I told my wife that I'm a poet
She said, "Okay dear that's great"
I said, "I'm gonna be famous someday"
She said, "Really?, I just can't wait"
Now I don't think she takes me seriously
Mostly by the way she grins
When I start typing with my serious face
That's when her grining begins
I say, "What's so dadgum funny?"
She says, "You type like a little girl"
I said, "I prefer to type with one finger"
She says, "Okay then give it a whirl"
And when I ask her to read it back
She says, "Sorry, I can't find my glasses"
And before I remember she has 20/20 vision
The moment just somehow passes
I told her, "One day I'll make you proud,
And I'll bring home tons of cash"
She said, "Honey if you wanna make me proud,
Then try taking out the trash"
Well I just keep on writing anyway
Her comments I've come to expect
Mean while I'll keep taking out the trash
So I can get my poor wife's respect