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Sand Nov 2014
Do you remember that Wednesday afternoon three years ago
When we made a fruit tree by stringing together store bought bananas on Christmas lights
And tossed up our sunny masterpiece on sycamore branches
Sick of more dead winter
Sick of unsproutable seedlings
Sick of Patience, the Godliest of virtues?

Tap! Tap! Tap!
I’m sitting a few feet away from the leaky faucet.
Perhaps the faucet is clued in on the old adage that persistence pays off
So it presses on, presses on, presses on…
Marching to the beat of it’s own drum
But this drumming sounds too much like hollow dripping,
Like how I imagine the IV’s medicinal potion entering into your veins to sound.

Tap! Tap! Tap!
Your mother’s fidgeting fingers are dancing nervously on a People’s Magazine
She’s thumbing through pages but her face is fixated on the clock
Mentally counting down the minutes until your surgery is done
Mentally noting the ironies of a Waiting Room trying too hard to pass off as a careless bubble of distraction.
After all the room reeks of hospital cleaner laced with some derivative of a citrus scent,
And the television is left talking to itself like some incoherent patient diagnosed with insanity
And it reminds of her of an article she perused so long ago
Which read something along the lines of “if you hang out with crazy long enough, you’ll become crazy yourself”
And for a brief moment, she was comforted

Tap! Tap! Tap!
The doctor politely knocks before entering,
Everyone raises up to surround him,
But I stay physically stay affixed to my seat
And mentally float back to that faraway memory
Where we sprung into action
Combating the cold
With the only acceptable weapons of choice:
Bright lights and Yellow bananas.
Cat Fiske Aug 2015
I didn't,
even though,
I wanted to,

I wanted to watch candles flicker and scabs form,
I wanted to see blood **** from were the light was so bright,
like nothing could be dark,

but the irony in what I wanted to do,
using light to create the darkness,
my simple candle will mimic the gods in the sun.

but my mind became that of a stronger one,
knowing the candle need not make my path darth,
and the candle acted as a godly sun,
the godliest of all,
the british one,

and I just felt over old burns and cuts,
and cried as one might,
in a the present of the brits sun god,

for even the queen herself would of cried if given her time.
but right now it's just me,
and the dark night.
idk just something
BellonasBride Jan 2019
Love is complex
But oh, so, obvious
And when it’s all going right
Is when you both feel godliest
And you dance around each other
Planets around the sun

So, committed to making it work
But when things go south,
He’s just such a ****!
And she’s just such a *****
Self-absorbed, and short tempered
Breathe and she’ll burn you
Third degree with the fire in her eye.

And you’re walking out just to slam the door
To say I’m done
when you brush against her arm
And it’s like water on fire
You can hear the hiss
The chemical reaction brings up tears to the surface of her eyes
You turn around and tell her you love her.
She breaks down, cries.

And like that it’s over and you sit down
Once more point out your flaws and you both say
I’m sorry
‘it’s my fault’ ‘No, it’s my fault’
The magma spills through the fissure in the plates
It cools and creates basalt.
The foundations we will build our life on.

And when we just sit,
Not talking.
Not touching,
And miles away
I imagine our house with the beautiful stone
The pillars with carving that you would have done
With love and precision.
Those pillars that will hold up our hearts
When they drop at the sound of bad news.

Love is complex
But oh, so obviously here
And when you hold me
Everything beautiful I want to tell you
Gets stuck in my throat.
I wrote this to tell you how
You are everything that is beautiful.
for Miley
Shayne Campbell Dec 2014
In a land of the living, there echoed a horror beyond conception
A tale of truth do all the creatures of the day and night shun
'Tis regrettable that such a knowledge had plagued their minds
This legend of terror is it sourced from the tall mountain of demise
So towering has it forever stalked the land with its shadowy might
For the one behind the tale's inspire dwells in the titan's inside

Outside the mountain is it natural compared to what lurks in this
A hollow that seems the sleepy yet houses the sleepless malice
Prowling the pure darkness and bringing intruders their fiery grave
Eyes does it have with a gaze piercing all through the flesh in a wave
Teeth sharp as razors and huge jaws serving the entry to Hell
Its searing fire breath is Hell's weapon and wings too grand to tell

Traversing its way from legend to life is an abomination of darkness
Dwarfing the largest crocodile and appearing an equal to the godliest
It commandeers the skies it soars across and extends the land with fire
The earth shall turn from paradise to purgatory and all will be mire
This juggernaut of a demon will juggle the world in flames to no miss
Upon exiting the mountain will all perish from the beast's infernal kiss

— The End —