellence,
     benignly, essentially,
     and honestly wit
less, worthless reading mitt
tear real - dashed off
(by this hare reed rabbit),
wall henna burst of
     (playful tulles toy) warren peace,

     aye practically spit
out (from inxs of carrot juice),
     now dost daringly be hove
     brave reeder to comprehend
     this dime metrical kickstarter fit -
bawling contrived nada very ***
till late ting, nor
     not so great English lit,

and moost unlikely tuff hind
     posthumous fame,
     worm ma obit
chew wary verb boss
     lee probably re:nouns,
(this once upon
     a time pablum child),
     nor e'en garner this hare reed

     ole Jack a one hit
wonder poetic laureate,
     nonetheless this
     (o' whar did me bunny go),
     perhaps to Brit
tin endeavoring merely
     to join United Kingdom
     (and merrily) writ

for the underground
     to test skill at
     heart felt fabrication like me,
     thus exempting bing
     considered, judged,
     and labeled tubby unfit.
Now let yours truly whoop
focus to address main intent,

     (sans for quick
     pick me up)
and nary drop of coffee,
     nope not even one molecule
     to fill thimbleful sized cup
I reach for bottle of Guarana,
     (one serving of
     coffee per capsule)

     fo' this aging pup,
who attests that caffeine
    (liquid and/or
     encapsulated), the sole vice
(except for barbiturates, *******,
     "FAKE" opioid, et cetera),
     which overdose nearly found me
     nearly a grateful dead – thrice

occasions, where
     circumstances of Mus
self (Stuart Little reincarnate -
     with an insatiable
     craving for cheese
     laced with Guarana,
     Paullinia cupana,

     a climbing plant
     in the maple family),
     which bean sized seeds
     affordable at an acceptable price
     many times larger
     than puffed rice.
Victor Marques Nov 2010
Animals and nature

Colored rainbow paint the sky,
Birds sing and fly.
Snakes waiting for a snack,
Hungry and fat rats.

The horizon with gold,
Pleasure for the old.
Living in a flat,
Horses and the sun set.

Crocodiles having a bath,
Cuckoos on the grass.
Dogs in the same lodge,
A man’s lost in the fog.

Cats sleeping on the sofa,
Cows drinking guarana.
Bees looking for the moon,
Mosquito’s to bit you soon.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
animals, nature
Jeff Raheb Aug 2014
I was lost in the Bermuda triangle
It was like Egypt in a sea of flesh
the great pyramid
******* in all surrounding life
A tilted triangle I thought
circumscribed around your hunger
but you knew my weakness
Told me it was a fig
so I bit into its sweetness
leaving my smile on your thighs
Told me it was a grapefruit
You were right
I bent down and tasted it
kind of sweet
kind of ****
I ate every section
around the center
with my tongue
There were tremors in your skin
as I swallowed your body
as you swallowed my hardness
as your body
swallowed the milk of my trembling
I came to Egypt
I came in the great pyramid
between sky and sand
The Pharaohs were waiting for us
You were waiting for me
I visited the pyramids in Mexico
and was jungled in
like green-iguana-slowness
like Asian fever
sweet and sweaty
swollen like an anaconda
moving in and out
digesting the heat of a fresh ****
In Sudan, the Saharan winds
shatter the pyramids into pieces
I lick their dryness like a cat its fur
let the heat burn my bowels
Now there are tremors on my skin
I exhale breath of wet fire into your lips
and rain down upon your body
like night crashing into the surf
like sweat pouring into the sea
like sand screaming into the wind
I even became the wind
so as to enter every part of your smoothness
slipping past even your seditious skin
The wind has no mercy

We draw shapes in the morning light
with our naked bodies
while only the birds cover us
with their fluttering wings
made of the down
of your brown belly
I tasted that too
like Indian velvet
like a Bahian feast of papayas
maracaja and guarana
Da danca do mar
In Brazil the sensuous sun seeps
into the scorched sand where our form was
and cuts through the hot flesh of the earth

To the center
where all desire has fused
has seeped through the surface

To the center
where my mouth burns from wanting

To the center
where your wetness burns my tongue

To the center
Your center

Kenzie Delong Jan 2013
I have a certain affliction
Its really causing a life longevity constriction
But I love the adrenalin
And all this guarana seed and maltodextrin
Stupid energy drink addiction
Lydeen Dec 2019
Kissing my wrist.
1. 2. 3
times. I should

be good for
a few hours.
Then repeat again.

