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Nicholas N Jul 2017
The black shawl-like quality
Of the nothingness
Wraps itself around everything.
A constant emptiness
That makes all full.
Its veins run blue
And gold and scarlet
And every hue between,
It dies as it arises.

The nothingness embraces all,
Easily, it encases me.
In everything and anything.
And that which I lack
I supplement with hope.
A chain mail lie linked
With fragile expectations
Of love and other drugs,
Other falsifications.

This tapestry holds whispers,
Secrets and blueprints
To all of creation.
Globes of dying light
That crash in the dark.
But alas I can see
Its stars are not cross'd
For me [cue tears],
I fear my script is lost.

Perhaps when the dopamine
Corrodes and rots my brain,
My soul will take the reins.
Connected to the cosmos
It tells me everything,
But yea, it shows me nothing
Except tantalising flashes
Of what could be,
In its swirls of red and azure.
EgoFeeder May 2013
The practice before me was something so foreign
Their tempo of chant was that which evoked my adrenaline
The circle they worshiped began it's eruption of colors;
spewing a spectacle of radiance that was a spectrum of some other

The hexagram itself began to shine with an ominous gleam;
All but one vertex was a blaze; what could that mean?
Perhaps, their party of six was too small in number;
To awaken the demon from it's monotonous slumber?

To complete the ensemble of seven must be my own task;
The sprites were fixed in trance; I had no reason to ask
So, I sprang into motion and joined in their ritual dance
Finalizing their sacred rites and granting myself with reverence

The echoes of recitement deluded into something more strange;
One that my mortal ears could do naught but re-arrange
Into a bric-a-brac of non-sense derived from the past
I needed to contribute to the intonement for our progression to last

How could I ululate with the rest in my simple irrelevant language?
I inquired to my friends in hopes of restoring the veracity of my courage
The imp at my front spun his attention to answer my doubts;
For what truly matters is that which exhibits the earnestness of your quotes!

Aha My Brothers! I can now see without my cloudy vacillation;
The next verse I cast shall be the epithet of an immaculate alteration!
I must exalt for my falsifications and this facade of reverendum
These letters fixed in stone are merit-less and de omnibus dubitandum!

There shall be no greater wisdom than the acceptance of that fact
To dwell on the word of man is to dabble in what you've always lacked
Our deficiency of distinctive beliefs and the privilege of identity;
Every truth conceals it's delusion in a seemingly flawless sincerity!

I repeated my genial perspective several times until my breath was gone
The numbness in my torso was then expressed through a re-habilitating yawn
Followed by an out-pour of blood;Spewing from the confines of my lungs
Oh! What a righteous taste this is to speak in the devils' tongue!

For the throes of a sinner are not that of the wicked or holy blaspheme;
They are simply the inverted inquisition of the unanswered question maybe!
The concepts of free will and of good and evil are truly incomprehensible
as our minds are merely aware of relevance; Ignoring the unintelligible

Being enthralled by the dizziness of this new found anemia;
I commenced to utter the defeatists' call into the absence of Elysia
Witnessing no reply I fell to thy knees - cupping the blood I had spilt;
Raising the crimson liquid to thy mouth - consuming the life i'd built!

Which my new fraternal comrades admired with a fixed curiosity;
For I had undeniably turned water to wine and it was merely an impetuosity!
Laughter ensued and the fire of our ceremonial ring blazoned it's approval;
What a way to end an evocation! We had set the scene for our lords' revival!

To state his name for certain would be to use it in vain.
As the out-right ruler of this plane goes by many a name;
And none all the same ; How could a god be labeled as something you say?
If I may conclude in all modesty he is you and he is I. If I may ...
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2018
. people are always left curious about the stories of homeless people... within the regards of why they became homeless... you want to hear my story? i sat down with one homeless person... you know what he told me? you want to know? he said: MY MOTHER TOLD ME TO NEVER TELL A LIE... wow... wow... so it became my ambition to never tell a lie... i became homeless because my mother advised me to never tell a lie... guess telling lies pays off... whatever it pays with or for... i became homeless because my mother told me to never tell  lie! wow! so much for poetry being written while sober... what is expected? unruly truths, falsifications, this that and the other... hell... i'm a drunk... chances of me involved in a relationship are the basic focus of: SLIM... but? HEDNINGARNA - VARGTIMMEN... Finnish folk music.

