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Call me Ishmael. Some years ago - never mind how long precisely - having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world...  Moby ****, Herman Melville

Call me

I hail
the clan
of Adam.

I am the
of Hagar;
unbowed son
of an upright

I am
the older
half brother
of Musa,
cousin to
Isa and
father to

I work
in a bakery
the roiling
waters of
the Nile.

by an
by a
of his
hand picked

I fire the
roll the
and pack
the loaves.

We bake
all day
but it seems
we cannot
the hunger
that grips
our people.

I bake
the bread
of tyrants
and serve it
to a people
starving for

likes to say
if we wish
to feast at
the banquet
of liberty
we must
to eat
the bread
of fear.

In winter
our hunger
blends with
the misery
of living
in frigid

dilapidated flat
in Darb Al-Ahmar
is one of a
thousand owned
by Cairo’s
most notorious
police chief.

The roofs leak,
the plumbing
is broken,
no heat in winter,
in summer
it’s a sweltering

My home
is the
handiwork of a
cold blooded
to the freezing
rooms they
force us
to live in.

In their eyes,
our sole purpose
in life is to feather
their nest.

They demand
that the rent be paid
on the first of every month
and will make our life miserable
if we’re one day late
or a half a pound short.

Do they
that we
to assure
and comfort
for them
and their

In winter
they freeze
us into
during the
ceiling fans
fail to relieve the
oppressive heat
of fire they
breathe down
our necks.

The batons
of the police
freely swing to
crack a head if
we fail to bow to
their authority
or grease
the extortionists
palms with
tributes to their

They never
shake down
their friends
that drive
the fancy

The big guys
roll wherever
they want.  

roll over

They take
up parking
spaces in our lives;
leaving less room
for us to park
our tiny scooters.

I’m certain
the name
on their
drivers license
says privilege
and impunity.

get stuck
picking up
the tab

Some slavishly
put coins
in parking meters
for them and get
compensated for it
by being offered
the opportunity
to wash their cars.

I’m glad
that I get
to bake

I was talking
to my friend
Isa at the
coffee shop,
he said,
“We needn't
live in a constant
state of
want and fear.”

A young man
sitting at
the next table
was a zealous
believer from
The Muslim

His name is
he hands me
The Holy Quran.

My dear
me to

He says that is
the way to a
fearless life;
free of any

is firm
in his
the answers
my problems
the answers
Egypt's problems
breathed on to
the pages of
The Holy Quran
The Prophet Muhammad’s
-(may peace be upon him)-
own breath;
his tongue
the holy pages
in Arabic
out by the
of the

Mubarak also boasts that
he too has all the answers to
alleviate the ills that plague us.

been ruling us
for forty years;
while the
Holy Quran
has been
with us

as we yearn
for these promises
to be filled.

Mubarak swears  
he knows what is best
for the children
of Egypt.

Mubarak insists
that the way to
freedom from
want and fear
is submission to
his perpetual rule.

I get uneasy when
someone suggests
an infallibility.

I accept the
supreme dominion
and divine knowledge
of the Quran and Hadiths
but I’m not too sure
that the Imams,
politicians and
generals who
swore by its
truth really
it themselves.

I am left
to question
if any of them
even see me?  

I am more of a
person then a
I wonder
if even
has forgotten
the peril of

I wonder have
I disappeared
from Allah’s
unblinking eye
as well?

I look into
the mirror
to see if
I am real.

I am relieved
to see my image.

I have not
become invisible
to myself.

I am
to know
that I am a
real person
of flesh and bones
with a mind
full of conviction
with the blood
of a warm beating

I remind myself
I am a man,
not a faceless
to be ruled.

I am an individual
not just another
submissive being
under the control
of a pious Imam.

I am Ishmael.

I recognize the fire of
life in my own eyes.

I can see the scars
of my decisions,
that my life has
etched upon my face.

I am not invisible.

I am not a casualty
of the twists of history
or the events of fate.

I take
for me.

I am not a fish
swimming within
a giant school
trapped in an
ocean current
to a
of a well
laid net.

I am a man.

Let it be known
that I claim
for my manhood
and I will
respect from
those who now
lord over me.

Like my father
Ibrahim, they
will recognize
me as an
upright man.

They will
call me

As I stand
I will raise my voice.

I will not remain

I am one voice
of many
who like me
have not
been heard.

We were once
grovelling dogs
that have been
into free range wolves,
set free from its cage,
we now form in packs
howling for justice.

will raise
our voice
in concert
so all
may hear.


They will
know who
I am.

Call me Ishmael.