Stumb- stumbling stumble
over ov ov
stumbling over over

over over over
stumbling ov over
my over my

words. Every time
I try to
speak to you.

Kiss, 2, 3.
Now I won't
accidentally hurt you.

Picking at my
skin, pinching, frowning.
Cutting each and

every bite into
a perfect cube.

Into the car.
Kiss, kiss, kiss.
Now I won't

be in another
car accident. But!
Don't forget, don't

forget. Do it
again to be
sure. You have

to or else
you'll get hurt.
Hurt your family.

Hurt someone else's
family. Break apart
a whole life.

I can count
every single calorie
I have eaten

today without even
looking at the
label. I can

taste and tell
you which artificial
sugar is in

my energy drink.
But! I only
drink the ones

with guarana extract.
It's all natural,
so at least

kinda better, right?
FREEZE! Here comes
a new thought.

What if I
suddenly ran out
into traffic, got

hit by a car,
and traumatized someone.
Or, consider, if

I went to
a theme park,
and just jumped

out in front
of a roller
coaster, horribly traumatizing

a whole train
of children. A
huge explosion of

blood and brains.
Don't do it,
don't do it,

Don't do it,
don't, don't, don't
It's a thought.

It doesn't control
you. It doesn't.
Let it go.

Kiss kiss kiss.
Kiss, 2, 3.
Kissing my wrist.
Peeka Jul 2014
I found a part of myself on the banks of a distant river
This girl that will stand up for something
Hope for more
Look beyond the murky waters to an endless sky
Float along the banks
With a purpose in life
We trudged along, sailing past lives
Put on our boots and discovered another side
In between the lines
These people, they changed my perspective in a week
Thank you to the people that ponder and read
One hundred books a year
Whose purpose and future is clear
Those who have been in the eighth grade for years
Once were part of the swat team - so I hear
Who tell jokes that remain untranslated
Found hope away from home and built dreams, settled down far away with their family
Braid like no one's watching (Thank you for your braiding talent - honestly)
Wear fedoras confidently
Break out the world record book
And bring people together under one cause
To travel away to the Amazon
Trying to help those on another continent
Water filters, guarana,
Guitars, and farinha
A caiman aboard
I found a part of myself in this land, untamed
Because of the people, the songs, and the rain
No goodbyes, friends for life
Setting our hopes high
There's this boat out on the river
That honks to call you in
This blue majestic gift that holds our memories within.
Recollections of a humanitarian trip to the Amazon River.
Like a fly without his/her buzz
even popping a guarana (caffeine) does
not shake the feeling
     like brain covered with fuzz

no matter how hard I try eyelids claps
shut nor how many hours of sleep elapse
offers nary reprieve folds
     welded tightly shut

     feel like they weigh
     much as a ton mud covered *****,
thus thought to summon
     meager energy reserves perhaps

generating poetic lines
     interrupted by taking constant naps
but no matter eyelids
     weigh heavy as a ton steel traps

narcolepsy not ruled out since
     tired body struggles as if grasping for air,
yet such fatigued state uncommon for me,
     though bothersome to grin and bear

this bout of sleepiness, where this
     white knight chess sleeps
     trouble free aye declare
quality deep rapid eye

     movement marked noticed
     since medication taken
     to treat debilitating anxiety e'er
concomitant panic attacks, where psyche

     got rent asunder send
     ding this atheist to hell
     episodes pained me
     forked flaming tongues flare

ling, immobilizing, paralyzing
     and stinging entire body,
     hence methinks primary cerebral gear
and cog glommed
     like a drain clogged with hair