***** does my head in,
minus the thought-and-question:
do i have a head?
   whenever the moon rises...
i get a tease of the giggles...
ha ha...
and my face contorts into
a posit of one if those faces from
an apex twin video...
funny as any royal ****,
turned into  ****...

now i want you to remember:
never meddle with a madman...
he's been prescribed his
he's been diagnosed...
come near me and a cancer
                 dox me!
dox me!
dox me!
      i, dare, you!
but i know the person,
or rather, the type...
i won't be doxed,
because what i'm proposing
will not be matched
in execution....
   ****** parodies
of testicular cancer!
that quote for Albert from
the dark knight:

i am....
        some people just like to watch
the world, burn...
                              i am...

dies, ich bin:
        this, i am!
at least i have more constancy to
make comparison of
the Hebrew gott...

     ich bin das ich bin...

my alternative?
                      dies, ich bin!

i am: now!

          and when i drink and turn
into a *******...
it's to salvage some fathom
or what remains to be
justified as:
Samuel Dec 2010
A long while has passed since I poured my heart into a work
The last few songs have consisted of stories, wishes, falsifications.

Substance is vital to fuel passion.

Excuse me while I search for it.
the lone boatman Dec 2014
Herein lies the cycle of this existence. Replete with everyday banalities - placid and meaningless - the menials of survival give away almost suddenly, and I find myself plunged into the depths of an unperturbed silence... where a voice within resounds the Om. A rage drives me to divest all falsifications.. those sensuous pleasures and miserable burdens, insecurities and frustrations.. and all that exists/acts in a true sense of transience. I feel calm again - cleansed and breathless on the shores of this Reality. But alas!, the Silence fades.. slowly and steadily the noises of the world begin to seep in, like the first rays of sunshine after a long wintrous slumber.
Crests and troughs, this life of mine. A reckless indifference grips my heart; I exist, unbeknown of whether I am a benign Observer or the perverse Experiment, or evenly both.
Carsyn Smith Jun 2013
It's the best place to cry.
It's the place where it all surrounds you,
Covering you, engulfing you, drowning you.
It falls over you like every pound of weight placed on your shoulders,
It falls and runs over your barren, exposed, vulnerable body,
And when it hits the floor -- its gone, washed down the drain,
But it's replaced by another, and another, and another,
Never ceasing, never pausing, never calming.
It beats at your back, your face, you chest,
Until your skin in red, sore, raw.
It's the place where you don't feel tears,
It's impossible to tell if they're yours, or the water falling on you.
It's the best place to cry,
The shower.

It's a good place to cry,
It's a mask that protects you,
Covering you, surrounding you, isolating you,
It hides every acid drop that rips away at your eyes and cheeks,
It conceals you from others, banishes their comfort,
It makes you alone, weak, vulnerable
They can't see you, they won't know these feelings, they don't care.
They can't see through their ignorance, so I've used it to protect myself.
It's a mask that leaves everyone none the wiser,
All you have to do is wipe the stray tears away.
It's a good place to cry,

It's an unexpected place to cry.
It's a scary place, because everyone can see you.
And the scary part is, they do nothing but watch.
The ignorance of the mask is taken away, replaced with clarity.
They can see tears, but they will choose not to acknowledge them.
Light reflects from it, hiding some features, but the picture is still there,
Staring them in the face.
They can see the redness, watch the tears as they gather and charge your dry cheeks.
They watch, but pretend they didn't see anything because they have chosen
It's an unexpected place to cry,

I'm sorry.
I shall take my pain somewhere else,
Take my suffering to the farthest depths of my heart,
in hopes it will not destroy my soul.
I will feed your ignorance,
your picture of a blemishless world,
And pretend I'm a perfect person, in your perfect world.
I will suppress each tear, choke down each sob, and straggle each tremor,
I'm exhausted, but I must keep running
Running away from your misguided decisions, your accusations, your falsifications.
They are like hot iron, branded into my skin like livestock.
I'm sorry,
I will destroy myself to spare your ignorance.
Quentin Briscoe Dec 2013
My honesty is never understood...But everybody loves my lies!!