Music Selection:
Muddy Waters
Mannish Boy

this poem is part of a series on the Arab Spring
Ryan Bowdish Jul 2013
The late hours fluorescent light flicker
From the moon to the neon red lights
The scars of our fathers written on our thighs
Scared to be seen in the imminent daylight
Freelance extortionists and racketeering blacklist
Black market, black cats, capitalizing on rats
The rat race is being run by yuppies in ties
With lies and cries of spies in in the skies

Confusing their faces with ones that I like
Indecisive for lack of a vice at the peak
I scrape together letters from the people I fight
Where notes are written about the upcoming week
The world's on fire and I hold it trembling
My fingers are burning and my shoulders broken
I buckle but seconds before I go down
The world breaks open upon the cold ground
Brent Kincaid Jan 2017
Asking the Congress to rewrite laws
That benefit and enrich themselves
Is asking the wolf not to eat the lamb.
The wolf will eat the lamb.
The lamb cannot avoid this fate
By pretending it is not worth eating.

The wealthy are well rewarded
For not caring about the poor.
To make them care the only way
Is to offer them  tributes.

The rich want you to buy
Their trinkets and toys
And leave the lawmaking to them.

As long as we let the rich
Write the laws and control
Enforcement, the law
Will be slanted in their favor.

Nothing fuels fascism like poor people,
So the rich will raise prices and
Thus keep the people poor.

Dishonest people will always
Blame someone else for their crimes.
In government, they will blame
Honest people trying to do the job
They were elected to do.

If a person fails to be outraged
At the actions of criminals,
He is either criminal himself
Or a defense attorney,
And that person may be
Both at the same time.

Among the biggest mistakes
One can ever make
Is believing campaign promises
Where no evidence exists
Of any plan to keep them.

As long as politics are run
Like a beauty contest,
Nothing like democracy
Ever has a chance to succeed.

In a democratic country,
The common people must
Expect to participate
To make it work.
That means they must work
Within the system to ensure
All nefarious people and laws
Be discovered and thrown out.

Undefended rights are only
Privileges grudgingly by government
Dispensed as alms to beggars.

In a representative government,
Everyone must be a representative.

Yesterday is a terrible day
To plan to fix things.
Today and tomorrow
Are the only time we have to do it.

If a representative
Does not walk his talk,
Stop listening to his talk
And watch his walk.

Do not expect industry or military
To protect your rights.
They are both monetary institutions
Addicted to power.

If Congresspeople earn fortunes
By serving the people,
There can be no equity
In representation.
Corruption will rule the land.

Lobbyists should be imprisoned
if they are indistinguishable
From extortionists.

Voting districts need to be
Based on the needs of the people,
Not the needs of the bank accounts
Of our leadership.

Offshore bank accounts should be
As illegal as they are immoral.
(As this is all my own opinion, there will be more at later dates.)
xtyenia May 2012
wholesome integrity accelerated by alter-egos
of those whose feel the need to exterminate fate
of many willing to go not remain
in the end it is never
the extortionists intended fate
Yenson Sep 2021
“I'm writing this not as the prince I was born but as the man I have become,"
Sorry, but you all can't do the same
its shows so glaringly
Its not my fault
why blame me
Yenson Dec 2019
lies, hatred, fake news, smears....
if this is labour in opposition
what on earth would they be like
in power.

it was Donald trump who popularized
the term "fake news"
but it is the labour party that has turned
misinformation and lies into an art form

ian austen  

Exremists that shore up Money Extortionists and Gangsters
that victimized an innocent blackman for standing up to Local area Criminals, and turned a hardworking decent law-abiding man
into a jobless, isolated, demonized outcast, for daring to tell crooks to go get a job and better themselves rather than burglarizing those that work.

In his 2018 speech to members at the Labour Party conference, he encouraged them to go online and attack journalists: “The free press has far too often meant the freedom to spread lies and half-truths, and to smear the powerless, not take on the powerful. You challenge their propaganda of privilege by using the mass media of the 21st century: social media”.

That could be why journalists are routinely booed at Labour press conferences and BBC Political Editor Laura Kuenss-berg needed security guards when she covered the party’s annual conference in 2017.

In an interview the same year, Corbyn even admitted to being a reader of The Canary, described by one left-wing writer as “running a sexist hate campaign against Laura Kuenssberg”.

Of the controversial site, Corbyn said: “I think it’s good that people go to all the alternative sites and check out what they want. I’ve read The Canary quite a bit.”

Corbyn was infamously a member of an extremist Facebook group, too, in which he defended a blatantly anti-Semitic mural depicting Jews as greedy bankers, while his staff were found to be members of several others.

The Facebook groups set up in his name reveal the ugly face of the hard Left that now controls Labour.

That’s why his faction of extremists can’t be allowed anywhere near No10.

If this is what they are like in opposition, can you imagine how bad they’d be in power?

Ian Austin is a former Labour MP and chair of Mainstream, the campaign against extremism.
No one uses fake news more effectively than Jeremy Corbyn and his friends on the hard Left of the Labour Party.
It is directed at Labour MPs as well as Conservative ministers. Anyone who does not demonstrate total loyalty to Jeremy Corbyn is attacked or vilified. If a member of a group is brave enough to query some of the more extreme language, they will quickly find themselves ejected.