nonetheless, no alarmist worry,
     nor "worst case scenarios" betray
my ordinarily mellow emotional state,
     thus any task I must delay

thoughts unstoppably captivated
     by snoozing upon
     a bed of freshly mown hay,
and then hours later

     diminishing fatigue in catchy rye
ming verse aye re: lay
relishing being awake,
     the mine true valued self I kin portray.
Basking in a supine position
with eyes wide shut
while the space heater churns out
fast moving molecules of heat
solitudinarian drowsy thinker fêted
by miniature fantasy
of tropical island paradise
accompanying and populating slumber
courtesy flickering, mesmerizing,
undulating barenaked native nymphs

tricked out as miniscule floaters
drifting across field of vision
striking atavistic memories,
where yours truly revels
within toasty warm bedroom
succumbing into deep sleep
resurrecting dormant primal hallucinations
redolent of Neanderthal forebears,
who huddled around the hearth
lo and behold discovery

evident after eldest sister of Harris tribe,
videre licet raw bits of genetic material
submitted saliva specimen
to 23andMe
since shut down by the FDA
because of the said
company's aggressive marketing
and refusal to resolve
outstanding data issues.

Impossible mission to stay awake
and fend off feeling sleepy
analogous to being drugged
not even long enough
to attend a yawning festival,
thus once upon a time
approximately half life
of Matthew Harris ago
indefatigable body of mine
weathered blistering fatigue
with endurance to dance the night away,
where lively contra dance music
played onstage and participants
tirelessly whooped up with energetic glee
experienced the equivalent headiness
linkedin with physical *******.

Now as a sexagenarian to boot,
who recently underwent a makeover
former trademark characteristic
of baby boomer no longer sports
talking head being hirsute
subsequently analogous to Samson
powerfulness of body,
no greater than a newt
while I lay me down to sleep
cerebral cogs and wheels troubleshoot
envisioning yours truly (me)
reincarnated donning myself

wearing a broad-shouldered drape jacket,
balloon-leg trousers,
and, sometimes, a flamboyant hat
decked out sporting,
what came to be recognized as zoot suit
generally worn by the following:
white Americans, police officers,
and U.S. Soldiers, the suits
became a symbol of excess,
anti-patriotism, and
anti-American sentiment,
as well as gang affiliation.

I get tired of being tired
hence ask the missus to make high test coffee,
which jolt of caffeine finds me wired
but back in the day
I acquired a gold card
patronizing General Nutrition Center
and bought one product in particular,
which affected me with outcome I desired.

And thus I crafted sub verse,
whereby yours truly conceives
poem titled Guarana Mo by Jeeves.

Most of the following (fictitious)
quintessential balderdash
ranks as sorry excuse for originality, writ
nevertheless mishmash qualifies
according to humble opinion of mine
reasonable rhyme for mediocrity,
benignly, essentially, and honestly to wit
to test skill at heart felt fabrication like me,
thus exempting bing considered, judged,

and labeled tubby unfit
wall henna burst of
playful tulles toy warren peace,
bawling contrived sketched
piddling potchking pusillanimous
Monty Python's Flying Circus twit,
this once upon a time pablum child,
aye practically spit
out (from inxs of carrot juice),

now dost daringly be hove
brave reeder to comprehend
as great literary endeavor
by this hare reed rabbit,
head, (non adult tryst) pit,
nor posthumous fame, worm ma obit
chew wary verbosely probably re:nouns,
abominable attempt as Unitarian
worthy reading material

so great English lit,
and moost unlikely tuff hind,
nor e'en garner this hare reed
ole Union Jack of a one hit
wonder poetic laureate,
nonetheless this (o'
waa hare did me bunny go),
perhaps to Britain endeavoring merely
to join United Kingdom.

