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Chris T Oct 2015
on this october night, while i ponder on the crisp toilet seat
and feel my body shiver from the awful lack of heat,
one single ****, compact and long, from my ******* falls,
and into then rank toilet water it splooshes and splashes.
on the porcelain i clench my feet and moan, it echoes through the halls,
my *******, it burns! (lo, how it burns!) as if a ***** went in full with scratches.
how i pray to God Almighty, "forgive me Lord for I have sinned",
in this ****** place i sit aroused and weary, The light is dimmed,
from the corner of my eye, my end nigh: i sigh, Lord. i sigh!
the toilet paper is gone, i cannot handle the vapor (nor my **** gaper).
By (Edgar Allan Poe) Me!
Don Bouchard Oct 2014
Not all demons
slither hissing into view,
roar from fang-riddled maws,
slash their way to horrors,

Grima Wormtongue,
One of our own,
Whispering servant of Theoden,
Enervating counselor of the king's ear,
Luller of restless sleep,
Side-leering gaper of fair Eowyn
from near closed eyes...
Lusting her beauty as Saruman's prize....

Sneaking and sly,
Harmless and weak
in appearance;
Dangerous as arsenic
Green and poisonous
At heart...

A demon?
No less,
No more.
A tool of the Lord?

A weakener of resolve,
A hardener of arteries,
Caster of doubt and fear,
Prince of febrile inaction,
Luller of all dreams noble,
Fool and leader of fools.

Worthy of death,
Gifted with banishment,
Eventual giver of Palantir,
Unwitting knife of justice
At Saruman's throat...

A demon?
No doubt,
But even so,
Luther maintained
That even the devil
Was God's devil.

Grima Wormtongue,
Unwilling tool
Of the Almighty.
All things work together....
MrJaM Jun 2015
This face is a paper
white bright and empty
You painted a cipher
of joyous summer
And off you disappear
like the roadrunner
leaving me dizzy
and confused in wakes
of your love smokes

I look in mirror
at this cipher
keen as a gaper
been on a popper
And I wonder
if I can ever
get all of it together
Jamie L Cantore Dec 2014
The night has nothing to reveal to me
that is more ornate than
the fullness of her moon.

I know the chill that vitiates the warmth
of day, which ne'er
comes too soon.

Freely I feel the glow of that vigilant
orb upon my cheek,
as electric as a storm,
as strong as gravity.

And desolately I lie awake to think of
her watchful ray, lolling then reflecting
upon the face of a pure and docile lake.

That gaper gal dances immutably
as an aftereffect of the glaring
on gentle rhythmic waves,
where winds also turn about and stir
the night clouds that seem to
attract my gaze.

The sparkling stars are opulent
and full of verve and grace.
The croaking frogs are confident
as they move about this place.

And if you listen to the night
-as gently it doth fall-
it will speak to you
in the subtle tones
of crickets chirping loudly,
and owls hooting proudly
while children scuttle home.

Perhaps I dream too much after all...
but I hold high that sentinel moon!
neth jones Sep 2019

not fool
not madness
crash water in your morning face
select your character in front of the gaper
harness the void in your recess
and begin the act that voices the business ;
the   trade   that   will   be   this   day ;
the interaction,
the fist and the currency
neth jones Mar 2020
here is no resume
never was a pause heart
just a dear heart
stringing along
slowing leafily
an idleness is part of movement
to tap out
sup or team
or bead out crying
mortifying in your sleep


dream #1
world feasts its red eyes
'who will feed my teeth in war ?'
life scoring decline

turn over in my sleep

dream #2
a centrifugal kite

wake up feeling sick and thirsty

i go to the bathroom to refill my glass
i worry on the way
there are not enough disciplines in peace

in the water closet
look through the gaper glass and
re-meet my creature
here i am taking the night to the knife
and keeping my body from the fight
tend to life

i fend my bathroom visit
and turn back for the bedroom

soon i sleep and dream again

zoo of fur
the feature beasts scale to freedom
they make for the moors
and become cowed un-exotic by the damp

i'll feel this sad till the morning

— The End —