Anyone who attacks Corbyn’s enemies, often in the most graphic terms, is rewarded by hundreds or thousands of Facebook “likes”.

Ugly and offensive language is celebrated and encouraged but anyone who stands up to it is either attacked or removed.

It is a form of mob rule that is no less frightening because it takes place online.

Defending Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell’s comments attacking Esther McVey after she defended benefit cuts, a member of Jeremy Corbyn Leads Us To VICTORY wrote: “John McDonnell does not need to apologise for anything — THIS F****** COW NEEDS LYNCHING!”

On Jeremy Corbyn Will Be Prime Minister, one follower wrote: “I am not anti-semitic but tell the Jews go and get f*****.”
Yenson Jul 2021
The type that given credence
to the gutter dramatics of low-scale hybrids
or bothers about the malicious tirades of the semi-illiterates
or is fazed by the odious antics of the afflicted indentures
would be the type that had been subjugated to that evolution
and had grown eaten and slept alongside them in their sewers
such type would have either died, detained or fled long long ago

As it is I see what ****** ignorance
social and educational limitations and stunted minds does
I see how shame and guilt fights tooth and nail to hide
and I see how moral and ethical bankruptcy buoys weak witlessness
I hear them talk yet do not understand their street lingo
I see desperate acts by desperate nobodies yet it means nothing to me
though rather pitifully one senses their dire need to always battle
they all have a perceived complex of being slighted and thus
nurse the belligerence to always over dramatize and over-compensate  

I am far from numb or insensitive
neither am I a ******* who welcomes hostilities
but since I have not deliberately courted their displeasure
other than confront a gang of thieves and extortionists who swore me
vengeance for daring to call them by their professional names
I see no reason why I should fell threatened or intimidated by morons
dare I call their acolytes, errand boys and vigilantes by their expressed acts
And the truth is I cannot invest my valuable emotions on acts
and behaviours that mean nothing to me
If it truly did would I not be dead, detained or have fled by now
you betcha!
Michael Marchese Nov 2023
We’re all just
Walking corpses
Mass extortionists
One another’s
Other lovers’
And in the interim
There must be someone left
To save
Yenson Jul 2023
Karens are united
defending their colour
how dare a blackman speak to a white woman like that
The Socialist say 'its Class War
how can a black be privileged and above the 'struggle'
we are going to drive him paranoid or better still
make him commit suicide
The 'Useful idiots' say its solidarity
they are defending the thieving bullying underdogs
(as you do, eh... )
rather pointedly none of them see
The yawning sick insidious blatant Racism that underpins it all

Yes, I confronted the theiving neighbour woman
called Chris Macafferty after the break-in to our flat

I'll say it again loud and clear
I said
"look at you Chris, you and your family
common cheap house burglars
you go around stealing, too useless and lazy to work
you're scroungers, none of you have ever done a day's honest work
you come to us always borrowing, money, food, sugar even bread
you pay nothing back
then you start trying to blackmail us
give us money, we know you have rich parents
you are nothing but a bunch of ***** crooks
look at you, its morning and you're already drunk, you stink
you're white, in your country, you have more opportunities than me
yet all you can make of yourselves are burglars and extortionists
you're shameless, a disgrace
how can you break into us, your neighbour's house
after all we've given to you, you truly have no shame, you're scums
I will make sure the neighbourhood knows all about you
since you and your family move in there's been so much burglaries
you hubby and son, only fifteen are always in and out of jail
i am going to organize a petition to get you removed from here
you godforsaken family of troublemakers and thieves"

White faced and trembling
she said
" Character assassination, public humiliation, we're going to ruin your life"

go read about criminal gang stalkers and what they do

Stalk me, harass me, taunt me torment me, hound me, troll me
sabotage everything I do, ruin my relationships, defame me to all
isolate me, threaten me, terrorize me, frame me, disrespect me
label me, **** my dogs, steal my cars twice, gaslight me, erase me,
void me, cancel me, do all the street theatre-ing you like

You thought I would run like most would,
you thought I would have been driven mad like most would have
you thought I would have taken my life like some would

No, thieves thrive on bullying and terrorizing people
I have deserved contempt for you and all in your control
I am not afraid of contemptible thieving scums
I have nothing but contempt for all of you and all you've done
I am not your victim....I am the one that's stood up to you.....
Yenson Dec 2022
Down in Poplar
near the old bow bells
a quiet man also said something
he told a thieving bullying neighbour
who audaciously without conscience or regard
broke into his house and stole his hard earned property

Down in Poplar
near the old bow bells
quiet man shouldn't have said anything
you see, they look after their own in ivory union
and the quiet man is the guilty one for daring to speak out
so as they told me he has now caught the bug forever and ever