I wanna be completely open...but my past may not rest well..may not die easy..I mean..I may not past the test...if you knew the ones before I cheated..did you know I'm in love...With multiple people...But I know right then you'll say then you don't know what love is!!! But I am love...the purest my dictionary...But I'll never fit into yours...beside Prince Charming...If you knew I was 25 when I woke up a 17 year old sleeping beauty...My demons cloud my perfection...I a man baby couldn't you tell...I thing with my head...I love to hear you yell...Why are you surprised..but again I'll could never tell you that's my rather hear my falsifications...and fall head over heals in to this fantasy...that won't end happy because you never fell in love..with what you asked for...My Honesty..
brandon nagley Jun 2015
Cold chills
Shed through
The sick move
In most nonchalant of ways

Time here seems to hold itself
In most futile sickest of bays

How beautiful
Are the smiling faces
When they shalt appear

Some move faraway
Some destitute
To stay here

What dont they tell thou
When thou arriveth
To this castlenest boutique?

That worries wilt go far
What awaits thou
Are the pukenend sheets!!!

Disillusion thy own party goers
Thy touch
Hast been lost to moonshine elliptical

And thy stones of divers toss!!!

Shruggers are raider like
Craters are from no advice
Wherein viking critics
Are systematically nice!!!!

Entertaining wilers
Are subject to falsifications own Warden!!!

All receipted
All burden
To clear away
The memories
Thou once forgot!!!

Now remember
Remember all those difficult ways
Thou once knew!!!

Burdenful crimegivers,

Thou masked conviction
And shrew!!!!
My Pen nonchalantly flows its ink,
Over the empty lines; thirsty.
Thirsty for epigrammatic language.
The spoken line’s elisions and falsifications,
Predispose propensities,
And mutate the prevailing attitude,
Towards us, our future,
Not others or theirs.
brandon nagley May 2015
Cold chills shred through,
The sick move in the most nonchalant ways!!!
Time here seems to hold itself in the most sick of bays....

How beautiful art the smiling faces when they appear,
Some move farthest away,
Some destitute while here!!!

What dont they telleth you,
When thou arriveth at  thine castlenest boutique?
That worries shall go far?
What awaits are thine pokered sheets!!!!

Disillution thine own party goers,
Thy touch hath been lost to moonshine elypticals,
And thine stone of diver toss!!!

Shruggers are raiders alike,
Craters are far from no device where vikinged critics are systecly nice!!!

Entertaining wilers subject to falsifications own warden,
All receipted,
All burdened to clear away to memories you whence forgot!!!!

Now remember,

Remember all thy difficult ways you whence knew!!!
Thy albatross masked conviction and shrew!!!!!
Jaclyn Ciriello Aug 2014
I will not say sorry anymore
Not this time, not I
Nor shall I become the first to say goodbye
I will not admit to falsifications you have found within
A layer of your own ego, an insecure whim

Those words cannot pierce me
I wore impenetrable armor today
Slayed a dragon to my feet,
Took no time to delay
Which brings me forth declaring
To your dismay,
I am no longer sorry
Not yesterday, or today

There is someone I was in debt to though
Nonetheless to her, I couldn't let these apologies show
Or at least climb to the surface,
A peering hole
Two eyes, one heart
A mirrored reflection glows
A smile forms suddenly
Did he ever know?

