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Fynn Jul 2018
Looking up, a glance through the room,
the eyes searching for something to hold on to.
Our eyes met, right between your neighbors waterbottle
and the back of my frontmans chair.

I blinked and you looked away again.
My first day in the new class and yet,
are your brown eyes everything I remember

Ive never been known for giving up easily
and never been told to be a coward and yet
Did your eyes make me feel helpless like a fly
trapped in a web with no chance of getting away

The following weeks, months and years
would not differ much from how this whole thing started.
For every word we spoke Ive liked you more
For every laugh you laughed my heart stopped a beat
Every smile claimed a piece of me.
Every waking moment, every single dream

As time went by, my feelings did not stop
And I started to feel more positive around you.
Ive loved before. I thought I knew what I had to expect
but you showed me that I was wrong

Ive never told you this and I probably never will,
but you made my life better than you would ever imagine.
We talked. We laughed. We even danced together once on the schoolyard
when we got told we could graduate.

I never asked you out. I was afraid you would reject me.
I thought I would not be good enough for you.
Every time you laughed or smiled and you sat there with your friends
I realized that I would just be in the way. You were happy all along
So all I could do is make things worse for you

The last time I saw you, was at our prom.
At our graduation ceremony. We all drank that evening
And the last time I saw you, you stood next to me at the bar
ordering beer for you and your friends.

You with your red dress, your braided dark hair
looking at me with your brown eyes.
We exchanged a few words... nothing to memorable.
Not as memorable as you when you took the beer
smiled at me and went back to your friends.

I met you nearly three years ago. I learned to like you
and even to love you. Yet I never told you.
But maybe I should have..
because I will probably never see you again
This is a true story
Alex McQuate Jul 2017
The room was lined in foam,
Several microphones littered the booth,
Like corpses abandoned on a field of battle,
Grave markers of bands who came before.

Their hands sweaty,
Emotions tumbling about like clothes in a dryer,
As a small red light came on.

A lone guitar starts out,
Steadily rolling on as more and more instruments join in,
A vanguard to the symphony of rock to follow.

The Frontmans vein's bulging in his neck as he comes into the beginning of the song,
An outcry for those of like mind to join,
A rallying call.

Their sound was influenced by their city,
The Denizens of such a royal city,
Giving it an edge of steel as they tore into the instrumental,
Then suddenly a lull,
Only stopping long enough to catch ones breath, before it plunges back in for another round.
Ebbs and flows,
Until it is back to just the one guitar,
Destined to plod along alone.
Act 3- Ascension
Scene 2- Charge

— The End —