Down in Poplar
near the old bow bells
the Macarfettys rule the roost
its gang and mob rule predators and extortionists
and if you're black you get out of the line and shut your gob
else you're erased, gang-stalked, slandered, framed and destroyed
Yenson Feb 2020
Psyche War
the fashionable slang
for gangsters recruiting dopes
to harass and torment the innocent man
that called them out and refused to keep quiet

the embracing banner
of racists vigilantes and gangsters
fooling the people into covert harassment
of the law-abiding black man they want beaten down

Chess Game
the odious lie to arrest
the progress of a gifted and clever man
by wasters, scums, lowlife burglars and gangsters
extortionists who want protection money from a thriving blackman

Figuring Out
the con of gangsters to invade privacy
and measure the extent of their evil assaults and harassment's
also used in planning continuous assaults and future trends
weaponizing information to blackmail any dissenting follower  (wasn't it you that told us all that and did all that, you're in and you do as you're told, or else we'll reveal your part)

some anodyne pantomime
by a gargle of blinded numb-skull servants and hooligans
to act meaningless skits trawled from fake news misconceptions
impacting nothing but showcasing how easily controlled they are

Narcissists, loonies, ideologues
pointless irrelevances sowing division and strife's
jealousy and envy among peoples and communities
belching lies, haft truths, misinformation and disinformation

Brain-washed Morons
all buying into the manipulation
unable to think for themselves or act independently
of the insidious group-think and sheep mentality herds
that puts them in chains NOT free them from chains
Yenson Mar 2023
Decent cultured quiet
aren't qualities of weakness
reserved hardworking aspirational
aren't qualities of weakness
independent and self-possessed
aren't qualities of weakness
Law-abiding honest and honorable
aren't qualities of weakness
empathic caring and reasonableness
aren't qualities of weakness
being astute to garner comfortability
isn't a sign of privilege
to the Mcafferty Criminal Family
raised on Gangsterism and crime
these predatory Extortionists
saw all these qualities as weaknesses
they are going to put the squeeze on
make the offer one can't refuse
or else
Well they got the biggest shock
I refused
I stood up to them and called them out
You're a walking dead they screamed
Do your worst I screamed back at them
No I am not afraid
They have since been very busy
recruiting and running Training Courses
on Prison Culture, Extortion Intimidation and Bullying
Lying, Gaslighting, Fudging and odious Manipulating
crash Course in ***** dealing and Foul play
I hear the Courses are over-suscribed
their punters are all on offers they dare not refuse
mugs and cowards are two to a dime
and so readily willing to be used
fooled and hoodwinked
Yet we see One Man still standing
Unafraid unbowed uncowed
one man
laughing at them all still
I am free
they are not...
Can you truly say anyone of you is free when criminals rule you by fear, intimidation, blackmail and threats. Do you honestly believe you live in a civilised society when you are scared of sticking your necks out.
Yenson Feb 2020
Psyche War
the fashionable slang
for gangsters recruiting dopes
to harass and torment the innocent man
that called them out and refused to keep quiet

the embracing banner
of racists vigilantes and gangsters
fooling the people into covert harassment
of the law-abiding black man they want beaten down

Chess Game
the odious lie to arrest
the progress of a gifted and clever man
by wasters, scums, lowlife burglars and gangsters
extortionists who want protection money from a thriving blackman

Figuring Out
the con of gangsters to invade privacy
and measure the extent of their evil assaults and harassment's
also used in planning continuous assaults and future trends
weaponizing information to blackmail any dissenting follower  (wasn't it you that told us all that and did all that, you're in and you do as you're told, or else we'll reveal your part)  

some anodyne pantomime
by a gargle of blinded numb-skull servants and hooligans
to act meaningless skits trawled from fake news misconceptions
impacting nothing but showcasing how easily controlled they are

Narcissists, loonies, ideologues
pointless irrelevances sowing division and strife's
jealousy and envy among peoples and communities
belching lies, haft truths, misinformation and disinformation

Brain-washed Morons
all buying into the manipulation
unable to think for themselves or act independently
of the insidious group-think and sheep mentality herds
that puts them in chains NOT free them from chains
Yenson Nov 2023
Pray be silent
as we cordially extend
our esteemed comtempt to our
Slave Traders, Pirates and Barbarians
who have tirelessly endeavoured in the fight
for their birthright purloined from every corners of earth
we should note in particular the gallant cowardly ongoing battle
against a Black Prince purportedly out to divest them of these birthrights

In neon light
let us give a standing ovation
to the thieves and extortionists who
burgled this Black Prince and have compaigned
ingloriously with our usual *****, murky and insidious tricks
to discredit, harrass, intimidate, hound and stalk this black Prince
and make dishonorable mention of The Macarfetty Gang for their role in orchestrating this compaign

