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Cunning Linguist Mar 2014
Lucifer just said I'm two-faced;
But the reality is I wear many faces
Each one a mask
Picking a bouquet of oopsie-daises
Unabashedly lashing out at you
I eviscerate; wielding a scalpel
Then I pounce; scalped him,
Pelt dangling from my ***** pack
Went Kerouac on ***** ***

Surprise, surprise
Palpable attack
Thumbing tacks into your eyes
Lame as a bad sitcom
Band-wagon careening off the laugh-track
Everybody loves disarray

****! Vamoose!
Underlying interloper
Feel the allusion in high resolution;
Little tike on the *****
Anne frankly I'm that Führer fomenting furor

Have you lost your marbles?
Inaudibly garbling warbled garbage
Mauled to death
I **** narwhals

Convoluted revolution
I revel in it
Elusive illusion
Testify, I bring the excellence in electrocution
I'm the executioner

Putting the fun in funeral
Like a neurotic necrotizing narcotic
A lobotomy to the temporal
I dreamt the demented torment of descent
Cascading like a torrential waterfall
Ghoulish delight

Primeval upheavaler
With hopes to elope, many fold
Mic bold, but I suspect she's hitting the slopes;
Ice cold
Evoking emotion but a hopeless show
marionette in a stranglehold
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Joan Karcher Apr 2013
aspirated voices
echoing throughout the cavern
pleadingly quiet
impossible to hear words
an unattainable plea

there's static
overcoming the silence
perpetual noise and clatter
the quiet is deafening

this tongue of yours
always speaking,
too much garbling
this tongue I hear
rhyming, intoning
all it is
is nonsense

clamorous sounds
constant words
abundant languages
infinite meanings


we try to hear
linking sensation,
experience and comprehension
but all we sense is confusion


a dialect of ages
lost in the folds of time

*all it is, is vibration
cyanide skies Aug 2015
he's asked for
a cigarette

but he doesn't smoke
turns out his pockets
and is shot dead
in a pool of misplaced caution
tinged red
veins expelling
voices garbling
until there is darkness
because there is no heaven
and there is no hell

there's only the misplaced caution
of a man who never smoked
in a world of gunpoint and demand.
nick armbrister Apr 2021
CCP Turtles Grassing Line
China’s virtual hotline
Report online remarks
Slander Communist Party history
Crack down “bygone nihilists”
Party’s 100th centenary July

Grass line allows society report
Netizens “twist” Party’s history
Attack governance policies
Denigrate national heroes
Deny superiority radical socialist nation

Clandestine motivations old nihilistic parodies
Malevolently garbling
Denigrating contradicting Party history

Internet operatives administering people
Devotedly report dangerous info

“Historical nothingness” public doubt distrust
Chinese Communist Party’s earlier dealings

China’s net forcefully censored
Overseas social media networks
Search engines news outlets forbidden

Penances persons conveyed
Netizens prison lawful punishments
Placement content acute
Nation’s leadership procedures antiquity

Legal amendments folks
“Slur smear invade on” memorial
China’s national heroes’ martyrs
Face three years gaol
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Effortless tevelusta Man is true, but full of total fears! In his rain cloud eyes, all the collected Pearls of Truth are full of pain! On a child-adult left-handed estate who coughs forever, even himself is a gentle little track! Hissing is a heat bulge if it needs to be taken seriously and you can't get anything! Name-no wills the power of the law can no longer help! You are always forced to flatten, but rarely enjoy the silence of harmony! The truths of proud ladies of messianic extent should be sworn in! Systematic fatigue is already happening in Life!
Friendly guardianship can be enjoyed in supreme maternal lap by the prodigal flatteners in puffed silence; the backwind can hardly be! Who could push further - this time they have been resting underground for a long time! His brain, accustomed to determined abstinence, still understands and tolerates the grievances of sins well. The cacti formula of our conditions adds up many times over! The minute people of the Celeb Jerks hidden into tomorrow will slap you soberly! The bad System soon collapses tomorrow; it's worth nothing to save you from it!
From thinkers pushed back into an ivory tower, columns lurking for prey are swirling! - You can hardly want to level off in the killer-phlegm tones of alparity these days! Immersed at the bottom of sensationalist-haired multitudes, they try to dive into the side of the Pythianite Papuan Genes, a silicone miracle of their Angels! "You can no longer believe in the immortal love of the Universe!" Who keeps the correctness of ancient cones for themselves until the nails are torn, they are also afraid of the possibilities of change!
My thoughts may still keep the suspicion abundantly awake, who who intentionally curled the strands of my hair may have wanted a camp of raging idiots for themselves! End-length I don’t have a cane run for prosperity continues: A welfare consumer society also produces its own free-selling bull-dog
Evan Stephens Jan 2021
Bone in the branch,
right on the face of it,
embedded symmetry.
Tillerman's lawn chain
in a dead leaf choker,
garbling the sway.
Maple skim dip,
a patch of buttresses,
pooling October.
Inert array,
flicking cardinals,
shoal's chaotic mural nose.
So many days like this day,
Revision of a poem from 2007
Was originally an experiment with collecting disconnected but thematically related imagery a la John Ashbery.
Anushka Dutta Dec 2020
lights off
faces black
whispers turned to growls.
hands crawling on
the back,
in my mouth;
white eyes
drooling faces
coming closer
ash-dark leaves
mocking teeth
big-fat-dimlight fingers
yellow canines
ground shifting
cloudy night-sky
fingers locked-in
chest ponding
head worming
hands garbling
toes twining
Devil night.
~ A
Walter Alter Aug 2023
he rubbed his eyes
and said you just think that way
so you always have an answer ready
which may well constitute
a state of pure distraction
in a dog lick dog kind of world
at Cathode Ray's tanning salon
scene of criminal degradations
with multiple jaw grinding *******
from a terrestrial point of view
I'm not sure high above the clouds
is the place to find anything
certainly not a mirror to be had
much less a cinema projector
with scenes of domestication
Reginald sneezed his false teeth
into his dinner plate as an augury
probed prodded palpated
looking for the intelligentsia
in the oracle's personnel roster
their attempts to overthrow evolution
led to a cornucopia of calamity
at the crossroads of conundrum
traded their opposable thumbs
for a certifiably reliable statistic
the atmospherics garbling
the ivory tower transmissions
and made anyone look like a prophet
and bearers of unintended consequences
left my friends hanging from lamp posts
adulterers heretics and infidels
cataleptics ablaze with legend
trained by undulating biblical harlots
tending their hornet infested gardens
avoiding the irredeemably antique
remaining inexact to a criminal degree
in the war between belief and certainty
my script supervisor just pulled the plug
he's not from Sesame Street
he's from Bastille Boulevard
the artist is bait and accident prone
opaque as an 8 ball at high velocity
caroming through every nave and vestibule
bladder control found again
in the midst of bourgeoisie panic
a meditation of involvement
I'm going where

From "Engine of Didactic Beauty" available on Amazon
the disorder of discovery is tolerated

— The End —