The person it took years to see
Is now staring, wholeheartedly back at me
This time, I shall not say sorry to her either
A broken grin sheds a freeing compulsion
For an ultimate forgiveness, a feeling of stealth
All the while, you, my friend, should apologize to yourself.
Matilda Alice Nov 2016
Anxiety straps his body binding his muscles and locking his joints. Stress is visible on his torn bleeding fingers. Fear crippling his mind showing him the images of the world, ones that look like they're straight out of a Tim Burton movie. Dark demented but true. Oh so true. So true that everyone else has gone blind saying that everything is fine. But it's not. He's not fine. Oh no he may put on a smile and hide the pain in his eyes but it's there. You just have to look deep enough. Reality is so distressed we make up fantasies and call them reality. We ban all the things that will allow you to see the real world. We brain wash the children to believing that they deserve everything on a silver plater. "Reality" is not even real, just a fragment of our fevered imaginations. So when anxiety immobilizes your body, seizing your muscles and tightening them till they're strung taught. When it locks your joints not allowing you to move. When stress makes you mutilate your body by ripping the fleshy linings on your fingers pouring blood. When fear fills your mind giving you chills those little goose bumps and that shiver that runs down you spine when you know something is just not right. No not right at all because you can't handle the images of Reality and when you try to process them and tell others what you see they put you in a mental hospital. "For your own good" they said. They call you ******, crazy, mentally unstable. So you zip your mouth shut and let them think your ok. You let them believe that their child is not broken that they can still "save" you. You let them listen to these falsifications so you can go home and be "normal". So much so you start believing the lies again and forget the harsh Reality.
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2019
.i really didn't mind which side was going to win... it was pretty obvious in the snap general election, in england, this year, i would have been sold the Blairite mantra any day of the week... that old flavour panache... you won, yes... blah blah... that's the one thing i don't understand about such events... it's not enough to win something... you have to succumb to that brazen: gloating... if only there was a sports' like stoicism behind winning... a sense of decorum... perhaps that's why i didn't vote... i didn't want to succumb to the subsequent brazen gloating... the odd chance that i experience ego-tripping is enough: when i encounter some abstract cul de sac of vocab that will be written... but never entertain everyday formal conversations... but... this gloating... some people can never make it into a... richard federer moment... why would they... after all... politics... voting... imagine if all the cheers and chants in a football match were actually indicative of who was going to win the match... perhaps... they are... "in hindsight"... i.e. when there are only 10 seconds on the clock in stoppage time before the game ends... in politics that's how having won: gloating emerges... it's not enough to have won... one has to bask in it... just like those away fans... with the majority of the home fans having left with Elvis having seen the most erecticle-dysfunction thrashing.

today i learned that some very intelligent people
managed to construct an a.i. system
that would be able to finish beethoven's
symphony no. 10 - or, as a matter of fact:
that the computers did it!

i would applause this achievement...
but... i'm hardly going to...
i wouldn't even applaud had "my own"
flesh and blood - an organic exponent achieved this
feat! unless - he were a deaf man -
even then - relativism of some sort...

as i'm writing this i wonder:
what if these intelligent people managed
to construct an a.i. system that would be able
to finish off... Kafka's the castle?
should "we" celebrate such an accomplished:
should it ever come to pass?

a much harder undertaking...
and for all its worth, classical music...
rarely does it translate into something you
can whistle it...
rarely... and when you can: you barely can...
beside the interludes...
basically Bach's polyphony destroyed
the simplicity of classical music -
classical music? no wonder modern music
has to borrow the technicality of the event...

- could this be a Kierkegaardian style of meditation
or... dare i say it... Knausgårdian?
i frankly don't mind...
how much of my biography i will include
in this is beside the point -
like? do i think that for all their worth,
their grand narratives,
some people can still come off as slight?
i do not want to immerse myself
in how so many petty things
bind people together when being
stripped to find themselves beneath
celestial bodies and some disposable awe...
yawn at the stars and enjoy some
soap opera... get into the jungle petty
crimes... yawn at the stars...

this surely must have been written
from an underbelly...
by a turtle starving when being flipped
onto its shell... otherwise...

classical music and its complexity...
i tried to figure it out...
but i will rarely come to finding it
necessary to enjoy certain things...
classical music i will rarely enjoy -
especially if i have to think about it...

oh the glorious days when i thought
that thought was a pleasure in-itself...
now? this spaghetti monster with recycled
pieces of self and the christo-freudian
trinity layer-cake of ego, superego, id
of modernity...
i'm always somewhere, nowhere:
playing the cameo role...
i imagine a psychologist talking to me
armed with all these surgical "equipment" items
for my metaphysical surgery...
and i have no knowledge / consciousness
regarding each vector or enzyme or...
how i'm still, basically...
primordial in explaining myself via:
a pronoun, a verb, a noun, a conjunction,
and obviously a definite/indefinite article...

have i missed the point?
verb pronoun verb definite article noun?
tell me: what is psychoanalytical theory
staging, before the stage of grammar?
grammar is the father of all learning -
given that the mother is mathematics...
deviation from formal grammar must be excused
if this is at all to be even, remotely,
resonated in the ars poetica...

i can whistle about two or three extracts
from classical music...
the one, that i know of?
that resonates akin to la marseillaise...
and say... the british grenadiers' fife and drum...
and... that bit of beethoven's symphony no. 9...
ode an die freude...

no, i somehow want to stumble into
this egregious cliché -
try whistling to some chopin...
after all... chopin was in a contest with
liszt over who... would break a finger
while playing his centipede technicality...
what sort of woman would faint
what sort of matthew arnold would
go home and ******* in the dark
crying when seeing liszt perform live...

