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Vampyre Kato May 2016
Elven Heritage
Purity Healing Sphere Carriged In
Sacred Mystical Kin Hint Of A Faerie Mist
Purified Language In
Telepathy With All Interdimesnonal Beings
Love Hugging The Trees
Its Where We Peace
Its Where We Eat
Dance & Sing
Healing Passion Fullfiling Gatherings
Fairys Swing
One Touch From Us Is A Rush
Enough To Make An Angel Blush
All Disease Crushed Into Dust
Whipped Up Into Thus
Purified Trust
Declair Clean Air Is A Must
Our Eyes Are Idolized
Pure Manners Inside
Anything Less Than Love It Flys
Where Its Free From Disguise
Vibrations Rise Then Dies
I Am Elven Folk
My Dearest Heart
Wheeps When You Leave
Until Your Return
I'll Be Gentle When Bleeding Screams
We Are Here To Heal Call Up
Elders Silver Will
how shall be written
to be done

with an immaculate


your soul is frequent
gaze at night, at stars to moon
my main

there is silent
self observer
doing everything

while just

there are


of fresh air
To hug a tree
To dream a dream
To be
Impeccable Space
Love and poetic
Aislinn Vesper Jan 2022
I find it interesting
how pleasing words are
when you are down.
How beautiful they feel
when you are empty.
How fullfiling it is,
when touch the letters.
How safe it is
to write it down.
How bizarre
when you realize
you are only honest
when nobody is looking.
How you lie even to yourself
and when it comes to truth
you write it where no one will see it.

Are you scared?
Scared to tell them
because the thoughts are deep, strange, painful.
Scared to know they know
because it might scare them.
How broken you are.
So you are here,
writing it down,
letting it out
and then you go back,
to your head.
Stuart Haigh Jun 2015
*** controls us all
but it doesnt have to
society tries to make it
but it doesnt have to
*** controlled me
so much that i thought i needed it to be
i would try and get laid every day
but thats no way to spend your energy
thats no way for a man to be
but i was blind and i couldnt see
now my eyes are wide open
society tries to make us broken
they dont want you to see past what they have floating
right in front of your face
its everywhere from the tv to social media
they dont want you to understand that ***
*** is meant for love
but it is not love
love without *** can be even better then you expect
save your ****** energy
use it to help you be who your meant to be
use it to overthrow the powers that have been here for centuries
we are sentient beings
sent here to live love laugh and change
sent here to do things before were sent back to the austral plane
ive seen what society tries to make us
and let me tell you
you dont wanna see that
its never to late to wake up
its never to late to make up
for lost time
for all the wrong youve done
its never to late to make up
for not being the god your meant to be
for not fullfiling your destiny
the universe watches over us all
it tries so hard to make it so we dont fall
but when we do
theirs always a lesson or two
no regrets just lessons
thats the most important lesson
and if theirs anything you get out of these words
its that your in control of it all
and if you dont understand this
maybe you need to take another tablet
maybe you need to meditate till you understand it
break away from what your told
everything you need is in your soul
I feel daily that something is missing,
I have all i want but still need something.
What could be it?I always kept wondering.
From Am to Pm this feeling is disturbing.

I got everything left no single thing,
But something still is not fullfiling.
Even to ignore is also daily hardening.
This kind of feeling is just irritating.

About it after very much thinking,
With a thing I have come concluding,
That the reason for this is heart-breaking,
And it is nearly impossible full filing.

Reason isn't some Thing is someone I want to meet,
Whom everyday I could great.
But it was over with your last breath.
I came to know without you I am incomplete.

— The End —