Now let yours truly whoop
focus to address main intent,
(sans for quick pick me up)
and nary drop of coffee,
nope not even one molecule
to fill thimbleful sized cup
I reach for bottle of Guarana,
(one serving of
coffee per capsule)

fo' this aging pup,
who attests that caffeine
(liquid and/or
encapsulated), the sole vice
(except for barbiturates, *******,
"FAKE" opioid, et cetera),
which overdose nearly found me
nearly a grateful dead – thrice
occasions, where circumstances

of mouse self
(Stuart Little reincarnate -
with an insatiable craving for cheese
laced with Guarana, Paullinia cupana,
a climbing plant in the maple family),
which bean sized seeds
affordable at an acceptable price
many times larger than puffed rice.
a-gush with vigor
     of a balled umpire
after a cold shower,
     particularly most enjoyable, when
     (during hot weather),
     these lovely fleshed
     out bones heavily perspire
     me no liar,

plus the boost,
     I didst acquire
from downing one guarana
     to help jumpstart mental empire,
     (essentially caffeine
     in capsule form)
initially found me
     figuratively being catapulted

     skyward blasted, as if shot out
     like a healthy
     arsonist flame of fire
into cerulean heavens, like an
     Aerospace rocket ship
     this dada packet
     ****** above Gaia
     moony miles higher,

but after so
     many hours overtaken
     by invisible drag net,
     re: led zeppelin
     said charge (akin to quaffing
     one cup of coffee) did expire,
     a crash test dummy) systems
     of a down quite in dire

straits, sans dramatically dropping
     altitude as kamikaze hire,
thus needed to recharge,
     without a nanosecond to wait
this foo fighting
     beastie boy (George), hence
     upon padded foldout chair
     comfortable seated poise,

     aye didst create,
     and commenced meditation
     (a transcendent closed eye practice),
     sensing the oblate
spheroid (planet earth) traveling
     thru deep purple space
     NON GMO flute'n gree
     holistic practice helpful to abate

anxiety and/or panic,
     I resumed of late
which light trance like state
brought me a measure, where
     inner peace didst inflate
     of blissful fate
essentially homeopathic ploys
     to quiet mind chatter

     within my pate
     accessed to help me feel
     (like Tony the Tiger) GRrreat,
thence returning to man my station
i.e. sitting facing Macbook
     Pro external (Lenovo)
and dash (imaginatively) riding in a
     one horse open sleigh.
Like a fly without his/her buzz
even popping a guarana (caffeine) does
not shake the feeling
like brain covered with fuzz

no matter how hard I try eyelids claps
shut nor how many hours of sleep elapse
offers nary reprieve folds
welded tightly shut

feel like they weigh
much as a ton mud covered *****,
thus thought to summon
meager energy reserves perhaps

generating poetic lines
interrupted by taking constant naps
but no matter eyelids
weigh heavy as a ton steel traps

narcolepsy not ruled out since
tired body struggles as if gasping for air,
yet such fatigued state uncommon for me,
though bothersome to grin and bear

this bout of sleepiness, where this
white knight chess sleeps
trouble free aye declare
quality deep rapid eye

movement marked noticed
since medication taken
to treat debilitating anxiety e'er
concomitant panic attacks, where psyche

got rent asunder send
ding this atheist to hell
episodes pained me
forked flaming tongues flare

ling, immobilizing, paralyzing
and stinging entire body,
hence methinks primary cerebral gear
and cog glommed
like a drain clogged with hair

nonetheless, no alarmist worry,
nor "worst case scenarios" betray
my ordinarily mellow emotional state,
thus any task I must delay

thoughts unstoppably captivated
by snoozing upon
a bed of freshly mown hay,
and then hours later

diminishing fatigue in catchy rye
ming verse aye re: lay
relishing being awake,
the mine true valued self I kin portray

best to surrender whereby
unfettered invisible manacle doth yoke
mine body electric unresponsive, yet woke
to myriad stuff dreams get made
ashen faced flesh impossible mission
to energize (think cattle ****) futile stoke,

thus methinks eternal sleep only option,
whereby yours truly only request do not provoke
nor poke
the bear, but only I make exception for
Little Red Riding Hood,
cuz she ranks as innocent young female folk.

— The End —