if you're taking a **** and then having a shower?
a few lazy moves of the fore! skin doesn't
even elevate the event to any "immediacy"...
as i once had it: *** pistons *** pistons...
it's fair game... but... after a while
and you haven't paid for it and *** is the glue
that weaves itself into your narrative
and there's talking after and...
god... looks like i was lucky...
my 20s? em... i don't know...
i "think" i was preoccupied with my psychosis
of meeting god... to which i'd reply...
you don't want to be looking for him...
nothing was said -
there was an angelic choir and a great
wind that dispersed it... while i was
running around in a church trying to figure
out 'a how' with regards to still being
the owner of an iPod and...
fasting... high of some variant of marijuana
they only serve in London...

plan? what plan? i'd say: don't go looking
for god: unless you're absolutely sure...
you'll only come back with clichés...

is it really music in those heads of theirs?
i mean the composers?
i hardly think they "think" in terms of melody...
it's not like you could write a polyphony
based externally on whistling...
perhaps a main theme...
like in ode an die freude...
there's a premise... but then?
pandemonium rapes the head of a ludwig...
and... they just keep adding and adding...
but none of it could be compressed
to a song...

thanks be to bukowski for pointing this
out... ludwig didn't frequent the parlours of god
(words) that often... rarely...
he only wrote one: Fidelio -
and it was only as a joint-venture with...
Arturo Toscanini...
because you can't exactly sing along
to classical music...
and if you don't enjoy classical music...
you suppose: the heart has to "think"
in order for any "thinking" by the brain
to be disengaged from: the sound of rain
falling on a tin roof and a piano crescendo

is blurring out "thinking" from the brain
being stimulated by the minor fractions
of seeing and feeling in the grand sigma ****
of hearing - minor details -
you still need to feel and hear...
closing your eyes: perhaps...
but at least there's that abstract focus of:
"somewhere in the distance" with:
eyes wide open too...

very much akin to my current drinking patterns...
i don't remember the last time i drank
for the pleasure of being drunk...
christmas is here and i have some minor
responsibilities to take care of...
25mg amitriptyline and a biting event
with the naproxen... the whiskey is measured
like a prison tally... if i exceed:
IIII/ IIII/ by more than II...
i have a problem...
anything to curate this insomnia...

only when words are given access...
but i can't see why words would be necessary...
whether it's a stand-off of show-off
Faustian technicality between Chopin
or Liszt... or whether it's the completely
French stand-off between:
the only way to learn to play the piano these
days... is to find an allure of calm,
of stopping time... a delicate fusion
of... arranging a boquet of roses
while wearing sand-paper gloves...
Debussy "contra" Satie...

but this track of Beethoven's?
is it really such a terrible cliché?
top 3 tracks that have left a most definite
imprint in my head -
a cognitive tattoo... thank god for not
wishing for that sort of other branding
akin to a no. 1990869 from that infamous
of places... or... a ditto on my forehead...

- ode an die freude
- la marseillaise
- fife and drum

is this a clinical approach?
i'm almost certain there's no real thinking
in terms of sound when it comes
to composing...
i once had the rare opportunity
to spot a young composer in a cafe in London...
scribbling his...

ut queant laxis
resonare fibris... to be honest, i was jealous
as ever - but not in a way that:
i could be better...
and as i'm pretty god-**** sure...
he wasn't whistling or humming
alongside what he was writting...

braille is where i stashed this jealousy:

because trying to figure out the "thinking"
behind musical composition -
on a polyphony scale...
it's hardly a folk song mentality of:
the "easily remembered"...
but... again this can be achieved...
when a complexity unravels itself into
folk "sensibility" -
do i have to car-crash this sentence
into something simpler?

chemistry almost uses this "syllables"
of meaning... He: helium... Li: lithium...

and my what an honest hour!
i can finish a day well spent!
i did this that and the other...
i watched some alpine ski jumping
from engelberg... a polish athelete won:
kamil stoch... i still can't sing
the anthem: mazurek dąbrowski...
so i... felt... 0.001% of a shared cause...
it's a grey foggy distance in the back
of the mind... that can't compete with
someone's patriotism-in-exile
akin to a Czesław Miłosz...
more importantly... Liverpool won
the Fifa World Cup of Clubs playing
against a very tactical Brazilian side...
and you should have seen
the match-up between Flamenco vs. ...
in the copa libertadores...
who was it... besides the point: what a comeback!

