Sometimes I just want to give up on life
These past 3 years have blasted me with so much strife
No one truly understands what it's like to be me
They talk down to me and that makes me so angry
Saying whatever they **** well please
I'm forced to just put up with it; geeze!
Since life is so unfair
I think to myself "Why should I even care?"
Nobody else does and its warped my mindset
I no longer give the benefit of the doubt.
I assume the worse of everyone.
So many of my "friends" had shown me their true colors
And I hate that I gave them my friendship in the first place.
They certainly didn't deserve it.
Giovanna, Olivia, Melissa
You three girls affected me the worse. I wish I had never met any of you.
You did me so ***** when you unfriended me.
I constantly wish you regret your decision but it's not likely.
I don't even want to mention the women that scammed, extorted and blackmailed me.
They are not worthy of still being in my head
I keep them there tho so as not to repeat my mistakes.
Been a minute since I wrote a poem so I just wanted to get out just about everything I've had on my mind. Some of this goes further back than the 3 years I've been in this state.