Let us do our worst
and be as unfair, unjust and diabolical
as possible, for we are the salt of the whole earth
and its our birthright to ****, plunder, loot and steal
proud of being bullies, no one does wanton vandalism better
a special mention to that hero who cut the Sycamore Gap Tree
nothing is below the level we can sink to, our indulgence paramont
Class war is classy, innit?
Yenson Dec 2023
****, fiddlesticks and ****, ****, ****
this is not a good look
no, no, no this is not good enough
Us Salt have thrown everything, even the proverbial kitchen sink
at this person and what have we got
This Special operation normally takes a year
three years max before the inevitable result
and decades down the line what do we have
a Target laughing at us
like its a game at the park
and its not like all our operatives weren't in play
We twisted the Extortionists and criminal gang into posing as
The weak innocent Underdogs
The bitter ignorant Racists are posing as Leftwing politicians
The Envious frustrated women are posing as Ferminists after
we've framed the target as a Misogenistic chauvinistic
Our Expert Liars are posing as Lily-white Truthers
and spreading misinformer, smears and disinformation
all over the place
Our discrediting Propagandists have disingenuously painted us all as Solid Salt of the Earth mob rallying against an Elitist
Most know the Haters are insecure jealous inadequate lot who need to rant and vent and project their inadequacies on people with
qualities haters can never possess
So, why with all these operatives in action
we still have the ****** Target living like nothing is happening
He should at best have been driven out of the country
He should have been driven mad and dribbling in a Mental Hospital long long ago
if not six feet under
This is supposed to be Covert gangstalking
and we've done all the diabolics as required
this is not a ****** game in the park
Imagine what this is doing to our credibility
People are beginning to wise up
****, ****.......****
You cannot **** the TRUTH..sooner or later the whole Truth wii be revealed, You may have all the CONNECTIONS in the world, but you are thieves who stole from an innocent person, who treated you with kindness and you thought you could bully and blackmail for more.
Yenson Apr 2020
It was the perfect storm
the Miners strike had ingloriously abated
Scargill and co had taken a pasting
the Reds were incensed, militancy incandescent with rage
M. Thatcher in ascendancy
in East neck of my woods
a new wave of yuppies were buying up properties
the nouveau riche had arrived, the City was booing
the East end was ending south, the natives weren't going west way
and to cap it all
words on the grape-vine
a black rich Prince was living amongst them
living the life, exploiting the disadvantage, taking food from babies
yes! we have a scapegoat here and we know he can't fight back
Lets go get 'em....This is class war, this is war
If you don't know it, you better know it now
Thieves, gangsters, Extortionists and racist have connections
they're called 'wise guys' because they know the juice is in darkness
the devil has the  best stories because it know not the constraint of truth
Mama Capone and the gang Nefarious plus **** Bobby
have called in favours, the net-work activated
we look after our own down here, someone is going to loose arms and legs
this is Class War, the Leftist were not going to take this laying down
Our Guardian reading black yuppie couple were indignant
well I was, the Mrs was now comatose
How can crooks try to extort money from us, burgle us and then start harassing, hounding and terrorizing us
This is England, this is a civilized Nation with the Rule of Law
this is not some Dodge city in the Wild West of 18th century USA
I knew nothing, I believed in fairy tale and Father Christmas
I had at last discovered that the ubiquitous leech I mentioned earlier
was my good-self, something that I would never countenance
in a million years
I had studied earnestly, worked hard to pay for my education,
never took any welfare benefits, was law-abiding, respectful.
cared about others and my community, helped others, gave freely
yet I am now
an arrogant leech, a parasite, a germ, this privileged pompous 'I Am' with a sense of entitlement,..all these courtesy of Red propaganda and worse still, a snitch, a grass who threatened to tell all about the thieves next door and **** Bobby, who assault under-age girls ...
My God In Clear Heaven, are you seeing what is happening here?
Mama Capone has said she was going to steal the match on us
that I was going to be erased and destroyed
I had laughed, ain't done nothing wrong I replied  
How was I to know that under white fleecy clouds you do not need
to do anything wrong to be guilty of the most heinous crimes
You just need to be a quiet decent aspirant black
who would dare stand up to bullying thieves and gangsters
they said I did 'not stand a chance'
This is Nature versus Nurture, whatever they mean
On walls around, Graffiti appears 'Class War Anarchy'
somebody was getting a roasting and pasting and basting
a promising decent life was walking towards the gallows
the masses were crazed with blood lust
Mama Capone was grinning from ear to ear
Yenson Oct 2021
I'll say it again loud and clear
I said
"look at you Chris, you and your family
common cheap house burglars
you go around stealing, too useless and lazy to work
you're scroungers, none of you have ever done a day's honest work
you come to us always borrowing, money, food, sugar even bread
you pay nothing back
then you start trying to blackmail us
give us money, we know you have rich parents
you are nothing but a bunch of ***** crooks
look at you, its morning and you're already drunk, you stink
you're white, in your country, you have more opportunities than me
yet all you can make of yourselves are burglars and extortionists
you're shameless, a disgrace
how can you break into us, you neighbours house
after all we've given to you, you truly have no shame, you're scums
I will make sure the neighbourhood knows all about you
since you and your family move in there's been so much burglaries
you hubby and son, only fifteen are always in and out of jail
i am going to organize a petition to get you removed from here
you godforsaken family of troublemakers and thieves"

