just reading it makes me quizzical in a queasy sort
of way...
it's about teenage girls and their
internet interaction...
frenzies and tornadoes...
earthquakes and tsunamis make more sense -
this constant beehive drone buzzing:
what's obsolete, what isn't...
7:45 - 10 minutes scrolling through
Snapchat and Instagram -
24:00 - the phone gets a breather -
it's funny how quickly we've aged -
we were born before the internet
was synonymous with mobility -
i'm used to the internet being
stationary - in one place, the radio is there,
and i'm here: you can write a lot of history with
just enough of nostalgic condensation -
j. geils band - centrefold -
it's there,
a back-catalogue that merges with relations to the
d.n.a. - primarily cultural -
after a year or so you realise you've become
obsolete in the microscope of other people's lives:
their children -
but like that ******* matters...
what matters? the closest any philosopher came to
utilising grammar was Aristotle,
but he only nibbled at the idea of nouns: proper names,
that's what he called them...
he never really tried to encompass any
sorting words of grammar, other than deliberating
nouns (or proper names) -
then comes Kant:
how strange to get so much by adding a merger of
two n squiggly zigzags - misnomerism -
yes, an -ism, i'm tired of using exact words,
sometimes you just place the wrong words in
the place of the place of what probably exist, but is
too obscure to be kept - like a wristwatch in the times
of digital watches on the phones -
i dare you to write the hammer into
obscurity, i dare you to write the television into obscurity,
i dare you to write alcohol into obscurity...
no, i doubly dare you...
but never mind that...
the antidote to the phenomenon: Kant's noumenon -
one and a half of an n later - generation photograph
not welcome -
i need pedants! i need pedantic
the aversion - which never never about
listing such a word as dissection worthy:
it's not clearly a- (without)
a -version (example), like
you might clearly state: apathy: lacking the germination
of all forms of pathology -
or atheism -
the etymology of this word (aversion) can be tricky -
averted is already more plausible in the grammatical
allocation as counter-etymological -
grammar is like a post office of words:
this goes here, that goes there...
but only
Aristotle alluded to it, only briefly, concerned with only
nouns, dealing with a indefinite / improper
and the definite / proper names / nouns...
odd, isn't it?
i like the notion that i'll write
a book very few people will read... it just means
i'lll generate very smug readers, and hopefully writers,
which means i can carve out a variation on the notion
of privacy: the privacy debate will just write itself -
to make writing something akin to a fisher's netting -
automated filtering process -
pretty funny...
like today, on my usual walkabout the labyrinth of
English suburbia... cigarette in hand, can of beer in the other,
a car pulls up, two girls in it, one jumps out of the car,
and asks me to put on a baseball cap on my head
and says to me: can you put it on your head,
it's a prank for our friend... so i comply...
i put the baseball cap on my head, she takes a picture...
jumps back into the car, bids me goodnight and they drive off...
the ****?
am i an oddity, an Essex hipster?
no, i get celebrity culture, but i was just walking with
a cigarette and a beer... i'll probably trend as some sort of joke
on the internet: east London hipster making it ****** in
Essex... bearded *** takes the crowd by storm...
self-deprecating humour transcends comedy or tragedy...
it's just there for the taking...
ever get a drive-by: put on this baseball cap
so i can take a picture of you to send it to a friend as prank
done by two girls? well, there's always a first time.