needless to say... who are these "people"
who have started to become reckless
in their attempts to sell love?
this delusion of love -
this most abstract person: personna precusor?
for the love of: what's outside...
beside me - what i see and what i can
offer in it being shared...
never this magician's Pharisee act
of: what love is "sleeping" in me...
how my love is but a yawn should it have
to exist... like a tapeworm without
a wall of a small intestine of the host...
what is this love? this "hurting" -
can it ever please escape the orient
and its parasitical feeding via a haiku?

as no claim: "genius"...
that's the problem... the horde had an element
in it... hedwig... some constant that
could never change and remained
in part solipsistic - well...
a paradoxical solipsism...
multiple-personality disorder and...
the placebo effect of solipsism...
but all the other personalities knew of
each other... it's not like each personality
was oblivious to the other...
which undermines the concept of:
there is no conscious effort...
between switching...
which must be a harrowing experience
to pseudo- the whole experience...
narrowing it down to a thespian consciousness
that's only visible to a thespian audience...

how is it in writing? there is no voice involved...
have i reach a polyphony?
evidently there's a common theme running
through this piece...
but... is there a dialectical play in it -
how there's a grand coming "sigma"...
toward the concordant zenith?
if i were to say these words outloud
and have this little monstrosity -
this little demon whisper as the backdrop
in my thought:
i could not achieve a concordant zenith
as such...

i have already faced the unbelievable lie...
that somehow a bilingualism can be treated
as a schizophrenia...
isn't bilingualism, entrenched bilingualism
somehow not... the stated diagnosis?
why can't i solve crosswords
but find sudoku puzzles to be somehow
i already have a crossword puzzle in my head!
and it's not based on a network
of the monolingual architecture that
solves crosswords with a thesaurus:
synonyms and antonyms and "insinuations"...

- mind you... did you mention that quote
from that polish neurologist?
'any one who claims you're mad...
are mad themselves'?
after all... isn't it a neurologist's word
over a psychiatrist's?
according to the latter:
my brain is still a chemical spaghetti soup...
my lexicon is a... salad...
might i ask for the meat... then?

- it can drive a man wild... knowing how
blind some people are...
but after a while... you just:
inhale... and release an onomatopoeia
of the most reclusive relief...
a sigh that's not a sigh... AAAAH...
to be able to walk down a street...
and enjoy the weather,
enjoy the passing-conversations...
the passing traffic...
the stench of a major city...
all of this... would be impossible...
if each man was to bump into
a replica of a Galileo (COPERNICUS!)...

what a dull place it would most surely be...
on a whim: entertaining petty grievances...
on the other: the hunger-strike martyrs for
justice... the philanderers, the sycophants
and their post-moralism bribe donors of
exclaimation marks!
or people like me... who chance upon...
an internalised rhetorical seanse vacation
after the day is done...
since... clearly: i do not have enough
time or money for a cork-lined room to
drum out all external noise...
or a listener with a rubber-ear akin to...
that same sort of fellow...

breadcrumbs from the altar...
where that meal is a ceremony of:
fed by the words...
the details inverted...
perhaps once it was charity...
better the charity to lie these days!

until it comes out by itself...
truth? what truth?!
trivia?! regurgitating scientific facts?!
that's it! or making blatant falsifications?!
i'd call it:
if there is a truth - i'll find it tomorrow...
and by truth and tomorrow:
if there's a truth - it's (a) tomorrow...
otherwise i'll face... death...
or perhaps i'll be cheated of it...
should i come across death in my sleep...
i can't imagine the sometimes
referenced obituary:
he died peacefully in his sleep...
that's as about as peaceful as...
when you sometimes wake up from sleep
because you've just had a nightmare...

this life is a nightmare...
let death be my sleep.
Every little pipette dreams of becoming a big enema

Each little pipette
Dreams big, no regret—
To grow and expand,
A syringe in demand.

A mold is the aim—
Perfection in frame.
A fool longs to feed,
To breed and succeed,
Yet all that he leaves—
A burden of grief.

A fool's iron mold
Chains minds young and old.
This pattern, once drawn,
Becomes almost law.


In general, none...