White faced and trembling
she said
" Character assassination, public humiliation, we're going to ruin your life"

Guys, go read about gang stalkers and what they do

Stalk me, harass me, taunt me torment me, hound me, troll me
sabotage everything I do, ruin my relationships, defame me to all
isolate me, threaten me, terrorize me, frame me, disrespect me
label me, **** my dogs, steal my cars twice, gaslight me, erase me,
void me, cancel me, do all the street theatre-ing you like

You thought I would run like most would,
you thought I would have been driven mad like most would have
you thought I would have taken my life like some would

No, thieves thrive on bullying and terrorizing people
I have deserved contempt for you and all in your control
I am not afraid of contemptible thieving scums
I have nothing but contempt for all of you and all you've done
I am not your victim....I am the one you fear.....
Yenson Oct 2021
I'll say it again loud and clear
I said
"look at you Chris, you and your family
common cheap house burglars
you go around stealing, too useless and lazy to work
you're scroungers, none of you have ever done a day's honest work
you come to us always borrowing, money, food, sugar even bread
you pay nothing back
then you start trying to blackmail us
give us money, we know you have rich parents
you are nothing but a bunch of ***** crooks
look at you, its morning and you're already drunk, you stink
you're white, in your country, you have more opportunities than me
yet all you can make of yourselves are burglars and extortionists
you're shameless, a disgrace
how can you break into us, you neighbours house
after all we've given to you, you truly have no shame, you're scums
I will make sure the neighbourhood knows all about you
since you and your family move in there's been so much burglaries
you hubby and son, only fifteen are always in and out of jail
i am going to organize a petition to get you removed from here
you godforsaken family of troublemakers and thieves"

White faced and trembling
she said
" Character assassination, public humiliation, we're going to ruin your life"

Guys, go read about gang stalkers and what they do

Stalk me, harass me, taunt me torment me, hound me, troll me
sabotage everything I do, ruin my relationships, defame me to all
isolate me, threaten me, terrorize me, frame me, disrespect me
label me, **** my dogs, steal my cars twice, gaslight me, erase me,
void me, cancel me, do all the street theatre-ing you like

You thought I would run like most would,
you thought I would have been driven mad like most would have
you thought I would have taken my life like some would

No, thieves thrive on bullying and terrorizing people
I have deserved contempt for you and all in your control
I am not afraid of contemptible thieving scums
I have nothing but contempt for all of you and all you've done
I am not your victim....I am the one you fear.....
Yenson Dec 2023
Never been such described
a Characterization never afore beheld or levelled
so it was quite a shock
then way down the line I realized it was
The Nuclear Option
and once launched there is no shelter
no antidote, no effective deterent, remedy or cure
it wipes out and disintegrates what was before

The waring Antagonists are mad
it was scorched earth, total **** or bust
thier hatred was beyond compare
only the Nuclear option will do
So they pressed the button and launched
now know this
only the very few who have experienced
the fall-out would know
and they would all be brown successful people

Here, let me expansiate
Firstly, that Nuclear Option is just one word
Yes, as simple as that
the minute that word is hung on a successful brown person
they are stitched up and immediately attract HATE
at once all perceptions of them changes
nothing riles like an 'arrogant' black person
As Kevin said
'they will hype you UP to break you DOWN'
take a sledge-hammer to crack a peanut

So they put the word around, spat  it out with a snarl
see that brown one there, sooo arrogant! blah blah blah
at once the mud start flying
Suddenly if you smile, its an arrogant smile
you walk, its an arrogant walk,
you say hello, its arrogant, you don't say hello,
its arrogance. you sneeze, its arrogant
you get my drift, perceptions has been tainted
and one is now a 'marked person.
And everyone is now ready to tear a strip off you

Equality and Diversity, yes my mama, the Pope is Hindi
as long as you know your place and diverse accordingly
you can fling it about till it flings you about
just stay in your lane
if you excell make sure you doff your cap
but do nothing wrong but stand tall and own your talent,
they will launch the Nukes bomb on you hey presto
Heaven forbid you have a Title
What! who are you? go ask Mergan Markle
and look up what 'uppity whatsnot' means in Blighty parlance

So our dear unmentionable here
didn't know standing up to bullying thieves
and Extortionists was an act of arrogance
despite the fact I'd never exchanged a cross word
with anyone brown, blue. yellow, white or pink before
but come see hostilities aplenty, come see pettiness in droves
Careers are destroyed, lives ruined
come see all and sundry taking a pop
intent on reducing you, intent in making you feel small
because of a perception that is subjective rather than real

And the Brown colour that seem to accentuates
certain fits so fetchingly and corrosively
Go ask Naomi Campbell
She's called ARROGANT as well,
and though still standing she hasn't escaped unscathed
And there's a radio-active man walking around now
because he stood up to a gang of thieves
“Cognitive schemas—thought structures—influence what we notice and how the things we notice get interpreted.”
― Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
Bob B Feb 2020
The president's having a pardon party
To prove that he's a big wheel.
He's showing us that corruption here
Is NOT a very big deal.

