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Firoiu Daniel Dec 2014
Imi soptesti vorbe dulci, in timp ce-ti ascuti spinii,
Ca prin vraja ma atragi printre portile gradinii.
Si se-nchid in urma mea cu un scartait incet,
Soarele dispare-n zare lasand cerul violet.

Eu te caut fermcat printre atat de multe flori
Ce ma incanta si m-atrag cu ale lor calde culori,
Frunzele fosnesc in juru-mi, in explozii de ecou
Tu incet prepari veninul in amurgul indigou.

Si pasesc increzator, nestiind ca o sa m-ataci
Fiindca asupra ta vegheaza o armata de copaci,
Si ma zgarie si-mi par un sinistru labirint
Luna imi ghideaza calea cu a ei raza de argint.

Stralucesti printre frunze atragandu-mi privirea,
Caci mirosul tau ma cheama si-mi ineaca gandirea,
Inima-mi tresare tare fiindca tu-mi promiti saruturi
Inauntru o simt *** bate simultan cu mii de fluturi.

Si imi canti incet un cantec intr-o liniste de gheata,
Insusi labirintul verde se trezeste usor la viata.
E o lume de poveste, totu-mi pare ca-i un vis
Tu sirena din adancuri, ma atragi inspre abis.

Simt liane *** se aproapie, si se incolacesc pe mine
Si ma trag tot mai aproape aducandu-ma la tine.
E de ajuns sa te privesc si raman pe loc lovit
Simt doar inima *** bate, caci in rest am amortit.

Nici medusa insa-si cu ai ei ochi patrunzatori
N-ar putea sa ma inghete si sa-mi dea asa fiori.
Cu niste lanturi cuprinzi intreaga mea fiinta
Impietrit si fascinat eu privesc cu neputinta.

Ghimpii-ncep sa ma intepe  si in carne isi fac loc
Simt veninul *** patrunde si *** sangele ia foc.
Caci cu cat m-apropii tot mai mult tu ma ranesti,
Si in crunta-mi suferinta tu continui sa zambesti.

Sfaramat in mii de cioburi, ma atarn de-un fir de ata
Doar prezenta ta himera ma mai tine acum in viata.
Insa tu dai drumu lantului, si ma zgarii violent,
Din atatea rani deschise veninul se scurge lent.

Naucit ca sunt iar liber, tremurand m-am ridicat
Chiar si ghimpii tai uscati, eu incet i-am scuturat.
Doar in inima au ramas, caci mi-e frica-n lipsa lor,
Viata incet mi se va scurge printe gauri s-am sa mor.

Simt un foc adanc in suflet care arde irizat
Si cu infinita lui ardoare, ma consuma infometat,
Caci te vad acum mai clar si incep sa realizez,
Ma ranesti doar stand acolo desi eu ma-ndepartez.

Nu sunt ghimpii ascutiti ce m-au stors usor de sange
Nici veninul tau fierbinte ce din vene mi se scurge
Nu-s nici vorbele otravite ce le spui tu cu blandete,
Caci desi nu vrei s-o faci, ma ranesti prin frumusete.
"red pants
burning bottom
soft cream prescription."

"pantalonasi rosii foc
dos colorat
prescriem crema."

"les pantalons rouges
quel bel cul ardent
douce creme prescrite."
Haiku can be Fun
Anderson M Mar 2017
If reason was kind.
It wouldn’t allow people
To go to hell in handcarts
Whilst it sits by pretty and dolled up.
It’d go out of its way
Lend a listening ear
Offer its counsel FOC
It’d compel its narcissistic ego
To allow it to attend to people’s issues.
It’d come out of its ivory tower
To see what the world’s “really” like.
But methinks reason’s unkind.
It’d rather have its wits around itself
Than waste time availing itself to people’s thorny issues.
It’d rather have us be blind to it.
S Apr 2015
scrolls through phone
forcefully unbuttons jeans
angrily pulls them off
winces in pain
grabs laptop in determination
my mind is drifting....i think of you,
i see you around me, i touch you, i breathe your name, i'm surrounded by a manifestation of you
i can't take you i want you away from me
i can't take you i want you near me
time sure fly's when you come across my mind
in my mind
you are my mind
focusing on us
i played with caution but you and time teamed up together and aimed to tease me, to torture me, to bring me pleasure where i see distress
a sick sense of satisfaction
flows unto my vice
it's a two way street
or maybe a 6 way street
maybe a city
with all these vices collectively linked
i detach
of us
**** us
**** us
**** us again
**** me
i wonder what he wants from me?
i wonder what he feels for me
what he see's in me
what he really thinks of me
does he see inside me or does he just want to be inside me
hah..the feelings faded
back to you being nothing
until the next time
i think of you and smile, gently,appreciating in mock admiration
Mark Grover Apr 2021
You are consumed
trapped by the weight
of that which you create
a well crafted fear
sharp as a spear

It spins
around your mind  
trying to unwind
but there isn’t enough room
inside of you
so it
you escape.
When you egress
you see the sun
it is so
on your eyes.

Will they ever adjust?

Has this place always been?

You realize that your foc(us)
has so long been on


that you had almost forgotten to
remember of this world.
during your exile it has continued to spin
Can you catch up again?

I think not.

You are dizzy
you must slumber
you can only hope
war(m) the bed,
next to you when you awake.
(If that is
what you

Rest now
for you will need your strength
in the coming fight
against yourself and
your self created foes

good knight.
I have struggled with this poem.  It was originally written as a companion piece to another poem ((Mén)age à trois or Let Her Run) and was presented  as an art piece. It was written on a circular piece of paper on a pedestal   In order to be read the reader was forced to walk in a circle around the piece.  It would cause the reader to feel slightly dizzy the more they read.  I have been trying to adapt it for online reading but am not sure it works.  Any critique would be greatly appreciated.
stranger Jan 2023
de nepedepsit
m-am topit de nenumărate ori deasupra conceptului de a fi
de nepedepsit.
în greutate și durere, în extaz și plăcere
de nepedepsit indiferent.
imunitate și scutire.
când mă ating, când mă vreau, când iau foc și las scrum in urma mea
sunt de nepedepsit.
când mă arunc, când mă ridic, când mă sărut de
noapte bună blând
în mirosul ăsta ascuțit, de neuitat, de nepedepsit
când împletesc invidie în păr și mângâiere
nu mai știu cine sunt, cine ești
știu doar că sunt de nepedepsit.
sunt de nepedepsit.
ereditar, primordial, frumusețea de a fi turnat, clădit, construit și uitat de nepedepsit.

— The End —