Well, we don’t question—silent, believing,
Swallowing nonsense, blindly receiving.
Falsehoods are growing, thriving with time,
Lost in delusion—we march in line.

Muzzled like dogs, despised in submission,
CowID has sealed our weak disposition.
Worse days will follow—snakes see it clear:
We are just nothing—empty and mere...


Ideologies of Evil

Submission to the “sacred vision,”
When lies run wild since early days,
Makes nonsense seem a pure decision—
A “truth” adorned in brighter shades.

Most obey—the few unshaken
Stand like rocks against the tide.
All “ideas” serve the makers
Of the chains that trap the mind.

Truth is scarce—it’s crushed and broken,
Hunted down through endless time.
Slaves, deceived, remain unspoken,
Drowned beneath their own decline.

If so, then freedom’s path is waiting,
Reason shines, its course is plain—
Simple, if the mind’s creating,
Not enslaved by forged constraints.


In memory of Imre Lakatos

"All theories are not only equally unfounded, but equally improbable."
Imre Lakatos.

Falsifications flood the pages—
Disproved when core beliefs collapse.
Yet falsehood thrives through all the ages
When evil guides the science maps.

A “belt” of buffers wraps each theory,
Where counterproofs are trapped in vain.
Truth’s voice grows weak, obscure, and weary,
As chaos sweeps the facts away.

And soon, what once was held as learning
Becomes a wreck—its core undone.
The “scholar,” foolish and unearning,
Stands cast aside, his work long gone.

He turns mere water into wages,
But feeds himself, not humankind.
For “science” serves the gold it praises—
Not truth, not reason, nor the mind.

Yet life’s true base is Spirit, guiding—
Where absent, science turns to lies.
The tainted lead, in darkness hiding,
And serve the fiend they idolize.


The thin thread of the inalienable right to Freedom

Through the ages, thin but steady,
Runs resistance to the dark.
Rotten hands would tear it, ready
To erase its final mark.

Slaves obey—so weak, compliant,
Now the thread is nearly gone.
Change accelerates—the tyrant
Sees the time to crush is on.

Darkness grows, no shame restraining,
Brazen, ruthless in its drive.
Still, the Right to Freedom, flaming,
Flickers on—it stays alive.

Though corruption swarms and heightens,
Though the world is filled with swine,
Truth, though battered, never silences—
It survives beyond decline.

When Collapse brings retribution,
This decay will find its end.
Slaves will never be the future,
Life will rise and start again.

Yet for now, deceived and hollow,
Herds are led into the knife,
While the liars preach, and swallow
All that’s left of truth and life.


Born into slavery

Born into chains, yet unaware,
A slave won’t see the bonds he bears.
If all before him knew despair,
Why question what the master dares?

Their children serve the tyrants blindly—
They call it "love for native land."
And traitors walk revered, held highly,
While fools and madness take command.

When lies rule minds for generations,
Then rot selects the ones who lead.
Decay ensures degeneration—
Entropy’s judgment is decreed.

Dare to question, trust your reason,
Seek the truth within, not lies.
Only then can darkness weaken,
Only then can hope arise.

But fear is useless—doom is fated
For those who bow and call it fate.
Yet mothers still repeat, elated:
"Just do your homework—graduate..."


The Essential Question

Can awakening still happen?
If for few—then all is lost.
In a world of hollow patterns,
Truth is rare… The chains still cross.

Is a slave doomed by his station?
Can these bonds be torn apart?
Nothing else deserves fixation—
Fear and shame lead to the dark.


Our Service Helps THEM Well, Yet Hard...

Serve! Obey! Bow down—keep kneeling!
Serve the BEASTS with zeal and grace.
Lie and grovel—earn your dealings,
Gold and honors in their place.

Yet the fool who drowns in faking,
Lost in filth, betrays his soul.
Blindly crawling, never waking,
Dies a coward—dark and cold.


A Hatch Appeared—Don’t Be Confused, It’s Just a Ruse

Astronauts soaring—
"The Moon, they're exploring!"
Much like the drunks
Who find hatches alluring.


Fear of Heights:
Dive into the swamp of "ease"—
Roots and stumps await your knees.


The Question

The stubborn beetle, worming through,
Or a throng of servants, weak and few—
The Earth’s own punishment, a blight,
Worse than the merciless pests' bite?

--- Total 11 poems. ---

— The End —