Extortionists, swindlers, and liars
Now are going free,
While those accused of lesser crimes
Must pay a penalty.

Financial crimes are not a problem
For person number one.
Then let us see his tax returns
To see what HE has done.

In Trump's previous presidential
Pardons people saw
A whimsical and similar
Assault on the rule of law.

He wants to send a message to
His fellow partners in crime:
"Remain loyal to me and you'll
Avoid serving time."

And he claims he was concerned about
Corruption in Ukraine!
What a farce! Everyone knows
Corruption is HIS domain.

-by Bob B (2-19-20)
Yenson Jan 2022
So at the  plebeians' assembly
of the Confederacy of filchers and extortionists
in gainsay association with red-faced scientist
pointy hats sleepers and conscripted cowered populace
are proud to state
that we are all being led by our long and short noses
in our controlling odyssey
we are proud to be controlled to control what we cannot
really control
we celebrate making bad choices and blaming
those that get it right
yipee we are in control
Steve Matthews Dec 2021
Bandits. Extortionists.
Corporate pirates.
The worst of the worst.

New year? They jack up the rates.
Springtime? They jack up the rates.
Summer? Autumn? Ditto.

Expenses the excuse.
Inflation the excuse.
Hell, they don't need an excuse,
they're Big Cable *******,
so **** it.

Customer Service?
Incompetent or worse,
rude aggressive, dismissive
and incompetent.
A joke.

Tired of dealing with you?
They hang-up or leave
you hanging. Dead air.
You're welcome Buddy.

Shameless. Insulting.

Done with the b------s.
Good-bye and good riddance!
Yenson Apr 2022
the plebs of nought

with the grapevine of wrath

bristling in prickling envious broth

expunging their madness of galling froth

boiling their red vulcanized heads in acid troughs

in the anodyne service of Mcafferty's gangsters payoffs

using recruited vapid socialist in nihilistic reenacted Romanovs

welcome to the debacle of thieves and extortionists' great GB rip-off
criminal culture targets and preys with all the nefarious and insidious machinations at its dastardly disposals. A solid pillar of the community can be approached, intimidated and have 'the make' put on him/her to start paying protection money. If you refuse to pay, be intimidated or dare stand up to them, you become toast, that's the colloquial slang for destroying you and everything you stand for and in some cases honest upright citizens have been driven to suicide. In Blighty it is taxing the rich, in stateside its ' making you an offer you can't refuse. in my books, its do your worse m---er-f--kers'.
Yenson Oct 2021
I'll say it again loud and clear
I said
"look at you Chris, you and your family
common cheap house burglars
you go around stealing, too useless and lazy to work
you're scroungers, none of you have ever done a day's honest work
you come to us always borrowing, money, food, sugar even bread
you pay nothing back
then you start trying to blackmail us
give us money, we know you have rich parents
you are nothing but a bunch of ***** crooks
look at you, its morning and you're already drunk, you stink
you're white, in your country, you have more opportunities than me
yet all you can make of yourselves are burglars and extortionists
you're shameless, a disgrace
how can you break into us, you neighbours house
after all we've given to you, you truly have no shame, you're scums
I will make sure the neighbourhood knows all about you
since you and your family move in there's been so much burglaries
you hubby and son, only fifteen are always in and out of jail
i am going to organize a petition to get you removed from here
you godforsaken family of troublemakers and thieves"

White faced and trembling
she said
" Character assassination, public humiliation, we're going to ruin your life"

Guys, go read about gang stalkers and what they do

Stalk me, harass me, taunt me torment me, hound me, troll me
sabotage everything I do, ruin my relationships, defame me to all
isolate me, threaten me, terrorize me, frame me, disrespect me
label me, **** my dogs, steal my cars twice, gaslight me, erase me,
void me, cancel me, do all the street theatre-ing you like

You thought I would run like most would,
you thought I would have been driven mad like most would have
you thought I would have taken my life like some would

No, thieves thrive on bullying and terrorizing people
I have deserved contempt for you and all in your control
I am not afraid of contemptible thieving scums
I have nothing but contempt for all of you and all you've done
I am not your victim....I am the one you fear.....
Yenson Aug 2021
The narcissists are now fully hooked
addicted to narc fixes
morning noon night dusk and dawn
lost causes if ever
the imbecilic terrorists have become
automated bots
caught in repetitive cycle spinning
dregs in soiled minds
and now stupefied as drunken clowns
glue sniffing their toxic airs
the thieves extortionists and mobsters
are in hock to their ears
bribes favours blackmails and threats
now at premium costs
the flying monkeys have flown from
pillars to post to pillars
now all they do is monkey around and
nurse ****** fantasies
about the one they're suppose to ruin
the Psychos and Sociopaths
having lost the plots ages ago are now convinced
they are mind-readers and dream-catchers
the useful idiots have become un-useful chancers
in waits to collect favours now owed
the reds witless are blue with rage as momentum
quivers in dull neon flickers
the grandiose revolutionaries exposed as cowardly
small-minded inadequate bullies
what was suppose to be a simple theft from
a quiet decent couple
has become the Macarfettys of Poplar's Watergate
the cheap sordid white criminals
had gone and robbed the one man who is not intimidated
by despicable white criminals and their mob
Hurray! to the visible invisible psyche war of doing your head in
by those whose heads have already been done in!....
In political jargon, a useful idiot is a derogatory term for a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who is cynically used by the cause's leaders.
Yenson Apr 2020
If I may
a word of advise to thieves and Extortionists
not that I know anything about your nefarious proclivities
as I do not fraternize with your sorts or attained a degree in Thiefology
However may I say
that as your stated intentions were to discredit, drive me paranoid
and subject me to your 'slow death' program
it would have helped you and your gang and Red cronies
your daughter Joanna did not directly verbally inform me
that I had picked up a bug
And your other various scumbags, hooligans, cronies, thugs and henchmen as well as those fooled and misled vigilantes
added from the onset, that
that my head was going to be done in
that you'll all put a million nits in my head
and a thousand worms in my ears
that my life was going to be made a living hell I would wish
I was dead
that character assassination, public humiliation was in operation  
that a vilified clone of my good-self has now been fabricated
that you are slinging so much mud at my stainless character
that you are blackening my name beyond redemption
that you will frustrate, isolate and make me a pariah
that you'll make certain I will never find anyone to trust or love ever again
and that
everything I say will be 'taken down and used against me'
if in odious dastardly Narcissistic ARROGANCE
you had not voiced these all out to me gloatingly
who by the bye happens to be a trained journalist
with the journalistic abilities of Objectivity and Detachment
would have given you the victim you so eagerly want
How can someone watching fooled, blinded, manipulated people
acting out silly ridiculous skits and street theatre performances
gas-lighting, running Fools errands and writing negative *****
the asinine bullying tactics of mobbing by crass mobsters and scums
One see all these as nothing but laughable, pathetic, pitiful, demeaning undignified nonsense by crass undignified lowlifes
You may like to Now take it on-board
just saying!!!
Yenson Feb 2020
White thieves, Extortionists and Gangsters
declare me a grass for standing up to them
they said they were going to ruin and destroy me
I refused to be intimidated
Do your worst I replied I've done nothing wrong
Now I'm jobless and a pariah
isolated, harassed and hounded
made untouchable like a *****
they tell me gleefully
A criminal grass will be killed
A non criminal Grass will be made to **** himself
They said they'll make my life hell
We will wreck your mind with terrors and nightmares
make you a void of nothing but emotional pain and sorrow
each and every hour of each and every day
No help or support, no progress no joy
Just absolute miseries till you top yourself
We rule this manor they said, we have connections
No one will dare come to your aid or rescue
We are the gods and goddesses in this Nation
If anyone help you they become like you
we can find secrets to make offers they daren't refuse
We know the pedos, the secret thieves and the adulterers
We know the sins they all hide from their neighbours
from the Preachers to the Politicians to the man on the Square
And if by chance we can't find any dirt, we'll make it up
and cake you in mud like a Michelangelo's David
and make it stick, like we do with you, innocent stainless man
Your days are numbers, just go top yourself
In dire straits, alone and without support anywhere
No I say, I am not frighten of you ad stand in truth
I know and have someone more powerful than you all
He is called GOD.....come do your worst......
Yenson Apr 2022
With all the labour power
at their disposal
you'd imagine the man
would've toppled himself by now
or in the least gone gaga
I mean
take the recent honourable MP
caught up in the *** and ******* story
within a week
he's been admitted into a mad house
and here
we have an innocent blameless man
that has his marriage wrecked
his career wrecked
his pristine reputation wrecked
his good name soiled
and is subject to harassment
twenty-four seven
yet all he does
is tickle their catastrophes
and laughs at them
because thieving gangsters and extortionists
who gaslight unaware public into fake people's power
are worthless narcissistic cowards and odious criminals
A Tory MP at the heart of a parliamentary *** and drugs probe  has been admitted to a psychiatrics hospital with 'severe shock and stress', his wife claimed today.

Harriet Warburton, who is also his paid assistant, said he was taken to a unit after it was revealed the MP for Somerton and Frome, was being investigated by the parliamentary harassment watchdog over his behaviour towards women and alleged ******* use.

— The End —